Burn The Belly



  • cookie241
    cookie241 Posts: 147 Member
    I don't use a HRM as i haven't been able to afford one i just use a mixture of what MFP says and a couple of other programmes ie runkeeper for my walking and running, thats pretty good cos it takes your weight into account and i track my route and speed through my iphone. I know the mfp calories are probably slightly high but i don't use the calories as an excuse to eat loads more because i'm not sure how accurate they are. Like today i am supposedly allowed over 2500 calories well i don't think i could eat that if i tried unless it was loads of junk then it would be easy.

    I could eat 2500 easy, lol. I didn't know runkeeper tracked your weight and stuff too! I just used the map and speed functions on them :laugh:

    If you log in online you can input your weight and that changes the calorie burn that they suggest for each run. I could eat 2500 if it was yummy things like chocolate, crisps, and cakes and stuff lol.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    How about a fitness test for a bit of variety? I'm going to do it this evening. Anyone else fancy it?


    So i just did this for a laugh- final score 31, I'm a superstar! I scored less on the push ups- doing them from flat on the ground each time i only managed 8!! Also the plank, my 'spotter' made me lower my butt a little to be totally planked flat and it was way harder! Managed a minute (barely).

    The twist thing is weird, instructions should be clearer, i couldn't reach the wall at all until i unclasped my hands!!

    Anyway that was a good warm up, now to dust off the spinning bike.... later ladies.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    How about a fitness test for a bit of variety? I'm going to do it this evening. Anyone else fancy it?


    So i just did this for a laugh- final score 31, I'm a superstar! I scored less on the push ups- doing them from flat on the ground each time i only managed 8!! Also the plank, my 'spotter' made me lower my butt a little to be totally planked flat and it was way harder! Managed a minute (barely).

    The twist thing is weird, instructions should be clearer, i couldn't reach the wall at all until i unclasped my hands!!

    Anyway that was a good warm up, now to dust off the spinning bike.... later ladies.

    Hey! You got a point more than me! Still, we are both superstars! :laugh: In my case, all credit goes to JM!

    The trunk twist one was a bit odd, I agree, and I'm not sure I did it right, so I gave myself average marks. The push-ups were AWFUL: I got 8 too, but I didn't go all the way down to the very bottom each time. Never mind, I'm pleased to be a superstar!
  • Frannswaz
    Frannswaz Posts: 172 Member
    Hello fellow 'belly burners'!!

    Hope you had or are having a good Monday so far.

    Yesterday was not the best exercise day have to say burned 428 calories and found myself hungry all day!!

    Hungry but not a clue what I really wanted to eat.

    Dont you just hate it when you eat something and then realise that was exactly NOT what you wanted then you've got to try

    again...aand again....and again til you find it or are in danger of going over your calories for the day!!

    Anyway ..so today I did much better 702 calories and I managed to get in a decent 20 minute run.

    What a week right!

    Not so sure about inches lost around my belly but we'll see...that aside this is such good FUN a reduced pouch would be bonus points anyway.

  • Frannswaz
    Frannswaz Posts: 172 Member
    How about a fitness test for a bit of variety? I'm going to do it this evening. Anyone else fancy it?


    So i just did this for a laugh- final score 31, I'm a superstar! I scored less on the push ups- doing them from flat on the ground each time i only managed 8!! Also the plank, my 'spotter' made me lower my butt a little to be totally planked flat and it was way harder! Managed a minute (barely).

    The twist thing is weird, instructions should be clearer, i couldn't reach the wall at all until i unclasped my hands!!

    Anyway that was a good warm up, now to dust off the spinning bike.... later ladies.
  • Frannswaz
    Frannswaz Posts: 172 Member
    How about a fitness test for a bit of variety? I'm going to do it this evening. Anyone else fancy it?


    So i just did this for a laugh- final score 31, I'm a superstar! I scored less on the push ups- doing them from flat on the ground each time i only managed 8!! Also the plank, my 'spotter' made me lower my butt a little to be totally planked flat and it was way harder! Managed a minute (barely).

    The twist thing is weird, instructions should be clearer, i couldn't reach the wall at all until i unclasped my hands!!

    Anyway that was a good warm up, now to dust off the spinning bike.... later ladies.

