Caveman diet!?!?!?!?! Anyone try this?



  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    never heard ot if, so, i googled it, and these actually sound really good....

    Spicy Pecans
    4 tsp cinnamon
    1-1/2 tsp ginger
    3/4 tsp nutmeg
    1/2 tsp ground cloves
    1/2 tsp ground cayenne
    2 egg whites
    1/4 cup raw honey
    5 cups pecan halves (or walnuts)

    In small bowl, combine cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, cloves and cayenne. In
    large bowl, whisk egg whites until frothy; add honey, whisk again just
    until egg whites and honey are combined. Add nuts a cup at a time in the
    egg and honey mixture. Remove and toss in the spices. Repeat again until
    all the nuts have been coated.

    Spread on 2 lightly greased baking sheets; bake at 250 for one hour,
    rotating sheets halfway through baking, or until coating is crisp and nuts
    are fragrant. Let cool.

    I'm super impressed that Homo neandertals were so adept at utilizing spices! I had no idea!
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    This thread is amazing. I'm both considering it and wetting my pants laughing.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Guess what? You're not a Caveman anymore. Your body has evolved, Your diet should too.
    I don't believe in it.

    Oh Lord.... If our bodies had evolved that much then we wouldn't be gaining weight like crazy on modern foods would we?

    Oh ya, sure. It's the "modern foods" that are making us fat, not the fact that we are overeating and doing nothing but sitting on our lazy *kitten*.

    Responsibility people...take it.

    There are many, many people that are no overeating. It is due to the GMO grains, added sugar, starch and don't get me started about all the added soy and HFCS into all those processed foods.

    You should really consider doing some reading and research.

    Sorry, I don't buy it.

    I believe the things you named can be bad for your health, but with strict portion control you can eat them and still be skinny.

    ...of course skinny=/= to healthy.

    What is there not to buy??? It is the ultimate form of clean eating, of course if you read and researched you would know this already.

    I eat the way I do first and foremost for HEALTH - so those foods with the man made chemicals have no place in my household. I no longer use any commercial household cleaners, soap or shampoo. I no longer use hair care products on my hair either..........

    I don't want to be skinny either. I am a muscle bound woman who likes the muscular and athletic look.

    Health first, always rules the roost.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Guess what? You're not a Caveman anymore. Your body has evolved, Your diet should too.
    I don't believe in it.

    This is offensive. I have Celiac (gluten intolerance), are you saying my body is less, "EVOLVED" than yours because it can't process/digest wheat/gluten? that my diet is less evolved? That's insulting and rude.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm pretty sure cavemen didn't drink beer. Just sayin ...
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    never heard ot if, so, i googled it, and these actually sound really good....

    Spicy Pecans
    4 tsp cinnamon
    1-1/2 tsp ginger
    3/4 tsp nutmeg
    1/2 tsp ground cloves
    1/2 tsp ground cayenne
    2 egg whites
    1/4 cup raw honey
    5 cups pecan halves (or walnuts)

    In small bowl, combine cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, cloves and cayenne. In
    large bowl, whisk egg whites until frothy; add honey, whisk again just
    until egg whites and honey are combined. Add nuts a cup at a time in the
    egg and honey mixture. Remove and toss in the spices. Repeat again until
    all the nuts have been coated.

    Spread on 2 lightly greased baking sheets; bake at 250 for one hour,
    rotating sheets halfway through baking, or until coating is crisp and nuts
    are fragrant. Let cool.

    I'm super impressed that Homo neandertals were so adept at utilizing spices! I had no idea!

    Being able to regulate an open fire to 250 degrees for an hour is also pretty impressive.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    I have a buddy that swears by the Paleo diet. Although panned whe it was first written about decades ago, some doctors are coming around to it. But even they are cautious in embracing full Paleo, it seems a more Paleo-lite diet would be more appropriate since yogurts, milks and grains do have benefits that we need. But the theory is as sound as anyother diet I've ever heard of.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Guess what? You're not a Caveman anymore. Your body has evolved, Your diet should too.
    I don't believe in it.
    This is offensive. I have Celiac (gluten intolerance), are you saying my body is less, "EVOLVED" than yours because it can't process/digest wheat/gluten? that my diet is less evolved? That's insulting and rude.
    Yes, that is what it means. You are an inferior human.
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    Guess what? You're not a Caveman anymore. Your body has evolved, Your diet should too.
    I don't believe in it.

