September Century plus cycling challenge



  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    total week 1 42.2

    total week 2:143.4

    september: 185.6
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    20 miles yesterday. I'm on track for my goal.
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,168 Member
    9/1 6.93
    9/3 8.08
    9/4 1.00
    9/7 14.61
    9/10 10.10
    9/12 7.15

    Total 47.87
  • thcri
    thcri Posts: 459 Member
    Sept 4th 27.5 Miles
    Sept 5th 65.5 Miles
    Sept 7th 39.5 Miles
    Sept 9th. 15 Miles
    Sept 10th 62 Miles
    Sept 11th 26 Miles
    Sept 12th. 30 Miles

    Should be 266 for the month
    Will have to update my ticker tommorrow.

  • thcri
    thcri Posts: 459 Member
    9/1 6.93
    9/3 8.08
    9/4 1.00
    9/7 14.61
    9/10 10.10
    9/12 7.15

    Total 47.87

    Good for you Okie
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    Everyone is logging some crazy mileage. I feel like a slacker. My hubby finally registered for his century ride yesterday and is on week 4 of his training plan, so he is piling up the mileage as well.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    week 1 42.2

    week 2:143.4

    week 3: 25.8//

  • budkid
    budkid Posts: 50 Member

    I am at 102 miles for the month.
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    Sorry; I lost track of this topic. Here is my riding for the month so far:

    9/1 - 3 Miles
    9/2 - 22 Miles
    9/3 - 14 Miles
    9/4 - 16 Miles
    9/5 - 16 Miles
    9/7 - 16 Miles
    9/9 - 16 Miles
    9/10 - 24 Miles
    9/11 - 25 Miles
    9/13 - 21 Miles

    173 Miles for the month so far; I'm shooting for 500 miles, so I need to pick up the pace.

    Looks like everyone else is riding well.
  • thcri
    thcri Posts: 459 Member
    Work is doing everything it can to keep me off of my bike and is winning. I rode last Monday but it looks like now the earliest i can ride is Saturday. At my rate i wont hit my 400 let aline the 600 i need to for 3000 for the year.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    week 1 42.2

    week 2:143.4

    week 3: 25.8// 15.2

  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    So last Sunday I took my new bike, which is a cycle-cross bike, off road for a little while. It was a lot of fun, but I managed to knock the back tire out of true a bit. Since I have taken up fixing my own bike, I thought that I would be able to fix it. As it turns out I just made it worse. So I missed out on a week of commuting to work. Today I finally got it into some semblance of true and took it for a ride, but it didn't keep. So while watching The Godfather I completely rebuilt the wheel. I just took it out for another 15 miles and it worked great.

    Today 20.17 mi
    Month to Date : 71.31 mi
    I like doing my own work too, but wheels are something I will (reluctanly and at the same time gladly) pay for.
    9/1 6.93
    9/3 8.08
    9/4 1.00
    9/7 14.61
    9/10 10.10
    9/12 7.15

    Total 47.87
    OkieWorkout, another great month. Keep it up!!!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    week 1 42.2

    week 2:143.4

    week 3: 25.8// 15.2//16.3

  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    1/9/2011 - 24.39Km - (15.16 miles) - 1,645Kcal - local loop out of the front door, warm, sunny, gentle breeze :smile:
    2/9/2011 - 24.39Km - total 48.78Km (30.32 miles) - 1,607Kcal (3,252 Kcal total) - as above (to the metre!)
    4/9/2011 - 17.96Km - total 66.74Km (41.48 miles) - 1,260Kcal (5,502 Kcal total) - short local loop in the rain
    5/9/2011 - 24.42Km - total 91.19Km (56.65 miles) - 1,625Kcal (8,230 Kcal total) - blowing a hoolie out there think my extra 30m was side to side in the wind!
    6/9/2011 - 24.45km - total 115.64Km (71.84 miles) - 2,343Kcal (10,573 Kcal total) - horrible, horrible static bike stress testing for my knee injury at hospital - 5 minute warmup and warmdown, with a 10 mile "Keep it at 400+watts" in the middle... Yuk! Then, just for good measure, they stick 3 big needles in my knee, and can't give me any results for a couple of days... I've been happier :grumble:
    7/9/2011 - day off, letting the cortisone do it's stuff
    8/9/2011 - 24.42Km - total 140.06Km (87.01 miles) - 1,630Kcal (12,203 Kcal total) - normal local loop taking it steady to break my knee in gently
    9/9/2011 - 17.96Km - total 158.02km (98.17 miles) - 1,229 Kcal (13,432 Kcal total) - short loop - Dad's birthday today, & need to buy a present for him :smile:
    10/9/2011 - 24.38Km - total 182.40Km (113.32 miles) - 1,597 Kcal (15,029 Kcal total) - normal loop - horrible winds.
    11/9/2011 - sore throat / chest cold
    12/9/2011 - worse
    13/9/2011 - class A snot-fest
    14/9/2011 - anyone got any kleenex - I've used all the ones in the UK...
    15/9/2011 - drying up a little, but still not bike fit.

