Spare the rod and spoil the child?



  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I think spanking is lazy parenting. I have 3 kids and they don't get spanked. The middle one is extremely "exuberant" and the only times I've ever wanted to spank him has been because I've been frustrated or exhausted or distracted and didn't want to do what was needed; which would be to assess the situation and figure out an appropriate way to communicate with him.
    Hitting is wrong. The end.
    We teach compassion and grace by using compassion and grace.
    And honestly, when we are on our toes regarding parenting, there is seldom a need for us to "punish" them at all.

    Nobody WANTS to spank their children.

    Again, people are confusing "hitting/abuse" with "spanking/discipline." They are two VERY different concepts. And it's not anywhere near as lazy as "Go sit on your time-out chair."

    I also think it's funny how every non-spanking parent believes their children are perfect and that they only misbehave because they're tired or they have too much energy. Where do you guys come up with this stuff? Kids misbehave because they think they can get away with it. Really, it's not any more complicated than that. I'm glad my parents taught me that being in a bad mood was no excuse for throwing a fit.
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    I think spanking is lazy parenting. I have 3 kids and they don't get spanked. The middle one is extremely "exuberant" and the only times I've ever wanted to spank him has been because I've been frustrated or exhausted or distracted and didn't want to do what was needed; which would be to assess the situation and figure out an appropriate way to communicate with him.
    Hitting is wrong. The end.
    We teach compassion and grace by using compassion and grace.
    And honestly, when we are on our toes regarding parenting, there is seldom a need for us to "punish" them at all.

    Nobody WANTS to spank their children.

    Again, people are confusing "hitting/abuse" with "spanking/discipline." They are two VERY different concepts. And it's not anywhere near as lazy as "Go sit on your time-out chair."

    I also think it's funny how every non-spanking parent believes their children are perfect and that they only misbehave because they're tired or they have too much energy. Where do you guys come up with this stuff? Kids misbehave because they think they can get away with it. Really, it's not any more complicated than that. I'm glad my parents taught me that being in a bad mood was no excuse for throwing a fit.

    exactly. Society didn't collapse when spanking was the norm. In fact, our nation was less violent many years ago and it prospered.

    I find it funny that she uses the word "lazy". That would imply that spanking is an effective and easy way out for the parent. From what I've seen from the anti-spanking crowd, is that spanking doesn't work. If it doesn't work, then it is causing more hassle for the parent which is not something a lazy parent would want to do. They would want to take the path of least resistance. I find it easier to tell my kid to sit down or go to his room(which I do when spanking is not warranted) and not deal with the whining than it is to get up and exert the effort to spank.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I think spanking is lazy parenting. I have 3 kids and they don't get spanked. The middle one is extremely "exuberant" and the only times I've ever wanted to spank him has been because I've been frustrated or exhausted or distracted and didn't want to do what was needed; which would be to assess the situation and figure out an appropriate way to communicate with him.
    Hitting is wrong. The end.
    We teach compassion and grace by using compassion and grace.
    And honestly, when we are on our toes regarding parenting, there is seldom a need for us to "punish" them at all.

    Nobody WANTS to spank their children.

    Again, people are confusing "hitting/abuse" with "spanking/discipline." They are two VERY different concepts. And it's not anywhere near as lazy as "Go sit on your time-out chair."

    I also think it's funny how every non-spanking parent believes their children are perfect and that they only misbehave because they're tired or they have too much energy. Where do you guys come up with this stuff? Kids misbehave because they think they can get away with it. Really, it's not any more complicated than that. I'm glad my parents taught me that being in a bad mood was no excuse for throwing a fit.

    ^^ THIS!!!
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    exactly. Society didn't collapse when spanking was the norm. In fact, our nation was less violent many years ago and it prospered.

    I find it funny that she uses the word "lazy". That would imply that spanking is an effective and easy way out for the parent. From what I've seen from the anti-spanking crowd, is that spanking doesn't work. If it doesn't work, then it is causing more hassle for the parent which is not something a lazy parent would want to do. They would want to take the path of least resistance. I find it easier to tell my kid to sit down or go to his room(which I do when spanking is not warranted) and not deal with the whining than it is to get up and exert the effort to spank.

