the NEW black team



  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Oh, Amelia you look great! Cute pic! Here's to "before"! :drinker:
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    LOL Send your hubby my way! I need someone that is obsessed with cleaning. I told my friend the other day before she came over I was cleaning & she said, "Don't do that for me! You know better!" and I said, "Oh, no. It isn't for you. It's so the health department isn't called." It gets scary deep in toys in this place. I couldn't find Tabitha the other day b/c the boys buried her in stuffed animals!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: My hubby can't even let you put down an empty glass on the table before he's standing on top of you waiting for you to hand it to him. The only thing he doesn't do is the dishes. He unloads the dishwasher but can't seem to figure out how to put the dishes in the same way he took them out. 5 years of taking the dishes out after I out them in and he can't seem to figure it out! Go figure! HAHAHAHa

    Here a man secret that the man club would kill me for telling you... When men don't want to do something....We feign ignorance. Works every time :noway:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I KNEW it! Have you ever seen that episode of Everybody Loves Raymond where they use this theory? So funny...but so wrong. :angry: Don't worry. I won't tell the Man Club. They couldn't kick out Batman anyways. :laugh:
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Hey can you tell me another man secret? If a man says you are acting like a **tch, doesn't he realize he might as well just come out and *call* you a **tch cause... I mean don't split hairs right? Why don't men realize this?

    Lynnie (grumbling about men ..okay just about her man)
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Hey can you tell me another man secret? If a man says you are acting like a **tch, doesn't he realize he might as well just come out and *call* you a **tch cause... I mean don't split hairs right? Why don't men realize this?

    Lynnie (grumbling about men ..okay just about her man)

    Okay, I'm going to pull out what my bff's mom used to tell us about calling names. If you don't like the way someone is doing something don't say, "You're stupid!"...instead say, "You're ACTING stupid." Just b/c that person is being a ding dong at this moment in time, doesn't lable them a ding dong for the rest of their life, kwim?

    However, NO ONE should be calling you a bi#ch. No one. :angry: Name calling as adults is small & foolish, IMO.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I just realized that I'm in a SEA of toys as well. The dang things are even stuck on the door. Geesh!

    Amanda - LOL I think I'd keep my pics in my undies to myself, too! hehe

    Honey, I would rather see a house LIVED in by 3 children than a museum!! pul-ease!

    you look GREAT!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I just realized that I'm in a SEA of toys as well. The dang things are even stuck on the door. Geesh!

    Amanda - LOL I think I'd keep my pics in my undies to myself, too! hehe

    Honey, I would rather see a house LIVED in by 3 children than a museum!! pul-ease!

    you look GREAT!

    I do often think we could pass for a toy museum. After Christmas they are everywhere. My dad was actually desining a tv stand that could attach to the wall for me yesterday so we'd have more floor space :sick: Leave it to grandpa!

    Oh, and thank you very much. :blushing:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I KNEW it! Have you ever seen that episode of Everybody Loves Raymond where they use this theory? So funny...but so wrong. :angry: Don't worry. I won't tell the Man Club. They couldn't kick out Batman anyways. :laugh:

    Bill Cosby had a great bit on this. He tells DW he will make breakfast. He ends up giving them the chocolate cake she baked the night before and they all end up sick with tummy aches and such.

    He explains that it has all breakfast ingreds, eggs, flour, milk, sugar.

    I swear my husband does this....i have no proof....but that spycam will catch him snickering one day!!

    Ps. I promised my DH if he dont call me beyotch, I wont call the lawyer.:laugh: :laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I just realized that I'm in a SEA of toys as well. The dang things are even stuck on the door. Geesh!

    Amanda - LOL I think I'd keep my pics in my undies to myself, too! hehe

    Honey, I would rather see a house LIVED in by 3 children than a museum!! pul-ease!

    you look GREAT!

    I do often think we could pass for a toy museum. After Christmas they are everywhere. My dad was actually desining a tv stand that could attach to the wall for me yesterday so we'd have more floor space :sick: Leave it to grandpa!

    Oh, and thank you very much. :blushing:

    I cant post pix on the threads. I have tried and just cant do it. I would like to post a before...have a few my husband took, but dont know how except thru the section in profile
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Do you have a photobucket account? Take the directlink code that it gives you & post it here & I can do the rest, if you'd like.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Do you have a photobucket account? Take the directlink code that it gives you & post it here & I can do the rest, if you'd like.

    yes! Ok. I will try. Thanks

    Oh and BTW....I KNOW I am not supposed to weigh before next wed but ............................