    Actually we have not evolved as people think we have. We are still the same genetically as Paleolithic era people.

    Those guys/gals didn't have grocery stores and live in cities. They ate what they could get their hands on. Which varied based upon the region of the earth they lived in. The human body is wonderfully adept at extracting nutrition from an amazingly varied diet (unlike most other animal species). It's like it was designed that way or adapted to it or something.

    I think that we can all agree that a steady diet of <insert crappy food like Twinkies here> is not good for anyone.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Guess what? You're not a Caveman anymore. Your body has evolved, Your diet should too.
    I don't believe in it.

    This is offensive. I have Celiac (gluten intolerance), are you saying my body is less, "EVOLVED" than yours because it can't process/digest wheat/gluten? that my diet is less evolved? That's insulting and rude.

    Your body just isn't used to gluten. Why don't you suck up the cupcakes like in your signature and join us more civilized folk. Boo hoo.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Lol, does anyone else appreciate how badly Chris LaLanne is cropped/photoshopped in his bio pic?

    actually it looks like he used the same photographer as 90% of the schools .
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Guess what? You're not a Caveman anymore. Your body has evolved, Your diet should too.
    I don't believe in it.

    Oh Lord.... If our bodies had evolved that much then we wouldn't be gaining weight like crazy on modern foods would we?

    Oh ya, sure. It's the "modern foods" that are making us fat, not the fact that we are overeating and doing nothing but sitting on our lazy *kitten*.

    Responsibility people...take it.

    There are many, many people that are no overeating. It is due to the GMO grains, added sugar, starch and don't get me started about all the added soy and HFCS into all those processed foods.

    You should really consider doing some reading and research.

    Sorry, I don't buy it.

    I believe the things you named can be bad for your health, but with strict portion control you can eat them and still be skinny.

    ...of course skinny=/= to healthy.

    What is there not to buy???

    Ummmm maybe the thing I originally responded to? ....If you notice I wasn't commenting on this diet one way or the other. I was making a direct response to the comment made that certain foods are making people fat.

    As for the rest....TL;DR
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Guess what? You're not a Caveman anymore. Your body has evolved, Your diet should too.
    I don't believe in it.

    only some of us it seems
  • DestinyDarbi
    DestinyDarbi Posts: 260 Member
    Lol, does anyone else appreciate how badly Chris LaLanne is cropped/photoshopped in his bio pic?

    Oh my gosh.. that's the scariest looking creature I've ever seen..
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Mastadon is really hard to find this time of year.

    not really my son has it constanly blasting in his ears
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Guess what? You're not a Caveman anymore. Your body has evolved, Your diet should too.
    I don't believe in it.
    This is offensive. I have Celiac (gluten intolerance), are you saying my body is less, "EVOLVED" than yours because it can't process/digest wheat/gluten? that my diet is less evolved? That's insulting and rude.
    Yes, that is what it means. You are an inferior human.

    You have no idea what it's life for me. I can't, you should be ashamed of yourself!

    Blessings, because you obviously need them!
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    This is a joke.
    If anyone has the co-ordinates for the Caveman settlement, send it to my phone...407-555-5555. Damn, No cell phone use by cavemen. Nevamind.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Guess what? You're not a Caveman anymore. Your body has evolved, Your diet should too.
    I don't believe in it.
    This is offensive. I have Celiac (gluten intolerance), are you saying my body is less, "EVOLVED" than yours because it can't process/digest wheat/gluten? that my diet is less evolved? That's insulting and rude.
    Yes, that is what it means. You are an inferior human.

  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Guess what? You're not a Caveman anymore. Your body has evolved, Your diet should too.
    I don't believe in it.

    This is offensive. I have Celiac (gluten intolerance), are you saying my body is less, "EVOLVED" than yours because it can't process/digest wheat/gluten? that my diet is less evolved? That's insulting and rude.

    Your body just isn't used to gluten. Why don't you suck up the cupcakes like in your signature and join us more civilized folk. Boo hoo.

    I ate gluten for years and was just sick all the time. Don't you tell me what to eat or how to run my life! Next you'll be telling me the HCG diet is bad for me and I should eat my exercise calories!
  • millionsofpeaches
    also known as the Paleo Diet...

    Never tried it...