Burn The Belly



  • kanzz
    kanzz Posts: 13
    Yesterday was a strange day for me. After feeling good on all the exercise and healthy eating for ages, I suddenly felt awful. I woke up aching and feeling generally weak. Then in the morning, after a bowl of porridge, I was sitting at the computer and I had quite a bad dizzy spell. I took this as a warning, so took things easy for the whole day. I was definitely out of sorts though, and felt really really hungry all day, with intense sugar cravings. I'm wondering about my metabolism, having read a piece by someone with a BoddyBugg recently, who found that she was burning way more than MFP had estimated, just by being alive (equally though, someone else reported that she was actually a lot lower on the burn than she had thought). Over the years I have noticed that the sort of people who fidgit and naturally move about a bit are generally thinner, presumably because they just burn more being that way. I think I am more of a restless than a calm person, so maybe I should be a bit higher on the calorie intake. Difficult to know. I have been aiming for 0.5 loss per week, but have actually been losing 1.0 per week recently. What do the rest of you think?

    @Frannswaz also suggested that it could be 'over-training', and yes, I certainly have stepped things up a notch since we started this challenge. 2/3hours a day does seem like a lot, when I think about it. I am not training for the Olympics, after all!

    I suppose the important thing is to listen to what my body is telling me, and be sensible about things (not my strong suit, ha ha!).

    Sorry, this feels like it has been a bit self-indulgent! Me, me, me, me, me, me me!

    Er, how are you all? :happy:
    i m good but i think you should take thing little bit easy . hope you will alright soon
  • kanzz
    kanzz Posts: 13
    Is it too late to join? I carry all my weight in the stomach and i HATE it! I always feel like i look 9 months pregnant with twins.....Im not....

    even i joined two days ago and its never late to start something good for you. lets carry one then.
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    It's an interesting subject Maggie, I often compare myself with the fella, he's lean as a bean, partially genetics i reckon, but mostly because he rarely sits still for 2 mins. His job is quite physical, but mostly it's his nature, keeps moving. He eats all kinds of crap for meals (doesn't snack much tho), plenty of fried stuff, and is in v good shape without working out. I, on the other hand, have a desk job, and watch lots of tv, so i struggle! Are these Body bug things like an HRM? But to wear all day? That's be quite interesting. I wore my Polar to the supermarket the other day, was impressed to burn 175 pottering around with a trolley, and so of course bought a curly wurly at the checkout- 115cals!

    Some of you ladies have been burning crazy amounts lately, so do be careful. I'm limited by my joints (which are a ***** today), and the amount i can eat (difficult without hitting the chocolate!), so i won't be winning any prizes this week. And don't be afraid to eat on your rest days, I'm sure MFP won't care if you eat some of your exercise cals on a slightly different day!

    Very wise words Jen, thank you. I will keep that very much in mind.

    Yes, the BodyBugg is a device that you wear all day (or 23 hours a day, I think) and it measures your real burn as opposed to your estimated burn. But as well as buying the device itself, you also have to pay for a subscription to be alowed access to the website (not sure what that's all about). But there is another one called 'BodyMedia Fit' which some people say is better, as in addition to the calorie burn, it also monitors your sleeep quality, and I think you can use it to train yourself to sleep better. Armaretta will be able to tell us all about it, as she has ordered one. I can't wait to hear about it (she and I are gadget fiends :bigsmile: ). I'm not too sure I would get one, as it could work out quite expensive. But in fact, I don't have the option, as they are not available in the UK. There is another one on the market here, but it hasn't been getting good reviews.

    Right, off to work now, alas. :frown:

    Have a good day, everybody.
    I agree with others that you might want to up the calories! From your activity logs on here alone, you seem to be very active in general. Do you have your activity set to sedentary? I'm very suspicious of MFP's activity level descriptions, and 1200 cals seems so low for you being so close to goal! You don't want to burn up that lovely muscle you've developed! It's such a shame that you can't get one of these in the UK! Is there some third-party vendor like Amazon that will ship to the UK? Or maybe a friend in the US that can ship to you! Also, I had a friend who is mostly vegetarian to suffered dizzy spells, and their doctor told them they had a B12 deficiency and iron deficiency from the no meat diet. My friend now takes some supplements, and feels much better! Not sure if it could be the case for you, but I hope you get better! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I'll keep everyone posted as to what my BodyMedia fit monitor says once I get it and have it broken in :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Very excited. I love gadgets! I'm thinking that MFP has me and many other people set too low. If my BMR is around 1300 and my recommened net of 1490 is supposed to have me lose 1/2 a week, something does not seem right! Just about every other calculator I look up tells me my BMR is higher than what is estimated on MFP and my net calories to lose should be higher as well. At the same time, I'm still paranoid about eating too much! I'm hoping that my BodyMedia will take out a lot of the guesswork!

    Great workouts everyone, and Franz is setting the bar like usual! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I think that even 100 calorie burns are a victory! Those little burns sure do add up! Forcing yourself to take a much deserved rest day is a victory too! I struggle with this sometimes :blushing:
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Armaretta, reckon it's worth going a whole days with an HRM as an experiment? I'll try it!
  • skinnyb450
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    Armaretta, reckon it's worth going a whole days with an HRM as an experiment? I'll try it!
    I actually thought very seriously about this, but I looked up a few things and changed my mind. Apparently, the HRMs are calibrated to accurately test heartrate and calorie burn in the exercise zones only, and they are not so good at measuring resting or low heartrate activity like sleeping, sitting, light housework, light walking, etc. :cry: I read somewhere that fidgety people burn up to 300cals more per day than calm people too, so I think a HRM would be hard pressed to pick up foot tappings and the like. I think maggie said something about being fidgety too :laugh:

    Looks like today might turn into another non-intended rest day for me. slept waaaaay too late. Having the husband home again is messing with my obsessive scheduling! ... I might try to squeeze in a light jog... we'll see. So hard to make myself rest!

    I almost forgot, WELCOME NEW PEEPS! It's never too late to start the burn! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • kanzz
    kanzz Posts: 13
    today wasn't the best day .. i had pizza in lunch and didnt do any time on stationary bike just manage to burn 154 calories by slow walking for 60 minutes. :yawn:
    now i m thinking of having my dinner light staying under my daily calorie goal of 1200.
    best of luck to me :laugh:
  • Malissa8126
    today wasn't the best day .. i had pizza in lunch and didnt do any time on stationary bike just manage to burn 154 calories by slow walking for 60 minutes. :yawn:
    now i m thinking of having my dinner light staying under my daily calorie goal of 1200.
    best of luck to me :laugh:

    I understadn I had KFC for supper last night and again leftover for lunch today! I didn't even walk but I did SCRUB the house and it took me 2 hours sweating like a bandet burned over 300 calories :)
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Feel so much better today after getting some sleep and even a lie in thanks to my hubby.

    Back on with the burning, yay! Did Insanity Plyomteric Cardio tonight and some Just Dance 2 earlier today total burn of 586 :bigsmile: I was champion of Just Dance 2 in my house, being the only female I had to do my best lol!:laugh:
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    today wasn't the best day .. i had pizza in lunch and didnt do any time on stationary bike just manage to burn 154 calories by slow walking for 60 minutes. :yawn:
    now i m thinking of having my dinner light staying under my daily calorie goal of 1200.
    best of luck to me :laugh:

    A burn is a burn, well done!! :wink:
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Hello everybody!

    First of all, thanks so much for your expressesions of concern about my bad day yesterday. I really appreciate your support - I have felt very warm and cared for. :love: You all talk a lot of sense too!

    Today was better. I did Ripped L 1, which seemed SO easy after a 'rest' day, then the bike again. I also logged some cleaning, which I've never done before. Does cleaning count?

    I'm going to carry on as normal until Tuesday, and see if I've lost again. If I've lost more than half a pound, then I'll up my calorie allowance (mmm, yum yum, what could I eat more of?). I have felt especially hungry these last couple of days, and that shouldn't really be happening, I know. I certainly don't want to lose my muscles! :bigsmile:

    Armaretta, I know why you are suggesting iron - I would too; but I think I'm OK on that score; I had my blood tested for everything just a short while ago and it was fine. I'm normally pretty good with diet from that point of view, having been seen by a nutritionist for a whole year and a half a while back. But I reckon it was before the recent research on protein, as although she was urging me to have protein with every meal, she left it at that (nothing about increased intake for exercise, for example). But what a great idea about getting a device from the US; I have relatives there, so I could ask them. But first I need to know if I could access and pay for the website etc from the UK - sometimes there are blocks. I'm guessing a device wouldn't work properly without that access - wouldn't make good business sense otherwise! I feel some googling coming on ...

    I had a good look in the mirror this evening. I would be completely happy with the way I am now if it weren't for that pesky mid-section. I'm also mindful of the fact that it is the worst place to carry fat, healthwise, so I'm determined to stay with this until it has gone. I just hope the rest of me doesn't shrink further, leaving the belly intact - a kind of blob with matchsticks sticking out! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Oh well, it's nearly Monday., which means it's nearly Tuesday - our first results day; it's going to be interesting!

    Sleep tight everybody! :flowerforyou:
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Me again. sorry to be hogging this thread, but I've just found out that there is a UK equivalent to BodyMedia Fit, but the armband and a year's subscription is a whopping £300 or thereabouts! Out of my price range, that's for sure. Oh well, I'll plod on as I am then.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Maggie I hope your not supposed to be working! Actually i am, but i have a sneaky peak here now and then :tongue:

    That other thread is interesting, and rings true! We'll all just have to keep plodding on. Thanks for the link.

    4.5 hours down, 7.5 to go, then i can go home and burn some cals ready for tomorrow's weigh in! Not sure what will be best, a v long spinning intervals session followed by weights, or an RI30, one way to find out! I won't manage both...
    I don't think i'll be winning the highest cals burned somehow...!
  • cookie241
    cookie241 Posts: 147 Member
    Just wondering how to incorporate a rest day in my exercise routine. Anyway i didn't post yesterday but did manage to get a run in so here's my exercise check in.

    6/09/11 - day 1 30 day shred - approx 308 calories
    7//9/11 - day 2 30 day shred - approx 308 calories
    8/9/11 - day 3 30 day shred - approx 308 calories and 60 mins netball approx 312 calories, walking to school approx 2 miles.
    9/9/11 - day 4 30 day shred - approx 308 calories and 60 mins walking approx 298
    10/9/11 - day 5 30 shred - approx 308 calories (don't usually get much exercise in at the weekends what with doing family stuff and the kids having football matches but manages to squeeze in enough time to do my dvd today)
    11/9/11 - missed out 30 day shred but did a 5 k run - approx 426 calories according to runkeeper.
    12//9/11 - Day 6 30 day shred level one - 308 calories approx, 60 mins netball - 312 calories approx, Belly fat dvd 20 mins - calories approx 215, Walking to school and back 40 mins - calories approx 184 Total for today 1019 calories approx
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    Me again. sorry to be hogging this thread, but I've just found out that there is a UK equivalent to BodyMedia Fit, but the armband and a year's subscription is a whopping £300 or thereabouts! Out of my price range, that's for sure. Oh well, I'll plod on as I am then.
    There's supposedly a super sneaky method floating around somewhere that you can use these devices without the subscriptions fees. Personally, I'm going to use the subscription that comes with it until it runs out and decide from there. If I really get favorable results and enjoy the product, I have no problem continuing to pay a subscription. It's just a sneaky option out there. The people who know about it, will only talk about it in e-mails or private messages, because they don't want it to get out too much.

    @cookie241: Wow! over 1000 cals! That's amazing! Do you track with a HRM or use the inputs on MFP?

    Jen, I don't think I'll be winning any competitions this week either, Lol. I had an unplanned rest day and some bad food choices, but I still managed to stay under calories. My TOM is approaching too, so I'm craving all the wrong things! A NSV this weekend though. I ran two miles averaging a 9:49 pace. Personal best time for me!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Just a quickie - I'm at work at the moment, lol!

    How about a fitness test for a bit of variety? I'm going to do it this evening. Anyone else fancy it?

  • cookie241
    cookie241 Posts: 147 Member
    Me again. sorry to be hogging this thread, but I've just found out that there is a UK equivalent to BodyMedia Fit, but the armband and a year's subscription is a whopping £300 or thereabouts! Out of my price range, that's for sure. Oh well, I'll plod on as I am then.
    There's supposedly a super sneaky method floating around somewhere that you can use these devices without the subscriptions fees. Personally, I'm going to use the subscription that comes with it until it runs out and decide from there. If I really get favorable results and enjoy the product, I have no problem continuing to pay a subscription. It's just a sneaky option out there. The people who know about it, will only talk about it in e-mails or private messages, because they don't want it to get out too much.

    @cookie241: Wow! over 1000 cals! That's amazing! Do you track with a HRM or use the inputs on MFP?

    Jen, I don't think I'll be winning any competitions this week either, Lol. I had an unplanned rest day and some bad food choices, but I still managed to stay under calories. My TOM is approaching too, so I'm craving all the wrong things! A NSV this weekend though. I ran two miles averaging a 9:49 pace. Personal best time for me!

    I don't use a HRM as i haven't been able to afford one i just use a mixture of what MFP says and a couple of other programmes ie runkeeper for my walking and running, thats pretty good cos it takes your weight into account and i track my route and speed through my iphone. I know the mfp calories are probably slightly high but i don't use the calories as an excuse to eat loads more because i'm not sure how accurate they are. Like today i am supposedly allowed over 2500 calories well i don't think i could eat that if i tried unless it was loads of junk then it would be easy.
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    I don't use a HRM as i haven't been able to afford one i just use a mixture of what MFP says and a couple of other programmes ie runkeeper for my walking and running, thats pretty good cos it takes your weight into account and i track my route and speed through my iphone. I know the mfp calories are probably slightly high but i don't use the calories as an excuse to eat loads more because i'm not sure how accurate they are. Like today i am supposedly allowed over 2500 calories well i don't think i could eat that if i tried unless it was loads of junk then it would be easy.

    I could eat 2500 easy, lol. I didn't know runkeeper tracked your weight and stuff too! I just used the map and speed functions on them :laugh:
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    Just a quickie - I'm at work at the moment, lol!

    How about a fitness test for a bit of variety? I'm going to do it this evening. Anyone else fancy it?


    I might try this tonight, looks like it could be a little warm-up for my usual run :smile: :smile: :smile: