Fit For Future Families - September 2011



  • MirandaSwafford
    MirandaSwafford Posts: 26 Member
    Quick question for everyone....those of you who have PCOS do you find that your periods tend to be heavy one month and extremely light the next? My cycles are somewhat normal (anywhere from 50-31 days). BUT my current period is playing with my mind. It's more then spotting but barely enough for a tampon (sorry if that TMI).... I know there is not really anything to do about that...I just wish there was some way I could know what to expect!

    I feel like I am 13 all over again and like I have never had periods before!! Stupid PCOS!! OK...rant over!!

    My periods do that all the time! So you are not alone...I am pretty regular considering i have PCOS...about every 34 days....but i will have a light period...and then a big heavy nasty one (tmi sorry)! sux but you just gott deal
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Emily - if you find you're more than 10 days late, I'd schedule an appointment with the doctor - at the very least get them to run some tests if only to assure yourself.

    Melissa - I always joked that the only consistency with AF for me was the inconsistency. I swear that my clinic doesn't believe half the craziness. When I started regulating the first thought I had was.....if this is what AF is like for everyone else, what the heck have I been putting up with. It would make senes that if you have a light period one month the next would be heavier. Its because of the varying levels of hormones in your body during the different months - one month it's very light on hormones (so you don't completely shed the lining - sorry for TMI) and the next your body goes into clean up mode and loads up the hormones. Neither is good - so it's important that you stabilize, whether that means going on the pill for a couple of months or regulating your blood sugar.This cycle has thrown me for a loop too - I started about 9 days too early and it was exactly as you described (ANNOYING.....LOL) I couldn't describe it as spotting because it really wasn't but it was definitely not even a light AF. Now fast forward to CD13 (so now 4 days late from when I was expecting) and it's become like a normal cycle for me - but that's 13 days of blotting (my combo word i made up to describe it)......Doctor says it's because of the hormones from the pill......

    Imarunner - stress is a killer on the TTC process so be kind to yourself and do something just for you today - it will help your mood and stress levels.....I like giving myself mani/pedis to some great hubs thinks I'm a little nuts, but so what....LOL he's probably right

    Julia - fingers are crossed for you. Enjoy the conference!!!!

    AFM: BP was a little better - lower than before which puts me back in the normal range, but not normal for me still. Appetite has been a little better today - I look back on the last few days and think of how monsterous I was acting.....seriously that was brutal. And my nurse told my DH yesterday if that's what I'm like on the pill, he's in for a real treat when I go on the Lupron.....LOL She offered up her husband's number as a support group (she went through the IVF a few years ago).

    That's just it...TTC is what is stressing me out...that's my problem. It's like someone flipped on my "psycho baby-maker" switch. I need to relax. I shouldn't be in a hurry...I have weight to lose, a house to remodel, ect., but all of a sudden, the sight of a pregnant woman or someone holding a baby shoots this horrific anger through me. I'm sure my anger is mostly from the fact that my hormones are still screwy from getting off BCP and not having AF yet...but it surprises me when it happens. It's not me...UGH!
  • Smores18
    Smores18 Posts: 119 Member
    Well ladies, looks like I'm back here again. I'm losing this LO too. This will be my third angel in a row. I'm going to get blood tests tomorrow to confirm it but I'm pretty certain there is not hope anymore. So I guess my next step is to talk with my doctor to figure out what is wrong with me and just continue to try to loose weight in the meantime.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Well ladies, looks like I'm back here again. I'm losing this LO too. This will be my third angel in a row. I'm going to get blood tests tomorrow to confirm it but I'm pretty certain there is not hope anymore. So I guess my next step is to talk with my doctor to figure out what is wrong with me and just continue to try to loose weight in the meantime.

    So sorry to hear that - definitely check with the doctor - there are things they can do to help with the very early pregnancy hormones to keep them stable or help with many other things that could be causing it!!!!
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member

    Random question--what books are you all reading? I got a kindle for my birthday and have been pulled into a series called "The Parasol Protectorate" by Gail Carriager. (Had never heard of her before.) So, apparently, it's a kinda a cross between, Steampunk ( I was not familiar with the term before reading this book), Twilight and Jane Austen. I'm thoroughly enjoying it--I've never read anything quite like it before. Just thought I'd throw it out there--I'm looking for recommendations on other books to keep an eye out for.

    I just read "water for Elephants" and it was AMAZING. Some lady on the airplane gave me "my Booky Wook" by Russel Brandt but I have yet to begin it. I also recommend "Falling into Man Holes." A friend of a friend wrote it and I recommend it to most women. "look me in the Eye" is also great I can't the name of the author but it's the brother of the guy who wrote "Running with Scissors." Should I go on? ;)
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    Well ladies, looks like I'm back here again. I'm losing this LO too. This will be my third angel in a row. I'm going to get blood tests tomorrow to confirm it but I'm pretty certain there is not hope anymore. So I guess my next step is to talk with my doctor to figure out what is wrong with me and just continue to try to loose weight in the meantime.

