Team WEAPONS OF MASS REDUCTION - September forum 1

This is the official forum for the September food challenge WEAPONS OF MASS REDUCTION. Here is where we will meet, report, track and encourage each other. This is a "Closed Group" meaning this thread is only to be used by Team Members.

Presently, the WOMR Team consists of the following individuals:

RaclphCurt - Captain

If you do not want to be on the team of if I missed you hear, please let me know.


So this is how it is going to work.

Every day each of us will have the opportunity to earn 3 points

- One for the DAILY challenge,
- One for the WEEKLY challenge
- One for the MONTHY challenge

The daily and weekly challenges will be posted on Sunday for the following week. The monthly challenge is if you met your Food Plan for the month that day. See below for more information on a food plan.

Each week there will be a TEAM CHALLENGE that will be posted on Sunday. If we, as a TEAM complete the challenge, the team will earn 5 points!

Our team will also earn one point for every pound our team loses.

Every team member must report their stareting weight. You can post it here or PM me with it if you prefer. Every Sunday will be a weigh day and you will need to update me.

Because we have so many people on the team now, it is imparative that YOU take the initiative to post you progress every day. Every day you whould post your progress on this thread using the following format:

9/5 – Completed Daily, Weekly and Monthly Challenges - xxxxxx completred for team
9/6 –
9/7 –
9/8 –
9/9 –
9/10 –
9/11 -

The next day you would re[port as follows:

9/5 – Completed Daily, Weekly and Monthly Challenges - xxxxxx completred for team
9/6 – Completed Daily, Weekly and Monthly Challenges - xxxxxx completred for team
9/7 –
9/8 –
9/9 –
9/10 –
9/11 -

PLEASE report every day.

Also, we are going to give BeilaLin fantastic spreadsheet a try to see if it works for all of us BUT IT IS NOT THE OFFICIAL SCORE CARD. As the Captain I have the card that gets turned in and so I need you to nreport our scope using the fomat above. Hopefully once we see it work we can just use it exclusively.

Each month you will be asked to prepare a food plan that is specific for your desires. Please post your food plan on BeilaLin's spreadsheet. It should be simple and achievable. Mine, for example, will be as follows:

No processed sugar
No processed flour
Eating only 3 x per day
Eating 2000 calories per day

I highly encourage you to post your food plan and to share your struggles. This is the heart of this challenge.

That is it. Lets ROCK! This weeks foor challenge is coming up next. Please PM me if you have any questions!



  • rraallpphhccuurrtt

    Daily Challenges:

    Thursday 9/1 -
    Friday 9/2 -
    Saturday 9/3 -
    Sunday 9/4 -

    Weekly Challenge:

    Complete any 5 of the following challenges:

    No alcohol
    No fast food
    No refined sugar / soda
    Minimum of 4 veggie servings per day
    Minimum 1 fruit per day
    Protein at every meal
    No eating 2 hours before sleep
    no gluten
    no dairy
    no eating 2 hours before bed

    Montly Challenge:

    Live within your food plan!

    Remember: You cannot be more than 100 calories under your calorie limit as established by your food plan or MFP (your choice).

    These challenges will get progressively harder as the weeks progress.



    Please feell free to PM me with any questions.


    Then we could have extra point days... Like one vegetarian bread-less day....only whole food day..... Maybe one per week.

    Should we also put a minimum of 7 hours a sleep a night in there? Thats what I've thought so far....
  • rachelthefinn
    Hello! My starting weight is 157.4. (My lowest in MONTHS!)
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    hello ralph,

    weigh in today 179.5

    question: you stated that we should be within 100 calories as allowed by MFP,, do we eat our excercise calories or not???


  • rraallpphhccuurrtt

    question: you stated that we should be within 100 calories as allowed by MFP,, do we eat our excercise calories or not???



    Great question - No, you do not. Whatever your calorie limit is it stays, regardless of exercise. While some may argue against this long term, forth purposes of this month's challenge we do not.
  • hopebuck
    Hi Ralph!

    Weigh in today was 152! oh yah... i don't like the 7 hours sleep, it sounds good...except i have kids that get me up every night...i would LOVE 7 hours of sleep..but, it would suck for me to feel like i was failing at the challenge ;)

    my food challenge is level 5 on beila lin's spreadsheet. I can't even remember what all that entails..ha ha! but, i've done it for the past 3 days and it rocks!

    Stay w/in calorie range
    drink 8 glasses of water
    no fast food
    no soda
    no alcohol
    no refined sugar
    no processed foods
    min 3 veggies / day
    min 1 fruit/day
    protein at every meal
    eat breakfast
    8pm cut off time for my eating
  • Choirgirl37
    Hey Everyone!

    I been around since April, lost 28 lbs which I found pretty easy to do though I worked hard for it. I've been in a slump for the past 2 weeks or so, I'm thinking this challenge will awaken the competitive go-getter in me who seems to be snoozing at the helm.

