"TLFC" exercise and accountability support!



  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Happy Friday, all!

    Check-in with my doctor was good. Blood work shows improvement (thyroid, insulin issues), so the small changes I made 3 months ago are helping. Also had her look at my sprained ankle and the bruise from softball. Everything seems to be healing well. Will try a short run tomorrow.

    Strength training:

    Bench Press: 5x5x72.5lb
    OHP: 5x5x52.5lb
    Pendlay Row: 5x5x72.5lb
    Goblet Squats: 5x5x25lb (kept it lighter for the ankle)

    Food: Been over on carbs last couple days, but still dropped 1 pound (and with no exercise, too). B)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,718 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy weekend! Got one client this morning at the Tennis Club and then just doing some laundry after that.

    Cardio: jog/walk- 2 miles (300 calories)

    Strength: NONE

    Assessment: Taco Bell last night for dinner.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    Cardio: 3.7 mile run. Easy pace to test out the ankle. No pain, just some expected swelling. 42 minutes.

    Food: cookies did me in.

  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Saturday I swam for 40 minutes and had a big session at the gym this morning.

    Today: 30 min calisthenics warmup including pushups, planks, physio ball pikes and bridges, lateral raises, body weight squats and lunges, back extensions, incline side crunch twists, hanging leg lifts, crunch machine and stair master. 60 min weight lifting including leg press <15 @ 310 lbs, 12 @ 400 lbs, 10 @ 490 lbs, 8 @ 540 lbs>, squats <10 @ 75 lbs, 5 @ 85 lbs, 5 @ 95 lbs, 5 @ 115 lbs and 5 @ 125 lbs>, bent over rows <2X 5 @ 65 lbs, 2X 5 @ 75 lbs and 5 @ 85 lbs>, 3X 8 inverted rows, 3X 8 seated dips w/120 lbs added, 3X 8 seated row w/85 and 3X 10 inner thigh w/100. 10 min bike.

    My hip is finally 100% so I upped my squats by 10lb today............felt good so will go for more next week.

    Food has been in the 1600 to 1650 range. I'm down about 1.5 lbs this month with only about 5 or 6 left to go!

    Have a great Sunday!!!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Happy Sunday!

    Softball: Two games as catcher. We lost, as usual, lol. Got one good hit. Ankle felt decent.

    Food: on target.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,718 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Monday! 4 clients this morning then 4 tonight. It was a good/bad weekend for football. On the bright side, I won my fantasy games, but the 9ers looked horrible. It' gonna be a long year for my team.

    Cardio: run/jog 2 miles (300 calories)

    Strength: quads- leg press, squat, leg extension 12,10,8,6 x 4

    Assessment: I ate okay. Had breakfast yesterday which isn't something I normally do.
  • markmacare
    markmacare Posts: 198 Member
    Hey gang,

    Workout from last Friday:
    Dumbbell Squat: 2x8x27kg
    Dumbbell Bench Press: 2x8x25kg
    Dumbbell Bent-over Row: 2x8x25
    Overhead Dumbbell Press: 2x8x14kg
    Stiff-legged Dumbbell Deadlifts: 2x8x32
    Dumbbell Curls: 2x8x14
    Dumbbell Calf Raises: 2x8x36

    Decent food intake, but need to increase calories even more.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Strength training:

    Bench Press: 5x5x75lb
    OHP: 5x5x52.5lb
    Pendlay Row: 5x5x72.5lb
    Push ups: 1x5

    Food: too much.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,718 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Tuesday! 4 clients this morning then 3 tonight. Busy again. I've had to expand my schedule a little longer on Monday and Wednesday's to accommodate another client, but it's only a half hour.

    Cardio: jog/walk 2 mile (300 calories)

    Strength: hamstrings and shoulders- lying leg curls, seated leg curls, shoulder press, side laterals, machine rear laterals. 12,10,8,6 reps for 4 sets.

    Assessment: Lamb and vegetables for dinner.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Yesterday I swam for 40 minutes and then back to the gym this morning with my trainer. I only have 2 training sessions left after working with my current trainer for a year and another year before that with a different trainer. We're cutting back a little so it's one of those things that has to go...........uggghhhh. Hopefully, next year I'll be able to get back to it. I'm going to miss it.

    Today: 25 min calisthenics warmup including pushups, planks, physio ball pikes and bridges, rengade rows, lateral raises, physio ball crunch w/25 lbs, back extensions and incline side crunch twists. 45 min strength training w/Brent including 3X 10 each arm squat/high row w/40 lbs KB, 3X 15 single leg cable RDL, 10 deadlifts @ 95 (warmup), 2@ 145 lbs and 1@ 165 lbs, 3X 10 inner thigh @ 100. 12 min rowing level 10/31 SPM.

    Food: Still at about 1650. I'll bump it back up soon but I'm really trying to lose the last 5 lbs..............

    Looks like you're all doing well and working hard!!!! Good job!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Hey all!

    Cardio: 6 mile run, easy pace. 71 minutes.

    Food: Good day.
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    edited September 2015
    Warmup: 10 minutes jumprope (easy / moderate pace; pull-ups in 5 sets of two with push-ups with reps of 30 between; 3 rounds shadow boxing with 2 lb weights the first round
    Body of workout: heavy bag work (light to moderate intensity for 6 of 8 rounds working a somewhat technical combination) 2 high intensity rounds working speed and power; sparring (light intensity 4 rounds)
    Cool down: abs 2 sets of 50 crunches; 2 sets of 15 seal claps (like a v up but you raise one leg higher and clap under it); 2 sets of 50 alternating toe touches; 1 set of 20 toe touches; 3 sets of bicycles; 2 1 minute planks. No breaks transitioning between ab exercises.
    Avoided legs today and went pretty easy on boxing because I did a brutal trail run yesterday and my legs are torn up.
    Note: my rounds are in a 3 minute work 30 second rest format. During rest I stretched, smacked my cramping legs, or practiced combos and head movement in slow motion.

    Food: okay, heavy on carbs, but I felt a little depleted from the 3 hour trail run yesterday.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,718 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Humpday! 4 clients this morning and 4 tonight. Last day of the month. Finishing strong today.

    Cardio: run/jog- 2 miles (400 calories)

    Strength: chest- incline bench, Hammer bench, dips, seated flyes. 12,10,8,6 x 4

    Assessment: Brat last night for dinner.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Welcome to the group Robyn...............great workout!!

    Today: 30 min calisthenics warmup including pushups, planks, physio ball pikes and bridges, situps and crunch twists w/12 lb ball, BW squats and lunges, back extensions, incline crunch twists and stairmaster. 60 min strength training and weight lifting including bench press <2X 6 @ 65 lb, 1X 5 @ 75 lbs, 1X 5 @ 85 lbs and 1X 5 @ 90 lbs>, standing tricep overhead extension 3X 10 @ 15/15 lbs, 3X 8 bicep curls w/15/15 lbs, 3X 8 each side uneven pushups, leg press <15 @ 310 lbs, 12 @ 400 lbs, 10 @ 490 lbs, 8 @ 540 lbs, 2X 16 side lunges w/22.5/22.5 lbs and 2X 12 KB alt hand swing w/25 lbs. 10 min bike at level 11 and 13 mph.

    I've been doing 540 leg press for several weeks now and think it's time to up it to 560..........next week!

    Sticking to about 1650 still.

    Happy Hump Day!

    Tomorrow will be dog walk Thursday here! B)
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    Warmup: 10 min jumprope, 8x2 ball pikes, 10x8 ball pass v ups, 10x2 knees to chest on roller, 15x2 alternating leg planks on ball, 3x3 min round shadow boxing
    body: 8 rounds heavy bag easy pace 6 rounds; intense pace 2 rounds
    Cool down: 2 rounds double end bag, 1 round speed bag; push-ups 30x2, leg lifts with hip lift at end 30x2, sit up touch the top 3x2

    Assessment- went really easy at the gym. Tired tired tired today and legs still sore from run 2 days ago. Food could have been way better. Boredom snacking at work. I also have a tendency to eat more when I'm extra tired because I think it will give more energy. Water probably would have helped more.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Happy Wednesday, all!

    Strength training:

    Bench Press: 5x5x75lb
    OHP: 5x5x52.5
    Pendlay Row: 5x5x75lb
    Bodyweight squats: 5x10

    Food: on target.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,718 Member
    Welcome Robyn!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,718 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Thursday! 4 clients this morning and then 3 tonight. New month!! Hoping I can win some money this weekend in FanDuel fantasy football.

    Cardio: jog/walk- 2 miles (300 calories)

    Strength: back- pullups, bent over rows, seated cable rows, pullovers. 12,10,8,6 x 4 sets

    Assessment: Ribs for dinner.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Extended our walk/jog out to an hour this morning. Jogged the entire flat section so the dog was loving it!!! I remember when just getting to the park from our house was a challenge, now we make it to the park and then walk around the park for at least another mile...... B)

    Looks like I'm going to hit 1700 today..........still a deficit though!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Happy Thursday!

    Cardio: 5 mile run, easy pace. 60 minutes.

    Food: Greek tonight!