Butterball Babies~ ! (Closed Group)



  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member

    Cals Burned: 4165/3500
    Cups of H20: 76/85
    Mins of ST: 130/150
    Days UC: 4/5
    Days OC: 2/2

    Good Job Everyone! Only one more day to reach our goals so we have to stay focused!
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    under cals: 5/5.......Th (180).....Fr (20)...Sa (-690)...Su (210)...Mo (112)...Tu (732)...We (
    under sodium: 4/5.......Th (170)......Fr.....(-435)...Sa (-112)...Su (290)...Mo (18)...Tu (21)...We (
    burn 2000 cals: 1910/2000.....Th (190)....Fr...(0)...Sa (0)...Su (430)...Mo (508)...Tu (782)...We (
    10min relax time: 4/5.....Th (0).....Fr (1).....Sa (1)...Su (0)...Mo (1)...Tu (1)...We (
    60 cups of water: 35/60.....Th (6)....Fr (8)...Sa(0)...Sun (4)...Mo (8)...Tu (9)...We (
    cal avg for week 1437/1400:.....Th (1220)....Fr (1210)...Sa (1900)...Su (1430)...Mo (1606)...Tu (1260)...We (
    weight: 10/12-167.8.........10/19-TBA

    Tara--yeah, I sometimes can't even hit 40-50 grams of protein...so not sure if I could meet the actual recommended...

    I actually drank 9 cups o' water yesterday! Bed I didn't drink that much water for the whole month of September!

    One more day...don't think I will lose this week, my muscles are really sore...hoping for at least a maintain!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,416 Member
    Checking in through Monday:
    calories burned: 3382/1200
    cups water:61/60
    days under calories: 5/7
    days over calories: 1/7 (actually didn't finish logging on Saturday. didn't log dinner or evening snacks while we did a family movie night so don't know if I actually was over, but I'm gonna say I was!)
    days under sodium: 1/7 (I suck at this!!! but I was just over by a little bit today so better!)

    Wow, my son's swim meet got cancelled last night for the storm that didn't happen (grrrr) so we had a free night at home. I asked the boys what they wanted for dinner and unanimously they chose pancakes. Well, I had plenty of calories and hadn't had them in a while so why not? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH SODIUM IS IN BISQUICK??????? OMG, it is almost more than is in my sushi! Not looking forward to tomorrow's weigh in at all!

    I can easily get in half my body weight in protein because I can do that now. But if we start adding in exercise calories, the % drops a lot. I have my goals set to 40/30/30 and am always under on protein and I eat a lot of it! I'll try though.

    Good luck tomorrow everybody!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    under cals: 6/6
    under sodium: 5/5
    burn 2000 cals: 2036/2000
    10min relax time: OK...I failed miserably at this one...I barely have time for life I have decided!
    80oz H20/day: 7/7
    cal avg for week 1400: actual~1449cals
    weight: 10/12-125.8.........10/19-123.8.............DOWN 2.0lbs!!!

    Very happy with my results this week...I really feel like I earned those 2lbs :)

    Laura, Renee, Kory, and Angie~nice job ladies...you all seem to be doing prety great on the water (even you Kory) and the exercise goals!!

    As far as protein...I have my goals set at 55/25/20 C/P/F...why don't we all try shooting for a set number of around 70g this week...then we can each go for our own amounts the next time....makes it easier for a first run IMO?? Whatcha all think??

    p.s. Does anyone know when Tausha gets back?
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Progress Monday-Wednesday

    Cals Burned: 6781/3500
    Water: 70/60
    Under calories: 6/6
    Consume under 2000 calories: 1/6
    Rest day: 1/1
    Under Sodium: 3/5
    Strength training: 92/45

    Note--weighing in on Wednesdays now, seems to be my lowest numbers around that time but, ill report those numbers on Thursday mornings.
  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    10/13--596 calories, 18 cups water, 0 minutes strength training, under calories
    10/14--665 calories, 12 cups water, 20 minutes strength training, over calories
    10/15--1150 calories, 12 cups water, 0 minutes strength training, under calories
    10/16--1026 calories, 15 cups water, 0 minutes strength training, under calories
    10/17--205 calories, 18 cups water, 20 minutes strength training, under calories
    10/18--153 calories, 20 cups water, 10 minutes strength training, under calories
    10/19--705 calories, 22 cups water, 20 minutes strength training, under calories

    Calories burned: 5400/4000
    H2O Intake: 112/110 cups
    Under Intake Calories: 6/7 days
    Strength Training: 70/60 minutes

    Goodluck everyone with weighing in tomorrow!

    Tara~You rocked it this week, congrats on the 2 lb loss!
  • NEcamper47
    NEcamper47 Posts: 38 Member
    Checking in for the week: Not too bad of a week but the scale is not going to be kind this week. I will weigh in tomorrow. I just need to burn more. I have been using all my calories.
    Thurs: 0 water, 355 cals
    Fri: 2 water, 908 cals
    Sat: 2 water, 296 cals
    Sun: 4 water, 391 cals
    Mon: 6 water, 294 cals
    Tues: 4 water, 412 cals
    Wed: 3 water, 335 cals
    Total calories burned: 2991/3500
    4 miles outside / 6
    Total mins of strength training: 35/45
    Total cups of water: 21/40
    Number of days over cals: 1/7
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member

    Cals Burned: 5755/3500
    Cups of H20: 91/85
    Mins of ST: 150/150
    Days UC: 5/5
    Days OC: 2/2
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    134.2 for me this week. Up 1 lb from last week. But I ate a lot of salty foods the last couple days so hopefully it's just water retention, and I haven't been drinking as much water as I usually do (9-10 cups as opposed to my usual 12-14). I'm going to try to get back up to my usual water intake and just watch my sodium this week. I haven't had much of a chance to go through the thread, but the few posts I've seen, looks like everyone's on track. That's great!! Keep up the great work!
  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    I was nervous for weigh-in this morning hoping for a loss, I saw this morning would happen. Last week I was at 169.6 lbs and this morning....166.4 meaning I lost 3.2 lbs!!!! Now I know that it is not a healthy amount of weight to lose in one week, but I think I was too bloating from Aunt Flo, it threw off my weight last week! Good luck this morning ladies and can't wait to see the losses!

  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I lost a pound this week to be at 185.0 this week ! I have lost 51 pounds since January ! Good luck to everyone and Go Team Purple !
  • welcominganewself
    Weigh in the same as last week :) Sorry I was not active with the group this week, need to get out of this funk and get myself going again!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,416 Member
    Final check in for the week:

    calories burned: 4002/1200
    cups water:71/60
    days under calories: 6/7
    days over calories: 1/7 (actually didn't finish logging on Saturday. didn't log dinner or evening snacks while we did a family movie night so don't know if I actually was over, but I'm gonna say I was!)
    days under sodium: 2/7 (I have GOT to work on this!)

    Weigh in will have to come tomorrow, forgot this morning in my rush to get out the door! Considering I just had sushi with all it's lovely sodium, I don't have high hopes for tomorrow.
  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member
    I was nervous for weigh-in this morning hoping for a loss, I saw this morning would happen. Last week I was at 169.6 lbs and this morning....166.4 meaning I lost 3.2 lbs!!!! Now I know that it is not a healthy amount of weight to lose in one week, but I think I was too bloating from Aunt Flo, it threw off my weight last week! Good luck this morning ladies and can't wait to see the losses!


    ain't she a b*tch!! but then she ended up doing ya a favor!! LOL - Congrats Laura!!

    Tara- congrats on your SWEET loss too!

    AFM- yesterday i weighed in at 151.4 but today i am at 152.4 (the scale is always a mystery to me?!?!) But I am happy with my loss seeing as though I didn't "burn" any calories for 3 days due to my medical issue ( i will spare the details if you don't already know!!). But i'm BACK and ready to go!!!

    KEEP UP the good work butterballs of all colors!!!
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    AM weigh in-167.6 (was 167.8)
    under cals: 6/5.......Th (180).....Fr (20)...Sa (-690)...Su (210)...Mo (112)...Tu (732)...We (241)
    under sodium: 5/5.......Th (170)......Fr.....(-435)...Sa (-112)...Su (290)...Mo (18)...Tu (21)...We (349)
    burn 2000 cals: 2651/2000.....Th (190)....Fr...(0)...Sa (0)...Su (430)...Mo (508)...Tu (782)...We (741)
    10min relax time: 4/5.....Th (0).....Fr (1).....Sa (1)...Su (0)...Mo (1)...Tu (1)...We (1)
    60 cups of water: 35/60.....Th (6)....Fr (8)...Sa(0)...Sun (4)...Mo (8)...Tu (9)...We (8)
    cal avg for week 1476/1400:.....Th (1220)....Fr (1210)...Sa (1900)...Su (1430)...Mo (1606)...Tu (1260)...We (1710)
    weight: 10/13-167.8.........10/20-167.6

    Hey, a loss is a loss. Had actually thought I had gained from last week :)

    My goals for this week (unless I see otherwise)
    Zigzag cals-1000 calories: 0/3
    Zigzag cals-1600 calories: 0/3
    under sodium: 0/5
    over 75 g protein: 0/5
    burn 2500 calories: 0/2500
    10 min relax time: 0/5
    60 cups of water: 0/60
    Cal avg for week: 0/1400
    Weight: 10/20 167.6.................10/27

    Great job...a lot of losses and some high ones too! Gotta get back to work, just wanted to report in...
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Weigh in for this week--169.2
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 576 Member
    I forgot to weigh-in this morning I think I might be up this wk as af is due Monday , I just hope it on time not 2 weeks late gggrrrrr:noway: I am camping @ the wkend & I'm looking forward too it.
    I'm sat on the bus listening to kids singing Tonaushus D (i can't spell it) :laugh: :laugh:
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Team Orange...so sorry! My SAD is starting to set in. I was hoping it might wait a bit but there are so many family stresses right now that I can hardly deal with my life!

    Yesterday I weighed in at 123 again but this morning for my "official" weigh in it said 125. I did so bad this week that I believe it.:angry:

    I compared last week to this week and last week I had a net deficit of 1512 calories for the week, this week I was over by 94 for the week. Last week I exercised for 2745 calories this week I only did 1044. Pathetic!:explode: I didn't hit any of my goals!:sad:

  • chan0404
    chan0404 Posts: 33 Member
    i have not been as dedicated to team yellow as I should have but, I am back. I have been working out and eating half way right this week.

    I haven't really lost anything but, thank goodness I haven't had a major gain. I am weighing in this week at 231.5. Setting my goal for the next week of a loss. Thanks to those that have continued to support me.
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Weighed in at 269.6, so I gained 0.6 pounds. I didn't keep up with the goals this week and I was over my calories 5 out of 7 days. No excuses, just going to work harder this week. I'm going out of town this weekend, so I need to be extra careful with my eating while I'm gone and find ways to get some exercise.

    I've updated the chart so far. Congratulations to all you who have lost!