Don't eat your exercise calories



  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    How many of people who vote for eat have been successful, I mean reached their goals? and how many of those who vote for nay? i was just curious...
    "It works for me so far" is not quite convincing, just yet.

    Well. I eat back all my exercise calories. Always have. Always will.

    I've lost 60lbs and am now maintaining.

    Pretty sure THAT is enough to convince ME I need to eat them.

    Always have, always will? So you have never tried NOT eating them back? Results could be better, you dont know! Always try both ways, just so that then you have seen the full picture, and can pick which one is right for you.

    Well, considering I KNOW if I consume less than 2000 calories a day, I slowly gain weight...that means that YES I do know it is what works for ME.

    I know my body. I know what works for me.

    When I was eating 1700, 1800, 1900 calories I wasn't losing ANY weight. NOT ONE SINGLE POUND. I started consuming 2000 calories and dropped from 167lbs to 150lbs in a few weeks. Maintained 150lbs eating 2000 net calories a day. Decided to see what happened if I raised my calories. Raised them and lost another 7lbs. Tried raising to 3000 net calories and lost more weight ( was down around 141lbs). Hated how much I had to eat, how I felt, etc. So I lowered them back to my current range, weight went back up and now I fluctuate between 143-145lbs. Been maintaining this for quite awhile.

    Pretty certain I know my body.

    Eat them. Don't eat them. Do whatever works for YOU. But, don't tell ME what works for ME. If you don't wanna eat and try a lose weight - go for it. I'd rather eat, enjoy life AND be able to maintain my weight.

    I love how YOU are telling ME what *I* should do to have the "full picture". I love when other people THINK (or don't think at all?) they know what is best for me. LOL. Love it. Cause I don't know crap about MY body, right? YOU know better? Being MALE and having only lost 40lbs to my 60lbs?

  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member
    Those were not allowed calories. Those were required calories by the internet police for you to consume.

    punishable, if not eaten

    punishable by plateau

    good luck with that OP
  • bigislandgrrl
    bigislandgrrl Posts: 196 Member
    How many of people who vote for eat have been successful, I mean reached their goals? and how many of those who vote for nay? i was just curious...
    "It works for me so far" is not quite convincing, just yet.

    Well. I eat back all my exercise calories. Always have. Always will.

    I've lost 60lbs and am now maintaining.

    Pretty sure THAT is enough to convince ME I need to eat them.

    Always have, always will? So you have never tried NOT eating them back? Results could be better, you dont know! Always try both ways, just so that then you have seen the full picture, and can pick which one is right for you.

    Well, considering I KNOW if I consume less than 2000 calories a day, I slowly gain weight...that means that YES I do know it is what works for ME.

    I know my body. I know what works for me.

    When I was eating 1700, 1800, 1900 calories I wasn't losing ANY weight. NOT ONE SINGLE POUND. I started consuming 2000 calories and dropped from 167lbs to 150lbs in a few weeks. Maintained 150lbs eating 2000 net calories a day. Decided to see what happened if I raised my calories. Raised them and lost another 7lbs. Tried raising to 3000 net calories and lost more weight ( was down around 141lbs). Hated how much I had to eat, how I felt, etc. So I lowered them back to my current range, weight went back up and now I fluctuate between 143-145lbs. Been maintaining this for quite awhile.

    Pretty certain I know my body.

    Eat them. Don't eat them. Do whatever works for YOU. But, don't tell ME what works for ME. If you don't wanna eat and try a lose weight - go for it. I'd rather eat, enjoy life AND be able to maintain my weight.

    I love how YOU are telling ME what *I* should do to have the "full picture". I love when other people THINK (or don't think at all?) they know what is best for me. LOL. Love it. Cause I don't know crap about MY body, right? YOU know better? Being MALE and having only lost 40lbs to my 60lbs?


    And THIS is why I love you Chevy! I think Ill stick with taking advice from someone who actually has some experience, thank you! On a side note, I also noticed the original poster has lost ZERO. Yes, ZERO. Glad thats working for you hunny.
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member

    And THIS is why I love you Chevy! I think Ill stick with taking advice from someone who actually has some experience, thank you! .

  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Eating them back has 100% worked for me.

    I wasn't huge to start with but I have lost 18lb since May, eating back every single one apart from on rare occasions. I love food too much sorry.

    My NET goal at the moment is 1200 (although this varies, sometimes it's 1300 or 1400- and soon I am going to try it at 1500).

    Today for example I burnt off over 700 calories, ate them back so consumed 1900.

    Of COURSE I am still going to lose on that figure. 1900 is probably what I need to eat to maintain- or there abouts so I have still created a massive deficit through exercise and the one MFP has given me in the first place.

    I keep reading these posts over again and again, and to me it's a case of simple maths?? Why make it more complicated than it is!

    That said- it is ultimately YOUR choice what you do. But personally if I had just ingested 1200 today, exercised off 700 and been left with a NET of 500 I KNOW that is not sustainable in the long term. It can't be.
  • Berta53
    Berta53 Posts: 29
    Those were not allowed calories. Those were required calories by the internet police for you to consume.
  • cornerofgreystreet
    cornerofgreystreet Posts: 180 Member
    I read somewhere that if you don't eat your calories back that fat turns into muscle.

    haha fat & muscle cells are two very different body masses & its impossible for the one to become another. Its like saying that an apple can become an orange.

    I think you might be able to use this:


    OMG, LOL!!
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    Kind of:smile:

    It's more like I have 6 days of large calorie deficit to signal fat burning and one day to eat a surplus to maximize metabolism.
    Exercise is irrelevant to the formula.

    This is why I incorporate Spike Day's, if I have a day each week where I eat a calorie surplus, then my body can't go into starvation mode. How can it be starving if I store energy?

    Also the energy I store is not bodyfat, it's glycogen. Since with a surplus, glycogen is stored first! Because it's heavily depleted while I'm dieting, and short-term energy is a higher priority then long-term (bodyfat) energy storage.

    so put in simple terms, you do, in fact, eat them back. . . ?
    Just not every day.
    I eat when i'm hungry, within generally my basic calorie allocation. but if i'm hungry and have plenty of exercise cals i won't think twice about eating what i need. this seems to me a sane solution to the issue.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    How many of people who vote for eat have been successful, I mean reached their goals? and how many of those who vote for nay? i was just curious...
    "It works for me so far" is not quite convincing, just yet.

    Well. I eat back all my exercise calories. Always have. Always will.

    I've lost 60lbs and am now maintaining.

    Pretty sure THAT is enough to convince ME I need to eat them.

    Always have, always will? So you have never tried NOT eating them back? Results could be better, you dont know! Always try both ways, just so that then you have seen the full picture, and can pick which one is right for you.

    Well, considering I KNOW if I consume less than 2000 calories a day, I slowly gain weight...that means that YES I do know it is what works for ME.

    I know my body. I know what works for me.

    When I was eating 1700, 1800, 1900 calories I wasn't losing ANY weight. NOT ONE SINGLE POUND. I started consuming 2000 calories and dropped from 167lbs to 150lbs in a few weeks. Maintained 150lbs eating 2000 net calories a day. Decided to see what happened if I raised my calories. Raised them and lost another 7lbs. Tried raising to 3000 net calories and lost more weight ( was down around 141lbs). Hated how much I had to eat, how I felt, etc. So I lowered them back to my current range, weight went back up and now I fluctuate between 143-145lbs. Been maintaining this for quite awhile.

    Pretty certain I know my body.

    Eat them. Don't eat them. Do whatever works for YOU. But, don't tell ME what works for ME. If you don't wanna eat and try a lose weight - go for it. I'd rather eat, enjoy life AND be able to maintain my weight.

    I love how YOU are telling ME what *I* should do to have the "full picture". I love when other people THINK (or don't think at all?) they know what is best for me. LOL. Love it. Cause I don't know crap about MY body, right? YOU know better? Being MALE and having only lost 40lbs to my 60lbs?


    This isnt a competition to see who has lost the most! Lets not compare my 40 lbs in 4 months to your 60 lb in 8 months. The amount of weight you've lost has nothing to do with your credibility on here.

    The point i was making is if you really have ALWAYS eaten them back, then by definition you cant know what would happen if you dont! I wasnt saying what you should do, i couldnt care less what you do or dont do, especially now after that quoted post, its up to you. I was just stating the point that surely its better to try all possible options before deciding which is best for you. You're now saying that you HAVE at some point tried not eating them back. So you havent always eaten them back then...

    Btw, calm down! Why does me being a man have anything at all to do with this anyway? :o
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    How many of people who vote for eat have been successful, I mean reached their goals? and how many of those who vote for nay? i was just curious...
    "It works for me so far" is not quite convincing, just yet.

    Well. I eat back all my exercise calories. Always have. Always will.

    I've lost 60lbs and am now maintaining.

    Pretty sure THAT is enough to convince ME I need to eat them.

    Always have, always will? So you have never tried NOT eating them back? Results could be better, you dont know! Always try both ways, just so that then you have seen the full picture, and can pick which one is right for you.

    Well, considering I KNOW if I consume less than 2000 calories a day, I slowly gain weight...that means that YES I do know it is what works for ME.

    I know my body. I know what works for me.

    When I was eating 1700, 1800, 1900 calories I wasn't losing ANY weight. NOT ONE SINGLE POUND. I started consuming 2000 calories and dropped from 167lbs to 150lbs in a few weeks. Maintained 150lbs eating 2000 net calories a day. Decided to see what happened if I raised my calories. Raised them and lost another 7lbs. Tried raising to 3000 net calories and lost more weight ( was down around 141lbs). Hated how much I had to eat, how I felt, etc. So I lowered them back to my current range, weight went back up and now I fluctuate between 143-145lbs. Been maintaining this for quite awhile.

    Pretty certain I know my body.

    Eat them. Don't eat them. Do whatever works for YOU. But, don't tell ME what works for ME. If you don't wanna eat and try a lose weight - go for it. I'd rather eat, enjoy life AND be able to maintain my weight.

    I love how YOU are telling ME what *I* should do to have the "full picture". I love when other people THINK (or don't think at all?) they know what is best for me. LOL. Love it. Cause I don't know crap about MY body, right? YOU know better? Being MALE and having only lost 40lbs to my 60lbs?


    This isnt a competition to see who has lost the most! Lets not compare diets and crap like that! I got my 41lbs, as it is now, and im still eating my chocolate, crisps, hardly any veg, etc. I just watch the amounts i eat, and exercise a ton more. The amount of weight you've lost has nothing to do with your credibility on here.

    The point i was making is if you really have ALWAYS eaten them back, then by definition you cant know what would happen if you dont! I wasnt saying what you should do, i couldnt care less what you do or dont do, especially now after that quoted post, its up to you. I was just stating the point that surely its better to try all possible options before deciding which is best for you.

    Calm down! Why does me being man have anything at all to do with this anyway? :o

    My point is that *I* know when I don't consume a certain amount of calories - I DO NOT LOSE WEIGHT (or in my case now -- maintain weight).

    And my weight loss DOES lend credibitily to knowing what works for MY body - which is really what it is all about, no? Learning what works for YOU.

    If you read, I clearly stated that I know eating under 2000 makes me gain weight. If I eat 2300 calories and I burn off 400 at the gym - my net is 1900. Not enough for ME. It WILL cause me to gain weight. So, common sense tells you -- if you eat less than X number of calories and gain -- you shouldn't eat less than that?


    Seems like an easy thing to understand.

    You are more than welcome to do whatever YOU want to do. Eat them. Don't eat them. Eat half. Whatever. *I* do not care. *I* will continue doing what works for me and has helped me drop below my goal weight AND help me maintain it.

    My point is - don't tell me what I am missing out on because I eat them. Don't tell me what the "big picture" is that I'm missing because I am clearly NOT missing anything by doing what I am doing.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    How many of people who vote for eat have been successful, I mean reached their goals? and how many of those who vote for nay? i was just curious...
    "It works for me so far" is not quite convincing, just yet.

    Well. I eat back all my exercise calories. Always have. Always will.

    I've lost 60lbs and am now maintaining.

    Pretty sure THAT is enough to convince ME I need to eat them.

    Always have, always will? So you have never tried NOT eating them back? Results could be better, you dont know! Always try both ways, just so that then you have seen the full picture, and can pick which one is right for you.

    Well, considering I KNOW if I consume less than 2000 calories a day, I slowly gain weight...that means that YES I do know it is what works for ME.

    I know my body. I know what works for me.

    When I was eating 1700, 1800, 1900 calories I wasn't losing ANY weight. NOT ONE SINGLE POUND. I started consuming 2000 calories and dropped from 167lbs to 150lbs in a few weeks. Maintained 150lbs eating 2000 net calories a day. Decided to see what happened if I raised my calories. Raised them and lost another 7lbs. Tried raising to 3000 net calories and lost more weight ( was down around 141lbs). Hated how much I had to eat, how I felt, etc. So I lowered them back to my current range, weight went back up and now I fluctuate between 143-145lbs. Been maintaining this for quite awhile.

    Pretty certain I know my body.

    Eat them. Don't eat them. Do whatever works for YOU. But, don't tell ME what works for ME. If you don't wanna eat and try a lose weight - go for it. I'd rather eat, enjoy life AND be able to maintain my weight.

    I love how YOU are telling ME what *I* should do to have the "full picture". I love when other people THINK (or don't think at all?) they know what is best for me. LOL. Love it. Cause I don't know crap about MY body, right? YOU know better? Being MALE and having only lost 40lbs to my 60lbs?


    This isnt a competition to see who has lost the most! Lets not compare diets and crap like that! I got my 41lbs, as it is now, and im still eating my chocolate, crisps, hardly any veg, etc. I just watch the amounts i eat, and exercise a ton more. The amount of weight you've lost has nothing to do with your credibility on here.

    The point i was making is if you really have ALWAYS eaten them back, then by definition you cant know what would happen if you dont! I wasnt saying what you should do, i couldnt care less what you do or dont do, especially now after that quoted post, its up to you. I was just stating the point that surely its better to try all possible options before deciding which is best for you.

    Calm down! Why does me being man have anything at all to do with this anyway? :o

    My point is that *I* know when I don't consume a certain amount of calories - I DO NOT LOSE WEIGHT (or in my case now -- maintain weight).

    And my weight loss DOES lend credibitily to knowing what works for MY body - which is really what it is all about, no? Learning what works for YOU.

    If you read, I clearly stated that I know eating under 2000 makes me gain weight. If I eat 2300 calories and I burn off 400 at the gym - my net is 1900. Not enough for ME. It WILL cause me to gain weight. So, common sense tells you -- if you eat less than X number of calories and gain -- you shouldn't eat less than that?


    Seems like an easy thing to understand.

    You are more than welcome to do whatever YOU want to do. Eat them. Don't eat them. Eat half. Whatever. *I* do not care. *I* will continue doing what works for me and has helped me drop below my goal weight AND help me maintain it.

    My point is - don't tell me what I am missing out on because I eat them. Don't tell me what the "big picture" is that I'm missing because I am clearly NOT missing anything by doing what I am doing.

    At least that was a more courteous reply that time :)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    How many of people who vote for eat have been successful, I mean reached their goals? and how many of those who vote for nay? i was just curious...
    "It works for me so far" is not quite convincing, just yet.

    Well. I eat back all my exercise calories. Always have. Always will.

    I've lost 60lbs and am now maintaining.

    Pretty sure THAT is enough to convince ME I need to eat them.

    Always have, always will? So you have never tried NOT eating them back? Results could be better, you dont know! Always try both ways, just so that then you have seen the full picture, and can pick which one is right for you.

    Well, considering I KNOW if I consume less than 2000 calories a day, I slowly gain weight...that means that YES I do know it is what works for ME.

    I know my body. I know what works for me.

    When I was eating 1700, 1800, 1900 calories I wasn't losing ANY weight. NOT ONE SINGLE POUND. I started consuming 2000 calories and dropped from 167lbs to 150lbs in a few weeks. Maintained 150lbs eating 2000 net calories a day. Decided to see what happened if I raised my calories. Raised them and lost another 7lbs. Tried raising to 3000 net calories and lost more weight ( was down around 141lbs). Hated how much I had to eat, how I felt, etc. So I lowered them back to my current range, weight went back up and now I fluctuate between 143-145lbs. Been maintaining this for quite awhile.

    Pretty certain I know my body.

    Eat them. Don't eat them. Do whatever works for YOU. But, don't tell ME what works for ME. If you don't wanna eat and try a lose weight - go for it. I'd rather eat, enjoy life AND be able to maintain my weight.

    I love how YOU are telling ME what *I* should do to have the "full picture". I love when other people THINK (or don't think at all?) they know what is best for me. LOL. Love it. Cause I don't know crap about MY body, right? YOU know better? Being MALE and having only lost 40lbs to my 60lbs?


    This isnt a competition to see who has lost the most! Lets not compare diets and crap like that! I got my 41lbs, as it is now, and im still eating my chocolate, crisps, hardly any veg, etc. I just watch the amounts i eat, and exercise a ton more. The amount of weight you've lost has nothing to do with your credibility on here.

    The point i was making is if you really have ALWAYS eaten them back, then by definition you cant know what would happen if you dont! I wasnt saying what you should do, i couldnt care less what you do or dont do, especially now after that quoted post, its up to you. I was just stating the point that surely its better to try all possible options before deciding which is best for you.

    Calm down! Why does me being man have anything at all to do with this anyway? :o

    My point is that *I* know when I don't consume a certain amount of calories - I DO NOT LOSE WEIGHT (or in my case now -- maintain weight).

    And my weight loss DOES lend credibitily to knowing what works for MY body - which is really what it is all about, no? Learning what works for YOU.

    If you read, I clearly stated that I know eating under 2000 makes me gain weight. If I eat 2300 calories and I burn off 400 at the gym - my net is 1900. Not enough for ME. It WILL cause me to gain weight. So, common sense tells you -- if you eat less than X number of calories and gain -- you shouldn't eat less than that?


    Seems like an easy thing to understand.

    You are more than welcome to do whatever YOU want to do. Eat them. Don't eat them. Eat half. Whatever. *I* do not care. *I* will continue doing what works for me and has helped me drop below my goal weight AND help me maintain it.

    My point is - don't tell me what I am missing out on because I eat them. Don't tell me what the "big picture" is that I'm missing because I am clearly NOT missing anything by doing what I am doing.

    At least that was a more courteous reply that time :)

    I was far from rude. And considering you're trying to tell me that I don't know what I'm doing when clearly I do?

    You're lucky you got what you got.

    Do whatever YOU wanna do in YOUR journey... but I would seriously consider that you STOP telling others (especially those who've found success on this journey) what they should do. It comes across as know-it-allish and rude. To me, it's just obvious when someone has reached their goal weight and found success that whatever they're doing is working.

    Just something to keep in mind.

    Would you like if *I* told you that you should or shouldn't do something that you know either works or doesn't work for you?

    Probably not. Keep that in mind next time you tell someone they aren't seeing the "big picture".
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    How many of people who vote for eat have been successful, I mean reached their goals? and how many of those who vote for nay? i was just curious...
    "It works for me so far" is not quite convincing, just yet.

    Well. I eat back all my exercise calories. Always have. Always will.

    I've lost 60lbs and am now maintaining.

    Pretty sure THAT is enough to convince ME I need to eat them.

    Always have, always will? So you have never tried NOT eating them back? Results could be better, you dont know! Always try both ways, just so that then you have seen the full picture, and can pick which one is right for you.

    Well, considering I KNOW if I consume less than 2000 calories a day, I slowly gain weight...that means that YES I do know it is what works for ME.

    I know my body. I know what works for me.

    When I was eating 1700, 1800, 1900 calories I wasn't losing ANY weight. NOT ONE SINGLE POUND. I started consuming 2000 calories and dropped from 167lbs to 150lbs in a few weeks. Maintained 150lbs eating 2000 net calories a day. Decided to see what happened if I raised my calories. Raised them and lost another 7lbs. Tried raising to 3000 net calories and lost more weight ( was down around 141lbs). Hated how much I had to eat, how I felt, etc. So I lowered them back to my current range, weight went back up and now I fluctuate between 143-145lbs. Been maintaining this for quite awhile.

    Pretty certain I know my body.

    Eat them. Don't eat them. Do whatever works for YOU. But, don't tell ME what works for ME. If you don't wanna eat and try a lose weight - go for it. I'd rather eat, enjoy life AND be able to maintain my weight.

    I love how YOU are telling ME what *I* should do to have the "full picture". I love when other people THINK (or don't think at all?) they know what is best for me. LOL. Love it. Cause I don't know crap about MY body, right? YOU know better? Being MALE and having only lost 40lbs to my 60lbs?


    This isnt a competition to see who has lost the most! Lets not compare diets and crap like that! I got my 41lbs, as it is now, and im still eating my chocolate, crisps, hardly any veg, etc. I just watch the amounts i eat, and exercise a ton more. The amount of weight you've lost has nothing to do with your credibility on here.

    The point i was making is if you really have ALWAYS eaten them back, then by definition you cant know what would happen if you dont! I wasnt saying what you should do, i couldnt care less what you do or dont do, especially now after that quoted post, its up to you. I was just stating the point that surely its better to try all possible options before deciding which is best for you.

    Calm down! Why does me being man have anything at all to do with this anyway? :o

    My point is that *I* know when I don't consume a certain amount of calories - I DO NOT LOSE WEIGHT (or in my case now -- maintain weight).

    And my weight loss DOES lend credibitily to knowing what works for MY body - which is really what it is all about, no? Learning what works for YOU.

    If you read, I clearly stated that I know eating under 2000 makes me gain weight. If I eat 2300 calories and I burn off 400 at the gym - my net is 1900. Not enough for ME. It WILL cause me to gain weight. So, common sense tells you -- if you eat less than X number of calories and gain -- you shouldn't eat less than that?


    Seems like an easy thing to understand.

    You are more than welcome to do whatever YOU want to do. Eat them. Don't eat them. Eat half. Whatever. *I* do not care. *I* will continue doing what works for me and has helped me drop below my goal weight AND help me maintain it.

    My point is - don't tell me what I am missing out on because I eat them. Don't tell me what the "big picture" is that I'm missing because I am clearly NOT missing anything by doing what I am doing.

    At least that was a more courteous reply that time :)

    I was far from rude. And considering you're trying to tell me that I don't know what I'm doing when clearly I do?

    You're lucky you got what you got.

    Do whatever YOU wanna do in YOUR journey... but I would seriously consider that you STOP telling others (especially those who've found success on this journey) what they should do. It comes across as know-it-allish and rude. To me, it's just obvious when someone has reached their goal weight and found success that whatever they're doing is working.

    Just something to keep in mind.

    Would you like if *I* told you that you should or shouldn't do something that you know either works or doesn't work for you?

    Probably not. Keep that in mind next time you tell someone they aren't seeing the "big picture".

    If you were offering advice, I'd bear it in mind. Take it on board, consider it, then either reject or accept it, no big deal! That was all i was doing! I wasnt telling you what to do, i was just offering a suggestion based on the information you'd given. If you only gave some of it, which was the case, then you can't blame me for offering advice on something which you had already tried, but didnt say you had tried it. This whole board is for advice, so dont take it as male chauvinism when a guy mentions something you might not have considered.

    And no, i wont stop offering advice to people. If they dont want it, then dont take it. But these boards are all about that. Unlike you, i do care about others and not just myself.
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    i will eat your remainder. please email them to me.

  • ezekiel_nf
    From personal experience I've done both eating them back and not.
    The thing is though I've just now started to eat 1200+ NET calories and I got back in the 139's W/O exercise. (I'm trying to let my body take a much needed break, after over a year of exercise almost daily and HARD exercise and no real food it needs it)

    Personally the whole entire eating more thing works for me really well. If I eat 1500+ without eating back my exercise calories I tend to lose faster than if I eat 1200 and not eat them back.
    I noticed that looking at when I weighed in and when I lost the most weight was during the time period when I DID eat back and when I did cut back from excessive exercise. For me what works is eating more. Like I've read somewhere else your body seems to be like a car.

    You use the car you need to fuel it back up or you run on empty
    that's kinda how we work :). I lost 60 pounds not eating back but it took me a year because I wasn't cautious of what I was really doing. I'd exercise and become deathly pale and weak. I even fainted a couple of times and didn't notice the damage until I was considered somewhat anemic for awhile.
    I put so much damage on my body not eating enough. My body needs a lot more than what I give it and (sorry body!) I wish I could do it all again and take care of myself better.

    Just try everything and see what works for you. Everyone is unique you can't base everyone's experience and expect it to work for you, ya know?
    The human body is so complex that it's difficult to interpret what may work. I can say from my own experience, it's better for me to eat them back
    Haven't been pale after exercise for a month now :) which is huge for me.
    Trying to be healthy and get the last 20 pounds off the right way, which will hopefully be when I have enough time to go grocery shopping for unprocessed foods again ;/.
    Why must organic food be so expensive... -sigh;
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    Stop trying to talk other's out of STUPID! You're hindering the process of NATURAL SELECTION. At the very least.... if everyone else stops eating their exercise calories... we who eat them will be the hottest b*tches on the block!!!! (<-- in comparison, of course).
  • bjenny12345
    bjenny12345 Posts: 118 Member

    I've come back just to look at this again, and to quote it.

    This chick is funny as hell! Watch this it cracks me up every time I watch it!
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    How many of people who vote for eat have been successful, I mean reached their goals? and how many of those who vote for nay? i was just curious...
    "It works for me so far" is not quite convincing, just yet.

    Well. I eat back all my exercise calories. Always have. Always will.

    I've lost 60lbs and am now maintaining.

    Pretty sure THAT is enough to convince ME I need to eat them.

    Always have, always will? So you have never tried NOT eating them back? Results could be better, you dont know! Always try both ways, just so that then you have seen the full picture, and can pick which one is right for you.

    Yeah.... you should always try HAVING AN ED and NOT HAVING AN ED to figure out which results are better. I mean, gosh, you never know... HAVING AN ED might just be the healthier way to go!!! Don't just stick with what WORKED FOR YOU!! I'm totally with this one.... gain all 60 back and try it again the ED way!!!
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    Why do posts on eating exercise calories aggravate people so badly?
    It''s as bad as talking politics, yet it's kind of funny.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Why do posts on eating exercise calories aggravate people so badly?
    It''s as bad as talking politics, yet it's kind of funny.

    Hahah. I don't know but it was worth it just to find out about JennaMarbles.