Fit For Future Families - September 2011



  • Smores18
    Smores18 Posts: 119 Member
    Oh, and thank you everyone for the support. I think I'm doing a little better with this one than the last one. I thought it would be worse because after 3 m/c's that pretty much means there is something wrong with me, but I think I already figured there was something wrong with me after the last one. I think mentally I know that I can't let myself go that much again, though it's still hard. I find myself just randomly going into tears, but at least I don't have all the mood swings between anger and sadness that I had last time.
    Hopefully the next few months will bring us the joy we've been waiting for!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    S'mores so sorry for your loss! Hopefully the doctor will have answers on Wednesday.

    So i failed at checking in everyday this week im hoping October will be better. Technically we should be on the October thread now... I'm on my phone so it's a *kitten* to start a new thread... Can anyone start it? Or I can start it tomorrow when I have my computer.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    S'mores so sorry for your loss! Hopefully the doctor will have answers on Wednesday.

    So i failed at checking in everyday this week im hoping October will be better. Technically we should be on the October thread now... I'm on my phone so it's a *kitten* to start a new thread... Can anyone start it? Or I can start it tomorrow when I have my computer.


    New Thread:
  • melissaforster07
    melissaforster07 Posts: 145 Member
    Thanks! I love the word blotting...sounds about right for me right now!! I hadn't even really thought about things that way. I don't think I have ever actually had regular this feels all so new. I hadn't really thought about the varying levels of hormones in my body. I don't really want to go on the pill....I was on it for 3+ years and had some really scary side it sounds like maybe I need to start considering my other options. I don't have another doctors appointment for awhile, but it sounds like I will have some time to watch my cycles, do some research, continue to lose some weight, and hopefully be armed to have a good conversation with her about what steps I need to take to get things even more regular.

    I have done lots and lots of research and if you want to stay away from medicated consistency, here are some medically proven ways to help. (Youère going to wish you never asked...LOL)

    1. Avoid sugar. Sugar causes your body to go into insulin overdrive and when your body is producing insulin, it cannot process calories as effectively - leading to slow weight loss.

    2. Avoid Xenoestrogens and Phytoestrogens. Xenoestrogens (literally "foreign estrogen") are man-made compounds that mimic the effects of natural estrogens in the body.Phytoestrogens (phyto meaning plant) are naturally occurring estrogenic compounds that are found in a variety of plant foods such as beans, seeds, and grains. These estrogen mimickers wreak havoc with the natural body chemistry we have and can lead to serious conditions (various cancers have been linked to increased estrogen or sometimes even excessive intake of estrogen mimickers) and abdominal weight gain. To avoid them, eat organic as much as possible, use natural cleaners in your home, only use BHA free plastics. As for which foods to avoid completely, at the top of the list are soy and caffeine.

    3. De-stress and Exercise. I grouped these two together because they really do go hand in hand. I usually do a meditation while I am taking my walks. Just head out someplace quiet and do a 30 min walk. Focus on your breath - going in and coming out. Pay attention to the rhythm of your stride and enjoy the natural setting. By the time you have finished your walk, you will fell much more relaxed. Also most experts say that for PCOS, strength training is just as important as cardio, if not more so (depending on the study). Strength focused calisthenthics are perfect especially right after your walk. I do as much as I can (when I am not being lazy like now) as I can in 15 minutes and then use the final 15 minutes for some really great stretching (or yoga poses).

    Hopefully this helps every get in the mood for focusing on the health. Best part is ALL of this can be done throughout your pregnancy because it is really low impact and if you start it now, youèll have more energy at the end of your pregnancy to spend with your child. This is about gaining a healthy lifestyle, not about losing a bunch of weight.

    Welcome Baloney - you'll have to talk about dancing with Kim (I haven't seen her around lately...hmmm). She too is a dancing diva (in a good way)!

    Thanks! I am relatively new to the PCOS world. I was diagnosed back in February and since then my lifestyle has been over haled. I have been doing a lot of the things you mentioned above...but I still have so much to learn. A lot of the reasons my husband and I are waiting until the Spring to officially TTC is because we want my body to be as healthy as possible before we start down that road. Keep the advice coming! :-)
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! I just wanted to pop on and say hello! I will probably not be on here much in the next month or two. We are taking at least a month off from TTC so that I can get my shoulder treated. If at the end of the month it still hurts/hurts again I'll be trying to scheduel surgery. My friend who used to be a prenatal nurse advised against surgery if there's any possibility that I could get pregnant so I'll be schedueling it for right about when AF should be appearing that way I will know for certain I'm not pregnant and I'll be laid up for a few weeks after so I'll probably miss my ovulation for the following month. I definitely want to get this taken care of being having a kiddo! If putting my shirt on hurts I can only imagine how it would feel to pick up a baby right now! *Pout*

    I hope you all have a fantastic day! good luck and baby dust to all!
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Hi Ladies.....

    FitterPam started a new thread for October....Hope on over!! I ain't September anymore!!!! LOL
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member

    TTC for almost 4.5 years, laproscopy done last march everything was ok noreasons for infertility found. My husbands results are ok. i did metformin+IVF-C injections in 2008 for months and later i quit it for emotional reasons that it was too much stress. for last three i was doing homeopathic treatment but no positive results.

    but what is more stressful is that i do not workout especially after ovulation with apprehension what if I am pregnant and I damage it? and with this fear i have gone from 66kgs to 76kgs. now finally i decided to workout so what kind of workouts do u do? Is the 30ds is too much for TTC ppl. infact as im bottom heavy I need to do lower body workouts more that is squats and lunges. and i was looking Jillian's killer legs and thighs it has too much plyometrics(jumps). Any ideas is it ok while TTC
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    Hey Dex,
    Welcome. Please see the link from Pantera above your post. It will hook you up with our active page for the month of October. when I joined I was worried about the same thing but everyone encouraged me that you can continue to work out especially if you were already working out before trying. Typically when working out starts to cause problems is when you haven't been working out at all and then go to vigorous workouts all the time. I haven't done 30ds, but I know there are other women on the board who do it and they can share their experience with you, just pop on over to the October page :)
    Good luck!
  • thinthought
    thinthought Posts: 99 Member
    Hi Everyone have been MIA for a while now. Lost some motivation and just the business of life. So a couple of weeks ago one of my goals was to get to the Dr. to have blood work done to see if my hormones were out of wack. Well I got to the Dr.... finally. Hormone test has to wait until day 3 of my cycle apparently so I am waiting for that (actually am waiting for period not to come of course... grins). Did have an ultrasound done to check the cyst that has been on my Rt Ovary. Good news is, it is gone! That was a weight off of my shoulders!
    So now more waiting....
    Have been trying to catch up on the other posts, but there are a lot! Just wanted to say that I appreciate this post and value this community.
  • thinthought
    thinthought Posts: 99 Member
    Any change with the late period and BFN? With my son I was a day or so late took a test, BFN and then had light bleeding for three days... tested again and it was a positive. Hope it is something similar for you!
  • thinthought
    thinthought Posts: 99 Member
    Smores--* Hugs * to you

    Dex- Welcome, I am curious about the same issues. Am interested in seeing what you find out about exercise. Maybe it just depends on the person though cause I have seen people running marathons at 7ish months pregnant.

    I would love to comment personally for everyone but I am so far behind the posts from being gone for so long.
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    Hey Thinthought, not sure if you found our new thread, but I saw you just posted a few days ago and didn't want you to think we had dropped off the face of the planet. We start a new thread each month. You can find us all here: