"TLFC" exercise and accountability support!



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Tuesday! Last month I didn't do very well with only a couple of pounds lost so now I have to up my game a little.


    Goal is to be 180 by the end of the month. Doable yes, but I have to really focus on higher burns now. So back to running and hitting the stepmill more.
    TKO this morning and 2 clients tonight!

    Cardio:Tabata protocol Arc Trainer- 12 minutes (4 minute warm up, Tabata, 4 minute cool down) 236 calories.

    Strength:hamstrings and shoulders- seated leg curl, lying leg curl, shoulder press, side lateral, reverse flyes. 12,10,8,6 increasing weight each set.

    Assessment: Good start from yesterday so here we go!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Humpday! A client this morning, one this evening and TKO. Have to repair one of the bags in class from yesterday when someone actually put their foot through the top of the base. Sucks.

    Cardio: walk/jog- 3 miles (590 calories)

    Strength: back- pullups, t-bar rows, seated cable rows, straight arm pressdowns. 12,10,8,6 increasing weight each set.

    Assessment: Had lamb for dinner yesterday. It was da bom.
  • spartacus69
    spartacus69 Posts: 235
    Missed yesterday; woke up with a knot in my middle back and didn't want to aggravate it. Heating pad, Aleve, and stretching helped. Kept food slightly under the net target, macros good. And I walked 2/3rds of a mile for my lunchtime turkey wrap, lol.

    Wednesday - Strength: Legs & Shoulders

    2x10 Dumbbell Deadlifts, 35s
    Barbell Squats, 10, 8, 6, 5 at 175lbs (slight increase)
    Bodyweight squats, lunges, and reverse lunges - 20x each
    Power Clean & Press, 8, 6, 5 at 100 (same)
    Stiff Leg Deadlifts, 10, 8 at 110 (increased)
    Upright Rows, 10, 8 at 85 (same)
    2x10 Dumbbell Shoulder Flyes, 20s

    May starting weight: 201.6.
  • dreambig_gohome
    dreambig_gohome Posts: 194 Member
    Hey guys - So here's the update! Spent the better part of all last week sick with an upper respiratory [chest AND sinus] infection that's three weeks so far. Dance is going phenomenal. Everything's been kicked into high gear lately. I'm battling exhaustion, sickness and a busy schedule, but I can do it!

    Dance lesson - 45 minutes of beating myself all to hell. Felt GREAT....but sore sore sore.


    Managed my gym circuit, and it was a killer routine.

    Cardio: Treadmill: 25 minutes: 215 calories burned

    Strength Training: 25 minutes: 192 calories burned
    Standing Tricep Extension 3x10x50
    Seated Lateral Pull Invert 3x10x75
    Free Weights 2x25x25
    Weighted Body Bar 3x12x12
    Abdominal Crunches 2x100
    Seated Lateral Pull 3x10x60
    Leg Press 3x10x160
    Toe Press 3x10x70


    Went bowling with my boyfriend, super fun but now that I'm so sore, it made everything harder! Haha. But we laughed a lot and burned a bit of calories and that's always great to do it in a fun way!

    Tomorrow and Friday I have dance, so those should be some awesome mega-burns. Going shopping tomorrow for some new essentials...I'm tired of making the old, too big ones fit. So that should be fun! Looking forward to an awesome close to the week.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    Missed yesterday; woke up with a knot in my middle back and didn't want to aggravate it. Heating pad, Aleve, and stretching helped. Kept food slightly under the net target, macros good. And I walked 2/3rds of a mile for my lunchtime turkey wrap, lol.

    Wednesday - Strength: Legs & Shoulders

    2x10 Dumbbell Deadlifts, 35s
    Barbell Squats, 10, 8, 6, 5 at 175lbs (slight increase)
    Bodyweight squats, lunges, and reverse lunges - 20x each
    Power Clean & Press, 8, 6, 5 at 100 (same)
    Stiff Leg Deadlifts, 10, 8 at 110 (increased)
    Upright Rows, 10, 8 at 85 (same)
    2x10 Dumbbell Shoulder Flyes, 20s

    May starting weight: 201.6.
    Nice! Let's hit your goal this month!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    Hey guys - So here's the update! Spent the better part of all last week sick with an upper respiratory [chest AND sinus] infection that's three weeks so far. Dance is going phenomenal. Everything's been kicked into high gear lately. I'm battling exhaustion, sickness and a busy schedule, but I can do it!

    Dance lesson - 45 minutes of beating myself all to hell. Felt GREAT....but sore sore sore.


    Managed my gym circuit, and it was a killer routine.

    Cardio: Treadmill: 25 minutes: 215 calories burned

    Strength Training: 25 minutes: 192 calories burned
    Standing Tricep Extension 3x10x50
    Seated Lateral Pull Invert 3x10x75
    Free Weights 2x25x25
    Weighted Body Bar 3x12x12
    Abdominal Crunches 2x100
    Seated Lateral Pull 3x10x60
    Leg Press 3x10x160
    Toe Press 3x10x70


    Went bowling with my boyfriend, super fun but now that I'm so sore, it made everything harder! Haha. But we laughed a lot and burned a bit of calories and that's always great to do it in a fun way!

    Tomorrow and Friday I have dance, so those should be some awesome mega-burns. Going shopping tomorrow for some new essentials...I'm tired of making the old, too big ones fit. So that should be fun! Looking forward to an awesome close to the week.
    Nice job dream!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Thursday! TKO this morning and an assessment. Also have a client tonight and now am looking to fill in my Thursday nights with clients because volleyball training is done.

    Cardio:Arc Trainer- level 100 12 min Tabata protocol (150 calories)

    Strength:chest- incline bench, Hammer bench, dips, seated flyes. 12,10,8,6 increasing weight each set.

    Assessment: Retaining some water, but not much.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    With a Warrior Dash coming up on the 12th, will be focusing on cardio for the next week, then back to the "usual" routine.

    Thursday: Cardio: 45 minutes of light jogging.

    Food: on target.

    May 1st starting weight: 167.2

    Goal is to get down to 165.
  • dreambig_gohome
    dreambig_gohome Posts: 194 Member
    With a Warrior Dash coming up on the 12th, will be focusing on cardio for the next week, then back to the "usual" routine.

    Thursday: Cardio: 45 minutes of light jogging.

    Food: on target.

    May 1st starting weight: 167.2

    Goal is to get down to 165.

    Good luck, I know you can do it!
  • dreambig_gohome
    dreambig_gohome Posts: 194 Member
    Oh my goodness....4 hours of heavy salsa dancing later - 1427 calories burned. I LOVE what I do!!!!

    Also, spent 300 dollars on all new clothes that actually fit me. Donated two 30-gal trash bags full of old clothes i shrunk out of. Im never looking back and it feels SO GOOD!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    Oh my goodness....4 hours of heavy salsa dancing later - 1427 calories burned. I LOVE what I do!!!!

    Also, spent 300 dollars on all new clothes that actually fit me. Donated two 30-gal trash bags full of old clothes i shrunk out of. Im never looking back and it feels SO GOOD!!
    What a great feeling dream! Good for you.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy TGIF and LCW! I'm doing my cardio this morning then I'm off to see the AVENGERS!!!!! And yes I will have a hot dog and nachos! Will hit the gym a second time later in the day to comp some of the calories, but I ALWAYS eat at the theaters!

    Cardio: jog/walk- 3 miles (600 calories)

    Strength: biceps and triceps- preacher curls, alternate curls, rope pressdowns, lying tricep extensions. 12,10,8,6

    Assessment: Must have been retaining a lot of water because I had a major drop this morning.
  • spartacus69
    spartacus69 Posts: 235
    Lol, have fun at the movie, Niner.

    Missed Thursday; business meetings early and late. Bad food.

    Friday: Deads, Back & Biceps

    Inverted rows (bodyweight) 2x10
    Barbell Deadlifts, 3 warmup sets, 3 working sets, 8, 6, 6 at 195
    3 sets pull ups, 15, 12, 10
    3 sets chin ups, 15, 12, 10
    2 sets barbell rows, 10, 8 at 135
    1-arm dumbbell rows, 15x 45s
    3x10 ez-bar curls, 65 lbs
    2x8 suppinated dumbbell curls, 30
    1x6 regular dumbbell curls, 30

    All weight same as last time.

    Happy Friday everyone!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    Lol, have fun at the movie, Niner.

    Missed Thursday; business meetings early and late. Bad food.

    Friday: Deads, Back & Biceps

    Inverted rows (bodyweight) 2x10
    Barbell Deadlifts, 3 warmup sets, 3 working sets, 8, 6, 6 at 195
    3 sets pull ups, 15, 12, 10
    3 sets chin ups, 15, 12, 10
    2 sets barbell rows, 10, 8 at 135
    1-arm dumbbell rows, 15x 45s
    3x10 ez-bar curls, 65 lbs
    2x8 suppinated dumbbell curls, 30
    1x6 regular dumbbell curls, 30

    All weight same as last time.

    Happy Friday everyone!
    Curious why you do pullups and chin ups in same session. But good back and bi's!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy weekend! Kickboxing this morning then later on I take my DD to watch "Mirror, Mirror"! I saw the "Avengers" yesterday and it was totally awesome! I'm gonna watch it again (I get free tickets since my sister and brother in law are both managers for Regal theatres) with the DW when she gets back from San Diego.

    Cardio: kickboxing- 60 min (500 calories)

    Strength: NONE

    Assessment: I was WAY over in calories from yesterday,but the scale was kind this morning.
  • spartacus69
    spartacus69 Posts: 235
    Curious why you do pullups and chin ups in same session. But good back and bi's!

    Hadn't really thought about it, lol. I guess it's habit from doing P90X, which has wide-grip pullups, chin ups, reverse-grip chins, and yet another grip variation for pullups, all in the same chest & back workout.

    Also the order of my list is a little misleading, as those are done in supersets with the inverted rows and the warm-up sets for the deadlifts. That part of the workout goes pretty fast, very little rest between sets, almost cardio. But then the working set deadlifts begin!

    So it's Saturday, weigh-in day ... and I'm UP 1.4 lbs. WTF? I had ONE bad food day this week, and missed ONE cardio workout. No change in how the new smaller-size clothes are fitting. Dude in the mirror looks alright. So I'm thinking it's water weight, and possibly muscle growth from the strength workouts. But that much? Probably not. Frustrating.

    Cardio today:

    30 minutes spinning to a free podcast. Killer! ~250 cals.
    40 minutes doing the Men's Health "Spartacus" workout. ~400 cals.

    Food: good so far. Going to a Cinco de Mayo party tonight ... will have to play it right.

    Hey Niner, is there any way to get an ACCURATE count of my RMR or BMR?
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Hello, all! Some great workouts going on.

    @Spartacus: I'm up a couple pounds this week, myself. I figure it's a mix of water retention and a couple off days in the eating. I'm sure it'll drop back off soon enough.

    Saturday: Cardio. HIIT sprint/jog mix

    1. 2 minute warm up - light jog.
    2. Sprint 15 seconds and recover jog for 45 seconds. 15 sets (15 minutes total).
    3. 10 minutes light paced jog.
    4. 1 minute sprint intervals with 1 minute of jogging. 13 minutes.
    5. 5 minutes stretching.

    Food: Off to a pool party. Not expecting to overeat.
  • spartacus69
    spartacus69 Posts: 235
    Thanks Brandi; you're probably right!

    Sunday Strength Day: Chest & Back

    Mixed up the routine a little bit, so I could incorporate supersets throughout the workout, keeping the heart rate elevated (very little rest time.) I should probably invest in a HRM at some point, lol.

    10 minute cardio/calisthenic warmup

    Pushups and inverted rows, 3x12 supersets with no rest.

    Flat bench press and wide-grip pullups (first three supersets), then bench press and 1-arm dumbbell rows (last three.)

    Incline bench press and side-grip pullups (four supersets).

    2-arm bent-over dumbell rows and military push-ups, 2 supersets.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Sunday: Softball!

    Two games. I was a sub for first game, so really, only 60 minutes as catcher. We won both games. Played well, had fun. Didn't feel like much exercise, though.

    Food: on target, calorie-wise. Enjoyed some extra chocolate.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    Curious why you do pullups and chin ups in same session. But good back and bi's!

    Hadn't really thought about it, lol. I guess it's habit from doing P90X, which has wide-grip pullups, chin ups, reverse-grip chins, and yet another grip variation for pullups, all in the same chest & back workout.

    Also the order of my list is a little misleading, as those are done in supersets with the inverted rows and the warm-up sets for the deadlifts. That part of the workout goes pretty fast, very little rest between sets, almost cardio. But then the working set deadlifts begin!

    So it's Saturday, weigh-in day ... and I'm UP 1.4 lbs. WTF? I had ONE bad food day this week, and missed ONE cardio workout. No change in how the new smaller-size clothes are fitting. Dude in the mirror looks alright. So I'm thinking it's water weight, and possibly muscle growth from the strength workouts. But that much? Probably not. Frustrating.

    Cardio today:

    30 minutes spinning to a free podcast. Killer! ~250 cals.
    40 minutes doing the Men's Health "Spartacus" workout. ~400 cals.

    Food: good so far. Going to a Cinco de Mayo party tonight ... will have to play it right.

    Hey Niner, is there any way to get an ACCURATE count of my RMR or BMR?
    Most of the online formulas are pretty accurate if you're honest with your actual activity. Try using the Mifflin/St. Jeor method of calculation since it's seems a little more accurate IMO.