    My husband and I are hoping to conceive our first baby in 2012, which is one of the reasons losing weight is so important to me. The most important goal for me is Number 1: Stay within 100 calories of target 1200. With the holiday coming up, this is going to be a challenge -BUT, not impossible.

    1) Stay within 100 calories of 1200 target
    2) No refined sugar
    3) Eat Breakfast
    4) No fast food
    5) No soda

    Getting a minimum of 6-7 hours of sleep per night would be a good challenge for me. I rarely get this much (lately) and it has a direct impact on how well an individual can drop the lbs.

    I went with Level 4 because that was the best fit for my personality type.

    Here's to our success! Let do this!
  • BeilaLin
    Hey Everyone! I updated the spread sheet!!

    Use this to record your completion every day!
    Bookmark the page (or Add to Favorites) as well on your computer !

    Ralph, You make it so complicated with the points, just modify the spreadsheet (above) and indicate how the points works in the points legend. Even I cannot understand your points explanation (the 5 points thing and the 1 point for every monthly challenge--not sure how these point opportunities work).

    Let's use this chart guys/gals and motivate each other on this forum instead.

    I like seeing it on the chart. If you cannot use this chart, then you can post on the forum instead and captain can insert your points on this chart.

    How about that?
  • lisabstrong
    lisabstrong Posts: 165 Member
    Hello Everyone, name is Lisa, I'm 40!! (Just turned 40 and pretty pumped about it.) I'm following the eat clean diet for one month to see how this impacts my weight. I need to up my game again to keep the weight moving. I started out at 191 lost 27 lbs to be at 164. I had lost a few before starting MFP. My starting weight is 164 and I'd like to get down to btween 145 and 150. I will have to see what is maintainable once I get there. Here is my food plan as it's laid out on my profile.

    7:30 am Whole Grain Starch + Protien (WGS + P)
    10:30 am Fruit/Veggie Serving + Protien (F/V+P)
    12:00 pm Whole Grain Starch Option + Veggie+ Protien (WGS + V + P)
    3:30 pm Fruit/Veggie Serving + Protien (F/V+P)
    5:30 pm Whole Grain Starch Option + Veggie+ Protien (WGS + V +P)

    I have the 7 pm snack on there but again for the month of September I am working to avoid it.

    Protien choices are low fat chicken, fish, Vegetable Textured Protien, eggs (mostly whites) Turkey, etc.

    For the month of September I am doing no bread instead focusing on whole grains like brown rice, pasta, Quinoa etc...

    I excercise 6 days per week 30 minutes at a time. 3 days cardio, 3 days circut

    I also have a protien supplement that I am finishing up from an older program although you should see that limited to 2 per day until they are gone!

    Extra challenges for this month are that the kids go back to school next week, youth activiites at our church begin and I go back to work mid september as part time faculty and special projects at my local college while the full time support staff have just gone on strike!
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I like to join the team.

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member

    question: you stated that we should be within 100 calories as allowed by MFP,, do we eat our excercise calories or not???



    Great question - No, you do not. Whatever your calorie limit is it stays, regardless of exercise. While some may argue against this long term, forth purposes of this month's challenge we do not.

    thanks....will need to be very careful with that...i have been trying that since monday, i was good until wednesday.....
  • Karabobarra
    Karabobarra Posts: 782 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I am so motivated for this challenge to start! This is perfect timing for me!
    Start weight is 193.6, been sittin there for a little overa week now...I think I hit a plateau ...time to switch things up a bit!

    Have a great day! We got this! Rawr!!
  • ncgatorfan
    I like to join the team.


    I hope Top makes it in. He's fantastic and I just met him yesterday!!!

    Hi TEAM, I'm Cecy and I haven't eaten anything yet until I've posted on here! My goals are:

    Stay under calorie range
    Drink 10 glasses of water
    No fast food
    No soda
    No refined sugar
    No processed foods
    At least 4 veggies / day
    At least 3 fruits / day
    Protein at every meal
    8pm cut off time for eating
    Cut down caffeine to only 5 cups a day (that's a 50% drop!!!)

    God help me, please, especially on that last one!!! I appreciate everyone's support. Let's rock it!!!!
  • rraallpphhccuurrtt
    Everyone, please welcome TopsKing2010 to WOMR team!! He is going to be AWESOME!!

    Top - please tell us something about you. Also please let me know your starting weight.

  • rachelthefinn
    This is sort of a tangent, but I wonder what you all think about this. MFP said my calorie intake should be 1399/day (without exercise calories added on). But I have been seeing a trainer and a dietician at my gym, and I also got some metabolic testing done. According to the testing, I should never eat less than 1815 because that's what my body burns at rest. They recommended I shoot for 1875 and not add on any extra calories for exercise. That's what I've been doing.

