Caveman diet!?!?!?!?! Anyone try this?



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Better question is this.................................Ok so what kinda alcoholic beverages did Cavemen consume??? :devil:

    I haven't read the whole book, only parts of it, but in Primal Blueprint Sisson says if you're going to drink Tequila is where it's at and to that I say "hell yeah!" If you don't like tequila wine is okay too. Personally I try to eat primal 60% of the time (moving towards 80%) but I drink vodka & soda and wine :)

    Hmm, did only the cavemen that lived where limes grow drink tequila?
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Better question is this.................................Ok so what kinda alcoholic beverages did Cavemen consume??? :devil:

    I haven't read the whole book, only parts of it, but in Primal Blueprint Sisson says if you're going to drink Tequila is where it's at and to that I say "hell yeah!" If you don't like tequila wine is okay too. Personally I try to eat primal 60% of the time (moving towards 80%) but I drink vodka & soda and wine :)

    um don't most people say that? , they just don't remember the next day that they did say that
  • cbear017
    cbear017 Posts: 345 Member
    Uh, do people who like twinkies live next to twinkie factories? Your logic is a bit skewed.

    That was in response to bcattoes comment about limes :)
  • luscadero
    luscadero Posts: 92 Member
    Better question is this.................................Ok so what kinda alcoholic beverages did Cavemen consume??? :devil:

    I haven't read the whole book, only parts of it, but in Primal Blueprint Sisson says if you're going to drink Tequila is where it's at and to that I say "hell yeah!" If you don't like tequila wine is okay too. Personally I try to eat primal 60% of the time (moving towards 80%) but I drink vodka & soda and wine :)

    This "cavegirl" drinks plenty o' wine with a steady stream of Beefeater thrown in for good measure!
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Better question is this.................................Ok so what kinda alcoholic beverages did Cavemen consume??? :devil:

    I haven't read the whole book, only parts of it, but in Primal Blueprint Sisson says if you're going to drink Tequila is where it's at and to that I say "hell yeah!" If you don't like tequila wine is okay too. Personally I try to eat primal 60% of the time (moving towards 80%) but I drink vodka & soda and wine :)

    This "cavegirl" drinks plenty o' wine with a steady stream of Beefeater thrown in for good measure!

    OH MY!!!!! YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! ima send you a friend invite!!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    It looks as though this thread has mostly devolved into silliness, but to answer the original OP, I have been eating paleo for about three weeks now. I love it!

    I wasn't eating too much really processed stuff before, but I had been mostly vegetarian for a year, so I was coming from a pretty heavily whole-grain and legume-based diet. I am also going fairly low-carb for the moment (50-80 g, so not anything super extreme for someone of my size) to try and lean out. In the first week I definitely "de-puffed" and dropped a pants size almost right away. I realize this is mostly water, but I sure feels nice to not feel so bloated all the time. I also notice that I am much more satiated these days. I have stopped tracking except for one day a week just to see how I'm doing at estimating, and I am finding that I am really full while eating well within a healthy range of calories for dropping a couple pounds.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Better question is this.................................Ok so what kinda alcoholic beverages did Cavemen consume??? :devil:

    Well, I doubt they took time out of their day to stomp grapes. Beer and most liquor is made from grains *gasp* So ... what's left?

    One school of thought is this was the reason to begin agricultural development, have steady crops of grains to make alcohol.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Uh, do people who like twinkies live next to twinkie factories? Your logic is a bit skewed.

    That was in response to bcattoes comment about limes :)

    I don't know about twinkies. Nobody I know eats them. DO they live next to the factories? But wait! You can get Twinkies at the grocery and convenience stores, right? Whereas the paleo man, not having a car or grocery store, would likely only get limes from the tree. But those cavemen were probably pretty hardcore and just chugged it straight.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Better question is this.................................Ok so what kinda alcoholic beverages did Cavemen consume??? :devil:

    Well, I doubt they took time out of their day to stomp grapes. Beer and most liquor is made from grains *gasp* So ... what's left?

    One school of thought is this was the reason to begin agricultural development, have steady crops of grains to make alcohol.

    See, we did evolve!!
  • cbear017
    cbear017 Posts: 345 Member
    Better question is this.................................Ok so what kinda alcoholic beverages did Cavemen consume??? :devil:

    I haven't read the whole book, only parts of it, but in Primal Blueprint Sisson says if you're going to drink Tequila is where it's at and to that I say "hell yeah!" If you don't like tequila wine is okay too. Personally I try to eat primal 60% of the time (moving towards 80%) but I drink vodka & soda and wine :)

    This "cavegirl" drinks plenty o' wine with a steady stream of Beefeater thrown in for good measure!

    OH YES!!! Gin is another good choice.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Roasted tarantula tastes a lot like crab.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Roasted tarantula tastes a lot like crab.

    The original deadliest catch!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I just finished a 30 day Paleo challenge and LOVED IT. I lost 11 lbs and feel fantastic. My sleep has improved greatly, despite two wee ones who like to wake me up at night and I no longer get the mid afternoon slumps. I eat loads of veggies, some fruit and meat. It's great. The challenge ended yesterday but I am not going back to eating grains, legumes or soy. I have decided to lighten up a bit from the challenge and have wine and dark chocolate, as well as some dairy when necessary (ie when it is in curries and stuff)

    hmm. not on paleo, but have cut back on carbs, no bread rice, or pasta in a week and only occasional hints of sugar and i have been sleeping like baby!!! never linked the two until u posted this!

    I didn't link it either till now :) I"m not following Paleo but the only carbs I've been getting in the past month have been from dairy, fruits and veggies. No breads, pastas, added sugar, etc. I've been sleeping better than ever, not to mention I have no digestive issues anymore and many more positive changes!!
  • squintana1979

    I'm super impressed that Homo neandertals were so adept at utilizing spices! I had no idea!

    Nice use of sarcasm! LOL!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    This part of your post is relevant.
    I don't believe in it.

    And this part....
    Guess what? You're not a Caveman anymore. Your body has evolved, Your diet should too. just you being a d-bag.

    Enjoy! But let me know how that works out for you in 5 Years. If you can stick to it for 5 Years. I am a d-bag and a Grandmom.
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    This part of your post is relevant.
    I don't believe in it.

    And this part....
    Guess what? You're not a Caveman anymore. Your body has evolved, Your diet should too. just you being a d-bag.

    Enjoy! But let me know how that works out for you in 5 Years. If you can stick to it for 5 Years. I am a d-bag and a Grandmom.
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    This part of your post is relevant.
    I don't believe in it.

    And this part....
    Guess what? You're not a Caveman anymore. Your body has evolved, Your diet should too. just you being a d-bag.

    Enjoy! But let me know how that works out for you in 5 Years. If you can stick to it for 5 Years. I am a d-bag and a Grandmom.

    Bitter much? Maybe you'd be better off if you just let go of the land of the living there Granny. I'm sure everyone who has to be around you would be much happier...

    Wow, way to harsh!!! Everyone is entitled to there opinion, doesnt mean she is right or wrong!!!
  • phlumpet
    phlumpet Posts: 106 Member
    I don't eat meat; don't need the increased risk of heart disease and cancer. You're right there is a problem with grains in the modern diet - refined grains. There is a world of difference between the nutritional content of diverse, whole grains and refined grains. Also, not enough fruits and veggies are consumed, either. I think this is the bottom line. My protein comes from nutrient rich legumes, seeds, nuts and plants, and I don't need flesh of other animals to stay healthy.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Your body has evolved, Your diet should too.

    Yeah, but those "evolved" diets don't seem to be working out terribly well for humanity. If it doesn't have the term "caveman" or "paleo" slapped in front of it, is a diet of vegetables, meats, fruits and nuts not "evolved"? If not, how is it not?

    Is it better to take advantage of the latest in "food technology" offered up by Kraft, General Mills and the like? If so, why? Please point me to the advantage these foods provide besides price and convenience (neither of which are related to the body, which you cited in your comment).