    Yep I'm up for that going to have a look see:smile:
    Did you say push-ups.....sigh...can't stand them but will try anyways!!
    Let you know how I get on.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Hello my lovely BB's!

    Did my Insanity tonight and burnt 503 calories.

    ADVICE PLEASE ...anyone with an HRM how often do you need to change the batteries? And how do you know when to? As mine has gone a bit mad, last night it went upto 210 heatbeats and then wouldn't come back down, tonight it was ok until my cool down then decided to go upto 203??!?
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    Hello my lovely BB's!

    Did my Insanity tonight and burnt 503 calories.

    ADVICE PLEASE ...anyone with an HRM how often do you need to change the batteries? And how do you know when to? As mine has gone a bit mad, last night it went upto 210 heatbeats and then wouldn't come back down, tonight it was ok until my cool down then decided to go upto 203??!?
    Do you have a Polar FT4 or FT7 by chance? I've seen a lot of action on the forums about people have this exact same problem. M FT4 did it for a little while as well. I gave it a thorough hand washing in hot hot soapy water, and that seemed to fix my issue. Some others have found that the electrodes in their chest straps became damaged and actually require repairs or replacements.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Hello fellow 'belly burners'!!

    Hope you had or are having a good Monday so far.

    Yesterday was not the best exercise day have to say burned 428 calories and found myself hungry all day!!

    Hungry but not a clue what I really wanted to eat.

    Dont you just hate it when you eat something and then realise that was exactly NOT what you wanted then you've got to try

    again...aand again....and again til you find it or are in danger of going over your calories for the day!!

    Anyway ..so today I did much better 702 calories and I managed to get in a decent 20 minute run.

    What a week right!

    Not so sure about inches lost around my belly but we'll see...that aside this is such good FUN a reduced pouch would be bonus points anyway.


    I agree on so many points!

    But oh dear, it's 9:20 pm, I haven't had dinner yet and I have a pile of marking to do for tomorrow. And I get up at 5:20 am every morning. Oh, woe is me. Still the important thing is that I managed some exercise: Bike, 45 minutes, 280 calories, Ripped L 2 182 calories, total 462. Not very impressive, but hey ho. So is that it for the first week then? We weigh and measure in the morning, whenever that may be for us? Exciting! :bigsmile:

    Oh, and add up calories, of course. Mustn't forget that, eh?
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Hello my lovely BB's!

    Did my Insanity tonight and burnt 503 calories.

    ADVICE PLEASE ...anyone with an HRM how often do you need to change the batteries? And how do you know when to? As mine has gone a bit mad, last night it went upto 210 heatbeats and then wouldn't come back down, tonight it was ok until my cool down then decided to go upto 203??!?
    Do you have a Polar FT4 or FT7 by chance? I've seen a lot of action on the forums about people have this exact same problem. M FT4 did it for a little while as well. I gave it a thorough hand washing in hot hot soapy water, and that seemed to fix my issue. Some others have found that the electrodes in their chest straps became damaged and actually require repairs or replacements.

    Yes, sorry forgot to add it's a Polar FT4. I'll give it a thorough wash, thanks Amaretta!! Just hope it's not damaged, oh no couldn't cope with that.
  • kanzz
    kanzz Posts: 13
    yesterday i managed to stay under my calorie goal.
    but today i m 223 calorie over my goal. i did 85 minutes of exercise including walking and stationary bike.
    and also wanted to know what is best.. abs and back core conditioning OR Bodysculpt ??
    i want to join fitness class but confused between the two.
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    How about a fitness test for a bit of variety? I'm going to do it this evening. Anyone else fancy it?


    So i just did this for a laugh- final score 31, I'm a superstar! I scored less on the push ups- doing them from flat on the ground each time i only managed 8!! Also the plank, my 'spotter' made me lower my butt a little to be totally planked flat and it was way harder! Managed a minute (barely).

    The twist thing is weird, instructions should be clearer, i couldn't reach the wall at all until i unclasped my hands!!

    Anyway that was a good warm up, now to dust off the spinning bike.... later ladies.

    Hey! You got a point more than me! Still, we are both superstars! :laugh: In my case, all credit goes to JM!

    The trunk twist one was a bit odd, I agree, and I'm not sure I did it right, so I gave myself average marks. The push-ups were AWFUL: I got 8 too, but I didn't go all the way down to the very bottom each time. Never mind, I'm pleased to be a superstar!

    I'm confused about the pushups. You have to go ALL the way down laying on the floor? Every definition of a "full" pushup I can find is going down until your arms are at 90 degree angles, then up again.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Armaretta it all seems a bit vague, but going all the way to the floor put me at 'fair' ability, which seemed generous for my feeble push-up talents! Who knows. Normally i only go to about 90 degrees too, when i dare try em.
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    Armaretta it all seems a bit vague, but going all the way to the floor put me at 'fair' ability, which seemed generous for my feeble push-up talents! Who knows. Normally i only go to about 90 degrees too, when i dare try em.

    blah! to heck with it! I can do over 30 regular pushups without crying at least. going by their vague definition, i score 31. I knocked off a point on the pushups because I wasn't sure. Yay for being a rockstar! :drinker: :drinker:

    Burn was 527 today from running and walking a bit in my laboratory at work. I was planning on a good bit more, but TOM arrived unexpectedly. I was thinking it was still 2 or 3 days off. Good news is that I haven't seen any weight gain at this point like usual, so maybe some of my hard work the has not seen results was actually hiding under water weight? Wishful thinking maybe, but I'll take it! At the very least, my jeans are starting to give me what my husband calls "saggy bum." Weigh in and measure tomorrow!

    @kanzz: I don't have any experience in bodysculpt. is that like Aerobics, strength training, circuits?
  • Malissa8126
    I burned over 250 cals walking for 30 and doing 50 min of wii fit. I found out I am NOT pregnant today thank GOD, so now really have to figure out why I am so BLOATED LOL :) Hope I can fix it!
  • Shawn_Marie
    Count me in please! Most of my weight in in my belly! How do I join?
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    Count me in please! Most of my weight in in my belly! How do I join?
    welcome! All you have to do to join is take some before measurements and start burning the calories! We measured waist, belly button, below belly button, and hips. Most of us did anyways. Post your before measurements, pics if you are comfortable with that, and check in each day to tell us about your exercise, how much you burned, general chit chat, etc... We weigh in/measure in on Tuesdays, so your timing is perfect for a fresh week tomorrow!
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    I burned over 250 cals walking for 30 and doing 50 min of wii fit. I found out I am NOT pregnant today thank GOD, so now really have to figure out why I am so BLOATED LOL :) Hope I can fix it!
    congrats on not having a preggo eggo! We all have those little scares every once in a whilte :laugh: Is your TOM approaching? That usually triggers my bloating, that or salty foods in excessive amounts.

    Interesting thing I figured out: More potassium in your diet will counteract a lot of water bloating! I figure this out when I did a little research about the potassium/sodium ratios. We are actually supposed to have more potassium than sodium in our diets, but most people have much much more sodium. I found that when I eat lots of potassium rich foods like the cantaloupe I've been loving lately, I sweat more easily and don't carry nearly as much water weight. I don't think you are supposed to gorge on potassium, but it seems to help to watch the levels you are consuming!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    @armaretta - that is interesting about the potassium. I'm actually not sure what cantaloupe is; we might know it by another name, but I'll go and investigate potassium-rich foods.

    @kanzz - I don't know about those different kinds of exercise either - sorry.

    @Shawn-Marie - welcome!

    @Malissa - phew!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member

    Calorie burn for the week: 4536

    Old waist: 28 inches New waist: 28.5 inches (how did THAT happen???)

    Old BB: 29 inches New BB: 30.5 inches (and that???!!!!)

    Old BB (+ 2 inches down): 33.5 inches New BB (+ 2): 34 inches (What??????)

    Old hips: 35 New hips:35 (at least my hips are the same)

    OMG - that wasn't supposed to happen! I'd welcome your views, but what I'm wondering is, in light of the fact that I've lost weight, am I actually building muscle under the fat through all the exercise?

    But the biggest shock of all is that I lost 1.4 pounds since last Tuesday! Proof of 2 things: 1) It certainly is possible to lose while eating all your exercise calories, and 2) I need to up my calories! I had another ravenous day yesterday and am really, really hungry now as I type - after breakfast!!! Don't know what the heck is going on, but I know I need more food!