    What do you all think about this? Is eating 1200 cals a day detrimental? I've heard so other places too, and this testing just proved to me that such a low calorie intake is NOT healthy, at least for me. What do you think about this?
  • ncgatorfan
    Everyone, please welcome TopsKing2010 to WOMR team!! He is going to be AWESOME!!

    Top - please tell us something about you. Also please let me know your starting weight.


    YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Top made it in!! Thank, Ralph!!
  • rraallpphhccuurrtt
    Hey Everyone! I updated the spread sheet!!

    Use this to record your completion every day!
    Bookmark the page (or Add to Favorites) as well on your computer !

    Ralph, You make it so complicated with the points, just modify the spreadsheet (above) and indicate how the points works in the points legend. Even I cannot understand your points explanation (the 5 points thing and the 1 point for every monthly challenge--not sure how these point opportunities work).

    Let's use this chart guys/gals and motivate each other on this forum instead.

    I like seeing it on the chart. If you cannot use this chart, then you can post on the forum instead and captain can insert your points on this chart.

    How about that?

    In regards to your question about "the 5 points thing and the 1 point for every monthly challenge", every day each of us has the opportunity to live within our food plan. If we live within our individualfood plan we earn a point. If EVERYONE on the team earns this point, the TEAM earns another 5 points. That helps our team beat the stew out of the other teams!

    As it relates to using the online spreadsheet to post their scores instead of just posting them on this mnessage board, I am fine with that as an alternative to posting here. I personally find it harder to post on the spread sheet than to post here so I will continue to post here. But if others would like to post on the spreadsheet instead, that is fine with me. BUT, BeilaLin, if I have a hard time getting the information I need from the spreadsheet, you have to promise to help me! I have to report it to the league master in a preset format. I LOVE your spreadsheet, it is just that I don't have the time to learn a new trick right now. Maybe next month we can make this the official logsheet, oncew I have had time to look it over and when I am much skinnier!

    Again, for those who choose to post here, please post in a format like this:

    9/5 – Completed Daily, Weekly and Monthly Challenges - xxxxxx completred for team
    9/6 –
    9/7 –
    9/8 –
    9/9 –
    9/10 –
    9/11 -

  • BeilaLin
    Yay! Let's DO IT!

    Here are my five picks:
    -No Dairy,
    -No Refined Sugar/soda,
    -No eating 2 hr before sleep,
    -No gluten,
    -4 Veggie Servings/day,

    Challenge Level 3
    Personal Bonus=1 Raw Fruit/Veggie Juice everyday (i just had a colon cleanse so i really should do this more often now!!)
  • OSUalum
    OSUalum Posts: 449 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Beth.
    I pretty excited about this challenge. I have lost over 30 pounds since on MFP through calorie counting and exercise, but I know I now need to take it to the next level by eating better. I got myself into the habit of eating more and more and then just telling myself to go walk it off. while that is not too bad, it's not teaching long term good food habits. I don't want to have to walk 4 hours a day just to maintain my weight some day. I need to learn how to feel satisfied on less food...and good healthy food.

    I still plan to continue my exercise program, which includes a one hour walk daily plus weight training at least 3 times per week. I am actually going to try to limit my walks to one hour and increase the speed and intensity instead of really long walks just to get the calorie burn.

    My biggest goals for myself are:
    No refined sugars, no fast food, add more veggies, limit alcohol intake, less protein from meat sources and more from grains and vegetables, and cutting out processed foods.
    Its been too easy for me to grab a processed meal bar and then get all the chemicals and no veggies. I aspire to someday live on whole foods and zero processed foods.

    I am setting my calories intake at 1200 per day but also giving myself a range of 200 over or under. Hopefully I'll get to a point where I'm not so obsessed with the calories because they will be from fruits and vegetables.

    By biggest obstacle is going to be my social life and peer pressure. Not a lot of support in that area. So be prepared when I freak out and lean on all of you!!!

    HUGS....and good luck everyone!
  • rraallpphhccuurrtt
    Please note I still need starting weights for the following people:


    Please get these to me today!

    Thanks you! Go TEAM!!
  • OSUalum
    OSUalum Posts: 449 Member
    This is sort of a tangent, but I wonder what you all think about this. MFP said my calorie intake should be 1399/day (without exercise calories added on). But I have been seeing a trainer and a dietician at my gym, and I also got some metabolic testing done. According to the testing, I should never eat less than 1815 because that's what my body burns at rest. They recommended I shoot for 1875 and not add on any extra calories for exercise. That's what I've been doing.

    What do you all think about this? Is eating 1200 cals a day detrimental? I've heard so other places too, and this testing just proved to me that such a low calorie intake is NOT healthy, at least for me. What do you think about this?

    Rachel... The same thing happened to me. I believe the dietitian is more accurate than MFP... so I have tried to set a middle ground and use a range. You certainly don't want your metabolism to slow down! I think a lot of this is just a process. And we'll learn what our bodies need as we go on.