"TLFC" exercise and accountability support!



  • justgirl81
    justgirl81 Posts: 244 Member
    Workout: 8 mile run
    Weigh In: 108.6 lbs
    *TMI: major backup. :(

    1. Reach 104.0lbs by 1/1/24
    2. Punch in 30 minutes early every day (be an Outstanding employee).
    3. Read 1 chapter Bible every day
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy weekend! Happy New Year! I'm not feeling my best after a pretty nasty cold, so I'm kinda dragging around the gym.

    Cardio Walking/jog- 30min (260 calories)

    Strength: Hamstrings- lying leg curls, seated leg curls, stiff legged deadlifts 4x15

    Assessment: Popeye's chicken sandwich for dinner.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,809 Member
    Fantasy football: As predicted, I lost. Though to be fair, having ANY QB, even Lamar Jackson this week, wouldn't have made a difference, I got outplayed that badly across the board. Guess I should just be happy about making it to the title game in consecutive years.

    NFL: Broncos won, yay! Chiefs won to clinch the division, Steelers won to knock us out of the wild card, boo! But we are .500 with a chance to clinch a winning record next week, and that's really what we were hoping to see happen at the start of the year, so we'll live without the playoffs one more year. But watch out next year! Chiefs are falling apart, we're gaining momentum, we'll be making a push for the division next season! (If we can find a QB, that is...)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Monday and Happy New Year! Well let's see how it goes today and how many revolutionists show up and inundate the gym. I was sick yesterday and so we didn't attend the party we usually attend every year. First time in over 20 years we didn't do it.

    Cardio: Walk/jog- 260 calories

    Strength: shoulders- shoulder press, dumbbell side laterals, high elbow rear pulls, facepulls, cable side laterals 4x15

    Assessment: I stayed home and just had leftover food and soup. 9ers clinched after the Eagles choked and now we don't even have to try to win next week.
  • justgirl81
    justgirl81 Posts: 244 Member
    Workout: 8 mile run
    Weigh In: 108.4 lbs

    1. Reach 104.0lbs by 1/11/24
    2. Punch in 30 minutes early every day (be an Outstanding employee).
    3. Read 1 chapter Bible every day
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,809 Member
    edited January 1
    Weights: Upper Power

    Bench Press 5x5
    Cable Row 5x5
    Machine Decline Press 5x5
    Machine High Row 5x5
    Seated BB OHP 3x5
    Cable Woodchoppers 3x10 (High, Cross, Low)

    Analysis: First workout of the year, first workout in about 10 days. Felt rested and powerful.

    Food: Last night was lasagna with side salad
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Tuesday! Full schedule and kickboxing class this morning. Well still waiting to see how many show up today. It's like a regular morning, but of course I'm here at 5am.

    Cardio: Walking/jog- 260 calories

    Strength: chest- incline chest press, machine flat bench, dips, machine flyes, cable crossovers. 4x15

    Assessment: Thai food for dinner last night.

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,809 Member
    Weights: Lower Power

    Rack Pull 5x5
    BB Hip Thrust 5x5
    One-Leg Press 5x5 <superset> Leg Press Calf Extend 5x15
    Cable Crunch 4x10

    Analysis: Normal amount of lifters at 5am, no sign of New Years resolutioners.

    Food: Last night was homemade pizza
  • justgirl81
    justgirl81 Posts: 244 Member
    edited January 2
    Workout: 6 mile crosstrainer
    Weigh In: 107.8 lbs

    1. Reach 104.0lbs by 1/11/24
    2. Punch in 30 minutes early every day (be an Outstanding employee).
    3. Read 1 chapter Bible every day
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    Hey gang!

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Humpday! Full schedule and my long day. Things still pretty normal with only a few new faces.

    Cardio: jog/walk- 30 minutes (300 calories)

    Strength: biceps- barbell curls, preacher curls, cable curls 4x15

    Assessment: Steak and vegetables for dinner.

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,809 Member
    Workout: None. Transitioning to a 4-day work week, and since I leave work early on Thursday for church choir practice, experimenting with arriving at work early on Wednesday. This removes my only dedicated cardio day, so not ideal for long term, but just for a week or two while I'm massaging my schedule and figure out the details.

    Food: Last night was chicken fajitas.
  • justgirl81
    justgirl81 Posts: 244 Member
    edited January 3
    Workout: 8 mile run
    Weigh In: 108.8 lbs

    1. Reach 104.0lbs by 1/11/24
    2. Punch in 30 minutes early every day (be an Outstanding employee).
    3. Read entire Bible in order. Minimum 1 chapter every day starting with Genesis 1 (Today accomplished: Genesis 7 and 8)

    I've been taking in too many calories.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,809 Member
    While possible, the rapid daily changes you've been seeing in weight, both up and down, are almost assuredly caused by changes in hydration levels, aka water weight.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    Hey gang!

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Thursday! Full schedule and kickboxing class. Just working.

    Cardio: Walk/jog- 260 calories

    Strength: back- pulldowns, bent over barbell rows, seated cable rows, straight arm pulldowns, 4x15

    Assessment: Asian short ribs for dinner and rice.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,809 Member
    Weights: Upper Hypertrophy

    Incline Bench Press 3x10
    DB Bench Press 3x10
    BB Row 4x10
    Pulldown 3x10 (1 set each hands over, under, neutral-grip)
    Face Pull 3x10
    Cable Lateral Raise 3x10
    Preacher Curl 3x8 (3-second negatives)
    Cable Pushdown 3x8 (3-second negatives)
    Perloff Press 3x15sec

    Analysis: Cable lateral raises are a real ego-swallower, had to use HALF the weight I use with DB's, and a THIRD the weight from the machine I've been using.

    Food: Last night was goulash

  • justgirl81
    justgirl81 Posts: 244 Member
    Workout: 8 mile crosstrainer
    Weigh In: 108.8 lbs

    1. Reach 104.0lbs by 1/11/24
    2. Punch in 30 minutes early every day (be an Outstanding employee).
    3. Read entire Bible in order. Minimum 1 chapter every day starting with Genesis 1 (Today accomplished: Genesis 9)

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy TGIF! No work today because I'm driving my daughter down to LA so she can start attending dance academy for the next 5 months. It's a little saddening for me because this is the first time she's going out on her own and I've never been away from her for more than 2 weeks. She's grown up now.

    Cardio: jog/walk- 3 miles (350 calories)

    Strength: triceps- pressdowns, lying tricep extensions, cable kickbacks, machine dips 4x15

    Assessment Pizza for dinner.

  • justgirl81
    justgirl81 Posts: 244 Member
    Workout: 6 mile crosstrainer
    Weigh In: 108.6 lbs

    1. Reach 104.0lbs by 1/11/24
    2. Punch in 30 minutes early every day (be an Outstanding employee).
    3. Read entire Bible in order. Minimum 1 chapter every day starting with Genesis 1 (Today accomplished: Genesis 10)
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,809 Member
    edited January 6
    Snow shoveling and ice chipping - 30 minutes
    Weekly grocery walk - 60 minutes

    Weights: Lower Hypertrophy

    Squats 4x15
    BB Step-Ups 3x12
    BB RDL 3x10
    Leg Extension 3x12
    Lying Leg Curl 3x12
    Calves Extend 3x15
    Roman Chair Knee-Ups 4x15

    Analysis: I've decided to pull the RDL from my second leg day each week, given I already hammer my hamstrings and glutes on my heavy day. Though there is an argument to keeping them, not just for the glutes and hams, but also for the lower back. Hmm...what do you think, @ninerbuff?

    Food: Dinner last night was supposed to be pan-seared BBQ pork chops, but had to stay late at work to finish a project and didn't have time to cook before choir rehearsal, so ended up eating a Sonic burger instead. Making the pork tonight, though.
  • justgirl81
    justgirl81 Posts: 244 Member
    Workout: 6 mile crosstrainer
    Weigh In: 106.8 lbs

    1. Reach 104.0lbs by 1/11/24
    2. Punch in 30 minutes early every day (be an Outstanding employee).
    3. Read entire Bible in order. Minimum 1 chapter every day starting with Genesis 1 (Today accomplished: Genesis 11)