    Spanking is the least lazy discipline for me. It requires a ton of boundary setting ahead of time (I will absolutely never surprise my kids with a spanking), a lot of explaining ahead of time, then the actual spanking act (which is emotionally difficult, and about as unfun as anything gets), followed by more talking and consoling.

    Making sweeping generalizations is intellectually lazy, and usually reveals the arrogance and ignorance of the speaker.
  • punkrockmama
    punkrockmama Posts: 142 Member
    I think there are many effective ways to teach children what is and is not acceptable in the home, community, and society as a whole. I do not think spanking is one of those. I think spanking is a reaction caused by the parent's inability to come up with a better non-violent way to deal with the problem.
    My children are children. And as perfectly behaved as any of your own children. But I don't and won't hit them, and can't for the life of me figure out why that's offensive?
    Although there are times in which I give my kids a time-out, I find it much more effective to get down on their level and talk about what they're doing, why it's unacceptable, and what they should do instead.
    I treat them as I'd wish to be treated and as I'd wish for someone else to treat them.
    I'm far from perfect, and have lost my cool and yelled unnecessarily at them...but I also sit down with them and apologize and tell them why it's wrong. And they respond to that, as well.
    And, for the record, I'm not buyin the "we don't want to spank" theory, or, for crying out loud, the "spanking is hard work". Then don't spank. It's just that easy.
    I don't feel bad about how I parent. I also don't feel the need to defend it. There's never any guilt in how I handle my children. They're growing into pretty incredible people. And that feels pretty good to me.
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    And, for the record, I'm not buyin the "we don't want to spank" theory, or, for crying out loud, the "spanking is hard work". Then don't spank. It's just that easy.
    I don't feel bad about how I parent. I also don't feel the need to defend it. There's never any guilt in how I handle my children. They're growing into pretty incredible people. And that feels pretty good to me.

    Ah... I see. I am lying. Perfect argument, hard to debate that one. Well done!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Child hits another child with an open hand on the back. The child cries.

    Mother: "You don't do that! It's not right to hit someone!" Then proceeds to give a couple of whacks to her child.

    Makes perfect sense.
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    Child hits another child with an open hand on the back. The child cries.

    Mother: "You don't do that! It's not right to hit someone!" Then proceeds to give a couple of whacks to her child.

    Makes perfect sense.

    it I'll bet the kid thinks twice about hitting the other kid though.

    What does make perfect sense is that you obviously haven't read the thread and how parents use spanking as a disciplinary tool.
  • twistofcain
    I was spanked by both of my parents and I am not violent nor do I look for a fight. My dad has only given me 3 spankings in my life, and I think that it killed him more than it did me, just because he was beat for petty **** by his step father. The last spanking that I received from him was when I was 13 and about to fail 7th grade. I got a lick for every point below 70 in all of my classes, it resulted in 20 licks carried out over a 2 day period; I never failed another class and passed 7th grade.

    I know people will say, "Oh he should have talked to you about this and that and why it is important to do your best." Answer to that is, he and my mom both would give me words of encouragement and tell me the consequences of my actions, but I didn't give a ****. Granted, I did give a **** after my licks.

    I still had my issues during high school and I straightened out after the threat of being sent to boot camp for behavioral issues. I straightened up as I knew I wouldn't have survived. My dad later told me after I graduated high school, that he would never have sent me to it, as he knows the hell of boot camp with him being a former Marine; he just needed something to get through to me to get me going on the right track.

    Consistency will always be the key. Do not spank\discipline your child for beating up on a younger sibling, if you are going to allow the younger sibling to attack and antagonize the older sibling because he is younger(My wonderful Brother and sister in law).
  • JellyJaks
    JellyJaks Posts: 589 Member
    I do spank my children occasionally. Honestly it depends on what they've done. My children are 7, 3 and 1 so usually a smack on the hand is enough to make them stop whatever the behavior is.

    I don't however spank them anywhere besides their rear ends and I never do it more than twice. IMO more than twice means that you're out of control and teetering on the line between discipline and outright abuse. Twice is enough to get your point across and make the child realize they're doing something wrong.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    Child hits another child with an open hand on the back. The child cries.

    Mother: "You don't do that! It's not right to hit someone!" Then proceeds to give a couple of whacks to her child.

    Makes perfect sense.

    it I'll bet the kid thinks twice about hitting the other kid though.

    What does make perfect sense is that you obviously haven't read the thread and how parents use spanking as a disciplinary tool.

    yep and i would follow that little convo up with a smack to the back of the kids head!

    i kid, i kid.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    it I'll bet the kid thinks twice about hitting the other kid though.

    What does make perfect sense is that you obviously haven't read the thread and how parents use spanking as a disciplinary tool.
    I was spanked as a kid. I used to hit my brother when I thought he was doing wrong, then intern got spanked for doing it. I didn't turn out "violent", but I used physical force to try to get my point across when I was younger.

    I've read the opinions, and also go by the experiences I've encountered. Teachers don't have to spank to get kids to listen. And even the ones that don't get disciplinary action that doesn't involve physical punishment.

    Again explain to me why using physical punishment on a child would make sense to that child if he was being punished for hitting someone else? That's like telling a kid not to smoke, but you do.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    I never spank my girls for hitting each other. If one of them hits her sister, she has to stand there and take one back. And before you all start your lecture on how that's teaching them to be violent, listen up. When they are out there in the real world, not this zero tolerance crap that is all around today, they need to know that if they start something they're probably going to get it back...and they also need to learn to not take any crap from anyone. If you're not willing to defend yourself, then who else will? My kids know if a kid at school is a bully and physically harms you in any way, take them out. Sure, they'll get suspended, but I guarantee you they won't be messed with again. I'll just take some vacation days and we'll go have fun while they're suspended.

    Got a little off topic there...sorry!
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    I have spanked our kids, haven't had to do it in a long time, I was spanked when I was little, I don't think it teaches the kid anything except he did something wrong and there is a consequence. Spanking is not the same as beating a kid, that is where the difference is.
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    I've read the opinions, and also go by the experiences I've encountered. Teachers don't have to spank to get kids to listen. And even the ones that don't get disciplinary action that doesn't involve physical punishment.

    Again explain to me why using physical punishment on a child would make sense to that child if he was being punished for hitting someone else? That's like telling a kid not to smoke, but you do.

    A teacher's job is completely different from a parent's. Trying to compare the two is doomed to failure. A teacher is not there to instill discipline, they are there to teach other skills. A teacher can hand off a troublesome kid to the administration, and if the kid continue to misbehave, the kid gets kicked out. Parents have to figure out a solution no matter what. I don't think the comparison works.

    I think you and I are looking at spanking differently. I see it as an option for helping develop appropriate behaviors in kids from about 20 months to about 5 years old. After that age they are able to be disciplined in much more subtle, nuanced ways.

    Regarding your statement, it's really quite simple. A two year old doesn't think, "daddy hit me, so I can hit other people" he thinks, "I hit someone and it had a very bad result for me. I shouldn't do that anymore."

    And please keep in mind, appropriately administered spanking is not done in anger, is never a surprise to the child, and is done very rarely. The people who continually argue against it (in this thread) are mischaracterizing it, and trying to make it something it's not.

    If we want to start a thread about how horrible those parents are who smack their kids in anger, I'll be right there on the side decrying their behavior. Same as parents who scream at their kids. The parents must always be composed, consistent and loving as they administer any kind of discipline.
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    I never spank my girls for hitting each other. If one of them hits her sister, she has to stand there and take one back. And before you all start your lecture on how that's teaching them to be violent, listen up. When they are out there in the real world, not this zero tolerance crap that is all around today, they need to know that if they start something they're probably going to get it back...and they also need to learn to not take any crap from anyone. If you're not willing to defend yourself, then who else will? My kids know if a kid at school is a bully and physically harms you in any way, take them out. Sure, they'll get suspended, but I guarantee you they won't be messed with again. I'll just take some vacation days and we'll go have fun while they're suspended.

    Got a little off topic there...sorry!

    You scare me.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    I never spank my girls for hitting each other. If one of them hits her sister, she has to stand there and take one back. And before you all start your lecture on how that's teaching them to be violent, listen up. When they are out there in the real world, not this zero tolerance crap that is all around today, they need to know that if they start something they're probably going to get it back...and they also need to learn to not take any crap from anyone. If you're not willing to defend yourself, then who else will? My kids know if a kid at school is a bully and physically harms you in any way, take them out. Sure, they'll get suspended, but I guarantee you they won't be messed with again. I'll just take some vacation days and we'll go have fun while they're suspended.

    Got a little off topic there...sorry!
    Lol, not in CA. If their opponent loses, they come back with a weapon............................
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    I never spank my girls for hitting each other. If one of them hits her sister, she has to stand there and take one back. And before you all start your lecture on how that's teaching them to be violent, listen up. When they are out there in the real world, not this zero tolerance crap that is all around today, they need to know that if they start something they're probably going to get it back...and they also need to learn to not take any crap from anyone. If you're not willing to defend yourself, then who else will? My kids know if a kid at school is a bully and physically harms you in any way, take them out. Sure, they'll get suspended, but I guarantee you they won't be messed with again. I'll just take some vacation days and we'll go have fun while they're suspended.

    Got a little off topic there...sorry!

    thats pretty much how it is in my house too.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    A teacher's job is completely different from a parent's. Trying to compare the two is doomed to failure. A teacher is not there to instill discipline, they are there to teach other skills. A teacher can hand off a troublesome kid to the administration, and if the kid continue to misbehave, the kid gets kicked out. Parents have to figure out a solution no matter what. I don't think the comparison works.

    I think you and I are looking at spanking differently. I see it as an option for helping develop appropriate behaviors in kids from about 20 months to about 5 years old. After that age they are able to be disciplined in much more subtle, nuanced ways.

    Regarding your statement, it's really quite simple. A two year old doesn't think, "daddy hit me, so I can hit other people" he thinks, "I hit someone and it had a very bad result for me. I shouldn't do that anymore."

    And please keep in mind, appropriately administered spanking is not done in anger, is never a surprise to the child, and is done very rarely. The people who continually argue against it (in this thread) are mischaracterizing it, and trying to make it something it's not.

    If we want to start a thread about how horrible those parents are who smack their kids in anger, I'll be right there on the side decrying their behavior. Same as parents who scream at their kids. The parents must always be composed, consistent and loving as they administer any kind of discipline.
    I might have been convinced that spanking works if I used it on my daughter (like I had done to me) for disciplinary reasons, however I haven't had to and my daughter is respectful and disciplined. Which is why I'm now of the belief that it's NOT necessary.
    My cousin spanks his son all the time to punish him. He actually hit my daughter with his hand when they were vying for the same toy. If kids can be taught to read at 3 years old, I'm more than sure they can figure out hitting someone can get their attention.
    We disagree and that's okay.
  • JellyJaks
    JellyJaks Posts: 589 Member
    I never spank my girls for hitting each other. If one of them hits her sister, she has to stand there and take one back. And before you all start your lecture on how that's teaching them to be violent, listen up. When they are out there in the real world, not this zero tolerance crap that is all around today, they need to know that if they start something they're probably going to get it back...and they also need to learn to not take any crap from anyone. If you're not willing to defend yourself, then who else will? My kids know if a kid at school is a bully and physically harms you in any way, take them out. Sure, they'll get suspended, but I guarantee you they won't be messed with again. I'll just take some vacation days and we'll go have fun while they're suspended.

    Got a little off topic there...sorry!

    I agree with this wholeheartedly. My 3 year old picks on my 1 year old. Takes his toys and things so I take his things away. When he gets upset, I explain to him that he can't treat other people badly and expect that it won't happen to him. Yes he's only 3 but he is capable of understanding cause and effect.

    My parents were the same way about getting suspended from school. If I was the one starting the fights, there was hell to pay but the teachers and principal have no right to tell me that I can't defend myself if someone else comes at me first.