Fit For Future Families - September 2011



  • Kittyfeliz
    Kittyfeliz Posts: 290 Member
    Well first and fore most...CONGRATS Alisa & Smores!!!!! The BFP's shine a little light at the end of the tunnel.

    Welcome to all the newbies.

    AFM- Well lately to say I was riding an emotional rollercoaster would be an understatement. Just when I think I'm "coping" with "life" something new gets thrown in and I feel like I'm coreening out of control again(hence why I've been so absent sorry).
    Life and work seem to be getting the better of me these days. I'm seriously considering going into my Dr. about something to get me out of this dark dark period although I don't really want to add another med to my reigm when I'm TTC. I have spoke to him before about it and he had suggested Vit. B supplements which seemed to help for quite some time. *sigh* Who knows...

    On the TTC front, I had to have a repeat PAP on the 1st since my last one 6 months ago was the second of which to show abnormal cells. This one progressed to the next step, low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion. So I am waiting to hear of a OB/GYN consult and a colposcopy with some biopsy to find out the extent. To add to the matter this has proven to be the second month without a positive OPK test :(
    Then we add the family pressure about TTC. I got a phone call on Tuesday from my aunt (who has been telling me for the last 2.5 years that I should come take all the baby stuff from her basement to save for mine. Now don't get me wrong handy-me-downs would be awesome if I was pregnant or had a little one but I don't right now.) Anyways she starts the conversation with
    "Well I know you're not pregnant yet but I've bought you an early baby shower present."
    Oh lovely ....NOT. So I reply with the answer.
    She continues with "I got you a baby furniture set, a crib, a dresser, and a change table."
    I reply sarcastically with "Oh the ones out of your basement?"
    She says "No I went out and bought you a totally new set. It's made from solid wood and really nice. I hope you guys like it. You should come down and pick it up (they live about 2 hours away.) You can take it home and set it up in what will be the nursery. It will be like encouragement. Hahahaha."
    :mad: :explode: :angry: :grumble: :noway:
    It took all I had to not snap on the phone. But I politely thanked her and quickly changed the subject to something else...camping this weekend with them in B.C.....
    While we were out their the baby talk continued and the constant pestering about not drinking any alcohol since I'm technically in teh 2ww period if I happened to O and it not show up on a OPK. My oldest cousin who is 7 asked "Amanda, Are you having a girl or boy?" ....So has my aunt been telling my 7 and almost 4 year old cousin that im pregnant or did she just pick that up from the new baby furniture that arrived at her house this week.... I explained to her that I WASNT pregnant yet and there was NO baby in my tummy. That just increased the down feeling. ..Iy yi yi.
    So anyways once I got home from that adventure I focused my energy on something more productive/positive( since the food and exercise boat has also left the building without me on it.) I looked into acupunture. As scary as it seems I think I'm going to try it. I also found a school that teaches it with a 3 year program for it(I've often thought of doing it but figured I needed to get up the courage to try it and see its benefits before I spent the time and money in the schooling. So maybe I'll be headed down a new adventure path soon.
    So for now I will focus on Friday when I'm getting 12 inches of hair chopped off to donate to children's cancer wigs and then going to a Keith Urban concert and an overnight in a hotel with my Hubby for our 6 month Anniversary.
    Baby dust to all! Ill try and be better at responding the next few weeks!

    Omg your Aunt! Does she know what you're going through? Sounds like she's sweet but totally misguided. Hopefully you'll get that BFP soon though and you'll have a ton of baby furniture out of the way.

    You should totally give acupuncture a try, it sounds scary but honestly it's not. I'm a needle phobe (I mentioned this in an earlier post, I forget to who) but I pass out around needles, not even ones in me, other peoples needles make me pass out, ha! But acupuncture needles are so tiny and flimsy you can tie them in a knot. My BFFF has her degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine so she does acupuncture and herbs among other things (if you're considering it, it's a ton of work but she could not be happier, she even has her own clinic). Once she tied the needle in a knot I wasn't scared anymore, now I get regular treatments from her and honestly, I'm a believer. I'm not sure I was before, not that I doubted but just that I wasn't sure, but I've seen a lot of people have amazing success with acupuncture. I'm still in the early stages, acupuncture takes time so we shall see. I'm seeing her for mood swings (hormonal imbalance), sluggish metabolism and general fertility health. In the first week I lost over two pounds that I'd been struggling with forever but I sense sabotaged that so we'll see how this week fares. Sorry for the longest post ever, anyway try acupuncture and if you haven't read Making Babies (I'm reading this now and in LOVE with it) it's about fertility with Eastern and Western medicine, great tips in there and a lot of interesting facts.

    Love that you're doing the hair thing, is it Locks For Love? I did that once, it was pretty neat!

    Have fun at the concert and happy 6 months!! :flowerforyou:
  • thinthought
    thinthought Posts: 99 Member
    I Haven't done acupuncture but here in Turkey "Cupping" is a really famous form of Eastern Medicine. Placing heated glasses over pressure points and making small cuts to drain out "bad blood" There are a series of places to place them but I have heard about amazing results. I did my first session a while ago and went from sluggish and tired in the morning to waking with no problems overnight...
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    on wednesday, i weighed 121.4 and this morning i woke up to 127.9. i was supposed to have my fitting for my bridesmaid dress today and the stupid thing fit. which normally, that would be a good thing, but i know i won't be this bloated in a week. two weeks ago, i needed 2 inches taken in on each side of the bodice and waist. :( i am just so frustrated, i want to cry!!!
  • Kittyfeliz
    Kittyfeliz Posts: 290 Member
    I Haven't done acupuncture but here in Turkey "Cupping" is a really famous form of Eastern Medicine. Placing heated glasses over pressure points and making small cuts to drain out "bad blood" There are a series of places to place them but I have heard about amazing results. I did my first session a while ago and went from sluggish and tired in the morning to waking with no problems overnight...

    Oh wow. My friend has done cupping on me but it was just with the glass, not the cuts. Ok, cuts scare me, haha! Cupping was fun though, felt like a crazy *kitten* massage and then I looked like I was attacked by an octopus from the bruises on my back. That was my fav part, haha!
    on wednesday, i weighed 121.4 and this morning i woke up to 127.9. i was supposed to have my fitting for my bridesmaid dress today and the stupid thing fit. which normally, that would be a good thing, but i know i won't be this bloated in a week. two weeks ago, i needed 2 inches taken in on each side of the bodice and waist. :( i am just so frustrated, i want to cry!!!

    Don't be so hard on yourself, it's just those crazy hormones! You are not really 5 lbs heavier! You need to give yourself a break, maybe not weigh yourself until your off those meds or they stable out a bit. You're going to drive yourself crazy if you don't give yourself a little slack. *hugs*
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Jen- that sounds like an awesome support group. Totally worth the money if the group is as worth while as it sounds.

    Pixie- BOOOOO for cramps!

    Kdet-WHOOOOHOO! This is a good month for our group :o) Hopefully you all can rub some of this good luck off on me.

    GBOH- Don’t cry! It will be okay- are you ladies having another fitting? Or call the seamstress early next week and tell her you need another fitting. It not a real gain. I know still frustrating, but try not to let it get to you too much.

    AFM- thanks for a support. Our student moved out this morning and I already feel less stressed. It was just too much to think we were going to have an argument about a house rule that he didn’t want to follow (like eating at the dinner table with the family- I know total harsh rule right?!).
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    GBOH- Don’t cry! It will be okay- are you ladies having another fitting? Or call the seamstress early next week and tell her you need another fitting. It not a real gain. I know still frustrating, but try not to let it get to you too much.

    great idea, but the wedding is next week. i pick up my dress from the seamstress on tuesday (hemmed) and i leave on wedneday for the wedding. i don't have access to a seamstress after tuesday. :( my fear is that it will be only slightly big when i pick it up on tuesday and huge by the time i need it on saturday.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    AFM- thanks for a support. Our student moved out this morning and I already feel less stressed. It was just too much to think we were going to have an argument about a house rule that he didn’t want to follow (like eating at the dinner table with the family- I know total harsh rule right?!).

    it's a totally reasonable rule; sounds like he was just being a moody, anti-social twerp. i hope you can find a replacement exchange student who is a better fit.
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    Hello ladies,
    I have a question. So, I have always had a normal cycle but never charted my ovulation cycle because there was no need. I am supposed to start my period on the 28th. Well, we've been using the OPK's and to my surprise, it came out positive last night.
    If the egg is fertilized now, would that be too close to my period or is my period just going to come later because I ovulated later?
    I am worried that I am too close to my period for the egg to implant. We are BD'ing like crazy to make sure there is sperm available to fertilize.
    Any knowledge would be wonderful.
  • mrsjenfrank
    mrsjenfrank Posts: 1,016 Member
    kitty - i'm so sorry to hear about the gain. totally unfair in my opinion. especially if you've been busting your rump the rest of the time. up your water intake this week and hopefully it'll help. good luck!

    GBOH - I am keeping you in my thoughts. i agree that i highly doubt you really gained 5 lbs but still the same, i hope you don't end up having problems next weekend. but just in case, maybe try taking some safety pins with you? maybe you can pin a bit somewhere on the inside if you do have issues?

    luki - doesn't sound like an unreasonable request. i agree he was just being difficult and anti-social. i hope you're feeling a little less stress now with him gone.

    AFM - feeling not too bad the last couple of days. finally starting to feel a little bit better.... not so hungry constantly. just made myself a yummy (late) lunch of a tuna melt, but of course have had no veggies yet today... oh well. supper is already planned with lots of veggies included. :)

    when the nutritionist set me up counting carbs, she said not to pay any attention to any of the other factors for now (calories, fat, sodium, fibre) but of course i use MFP as a food diary and can't help but notice the other factors. some days, i don't even get 1000 cals!?!! i know this can't be good. but i haven't been feeling sick like i am not getting enough food... and when i look through my food journal i know i've ate decent... i know healthier food contains less calories and i shouldn't be concerned, but i am. i don't want to accidently put myself into starvation mode. what do you guys think? should i do like she says and not focus on the other factors for now?

    my husband and i did some work cleaning in our basement this morning. i hauled out 6 big black bags of garbage, and 1 box of garbage. feels good to know that a little bit got done. so much more to do yet though! our basement is unfinished, and we need to clear up the junk that's accumulated so we can start on bracing the old walls, and framing.
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    Age: 32
    Where you live: Alabama
    Job: PhD student/mom
    Length of time on the board: first day
    Marital Status: M
    Length of time you've been with SO: Married ten years in April
    Do you have kids: Gabriel (5), Evelyn (1)
    Length of time TTC: Currently NT/NP, but went through many fertility treatments to get DD, so planning on starting trying for one more in about 6 months
    Diagnosis: High FSH, Annovulation, Male Factor
    Do you chart your BBT: No, it got me too freaked out
    Do you use OPKs: I will when we start TTC
    Are you on any meds for TTC: not currently, but I have in the past
    Height: 6 feet
    Weight: 237
    Goal Weight: 190
    Strange fact about yourself: I have always been a tomboy, but having a daughter seems to have brought out my girly side. I not only dress her pretty girly, but I have gotten more, she has brought out a side of me that I didn't even know was there.
  • caitlinbsw
    I would love to join this group! Seems like a great group of people. A little bit about me, I had a BFP 8/21 and a miscarriage on 9/3. My HCG was 14 on 9/3 and last week was 5. My boyfriend hadn't been together very long so it was a shock we were pregnant. I have thought for years I wouldn't be able to conceive (many jerk boyfriends impregnanting the girls they cheated on me with), so it was a great shock when we got pregnant. I'm hoping to TTC soon (not really preventing but not actively "trying"), we are getting married next July!

    Age: 26
    Where you live: KCMO
    Job: Social Worker
    Length of time on the board: As long as it took me to read all 13 pages of posts...
    Marital Status: Committed
    Length of time you've been with SO: A couple of months
    Do you have kids: No
    Length of time TTC: No actively
    Diagnosis: None known of
    Do you chart your BBT: No
    Do you use OPKs: No
    Are you on any meds for TTC: Just prenatals
    Height: 5'6
    Weight: 250
    Goal Weight: 150
    Strange fact about yourself: I am obsessed with penguins! :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Just a quick one from's a bit of a rant. So today we took our 10th anniversary photos and....I'm happy with some, but some have kind of sent me into a bit of a tailspin. I think we're going to have to do another day of photos.....the sweater I wore, while colourwise was perfect, made me look a little on the preggo I guess I should look at it like yeah, we have announcement photos.....from before the pregnancy?!?!?!? Seriously, in some, it's all I can see and my DH has his hand on my belly....*sigh* so we've got a good 3 or 4, but we're probably going to have to go out again. My friend is the photographer and we're doing a reciprocal photo thing...going to head up next weekend and shoot some photos of her and her boyfriend. Hopefully we'll get some great shots then. Otherwise during our week off, we're going to head to some random places for a self photo shoot as well....

    Here's a link to the best ones (and one of the preggo ones so you guys can see what I'm talking about):!117
  • melissaforster07
    melissaforster07 Posts: 145 Member
    It's been a few days since I have stopped by...boy was there lots to catch up on. I am sending hugs to all of you going through tough times and cheering for all of you who have had victories! And welcome to all the newbies!

    AFM - I haven't been feeling well the past week and a half or so...and this morning I woke up with a horrible sinus headache. The day continued to go down hill and I found myself in bed most of the day with body aches, stomach issues, and sinus drainage... YUCK!! But good news...AF finally decided to show up today. So I hope to start charting my temperature tomorrow. I hope to use the next few months as practice so I can figure out the pattern so that in the Spring we are totally ready to start trying. :-) Yay!

    Any tips on charting for charting BBT you'd like to share??
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    Julia- If you got a positive OPK, go ahead and dtd. Unless you are having a wonky cycle, you should get your period in 11-14 days. Stress and other factors can delay ovulation. It is also not unusual for women with normal cycles to occasionally have an annovulatory cycle. Good luck!
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    Julia- If you got a positive OPK, go ahead and dtd. Unless you are having a wonky cycle, you should get your period in 11-14 days. Stress and other factors can delay ovulation. It is also not unusual for women with normal cycles to occasionally have an annovulatory cycle. Good luck!

    THANKS! I haven't been off my bc for year so I didn't know what to expect but this evening I had really bad cramps on the right side of my lower abdomen. I assume it was the actual ovulation? It hurt like no other. I said I have a regular 28 day cycle but I supposed I really don't know since I haven't been off bc in 9 years... All this time I was expecting AF on the 28th and I thought the wait was HORRIBLE. Now for an all new 2ww...
  • susy99
    susy99 Posts: 82 Member
    Hey there!
    I would like to join this group!

    We want to TTC our second by the end of this year, of begginin of 2012 our second baby. We already have a 2.5 year old son and I feel he needs a sibling. I am hesitant about getting pregnant again, so scared! but I HAVE to have 2 more kids coz we agreed on 3 kids!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hello ladies,
    I have a question. So, I have always had a normal cycle but never charted my ovulation cycle because there was no need. I am supposed to start my period on the 28th. Well, we've been using the OPK's and to my surprise, it came out positive last night.
    If the egg is fertilized now, would that be too close to my period or is my period just going to come later because I ovulated later?
    I am worried that I am too close to my period for the egg to implant. We are BD'ing like crazy to make sure there is sperm available to fertilize.
    Any knowledge would be wonderful.
    Hey Julia :)

    So, because this is the first time you've tracked and used OPKs there no way to know how long your Luteal Phase is (the # of days from ovulation to your period arrives). It could be that you ovulated later than normal for a number of reasons, or you may discover that you have a super short luteal phase (which is a super easy fix for your doctor).
    My advice it to continue to have sex until AF shows, and enjoy yourself! For testing, test you think you need to (or can't wait any more!). That's the beauty of buying tests in bulk!
    Ask anything you want :) We're here for you.
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    Julia- When you first get off the bcp, it is pretty normal for your first couple of cycles to be weird. I would just go by the OPKs and don't worry if you have a long cycle or two at first. If they are still crazy in a few months, maybe talk to your doc about it. I know it is frustrating when you are TTC, but some women just take a couple of cycles for their body to figure out what it going on. Good luck, girl!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member

    Hello ladies!

    This group is a wonderful resource for everyone, and is only enriched by the unique experiences that each brings with their stories. We pride ourselves on being an open and accepting forum.

    With that said, all recommendation made by people on this board need to be considered for saftey before anyone embarks on them. This includes things such as drinking certain herbal teas that cause uterine contractions (great if you need AF to show but bad in the 2WW for implantation), standing on heads after intercourse, or bloodletting.

    Each and every member is welcome to share their personal experiences, but please ensure that the PHYSICAL recommendations you make to others are safe and science-based. (This does not apply to EMOTIONAL or SPIRITUAL preferences).

    The top priority of this board is the safety of its members.

  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    when the nutritionist set me up counting carbs, she said not to pay any attention to any of the other factors for now (calories, fat, sodium, fibre) but of course i use MFP as a food diary and can't help but notice the other factors. some days, i don't even get 1000 cals!?!! i know this can't be good. but i haven't been feeling sick like i am not getting enough food... and when i look through my food journal i know i've ate decent... i know healthier food contains less calories and i shouldn't be concerned, but i am. i don't want to accidently put myself into starvation mode. what do you guys think? should i do like she says and not focus on the other factors for now?

    You can remove the other things from your diary. If you're being told something by the nutritionist, I'd go with that for now - that's why you're going to her. You can have her review your food choices. Starvation mode starts after a long period of time and happens at different levels for different people. If you are not feeling sick from what you are choosing, then you should be okay. MFP should never replace medical or professional advise.