    HUG HUGS HUGS HUGS and I'm praying for you.....more HUGS
  • melissaforster07
    melissaforster07 Posts: 145 Member
    Melissa - I always joked that the only consistency with AF for me was the inconsistency. I swear that my clinic doesn't believe half the craziness. When I started regulating the first thought I had was.....if this is what AF is like for everyone else, what the heck have I been putting up with. It would make senes that if you have a light period one month the next would be heavier. Its because of the varying levels of hormones in your body during the different months - one month it's very light on hormones (so you don't completely shed the lining - sorry for TMI) and the next your body goes into clean up mode and loads up the hormones. Neither is good - so it's important that you stabilize, whether that means going on the pill for a couple of months or regulating your blood sugar.This cycle has thrown me for a loop too - I started about 9 days too early and it was exactly as you described (ANNOYING.....LOL) I couldn't describe it as spotting because it really wasn't but it was definitely not even a light AF. Now fast forward to CD13 (so now 4 days late from when I was expecting) and it's become like a normal cycle for me - but that's 13 days of blotting (my combo word i made up to describe it)......Doctor says it's because of the hormones from the pill......

    Thanks! I love the word blotting...sounds about right for me right now!! I hadn't even really thought about things that way. I don't think I have ever actually had regular this feels all so new. I hadn't really thought about the varying levels of hormones in my body. I don't really want to go on the pill....I was on it for 3+ years and had some really scary side it sounds like maybe I need to start considering my other options. I don't have another doctors appointment for awhile, but it sounds like I will have some time to watch my cycles, do some research, continue to lose some weight, and hopefully be armed to have a good conversation with her about what steps I need to take to get things even more regular.
  • melissaforster07
    melissaforster07 Posts: 145 Member
    Well ladies, looks like I'm back here again. I'm losing this LO too. This will be my third angel in a row. I'm going to get blood tests tomorrow to confirm it but I'm pretty certain there is not hope anymore. So I guess my next step is to talk with my doctor to figure out what is wrong with me and just continue to try to loose weight in the meantime.

    I'm so sorry to hear this news. Sending you lots of hugs!!!
  • melissaforster07
    melissaforster07 Posts: 145 Member
    Random question--what books are you all reading? I got a kindle for my birthday and have been pulled into a series called "The Parasol Protectorate" by Gail Carriager. (Had never heard of her before.) So, apparently, it's a kinda a cross between, Steampunk ( I was not familiar with the term before reading this book), Twilight and Jane Austen. I'm thoroughly enjoying it--I've never read anything quite like it before. Just thought I'd throw it out there--I'm looking for recommendations on other books to keep an eye out for.

    OH!! I love reading! This is a great question!! Have you read The Help? I really liked it!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Smores--I'm so sorry. I wish there was something else we could do than be cyber-supportive. Hugs.

    Thanks for the book recommendations--keep em coming. (Those of you too busy to read anything other than textbooks at this juncture are excused. I remember those days in grad school well. If it wasn't a journal or a textbook it had no place in my life. so glad that is done.) I have "water for elephants" reserved at the library for my kindle, and I have yet to read "The Help", but I'm sure I will. Gotta finish this series first--basically, it's set in Victorian England, and werewolves and vampires have been incorporated into British society. Very inventive. And the writing is really funny.

    Tonight is my retreat--I'm ready to go. And I"m eating s'mores. That's all there is to that. :-)
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Well ladies, looks like I'm back here again. I'm losing this LO too. This will be my third angel in a row. I'm going to get blood tests tomorrow to confirm it but I'm pretty certain there is not hope anymore. So I guess my next step is to talk with my doctor to figure out what is wrong with me and just continue to try to loose weight in the meantime.

    :( Am praying for you!! xoxo

    This is the second month in a row....i'm getting irregular spotting mid cycle...not sure what is going on with me either. :(
  • baloney17
    baloney17 Posts: 73 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I've seen your threads before and now that I've been engaged for a couple of months, I decided to join the forum. My wedding is not until October 2012, but I'm in major weight loss mode right now. My fiancé and I know we want to start a family right away, but I'm still over 200lbs and need to be in ONEderland for health reasons and recommendation of my doctor. It will be a long time before I get into all of the TTC technical babble, but I am already learning SO much from all you wonderful ladies.

    Age: 30
    Where you live: Ogdensburg, NY
    Job: Elementary Vocal Music Teacher, Piano/Voice Instructor, Assistant Choreographer at a local Dance Studio, and Choir Director at a local Church.
    Length of time on the board: Newbie to this site - been on MFP for about 4 weeks!
    Marital Status: Engaged!!!!
    Length of time you've been with SO: A little over one year
    Do you have kids: Spaz and Freya, our adorable cats!
    Length of time TTC: N/A
    Diagnosis: N/A
    Do you chart your BBT: No
    Do you use OPKs: No
    Are you on any meds for TTC: N/A
    Height: 5'2
    Weight: 228
    Goal Weight: 190 by the wedding, 150 ultimately
    Strange fact about yourself: If I weren't teaching, I'd probably be on stage in any way, shape or form, and as often as possible! Oh, and I am always busy, but hate having more than 2 days of nothing to do!
  • Pokee1
    Pokee1 Posts: 408 Member
    Love that ... sticky baby dust!!!
  • mrsjenfrank
    mrsjenfrank Posts: 1,016 Member
    Smores: I'm so sorry. *hugs* Keeping you in my thoughts today. *hug*

    Thanks to everyone for the congrats over my weight loss last week.

    Well... since everyone seems to be talking about AF ... I haven't had one in over a year that wasn't medically induced by Prometrium... then on Wednesday, I randomly start spotting. And its continued since then and only gotten slightly heavier. Still only really there when I wipe, or the tiniest bit on a liner. I am considering this a small victory, as much as I may feel a tad annoyed that its not a bit heavier... Victory definitely because it started around CD36. Anyway, gonna talk to my doc about it Monday when I go. Maybe I should have her send me for another ultrasound to check on the PCOS as it's been just about a year since I was diagnosed. ?? I have no clue. haha Flying by the seat of my proverbial shorts. :p

    Went for lunch with my bff today... ate too much. oy. And I splurged a little. Gonna go enter it into my food diary and see how little carbs I have to eat for the rest of the day. LOL

    Oh, and I discovered my new new favourite snack!!

    Annie Chun's Roasted Seaweed Snacks! DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!

    Good wishes and *baby dust* to everyone today. Happy Friday!!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Well... since everyone seems to be talking about AF ... I haven't had one in over a year that wasn't medically induced by Prometrium... then on Wednesday, I randomly start spotting. And its continued since then and only gotten slightly heavier. Still only really there when I wipe, or the tiniest bit on a liner. I am considering this a small victory, as much as I may feel a tad annoyed that its not a bit heavier... Victory definitely because it started around CD36. Anyway, gonna talk to my doc about it Monday when I go. Maybe I should have her send me for another ultrasound to check on the PCOS as it's been just about a year since I was diagnosed. ?? I have no clue. haha Flying by the seat of my proverbial shorts. :p

    Yeah - the ultrasound won't help - it doesn't tell them the severity of your PCOS, just that you have it from the ultrasound. They tell the severity by the symptoms and that's not a small victory - that's A HUGE NSV!!!!!!!! Seriously, that is the first step to fertility....Congratulations to you!!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Thanks! I love the word blotting...sounds about right for me right now!! I hadn't even really thought about things that way. I don't think I have ever actually had regular this feels all so new. I hadn't really thought about the varying levels of hormones in my body. I don't really want to go on the pill....I was on it for 3+ years and had some really scary side it sounds like maybe I need to start considering my other options. I don't have another doctors appointment for awhile, but it sounds like I will have some time to watch my cycles, do some research, continue to lose some weight, and hopefully be armed to have a good conversation with her about what steps I need to take to get things even more regular.

    I have done lots and lots of research and if you want to stay away from medicated consistency, here are some medically proven ways to help. (Youère going to wish you never asked...LOL)

    1. Avoid sugar. Sugar causes your body to go into insulin overdrive and when your body is producing insulin, it cannot process calories as effectively - leading to slow weight loss.

    2. Avoid Xenoestrogens and Phytoestrogens. Xenoestrogens (literally "foreign estrogen") are man-made compounds that mimic the effects of natural estrogens in the body.Phytoestrogens (phyto meaning plant) are naturally occurring estrogenic compounds that are found in a variety of plant foods such as beans, seeds, and grains. These estrogen mimickers wreak havoc with the natural body chemistry we have and can lead to serious conditions (various cancers have been linked to increased estrogen or sometimes even excessive intake of estrogen mimickers) and abdominal weight gain. To avoid them, eat organic as much as possible, use natural cleaners in your home, only use BHA free plastics. As for which foods to avoid completely, at the top of the list are soy and caffeine.

    3. De-stress and Exercise. I grouped these two together because they really do go hand in hand. I usually do a meditation while I am taking my walks. Just head out someplace quiet and do a 30 min walk. Focus on your breath - going in and coming out. Pay attention to the rhythm of your stride and enjoy the natural setting. By the time you have finished your walk, you will fell much more relaxed. Also most experts say that for PCOS, strength training is just as important as cardio, if not more so (depending on the study). Strength focused calisthenthics are perfect especially right after your walk. I do as much as I can (when I am not being lazy like now) as I can in 15 minutes and then use the final 15 minutes for some really great stretching (or yoga poses).

    Hopefully this helps every get in the mood for focusing on the health. Best part is ALL of this can be done throughout your pregnancy because it is really low impact and if you start it now, youèll have more energy at the end of your pregnancy to spend with your child. This is about gaining a healthy lifestyle, not about losing a bunch of weight.

    Welcome Baloney - you'll have to talk about dancing with Kim (I haven't seen her around lately...hmmm). She too is a dancing diva (in a good way)!
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    I had written down what I wanted to say to everyone but I can't find it right now! First of all- big big hugs to S'mores! So so sorry hon, I'll be keeping you in my thoughts today.

    Pam- Also sorry that things aren't going as you had originally planned, but from here it seems like you're handling things quite well. You're awesome!

    AFM- This week has been non stop. After the ordeal with my dogs, I had to take my car to get inspected and what I thought was only going to be 30 minutes turned in to FOUR hours!!!?!??!!!! But I finally have been getting a break today, and cleaning out my storage/junk/catch-all room. I found baby books my sister loaned me 2 years ago, and Christmas card with $10 from 3 years ago, and a $25 gift card to a local restaurant that is now closed. I threw out 2 big trash bags, and I filled 2 boxes with stuff that I'm taking to a thrift store, hopefully I'll get a few bucks! My LO has been such a big girl today while I've been cleaning. Okay now for the weird stuff, I feel like my ovary and uterus areas have been really tight and sore the past couple days. Has anyone experienced that? AF is still about a week away so I don't think that's the issue. Oh, and I've been looking at cars online for our big shopping trip tomorrow and I would love to hear if any of you have any input on a Chevy Trailblazer, Jeep Compass, or Dodge Caliber. Thanks! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Baby dust to us all!!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I had written down what I wanted to say to everyone but I can't find it right now! First of all- big big hugs to S'mores! So so sorry hon, I'll be keeping you in my thoughts today.

    Pam- Also sorry that things aren't going as you had originally planned, but from here it seems like you're handling things quite well. You're awesome!

    AFM- This week has been non stop. After the ordeal with my dogs, I had to take my car to get inspected and what I thought was only going to be 30 minutes turned in to FOUR hours!!!?!??!!!! But I finally have been getting a break today, and cleaning out my storage/junk/catch-all room. I found baby books my sister loaned me 2 years ago, and Christmas card with $10 from 3 years ago, and a $25 gift card to a local restaurant that is now closed. I threw out 2 big trash bags, and I filled 2 boxes with stuff that I'm taking to a thrift store, hopefully I'll get a few bucks! My LO has been such a big girl today while I've been cleaning. Okay now for the weird stuff, I feel like my ovary and uterus areas have been really tight and sore the past couple days. Has anyone experienced that? AF is still about a week away so I don't think that's the issue. Oh, and I've been looking at cars online for our big shopping trip tomorrow and I would love to hear if any of you have any input on a Chevy Trailblazer, Jeep Compass, or Dodge Caliber. Thanks! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Baby dust to us all!!!

    I have the Journey (Caliber's big brother) and seriously LOVE it. I know the Compass is essentially the same car - they actually have the same chassis (off the same line) so look more at which interior you love. The Caliber is kind of quirky in that there are lots of "square" things, like the windows, etc. But DH's coworker has one and carries his full drum set in it to gigs with no issues.
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Still no AF. Bills are late, too. I had to draw blood on a 3 day old baby yesterday and I cried. It looks like we won't even be starting on the house until March 2012. And of course that's only the half of it...

    I think I need a shot of something before I erupt like a volcano...:explode:
  • Smores18
    Smores18 Posts: 119 Member

    This is the second month in a row....i'm getting irregular spotting mid cycle...not sure what is going on with me either. :(

    I hope you can get it figured out! Do you temp at all? If you don't I would definitely advise you to start, if you do temp then I would love to take a look at your charts to see if I can help at all.

    AFM: hcg levels were at 4 yesterday so I've definitely lost the LO. I have a doctor appointment on Wednesday to figure out what the next step is, and there had better be a next step after 3 consecutive losses! I'm really praying that we can find a solution! For right now, since I've had confirmation of the m/c, I will start tracking my food and exercising 3X a day again, hopefully next time we will be able to hold on to our LO.