    Here's hoping I'll pick up for the weekend - getting cabin fever here, and Soooo need to get back out on the bike.
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    Rode 21 tonight; 194 for the month. Still hoping to hit 500 this month.
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,168 Member
    9/1 6.93
    9/3 8.08
    9/4 1.00
    9/7 14.61
    9/10 10.10
    9/12 7.15
    9/15 7.04

    Totals 54.91

    Everyone is doing GREAT! You guys are really racking up the miles! Even though the month is half over, I'm still going to fight to get my 150 miles this month. I'm in 12 MFP challenges during September and all of them are challenging me to do my best! I should get some good weight loss for this month!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    week 1 42.2

    week 2:143.4

    week 3: 25.8// 15.2// 16.3// 24.0//
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    1/9/2011 - 24.39Km - (15.16 miles) - 1,645Kcal - local loop out of the front door, warm, sunny, gentle breeze :smile:
    2/9/2011 - 24.39Km - total 48.78Km (30.32 miles) - 1,607Kcal (3,252 Kcal total) - as above (to the metre!)
    4/9/2011 - 17.96Km - total 66.74Km (41.48 miles) - 1,260Kcal (5,502 Kcal total) - short local loop in the rain
    5/9/2011 - 24.42Km - total 91.19Km (56.65 miles) - 1,625Kcal (8,230 Kcal total) - blowing a hoolie out there think my extra 30m was side to side in the wind!
    6/9/2011 - 24.45km - total 115.64Km (71.84 miles) - 2,343Kcal (10,573 Kcal total) - horrible, horrible static bike stress testing for my knee injury at hospital - 5 minute warmup and warmdown, with a 10 mile "Keep it at 400+watts" in the middle... Yuk! Then, just for good measure, they stick 3 big needles in my knee, and can't give me any results for a couple of days... I've been happier :grumble:
    7/9/2011 - day off, letting the cortisone do it's stuff
    8/9/2011 - 24.42Km - total 140.06Km (87.01 miles) - 1,630Kcal (12,203 Kcal total) - normal local loop taking it steady to break my knee in gently
    9/9/2011 - 17.96Km - total 158.02km (98.17 miles) - 1,229 Kcal (13,432 Kcal total) - short loop - Dad's birthday today, & need to buy a present for him :smile:
    10/9/2011 - 24.38Km - total 182.40Km (113.32 miles) - 1,597 Kcal (15,029 Kcal total) - normal loop - horrible winds.
    11/9/2011 - sore throat / chest cold
    12/9/2011 - worse
    13/9/2011 - class A snot-fest
    14/9/2011 - anyone got any kleenex - I've used all the ones in the UK...
    15/9/2011 - drying up a little, but still not bike fit.
    16/9/2011 - 17.65km - total 200.05Km (124.29 miles) - 1,143 Kcal (16,172 Kcal total) - gentle spin on MTB.
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    Rode 22 miles today; now have 216 miles for September.
  • thcri
    thcri Posts: 459 Member
    Sept 4th 27.5 Miles
    Sept 5th 65.5 Miles
    Sept 7th 39.5 Miles
    Sept 9th. 15 Miles
    Sept 10th 62 Miles
    Sept 11th 26 Miles
    Sept 12th. 30 Miles
    Sept 17th 49 Miles

    Should be 315 for the month
    Will have to update my ticker tommorrow.