    142!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!It has been 8 weeks since I have seen that freakin ticker move.....I HAD to change it!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    OMG I DID IT!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Options the 2nd shot I am pushing in my handles!!!:laugh:

    but the back shot had BETTER be BETTER at the end of this challenge!!:glasses:
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Hey can you tell me another man secret? If a man says you are acting like a **tch, doesn't he realize he might as well just come out and *call* you a **tch cause... I mean don't split hairs right? Why don't men realize this?

    Lynnie (grumbling about men ..okay just about her man)

    Here's the secret on this one. Name calling is a common practice among men. We call each other names constantly and for this reason we are often desencitized to name calling. So in the mind of a man being called a name is not big deal. That is why you can call a man any name in the book and it's no big deal. Test this out in public and you will see. If you stand up in a resturant and call you hubby a **** in front of everyone a few people might look over. Call a woman the C word outloud in public and you will get a huge burst of shock from everyone within 100 miles. It's a double standard but it is a fact. It has alot do do with a couple of things. First it goes back to men being used to it. If you call a man a **** in public does he A: shrug it off. Or B: Run to the nearest bathroom crying hysterically trailed by three of his closest friends. I think we all know the answer is A. In the case of a woman the answer is most often B. So again men arent sensative too it because we are for the most part Palookas. So back to your question. I will use myself and my wife as the perfect example. Sometimes when we are getting on each other's nerves and I get aggrivated my knee jerk reaction is the throw a name out there and we will always phrase it like this. "Your being such a ***** right now." While we mean it as a statment of how you are being at this current momment... Most woman will hear something like "Your a *****, always have been, always will be. god I hate you." While that is NOT what we said this is the man to woman language interpitation. At this point the woman is furious and says "I can't believe you called me that." And the man thinking he's clever points out the fact that he didnt call you that he was just saying that your acting like one. It's a constant struggle that has been passed down through the generation. I guess the most important thing is understanding that name calling isnt a big deal in the man world and he is letting off steam in a standard man fashion. I do the same thing <

    I do agree that name calling is not ok. And that is something that all us guys need to work on. Maybe anger managment classes or something lol
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465


    WTG Lady!

    Keep up the good work!!:drinker:
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member


    Looking good!

    I was brave enough to post my "during" bikini pics in my profile. But I don't want to leave them up for long.

    Last night we went to one of Dave's friend's house for a housewarming party. We ended up leaving after less than an hour because we got tired of all the snootiness. For example they were talking about working out and one girl asked how much a treadmill cost because she'd like to get one. Another girl said $1200. The first girl asked "Really?! I thought like $400-500." Snooty girl said "No, $1200, well, if you want one that's any good." And everyone was talking all about the new houses they've all had built. It was too much.

    Luckily though, since we were only there about 45 minutes, we didn't have time to eat a lot and mostly ate the veggies. :laugh: Plus we got subs at Subway on the way there and we both got them on wheat bread with lots of veggies. (Well, mine was just lots of lettuce but it's still a veggie!)
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Hi fellow black team members..

    Just checking in for now. I need to get set up for the 'before' photos. DD got a new digital camera for Christmas. Now need to figure out how to get it to talk to the computer and then how to add photos to post - haven't gotten this yet.

    I am inspired by others, so will give this the college try later today (but not bikini photos - that would be scary and gross - Lori looks great, but I've got a bit more roll than rock these days :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: ). First must get to Agway for guinea pig food and bird food. Pig is starving and there is another storm coming so the wild birds have been very active on the feeders.

    Need to think more about fruits and veggies, and water - am starting off behind today.

    will be going to the pool to workout this afternoon - 45 minutes at my weight takes off many calories..

    Have a fantastic day all.. drink your water..

  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    BTW - you all look fantastic..

    nice job posting photos - it ia a pleasure being on your team..

  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member


    Looking good!

    I was brave enough to post my "during" bikini pics in my profile. But I don't want to leave them up for long.

    Last night we went to one of Dave's friend's house for a housewarming party. We ended up leaving after less than an hour because we got tired of all the snootiness. For example they were talking about working out and one girl asked how much a treadmill cost because she'd like to get one. Another girl said $1200. The first girl asked "Really?! I thought like $400-500." Snooty girl said "No, $1200, well, if you want one that's any good." And everyone was talking all about the new houses they've all had built. It was too much.

    Luckily though, since we were only there about 45 minutes, we didn't have time to eat a lot and mostly ate the veggies. :laugh: Plus we got subs at Subway on the way there and we both got them on wheat bread with lots of veggies. (Well, mine was just lots of lettuce but it's still a veggie!)

    Congrats on posting the bikini pics...I don't even have the courage to wear one, let alone take pictures and post them! I couldn't help noticing your picture with the Steeler jerseys. Behold the black and gold! I get lots of crap for being such a huge Steeler fan here in MD, but I can't help it.