Obligatory "what do you look for in a spouse/partner" thread



  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Honor, courage, commitment.

    incredible flexibility and a twin would be nice as well.

    Semper Fi MrB ;) I even have the blue ID card to prove it.

    My personal trainer asked how flexible my hamstrings were yesterday in the middle of the testosterone-crowded weight room. I promptly bent over, green-silky-catch-me-F-me-PT-shorts and all and put my palms FLAT on the deck... with my fingertips touching my toes of my tennis-shoes and wrists facing forward. Does that count?

    As for the twin, well... I think you'll have enough fun handing just one of me, but I'm sure we can arrange some modifications in the bedroom involving mirrors that may give you the desired effect; perhaps a POV-style home movie playing on a large plasma if you're not camera-shy. Plus I have some new twins you could play with...

    It's a shame you don't have a profile on Ashley-Madison... Oh, wait... I've said too much :( *patiently drums fingers waiting for the witch-burning-happy-MFPvillagers-with-pitchforks* J/K!!! <3 That would disqualify me on the "commitment" part anyway, lol.
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    youre gonna get lots of marriage proposals in your inbox in 3, 2, 1.....

    I was just gonna say I :heart: country music and cowboys!
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    You guys are being pretty mean. He asked everyone for their general opinion, not that he wanted to play match.com with each of you. He's actually a nice guy. I'm the farthest thing from Christian, I don't even believe in religion... and I'm married. He's never been disrespectful toward me or anything, he's just making conversation. Here's an idea: if you don't like the thread, don't participate. He wasn't trying to hurt anyone or be offensive. Geeeesshhhhhhh.

    Yeah all you meanies, go find your own thread!
    Love the topic...

    1. likes the outdoors
    2. does manly-type stuff
    3. respectful
    4. open-minded
    5. I have fun when I'm with him
    6. passionate about whatever he chooses to do
    7. likes kids
    8. DF (but which??? lol)
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    good topic~ i would love to hear what guys are looking for cuz apparently they are never happy with what they have no matter how good she is.
  • Solly123
    Solly123 Posts: 162 Member
    Absolutely no idea what I want - which is probably why I haven't found him yet!! :laugh:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Criteria for a spouse

    1. Must be a Christian.

    If he doesn't pass the first criteria there is no number 2, 3, 4 etc. :noway:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Absolutely no idea what I want - which is probably why I haven't found him yet!! :laugh:

    I know exactly what I want but I have been told that such a man does not exist. :grumble:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Actually.....just some one willing to stick it out. My wife and I couldn't be more different on EVERYTHING. But some how it works. But not without work. If there is one thing I know about human beings, very few of us actually know what we want. So lists are great and all, but don't disqaulify what could be the love of your life just because she's not into country music or cowboys.

    agree. must be willing to work on things. ppl expect relationships to be easy and when they dont they just give up and break up or get a divorce. its not supposed to be that easy or it wud be boring, wudnt it?
  • sms1986
    sms1986 Posts: 113 Member
    Creativity, a love of reading, a love of learning are three really good qualities I would look for. Less important would be similar political (left-wing) views or religious views (atheist, agnostic or secular), although someone being right-wing (i.e, a conservative or further to the left) or moderately religious (i.e., no fundamentalists) would not stop me from having a relationship with them if such a relationship existed.