"TLFC" exercise and accountability support!



  • Javajunkie67
    Javajunkie67 Posts: 167 Member
    LOL! Love the karate kid reference. I'm sure it's beautiful Tameko.

    Had a long day on Saturday, 3 plus hours of putting in sod and garden stuff. Easily made food and water!

    Sunday I got a cardio workout in for 300 cals. Tae Bo take off again.

    No strength, but it was cleaning and laundry day.

    Food and water were good, but I was over on sugar. I never realized tomatoes had that much sugar. The last of them are coming in and they are yummy! I must have eaten 8 this weekend.
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
    Meant to post last night, but.....

    Friday night: Legs
    3 x 12
    leg press
    leg extension
    wide stance barbell squat
    seated let curl
    seated calf raise
    calf press (sub for standing calf raises)

    Cardio: none

    Saturday: moved 2 ricks firewood and two sets of washer & dryer.

    Sunday: Rest

    Assessment: Water under on Saturday, good on Friday. Food bad on Saturday - not too bad on Sunday. Weekends kill me!
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Woot! (about joining that is) Hadn't thought of diabetes. I'm 24 with a bmi of about 30 so probably not, regardless, now I'm curious, shall actually make a concerted effort to track water tomorrow just to get an idea.

    Cardio: Collective efforts of cycling and walking (500)

    Cardio/Strength: 30ds level 2 (200)

    Assessment: Very bad food day although did a good job of salvaging. Aside from a very delicious ice coffee which I don't take back, the other not so good foods are all down to a lack of planning and prep and that's the only way to avoid them I think. Shall be doing some thoughtful food prep tomorrow :-)
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Assessment: I feel great and ready to start my 3rd phase of 5/3/1.

    Strength: chest & tri's
    Bench Press 5/5/5+ (did 12.... improved weight by 5lbs and increased by 2 reps!)
    - Dips bw+25lbs 4x10 1x8
    - High Low Crossover: 5 x 10
    - Skullcrusher 5 x 10
    - Rope Ext 5 x 10

    Cardio: only got 24 min. 15 min in my shin started burning and the muscle around my ankle got very tight, so I stopped. My ankle was popping in and out for a while.
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
    Monday Oct 3rd

    Cardio: Walking the dogs. One is 10, one is 4. I walk each one separate. The 4 yr old does his "walk" in sprints. Full out run then stop, sniff, pee - repeat.

    Strength: Legs

    3 x 10
    Leg Extensions
    Wide Stance Barbell Squates
    Walking lunges
    single-leg dumbbell deadlift
    lying leg curls
    seated calf raise
    seated calf press

    Assessment: Monday after a bad eating weekend. That says it all. Back on track today though. Water - good. Food - better.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    LOL! Love the karate kid reference. I'm sure it's beautiful Tameko.

    Had a long day on Saturday, 3 plus hours of putting in sod and garden stuff. Easily made food and water!

    Sunday I got a cardio workout in for 300 cals. Tae Bo take off again.

    No strength, but it was cleaning and laundry day.

    Food and water were good, but I was over on sugar. I never realized tomatoes had that much sugar. The last of them are coming in and they are yummy! I must have eaten 8 this weekend.
    You do know that tomatoes are a fruit?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    Meant to post last night, but.....

    Friday night: Legs
    3 x 12
    leg press
    leg extension
    wide stance barbell squat
    seated let curl
    seated calf raise
    calf press (sub for standing calf raises)

    Cardio: none

    Saturday: moved 2 ricks firewood and two sets of washer & dryer.

    Sunday: Rest

    Assessment: Water under on Saturday, good on Friday. Food bad on Saturday - not too bad on Sunday. Weekends kill me!
    Good enough!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    Woot! (about joining that is) Hadn't thought of diabetes. I'm 24 with a bmi of about 30 so probably not, regardless, now I'm curious, shall actually make a concerted effort to track water tomorrow just to get an idea.

    Cardio: Collective efforts of cycling and walking (500)

    Cardio/Strength: 30ds level 2 (200)

    Assessment: Very bad food day although did a good job of salvaging. Aside from a very delicious ice coffee which I don't take back, the other not so good foods are all down to a lack of planning and prep and that's the only way to avoid them I think. Shall be doing some thoughtful food prep tomorrow :-)
    Think of some good ones!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    Assessment: I feel great and ready to start my 3rd phase of 5/3/1.

    Strength: chest & tri's
    Bench Press 5/5/5+ (did 12.... improved weight by 5lbs and increased by 2 reps!)
    - Dips bw+25lbs 4x10 1x8
    - High Low Crossover: 5 x 10
    - Skullcrusher 5 x 10
    - Rope Ext 5 x 10

    Cardio: only got 24 min. 15 min in my shin started burning and the muscle around my ankle got very tight, so I stopped. My ankle was popping in and out for a while.
    I get that occasionally too.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    Monday Oct 3rd

    Cardio: Walking the dogs. One is 10, one is 4. I walk each one separate. The 4 yr old does his "walk" in sprints. Full out run then stop, sniff, pee - repeat.

    Strength: Legs

    3 x 10
    Leg Extensions
    Wide Stance Barbell Squates
    Walking lunges
    single-leg dumbbell deadlift
    lying leg curls
    seated calf raise
    seated calf press

    Assessment: Monday after a bad eating weekend. That says it all. Back on track today though. Water - good. Food - better.
    Nice. I love doing legs.
  • dreambig_gohome
    dreambig_gohome Posts: 194 Member
    Hi! I'm new to the forum and have been tracking my exercise and food for about a month. I have a gym membership and am a trained ballroom dancer, but have been adding a lot more cardio and strength exercises to slim down, tone up and strengthen some problem areas. I would like to post about my workouts but was just curious how many sessions a week most people engage in. I usually add three sessions a week to my regimen. I already generally burn 600-800 calories on a day with ballroom training so I won't count that in my general postings.

    Here is my workout for today:

    Treadmill - jogging - 5.5mph - 10 minutes - 130 calories
    Stationary bike - Hills Resistance program - sustained between 18.5-20.0 mph - 15 minutes - 130 calories
    Oblique abdominal crunches with 4 lb medicine ball - 2 sets of ten reps
    Regular abdominal crunches on incline with 4 lb medicine ball - 2 sets of 25 reps
    Leg press - 100 lbs - 3 sets of 8 reps
    Toe Press for physical therapy strengthening on ankle - 10 lbs - 3 sets of 10 reps
    Free weights - 10 pounds - dance-specific work - 5 sets of 10 reps

    Water - 4 16.0 water bottles [at least]
    Food - 737 calories under daily goal.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Assessment: Feeling good, I'm really liking this fasted weight lifting thing so far. I load up on EAA's and BCAA's before my workout and then consume some during my workout. I've actually beaten my PR on two lifts this week and I've hit my first weight loss goal at the same time.

    Strength: 5/3/1 phase 3 / week1
    - Hack Squat 5/5/5+ (hit 11 reps, beat my PR by 1 rep)
    - Superset 1: Walking Lunges 5 x 8 -> Leg Extensions 5 x 10
    - Superset 2: RDL's 5 x 8 -> Lying Leg Curls 5 x 10

    Cardio: Ankle is a little sore today but I will be attending a convention today and will probably end-up walking 2 to 3 miles over the course of the day, didn't feel the need for a dedicated cardio session.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    Hi! I'm new to the forum and have been tracking my exercise and food for about a month. I have a gym membership and am a trained ballroom dancer, but have been adding a lot more cardio and strength exercises to slim down, tone up and strengthen some problem areas. I would like to post about my workouts but was just curious how many sessions a week most people engage in. I usually add three sessions a week to my regimen. I already generally burn 600-800 calories on a day with ballroom training so I won't count that in my general postings.

    Here is my workout for today:

    Treadmill - jogging - 5.5mph - 10 minutes - 130 calories
    Stationary bike - Hills Resistance program - sustained between 18.5-20.0 mph - 15 minutes - 130 calories
    Oblique abdominal crunches with 4 lb medicine ball - 2 sets of ten reps
    Regular abdominal crunches on incline with 4 lb medicine ball - 2 sets of 25 reps
    Leg press - 100 lbs - 3 sets of 8 reps
    Toe Press for physical therapy strengthening on ankle - 10 lbs - 3 sets of 10 reps
    Free weights - 10 pounds - dance-specific work - 5 sets of 10 reps

    Water - 4 16.0 water bottles [at least]
    Food - 737 calories under daily goal.
    Some post daily, and other every other day. There's no set program. The reason for the thread is for accountability and if you need some help, feel free to ask me or others. Welcome!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    Assessment: Feeling good, I'm really liking this fasted weight lifting thing so far. I load up on EAA's and BCAA's before my workout and then consume some during my workout. I've actually beaten my PR on two lifts this week and I've hit my first weight loss goal at the same time.

    Strength: 5/3/1 phase 3 / week1
    - Hack Squat 5/5/5+ (hit 11 reps, beat my PR by 1 rep)
    - Superset 1: Walking Lunges 5 x 8 -> Leg Extensions 5 x 10
    - Superset 2: RDL's 5 x 8 -> Lying Leg Curls 5 x 10

    Cardio: Ankle is a little sore today but I will be attending a convention today and will probably end-up walking 2 to 3 miles over the course of the day, didn't feel the need for a dedicated cardio session.
    Let me guess you're at a Beach Body convention.........................
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Tuesday! I am feeling the heavy quad workout this morning. The real "deep" sore from squatting and leg pressing really heavy! But I LOVE IT!!! Looking to continue today!!!!

    Cardio:walk/jog- 3 miles (400 calories)

    Strength:back- pulldowns, bent over rows, seated rows, straight arm pulldowns. 4x6

    Assessment: Dropped off about 2lbs of water and waste today!
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Cardio: Tae kwondo training, I guess it to be about 300 calories tonight, didn't get worked very hard

    Cardio/strength: 30ds level 2, really wasn't feeling it, coulda just gone to bed instead (it's late), the boyfriend wandered in 5 minutes in and told me all my jumping up and down would wake the housemates, but there's no way I was stopping then, traded some jumpy cardio for boxing and soldiered through, glad I did, Think I'm about 18 days in now, begrudgingly getting stronger :-D

    Assessment: Average day, some lazy food but in small enough quantities that I am still under goal by a comfortable margin, got half way through cooking some stuff but no chance to eat it, tomorrow, it's time will have come. Drank maybe 10 refills of a 400 ml cup, so, 4 litres if my mental maths has not failed me.
  • dreambig_gohome
    dreambig_gohome Posts: 194 Member
    Short hard workout today.

    Treadmill jog - 5.5 mph - 10 minutes - 130 calories

    Strength Training:
    Free Weights - Dance Specific - 10 pound weights - 20 minutes

    Oblique crunches, regular crunches, planks, other crunches - 10 minutes
    Deep stretching exercises targeting back, stomach, hamstrings, calves, deltors - 10 minutes

    Food goal: 300 cals under goal
    Water: 8 glasses
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
    Cardio: 60 min spin class 447 cal. Not normal, but my legs are so stinkin sore from the workout yesterday I just couldn't get it going like normal.


    3 x10
    Wide grip lat pull down
    seated narrow grip cable rows
    bent over barbell row
    back extensions
    barbell curl
    hammer curl

    Assessment: Food a little under - only because babysitting granddaughter after workout, grabbed Subway salad. Ewwwww To salty - couldn't eat it. Water - gallon +
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    Cardio: Tae kwondo training, I guess it to be about 300 calories tonight, didn't get worked very hard

    Cardio/strength: 30ds level 2, really wasn't feeling it, coulda just gone to bed instead (it's late), the boyfriend wandered in 5 minutes in and told me all my jumping up and down would wake the housemates, but there's no way I was stopping then, traded some jumpy cardio for boxing and soldiered through, glad I did, Think I'm about 18 days in now, begrudgingly getting stronger :-D

    Assessment: Average day, some lazy food but in small enough quantities that I am still under goal by a comfortable margin, got half way through cooking some stuff but no chance to eat it, tomorrow, it's time will have come. Drank maybe 10 refills of a 400 ml cup, so, 4 litres if my mental maths has not failed me.
    Sounds good enough!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    Short hard workout today.

    Treadmill jog - 5.5 mph - 10 minutes - 130 calories

    Strength Training:
    Free Weights - Dance Specific - 10 pound weights - 20 minutes

    Oblique crunches, regular crunches, planks, other crunches - 10 minutes
    Deep stretching exercises targeting back, stomach, hamstrings, calves, deltors - 10 minutes

    Food goal: 300 cals under goal
    Water: 8 glasses
    Good. On a quick note: it's deltoids, but good with the stretching.