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Senior Golden Sneakers............September



  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    BTW ....Welcome Litra!:flowerforyou: I started 2 years ago at 61 for many of the same reasons. My knees and back were bothering me:grumble: and I knew I had to do something to improve my quality of life as it would get worse as we get older. I take Glucosamine Chondroitin and do the treadmill everyday. I do not have any more pain in my knees :bigsmile: and am sure that taking 55 pounds off of them helps! You can do it too!!! :flowerforyou:

  • Hello, friends.

    I am sorry I don't post often. I read your posts, but just can't seem to get my mind wrapped around composing one of my own. I will give it a good effort here since I appreciate you all so much. I'm on a new chemo again. They seem to have to keep changing it. I was doing well on doxil when it suddenly became unavailable nationwide. I have little problem I've never had before: I don't want to eat. Never thought that would happen to me. I'm very tired most of the time and can't make myself do much. .... but.enough of my "sad" story. The rest of life is good!

    Mariah started to kindergarten this week. She was very upset when she found out she couldn't go on Saturday and Sunday. She thinks school is great.

    I'll be getting a new grandchild next month. The baby's name was to be Jade, but after the last sonogran they learned there is a possiblilty it will be Jude. :laugh: I told them, "As long as it is one or the other." I sent a box of baby things: clothes, blankets, etc. I switched from pinks to greens and yellows just to be safe. Everything is so expensive where they live (Bethel, Alaska) that I decided to help out. I have two sons and four grandchildren (soon to be five) in Bethel.

    My army girl (granddaughter) was here for a few days. That was so good!! She was transferring from Georgia to Texas and had a little time in between. She is a tiny mite (about a size 0) but she is army tough. Love her a bunch.

    God bless all of you.
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Welcome Litra:smile: I just started posting on this board and it is a wonderful message board, the people are so warm and friendly.
    This weekend we went to my daughters for a BBQ in Spokane. Saturday we went to a Fiddler Contest ( just to watch) and BBQ, everything was fine. tomorrow starting to be good on counting calories. I did get some walking in before the BBQ. I have decided that I need to take some music lessons. I have been wanting to for a long time and now that I am retired I can do it. Let you know more about it as evolves.
    Last week I canned salsa and will do the same this week. I am waiting for someone to give me zuccini and I will can pickles and relish. Our apple and pear tree have produced an abundant amount and in October we will pick them and do some canning too.
    Today we trimed some trees and the back yard is looking better. Wednesday we will do some more.
    Buzz sorry about your loss and to the rest of you I hope everything is going good for you today.

    Well I need to go and enter everything on my fitness plan.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    BIRDIE, thank you for the warm greetings. I'm really feeling better tonight, despite tomorrow's funeral...again! And you are absollutely correct about surviving a debilitating stroke! I had an aunt who remained mute and incapable of moving so much as a finger for 16 years! We never knew if she was aware of a single thing, though just before she died, I swore I saw a tear fall from one eye when she saw me enter her nursing home room! Yes indeed, a quick death would be preferable to me ! Anyway, I'll be concentrating on kind thoughts and appreciating life now. "A celebration of Life", if we will! You have accomplished so much; have I missed who the beautiful child in your picture is?

    IRENE, how nice to see you back, even if it's a quick visit! So sorry about your chemo being unavailable now; isn't there a replacement? Not eating isn't good for you, of course you know. I hope we get better news soon. Love your remark on the Jade/Jude possibility! And loads of luck with your lovely family.

    CHRIS, how industrious you are, al that cooking and canning and now thinking about music lessons, too! So exciting! What instrument interests you? One of my DDs plays piano, guitar, and drums, and adores each of them!

    We ate the leftovers of my close to disastrous pork chop dinner from Thursday; it sounded fabulous, with a fresh peach sauce, and I may be tempted to try it again. But the chops were on the dry side because the peaches were really awful; unripe, unjuicy, and no flavor! Just two days before they were selling big fat juicy incredible peaches, but not the day my chops were ready! Darn! I used to love pork chops but have been unsuccessful lately cooking them!

    Must go read my library book before it falls due...

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    have I missed who the beautiful child in your picture is?


    That little cutie is my grand daughter. She just turned 3. Prayers going your way for the funeral.

    Chris, I love the fiddle. When hubby and I married 19 years ago, I insisted on a band with a fiddle! Our origins are Canadian.....and boy do the Canadians love to fiddle!!!

    Irene, it's so good to hear from you.:happy: Sounds like you are struggling with the medication. :frown: Hang in there. I will pray for you. Your grand daughter is something else!!!! Congrats on the new grand....child! (I guess the daughter or son part will be determined in the future!):laugh:

    Goodnight lovely people!:love:
  • Hi everyone, hope you are all settled down for a comfortable Sunday evening in the fall.. it's so nice here in Georgia, I really don't want to go back to work..:sad:

    BUZZ, you can be Barbara whenever you want, but you will always be Buzz to me.. love ya. I like hearing about the different religious customs we all have.. I'd heard about the 24 hour rule before, but I had forgotten.

    We went to Outback Steakhouse for dinner. We had gift cards and I'm glad about that.. I don't think I would go back without gift cards to spend there, coz I didn't really like it. My husband did.. of course.. steak and potato man strikes again, lol.. anyway, it is trivial to complain about it.

    Marie,I guess you are watching Dallas Cowboys right now. My dh was watching it when I got home. I did a dumb thing.. and I am sorry.. I forgot to take the picture of the quilt. That wouldn't be so bad except I decided to give it to my friend, who also bought raffle tickets for it. She really wanted it so much, and I didn't need it anyway. I am trying to get rid of things, not add to the piles I have already. So it is gone, but to a good home lol

    have a good night everyone
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Good Morning from Cairo land of the sand. (Glad I have a maid who keep it all swept up.) Well most of the time anyway.

    Irene:smile: Good to see you back again. I have missed your posts. I guess I just spaced it that you were doing chemo and all. I was a way a long time too. but take care and know that I am thinking of you.

    Phoebe :laugh: Your comments crack me up. Just wanted you to know that. I get a big smile every time I read and I can just imagine you saying things.

    I just finished doing my Pilates for DummiesDVD. I had not done it for a few months and it felt good to stretch and wiggle. Gotta get ready to go off to school soon. Just wanted to say HI and have a great day everyone.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    `oh BY THE WAY. I met my goal of 10,000 steps yesterday on my pedometer. :happy: :happy: :happy: Phyllis
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi friends! It was warm and windy today, glad we didn't have snow to blow around!! Actually, I am hoping it stays away for a few more months! Dave and I went out for Chinese food tonight, I know it isn't a good choice but it tasted great and I think we behaved quite admirably! I am tired tonight and plan for an early to bed night. I did quickly read the posts but I should have taken notes to make some personals!! I just want you all to know I am thinking about you on this sad day of remembering. Hard to believe that it was 10 years ago.

    Buzz -- This has been a tough day for you. I hope your friend heals quickly.

    Sandy -- Uh. . yes, Neil always expects a gift when I go away. I started that many years ago when I would go away for work and it just continues, nothing big but something so that he knows I thought about him. You know how when your kids are little you pick up little things for them, well, unfortunately in some ways Neil is still little so I have never stopped and don't expect I likely ever will. This time I picked up a t-shirt with the logo of the new Winnipeg Jets NHL hockey team. So easy to make him happy.

    So much more I was going to say but it will have to wait for another day. I hope you all are well and looking forward to the start of a new week. Happy Monday!

    Take care. Gayla :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :bigsmile: just a quick post to say that I got here safely.......I realized while I was driving that this is the farthest I've driven by myself in many years
    Jake is always driving.....i got to listen to music I love and walk all I wanted while waiting for the ferry and on the ferry.

    :bigsmile: Tonight was open dancing at the line dance workshop........everyone turned in requests of favorite dances and they played as many as they had time for......in the two hours I danced all but about five of the dances.....i was amazed that I knew so many

    :bigsmile: tomorrow the actual workshop will begin and there will be new dances taught from 9-noon and 1:30 to 4:30. In the evening we'll have more open dance time and a chance to review the dances that were taught during the day
    there are five instructors---three from California, one from Vancouver, BC and one local.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Wow Barbie...what a workout you got !!!!

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, we are all entitled to a cheat day now and then. Yours was the Chinese restaurant. Was it a buffet?

    :flowerforyou: YEY Phyllis, do you know how many miles you walked.

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, lets us know what you had to eat at the Outback.

    Well, for winning the first week of the challenge here at work...I got a sports drink..with 130 calories.:sad:
  • :flowerforyou: Wow Barbie...what a workout you got !!!!

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, we are all entitled to a cheat day now and then. Yours was the Chinese restaurant. Was it a buffet?

    :flowerforyou: YEY Phyllis, do you know how many miles you walked.

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, lets us know what you had to eat at the Outback.

    Well, for winning the first week of the challenge here at work...I got a sports drink..with 130 calories.:sad:

    Becky, I had the 6oz sirloin, it was tough, and 3 little broiled shrimp, covered in seasoning, so all you taste is the seasoning, they had 1/2 cup of cooked cherry tomatoes under them as a bed, but they had seasoning all over them. the highlight was the steamed vegetables.. they were done, and they tasted good. ok, the bread was good :blushing:
    lol at the sports drink, I think the participant may be more knowledgable than the challengers!!
    I think Phyllis posted that she got her 10,000 in for the day.
    those dance instructors are going to go home exhausted, Barbie will wear them out!!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello Sneakers ~ I was planning to travel to Plymouth today to watch the boats competing in the Americas Cup but we have the tail end of hurricane Katia heading in our direction so it didn't seem the best plan after all. I spoke this morning to the friend I was going to meet up with who lives in Plymouth and she said she nearly got blown off Plymouth Hoe on her walk and the boats have been taken out of the water as a precaution. At least I now have time for a catch up although forgive me if I miss anything.

    Phoebe ~ You are so like me with those kittens. You are obviously doing the right thing getting them neutered as soon as you can and if you give them a home that will be wonderful. I don't think they mind being separated once they mature as cats are on the whole solitary creatures in the wild but then I ended up adopting my Jasper and Hebe together because Jasper was a very nervous boy and needed constant reassurance from his sister. Even now, ten years on, he goes to her and puts his head under her chin for a few licks if he is upset about anything! I'm sure you'll know the right thing to do as time goes on.

    Buzz ~ My heart goes out to you, how awful to lose two friends at one time but still, the best possible way to go after an evening of bridge!! I used to work in the care profession and one service user had suffered a stroke many years before and was bedridden unable to speak or move. I was relieved to hear he passed away last year because I know it had been his wish for so long. You will celebrate their lives and remember the best times I know and, as you say, live for today and enjoy! I hope that silly girl on her mobile phone got more than a stern telling off from the police. A driving ban would make her think about such reckless behaviour next time. As for a name change, as Phoebe says, you will always be Buzz to me so makes no odds!:heart:

    Irene ~ So good to see you popping in again and you know we all understand if you can't currently settle to posting regularly.:heart: Perhaps the change in chemo is leaving you with no appetite and hopefully once your body adjusts to the new regime you will want to eat again.

    Birdie ~ Glucosamine is the only pill I swallow daily and recently recommended it to our bee buddy who has a painful hip from lifting and carrying too many heavy bee hives over the years. I'm so pleased to hear you say you are no longer in pain and am sure the exercise helps too. I will pass that on as an extra incentive to him.

    Marie ~ I'm so pleased to know you haven't been affected too much by the fires. Another friend who lives in Texas has sent me some photos of damage to woodland and property that shows just how fierce the heat from the flames was. I'm hoping it's all calming down now.

    Sandy ~ As ever you did make me laugh about your family. I've always maintained mine wouldn't be believed if a movie was made but still everyone would have a good laugh! Seems yours is much the same so maintain that terrific sense of humour and everything will be hunky dory!!:bigsmile:

    I don't know if many or any of you will know that a rugby world cup is being held in New Zealand over the next few weeks. My friends across the Atlantic will be pleased to hear that the team from the USA did themselves proud this weekend and although they didn't win, put up a good fight against the Irish considering it's not one of your main sports!!:bigsmile:

    I must now go and retrieve my drying towels off the washing line before they end up the other end of the country because I can see the wind is picking up. I'm sorry I haven't caught up with everyone but will do my best over the next few days.

    Take care
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello all, boy I have missed a lot. Welcome new members. You'll find everyone so supportive and lots of fun too. And hello Golden Sneakers., I missed you.

    Irene. I am sorry about the shortage your medicine. Hope you are soon back on track.

    Sandy .. I saw your menu yesterday. Yummy.

    Buzz .. You'll always be Buzz to me too. It's a nice nickname.

    Gayla. Gifts when you are away. . . . We do that too and sometimes it gets be too much. Our dd has 7 kids and our other dd is expecting her second. That is a lot of small gifts to come up with when you are away on a trip. I love giving them to the Grandkids but at times I hate the shopping. As a result it usually is just a token gift. At times we've bought the gifts here. No sales tax in Alberta!!! LOL

    I updated my weight after getting on the scale. Oh dear. Camping is fun but hard on the waistline. Too much bread, too many appetizers over a pre dinner drink. LOL. It was good while it lasted but time to get to reality. I find that I really need to recordnwhat I eat and check in daily. It helps me a lot.

    I'll catch up soon and even post a picture or two.

    Nice to be back.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning sneakers

    I just have a few moments before Jerry take me to Walmart. I have skim over the post and so nice to see you all. I had a fr to the sneakersiend request this morning from a 64 year ol texan Of course I invited her the Sneakers. I will be looking forward to her.being here.

    Some one said that phoebe brought a smile to them, She has been my biggest supported for nearly 8 years now. She always help me when I am down And she has always brought a smile to my face when I see a post from her. They don't come any better than Phoebe. Love her.

    Irene so happy to see you posting.
    Jackie likeI said I just skim over the post and really don't remember much of what I did read. LOL but glad to see you.

    Alice and I had a wonderful day. We went to s town north of us to see some quilt shops and it was not open yet so we drove on into Okla. to the Casino Hade a great time but did not win anything. we left there and went for lunch. Had a nice veggie plate with blackeyes pes brocolli, squash, carrotts, small fruit bowl.no bread and ice tea.

    Gotta run see you guys later
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marie, your lunch sounds great.

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, I have noticed that restaurants do not cook steaks the way I like them. And, they use too many spices. I want to be able to taste the food.

    I got to digging in my gift bag and found a pack of gum and a towel. The towel I can really use. It is one of those small ones that you take to the gym. I am happy.:happy:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :bigsmile: I am in the hotel room for a few minutes to eat my lunch and get some more water to take with me for the afternoon.

    They have a four dollar lunch on site but since I eat very little cheese, no deli meat, almost no bread, no potato salad, there wasn't really anything on the menu I could eat :laugh: so I'm having an Isagenix shake and checking up on all of you.....the hotel is about a twenty minute walk from the workshop so I get a nice walk, too :bigsmile: We learned five new dances this morning
    two easy, two medium and one very difficult.:bigsmile: there will be two more new dances this afternoon and then time for review and open dancing this evening.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Happy Monday!! :bigsmile: Busy morning with having my windows washed, doing laundry and of course checking email and such. I have not exercised yet but plan to do so when finished with this post. :tongue: My weekend went well with meeting Lisa's parents and then dinner at my step sons. I watched what I ate and even with my wine I managed to stay under calories or close. I lost three pounds as of this morning so I hope it holds since I did record it. :blushing: I am planning on taking my ex MIL to the casino again tomorrow, she thinks she is up for it so we will see. My son flew into Boston yesterday and I was very happy when he text me to tell me he was at the hotel, as I was not thrilled with him flying to the East Coast on 9/11. :noway: It seems like there is a lot of posts since my last post so I hope I can catch up. I did read them all, now it is a matter of trying to respond. :ohwell:

    Marie, sorry the pizza didn't stay with you, but now you know to stay away from pizza. Congrats on the scale moving down, not only are you eating healthy but you are losing some pounds. Yippee!! Love your little happy dance lady!!:laugh: Too bad you didn't win at the casino but at least you will have fun at Walmart today. :wink:

    Connie, good to hear from you, hope all is well.:happy:

    Barbie, maybe you should consider either teaching line dancing or opening your own little line dancing studio. :wink:

    Buzz, no Barb for you, we like you as Buzz. I am so sorry about all your friends, it is so hard when we lose close friends, I hope all the broken hearts mend soon. I do hope your other friend also heals quickly as I hope you will. :heart:

    Phyllis, at least empty out your recycle bin to gain a little more speed on your computer, just right click on the bin and click empty.
    I did not know anything about computers but do have children that helped me, although most of my computer skills are self taught. Let's remember I am retired since I have been 50, so have lots of time to do what I want. :laugh: I did buy a pedometer to see if I can get 10,000 steps a day so I can earn gift cards for my hard work. :tongue:

    Phoebe, knowing how much you love animals, I know you will make the right decision with your kitties. :love: I agree the name of the movie is a play on words and maybe a little silly but it was a funny movie. We behaved ourselves so it would have made for a boring part of the movie. :laugh: I used to love Outback Steakhouse when they first opened but now think the quality has gone down. I prefer to make my own steaks on the grill.

    Birdie, I used to take Glucosamine Chondroitin for my knees but am now trying Osteo Bi-Flex which seems to help. I do still have problems with them and know I will need a knee replacement but it seems like I just can't fit it into my schedule. :noway:

    Irene, our angel, how wonderful to hear from you. I am so sorry they had to change your chemo again, it must be frustrating. I do hope that you will at least drink some ensure to keep up your strength. How I wish we lived near you so we could just spend some time together, you are such a special person. :heart: Congratulations on the new grand baby, as long as it is either a girl or boy. :laugh: Such a wonderful grandmother to send baby things to help with their new addition, they are so lucky to have you. :heart:

    Chris, the fiddler contest sounds like fun, do you play? Maybe that is the instrument you should take lessons. :happy:

    Gayla, I used to buy gifts for everyone when I traveled but I don't like the shopping part so I gave it up. I do bring Daisy and my young granddaughter something from the airport if I have extra time. I can understand wanting to buy Neil something, he is special guy. :bigsmile:

    Becky, was the sports drink part of the gift bag? I chew a lot of gum so I don't get tempted into snacking.

    Jackie, I do hope that you didn't get any damage from the wind and everything is ok up in your neck of the woods. I did not know the US was playing rugby in New Zealand and although I don't follow it, good for them. :bigsmile:

    Jeri, I read the posts everyday and try to respond daily but there sure was a lot of gabbing going on since yesterday. :laugh: Don't worry about those couple of pounds from camping, you are back now and once you start keeping track again they will fall off.:drinker:

    Whew, that was hard work, now I better get on that bike.

    Have a good day!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Sneakers;

    We went to see a play this Saturday night called Cat On a Hot Tin Roof.
    I bet you ladies remember that movie with Paul Newman.
    The play was excellent and the actors as well.
    I want to rent the movie again.

    Dave and I are winding down on the boating season. The weather here
    is changing so now every weekend is a bonus if we get out to sail.
    My daughter's in laws are coming to visit the end of the month for a sail too, so I hope the
    weather is good for them.

    :smile: Buzz: Sorry for what happened to your friends. :brokenheart:

    :smile: Barbie: I hope at your age I have some of that high energy for dancing that you have.
    Sounds like fun. I used to do line dancing with a friend years back and it is a
    workout .

    I am up 6 lbs. now from my ticker and hope to get focused again and back at it.
    I have my next doctor appt. next month and I want to keep my stats going down.
    Focus focus focus. :ohwell:

    Have a great day ladies.
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good afternoon Seniors,:drinker:
    Got up nice in early this morning, had coffee with friends, went to the bank, went to get the car gased and washed, and finally went grocery shopping at Wal-Mart. I bought a yoga tape and when I am finished here I am going to see how it is and if I can do it.:happy:

    Barbie- Where are you taking those dance lessons? You sound very active. Good luck and enjoy them.:smile:

    To everyone else have a nice day and enjoy everything you do today. Ok enough I have to go do my 2 mile walk and check out my yoga tape.
    Bye Bye:laugh: