"TLFC" exercise and accountability support!



  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Assessment: I felt pretty darn good for a Friday.

    Strength: 5/3/1 week 3 phase 2
    Sumo Deadlifts 5/3/1+ (7)
    Power Cleans from Hang 5/3/1+ (6)
    Plyometrics: 20 min 4 different exercises.

    Cardio: Switched it up today... 30 min on the Elliptical
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Strength day today. Feeling ready for some semi-contact flag football tomorrow. Ready to hit some people!

    3x10x15lb bicep curls and hammer curls.
    3x10x15(1) skull crushers
    3x10 tricep dips
    3x10 (with quarter raise, lower, then full raise) squats while holding 5lb dumbbells
    3x10 reverse lunges
    3x10 pushups
    3x10x5lb reverse flies
    3x10x5lb shoulder raises
    3x10 kickers (not sure on name-EA Active calls them kickers)
    4x10 leg raises
    1x1 minute plank
    10 mountain climbers
    3x10 calf raises
    1 x 1 minute squat hold

    Food: Overate a bit tonight, but not worried, as kept it all under 2100 calories. Had some awesome sushi at lunch.
  • Javajunkie67
    Javajunkie67 Posts: 167 Member
    My entire day was off kilter. Long story, but no workout today. I over ate today, not by a lot. Tomorrow's a new day and I have some sod to lay down.

    Have a good weekend everyone!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    Assessment: I felt pretty darn good for a Friday.

    Strength: 5/3/1 week 3 phase 2
    Sumo Deadlifts 5/3/1+ (7)
    Power Cleans from Hang 5/3/1+ (6)
    Plyometrics: 20 min 4 different exercises.

    Cardio: Switched it up today... 30 min on the Elliptical
    Good keeping consistent with cardio now!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    Strength day today. Feeling ready for some semi-contact flag football tomorrow. Ready to hit some people!

    3x10x15lb bicep curls and hammer curls.
    3x10x15(1) skull crushers
    3x10 tricep dips
    3x10 (with quarter raise, lower, then full raise) squats while holding 5lb dumbbells
    3x10 reverse lunges
    3x10 pushups
    3x10x5lb reverse flies
    3x10x5lb shoulder raises
    3x10 kickers (not sure on name-EA Active calls them kickers)
    4x10 leg raises
    1x1 minute plank
    10 mountain climbers
    3x10 calf raises
    1 x 1 minute squat hold

    Food: Overate a bit tonight, but not worried, as kept it all under 2100 calories. Had some awesome sushi at lunch.
    MMMM sushi!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    My entire day was off kilter. Long story, but no workout today. I over ate today, not by a lot. Tomorrow's a new day and I have some sod to lay down.

    Have a good weekend everyone!
    And a new month! New goals and new challenge!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy weekend! This week I visit with the in-laws and have lunch there! Most of the weekend will be cleaning, grocery shopping and watching football!

    Cardio:run/jog- 3 miles (500 calories)

    Strength: NONE

    Assessment: Was spot on with food and water.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Assessment: 100%

    Strength: 5/3/1 Week 3 Phase 2
    - Chin-ups 5 x 10
    - Chest Supported Rows 5/3/1+ (7)
    - DB Rows 5 x 10
    - Face Pulls 5 x 10
    - Shrugs 5 x 10

    Ab's: Actually had a pretty big ab cramp after my last set, like from top-to-bottom... never realized that could hurt so much. LOL
    - Palloff Press 2 x 25sec's
    - Weighted Reverse Crunch 8x8 (8 reps -> rest 10 sec -> 8 reps, etc)

    Cardio: Yeah after the ab work I was done.
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member

    can I join the TLFC? I love to eat and so I have realised, I love to exercise too. I'm 30 day shredding at the moment and keep joining shred groups which in turn become utterly deserted in no time at all, what's with that?! *watches the tumbleweeds rolling across the screen*.

    I don't track my water, I drink when thirsty and I am often thirsty, so I think that probably covers it. What happens if you drink too much? Would a person in their right state of mind conceivably have the urge to even do that? And I'm ambivalent about goals which revolve around numbers on scales but I would live to have a group to talk exercise to that consists of more than just myself :-D

    Today's exercise: level 2 30ds (strength/cardio) - 240
    2 short rides total - 140
    work - 200 (still trialling including work as cardio)

    Ate pretty darn healthy today I think (with the exception of that hot mocha, those store bought falafels and a deeelicious serve of dark chocolate) and came in juuust under my allowance. Feeling pretty good.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    Assessment: 100%

    Strength: 5/3/1 Week 3 Phase 2
    - Chin-ups 5 x 10
    - Chest Supported Rows 5/3/1+ (7)
    - DB Rows 5 x 10
    - Face Pulls 5 x 10
    - Shrugs 5 x 10

    Ab's: Actually had a pretty big ab cramp after my last set, like from top-to-bottom... never realized that could hurt so much. LOL
    - Palloff Press 2 x 25sec's
    - Weighted Reverse Crunch 8x8 (8 reps -> rest 10 sec -> 8 reps, etc)

    Cardio: Yeah after the ab work I was done.
    Another good workout!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member

    can I join the TLFC? I love to eat and so I have realised, I love to exercise too. I'm 30 day shredding at the moment and keep joining shred groups which in turn become utterly deserted in no time at all, what's with that?! *watches the tumbleweeds rolling across the screen*.

    I don't track my water, I drink when thirsty and I am often thirsty, so I think that probably covers it. What happens if you drink too much? Would a person in their right state of mind conceivably have the urge to even do that? And I'm ambivalent about goals which revolve around numbers on scales but I would live to have a group to talk exercise to that consists of more than just myself :-D

    Today's exercise: level 2 30ds (strength/cardio) - 240
    2 short rides total - 140
    work - 200 (still trialling including work as cardio)

    Ate pretty darn healthy today I think (with the exception of that hot mocha, those store bought falafels and a deeelicious serve of dark chocolate) and came in juuust under my allowance. Feeling pretty good.
    As long as you're SERIOUS about it, of course you can join! With the water, you really can't over drink because any excess gets urinated or sweated out, but you do have to make sure your electrolytes are balanced. Have you checked to see if you may have diabetes?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    So yesterday I was at my in-laws and ate fine, but on the way home I wanted to eat at Chik-Fil-A since it's over an hour away, but only 10 minutes from my in-laws and in the same town where my parents live. That's where I got killed. I had 2 Chik-Fil-A sandwiches! Oh well, I'll have do some work today while watching football I guess!

    Cardio: walk/jog- 2 miles (280 calories)


    Assessment" I don't regret eating the sandwiches since it's been over 1 year and a half since I've had one.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Mmmm chik'fil'a -- I don't eat there anymore because of the causes they give their money to although I think they are all franchises so my few purchases are probably pretty limited in effect. As fried chicken goes I don't think they are as bad as some - the breading is so light.

    I'm still working out ...kind of ... .but the moving and painting is derailing my ability to stop and check in here every day. I'll be back when the moving is done. I did 3 whole pushups after my day of painting yesterday and conked out so I'm going to try and get in SOMETHING today (although we're painting another room today so we'll see) because I only have personal training 2x week and if I don't do at least one workout myself that seems pretty low.

    Anyone have any ideas for exercises that will let us climb over walls? We're going to register for an obstacle course 5k and I assume there will be at least one wall to go over
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    So yesterday I was at my in-laws and ate fine, but on the way home I wanted to eat at Chik-Fil-A since it's over an hour away, but only 10 minutes from my in-laws and in the same town where my parents live. That's where I got killed. I had 2 Chik-Fil-A sandwiches! Oh well, I'll have do some work today while watching football I guess!

    Cardio: walk/jog- 2 miles (280 calories)


    Assessment" I don't regret eating the sandwiches since it's been over 1 year and a half since I've had one.

    I have a feeling you don't do that often, wouldn't worry about it.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    So yesterday I was at my in-laws and ate fine, but on the way home I wanted to eat at Chik-Fil-A since it's over an hour away, but only 10 minutes from my in-laws and in the same town where my parents live. That's where I got killed. I had 2 Chik-Fil-A sandwiches! Oh well, I'll have do some work today while watching football I guess!

    Cardio: walk/jog- 2 miles (280 calories)


    Assessment" I don't regret eating the sandwiches since it's been over 1 year and a half since I've had one.

    Sometimes it's good to have one meal like that. Glad you don't regret it.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    This weekend was sports.

    Saturday: 2 games (120 minutes) of semi-contract flag football. Love football, so glad to get the season underway again.

    Sunday: Had 1 hour and half of flag football practice in morning. In afternoon, played 2 games (120 minutes) of slow-pitch softball.

    I am SORE. Tomorrow's a rest day for sure.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Ooook I lied about getting a workout in today. The painting is so TIRING.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    This weekend was sports.

    Saturday: 2 games (120 minutes) of semi-contract flag football. Love football, so glad to get the season underway again.

    Sunday: Had 1 hour and half of flag football practice in morning. In afternoon, played 2 games (120 minutes) of slow-pitch softball.

    I am SORE. Tomorrow's a rest day for sure.
    Nice! I love flag football!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    Ooook I lied about getting a workout in today. The painting is so TIRING.
    Long a stroke Danielsan. Breed in, breed out. Up..................down.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Monday! New month and new goals! I plan to be 10lbs. lighter by the end of the month so back to cycling my carbs and really focusing on my calorie intake. I'll really have to focus on making sure I load only when I need to. Also changing my work out to focus on strength this month!

    Cardio:walk/jog 3 mi (500 calories)

    Strength:quads-leg extension, leg press, squat, lunges. 4x6

    Assessment:Okay this is it! My Fall/Winter cut up!