Ripped In 30 September!



  • hennyben
    I agree about the walking up your leg ab workout. You do what, 4 reps? I don't really feel a burn there. Today my goal is to not crap out on the cardio. I try the advanced cardio and burn out so bad that I quit all together rather than do the modified. Today I'm going to suffer. I am loving the results so far. I can see arm muscles! Props to you for doing all those advanced versions! What do you think about the squatting leg lifts! My right side is ok, but left is so weak for some reason. I like reading status updates from everyone - love to hear how you're all doing!

    Yeah I can see my arms changing too - love it. The squatting leg lifts are ok - but like you my left side is way weaker than my right, I can't lift half as high. But I don't really feel them that much, just a bit stiff when doing them! I'm feeling really tired after the workouts this week. Anybody else feeling it?
  • hennyben
    Sorry that first bit was supposed to be a quote of Kaecklund's post
  • Ineedtolose20
    I just completed Day 2 of Ripped in 30 Level #2 and I am just as out of breath as ever. I really dread the first set of strength exercises, my shoulders really BURN! Plus it is also cardio! I detest the crow push ups. I always try to do the first set the best I can and then I do regular male push ups for the 2nd set. Does anyone have any idea how many calories we burn? How are you inputing it into your exercise diary?
  • kastastrophe
    OMG, I just finished Week 2, Day 1. I thought I was gonna die! I couldn't do the advanced for any of the moves and I had to actually quit towards the end of the plank jacks, ugh! Hoping tomorrow is better..
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    Day 2 of level 2.....still cant do those crow push-ups right....this level stinks!!!
  • hennyben
    I just completed Day 2 of Ripped in 30 Level #2 and I am just as out of breath as ever. I really dread the first set of strength exercises, my shoulders really BURN! Plus it is also cardio! I detest the crow push ups. I always try to do the first set the best I can and then I do regular male push ups for the 2nd set. Does anyone have any idea how many calories we burn? How are you inputing it into your exercise diary?

    I used my HRM on day 2 of Level 2 and only burned 134 calories!!! I thought it would be at least twice this. I was doing all advanced moves and worked hard. Very disheartening but I guess it is only 20 mins.
  • asw1077
    I would have thought at least 200 Calories!!! WTH? I am getting so frustrated with it, and unfortunately loosing motivation. I might switch to the 6 weeks to 6 pack and running. I've done 3 days of Level 3... it's a thigh killer!!!! Just wait!! But I was so glad to be over week 2, she was freaking annoying!!
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    On level 2 my HRM gives me around 280....but it depends on your height, weight, and how high your HR gets
  • Ineedtolose20
    Someone suggested putting in cardio circuit for the exercise and it says 259 calories burned for 30 mins. I know the workout is really 20 minutes but to be truthful some of the warm up has my heart rate up before I even begin the sets. I think every HRM is different too so I am not totally convinced on their accuracy. I actually facebooked Jillian Michaels and asked about calories burned but not sure that she or whoever maintains her page will reply back, thought it might be worth a try :smile: :smile :wink:
  • Kaecklund
    Kaecklund Posts: 191 Member
    I would have thought at least 200 Calories!!! WTH? I am getting so frustrated with it, and unfortunately loosing motivation. I might switch to the 6 weeks to 6 pack and running. I've done 3 days of Level 3... it's a thigh killer!!!! Just wait!! But I was so glad to be over week 2, she was freaking annoying!!
    Stick with it! You're already on level 3, you're further than most of us. Just do it to get it over with then switch up your routine! I am probably going to mute her and put on some music, lol. I hate listening to the same audio OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    me too......if I have to hear her say "get some" one more time I am going to scream!!!
  • Kaecklund
    Kaecklund Posts: 191 Member
    Oh my GOD my outter thighs are burning. I was able to do TWO regular pushups today. Crow pushups... I did some but struggled to keep up. Cardio still kills me... I'm going to be running @ lunch to make up for my poor cardio effort. Today was a difficult day for me. I was so tired and didn't want to do it! But I did it! Most of it anyway... better than nothing.
  • asw1077
    Yeah, she is not as annoying on Level 3 but she talks about bouncing a quarter off her butt again. So last night my hubby wanted to redo level 2 b/c level 3 hurt his knees. After alternating the 2 I felt like I got a good workout and found that I could do all of level 2, and some not modified!! So had a good workout last night. ***Get some!!** lol

    I think I'm transforming!
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    Ladies ...... Are y'all ready for week 3???
  • Kaecklund
    Kaecklund Posts: 191 Member
    I get bored of the same old ****. So I'm finding myself wanting to run @ lunch time and do weights after work rather than the RI30. My legs are very sore this evening, from both RI30 vids and running. I've decided to take the evening off. I think I will do 1 more Level 2 then move on to Level 3 on Friday.
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    I think I like week 3 it went so fast it felt like 7 min not 20 /25 Im seeing some good results I had to modify a lot because of my knees but I well !!!

    How's everybody else doing??
  • kastastrophe
    I'm way behind schedule for week 2, only did 3 days so far. Just under my left shoulder blade is SO painful, feel like I've pulled a muscle! Has anyone else had something like that? It's very sore, almost hurts to breathe. :(
  • Kaecklund
    Kaecklund Posts: 191 Member
    Wellll... I took 3 days off. Been running on my lunch breaks. In the evening after work I just want to eat and relax. So I'm about to turn on Week 3. Wish me luck. I'm ready for a change - I get tired of the same video. I hope it only feels like 7 mins! Cardio kills me. I'm so out of shape w/my cardio! Did I mention I'm weak and give up quickly?!
  • Kaecklund
    Kaecklund Posts: 191 Member
    7 mins my *kitten*! My legs are looking nice though! I can see a lot more definition and when I kneel down, I don't have cottage cheese hanging off the side like I did not long ago! Tonight I gave it some crappy effort - talk about legs! My legs are sore from running so it was hard for me. I didn't give it 100% or even 90% but I did what I could. My cardio sucks. I'm beat now!
  • Rebekah2918
    Rebekah2918 Posts: 22 Member
    I am SUPER behind and only just starting week 2 on Monday. Not gonna guys have me dreading those crow whatevers! LOL