Don't eat your exercise calories



  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    How many of people who vote for eat have been successful, I mean reached their goals? and how many of those who vote for nay? i was just curious...
    "It works for me so far" is not quite convincing, just yet.

    Well. I eat back all my exercise calories. Always have. Always will.

    I've lost 60lbs and am now maintaining.

    Pretty sure THAT is enough to convince ME I need to eat them.

    Always have, always will? So you have never tried NOT eating them back? Results could be better, you dont know! Always try both ways, just so that then you have seen the full picture, and can pick which one is right for you.

    Yeah.... you should always try HAVING AN ED and NOT HAVING AN ED to figure out which results are better. I mean, gosh, you never know... HAVING AN ED might just be the healthier way to go!!! Don't just stick with what WORKED FOR YOU!! I'm totally with this one.... gain all 60 back and try it again the ED way!!!

    hahahaha lmao so not eating your exercise calories is suddenly an ED? What a load of BS!!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    How many of people who vote for eat have been successful, I mean reached their goals? and how many of those who vote for nay? i was just curious...
    "It works for me so far" is not quite convincing, just yet.

    Well. I eat back all my exercise calories. Always have. Always will.

    I've lost 60lbs and am now maintaining.

    Pretty sure THAT is enough to convince ME I need to eat them.

    Always have, always will? So you have never tried NOT eating them back? Results could be better, you dont know! Always try both ways, just so that then you have seen the full picture, and can pick which one is right for you.

    I have to say this post doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Even if the poster could also lose weight by eating less (just IF) why would someone want to eat less and lose weight when you already know you can eat more and lose weight. Me, I like to eat. If I'm eating and losing I can't ever see myself saying "Hey self, maybe you could be a little hungrier and still lose. Let's try that".
  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    I drink mine. Exercise calories = wine.

    Ditto! Also, I have to eat mine back. It sucks but if I don't eat enough my blood sugar gets low and I pass out...not pretty. But to each their own...I'm a little sick of seeing these posts over and over and over.....and over. EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT people! what works for you is awesome, high five. that doesn't work for me though...I prefer consciousness.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    I lost 82lb over 4 years with no exercise & no calorie counting, jut cut out bread & sugary carbs & cut down on pastries. In January I started to gain as I had reached my limit, I was eating way under the healthy calorie limit & what I was eating was just junkie things. By May I had gained 18lbs. I joined a gym & got a trainer, then joined MFP & started eating right. I have lost 14lbs in 2 months & I eat back my exercise calories, this is the most I have eaten in 4 years, some days I can't eat another thing but the choices are good compared to before. Some days I eat all back, some days not, depends on how hungry I am.

    It works for me.

    Making blanket statements on a subject like this is pointless & arrogant imo, if you don't eat them back & it works for you then good for you. If it doesn't work for someone else unless they do eat them back then good for them.

    That cannot be so hard to comprehend.
  • HappyLuna
    How many of people who vote for eat have been successful, I mean reached their goals? and how many of those who vote for nay? i was just curious...
    "It works for me so far" is not quite convincing, just yet.

    Well. I eat back all my exercise calories. Always have. Always will.

    I've lost 60lbs and am now maintaining.

    Pretty sure THAT is enough to convince ME I need to eat them.

    Always have, always will? So you have never tried NOT eating them back? Results could be better, you dont know! Always try both ways, just so that then you have seen the full picture, and can pick which one is right for you.

    If it isn't broke, don't fix it :smile: