Burn The Belly



  • wifeygonzo
    wifeygonzo Posts: 287 Member
    I'm in.
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    lol, @Maggie's skiing :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Maybe the bannanas will work for you! Although, I much prefer cantaloupe. it's juicy, and slightly lower in sugar!

    Oh and Cantaloupe facts I found! I think they are essentially the same thing, just different varieties. American Cantaloupes are sometimes called musk melons from what I understand.

    American Cantaloupe Melon
    Melons called cantaloupe in the United States are not technically cantaloupes, they are actually a very similar netted member of the muskmelon family, while true cantaloupes are natives of Italy and only found in Europe. The skin of American cantaloupes is beige with a grey netting, protecting a sweet pale orange flesh.

    Cantaloupe Melon
    True cantaloupe melons are only found in Europe, and have a beige coloured skin covered in a well defined grey netting, surrounding very sweet pale orange flesh. Ripe cantaloupe melons are very heavy for their size, and very fragrant, with a soft spot where the flower was (the blossom end).

    Ran a little today. Burn 411 calories, and that's all. I need to get back on some strength training. I've neglecting it lately. Sharing a car with the other half sure cuts into my workout time :mad: , although allows me more time to work on my knitting :smile:
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    @Frannswaz - after asking you why you were having trouble eating your exercise calories last night, I then had trouble eating my own. I've upped my calories to maintenance, and those extra 300 calories proved impossible after a lot of exercise yesterday. I understand better now.

    P.S. I looked back at my last post, and noticed I use too many exclamation marks. Sorry everybody - I'll try to stop! :laugh:
  • Frannswaz
    Frannswaz Posts: 172 Member
    Hi all !!:smile:

    I'm exclamation crazy too Maggie as you mayhave noticed...Lol.

    WHY CAN'T I EAT MY 1200 calories?

    I think my difficulty in eating the calories is that as it turns out what I am eating is quite high in fibre and of late high in protein. Before I started adding some protein - even a few almonds or something - to my carb rich meal such as my oatmeal breakfast I would be full but now by chewing on a few almonds after I stay full even longer. Im thinking is deffo the fibre. I've been trying to eat most of my calories including anticapated exercise calories before six in the evening which is around the time I go to the gym but even that is hard cause I'm not that hungry.

    Plus i drink herbal teas like all day long plus the water my little tummy is full. Another thing i've noticed is that because I try to stick to six small portions over the course of the day my stomach literally cannot hold a lot of food and I find I get fuller faster even with a small meal. A doctor told me that your stomach is about the size of your fist and thats how much you should eat at one sitting ----of course who does that really---- so over time your stomach stretches to accommodate the food. What happens is that it takes more food for your brain to tell you thatyou're full because of the extra volume in the stomach because its been stretched. It doesnt happen overnight but because I know I will be 'feeding' every few hours my brain doesn't start nagging me about food and of course my stomach is full anyway.

    I upped my calorie intake to 1500 a couple of weeks ago because I thought since I am close-(ish) to my goal weight and with all the exercise my profile should be 'active' not sedentary' on the MPF profile but I had great difficulty eating the recommended calories plus my exercise calories. So I went back to 1200 plus the exercise calories that seems to work better and I should still lose weight - we'll see.

    So I understand only too well how it gets harder to eat extra calories.


    Yep I asked about potassium/sodium ratio and its definitely important to get that balance right especially with all the sweating from exercise. Its important to get enough to help with cramps (all kinds) and sore achy mucles and joints. That's a great tip!


    "Sharing a car with the other half sure cuts into my workout time , although allows me more time to work on my knitting" ...that's LAUGH OUT LOUD funny ...Lol!!
    Thanks for the details that distinguish melons from cantaloupes now Ican tell my husband - HAha--told ya!!!..Lol We've been having this debate for some time now.
  • cookie241
    cookie241 Posts: 147 Member
    Checking in with my exercise so far for week 2.

    13-09-11 - Walking 40 mins briskly approx 242 calories, 30 day shred level one day 7 approx 308 calories, walking again slightly slower approx 184 calories - total 734
    14-09-11 - 30 day shred level one day eight approx 308 calories, walking approx 184 calories - total 492

    Not sure how i achieved the inch loss the first week but possibly from doing the 30 day shred more consistently i only had one rest day from it on sun. Everyone seems to be doing really well so congrats to all. Tomorrow will be a high calorie burn day as i will have the same as tues but with netball added in too.
  • Frannswaz
    Frannswaz Posts: 172 Member

    So far so VERY good!!

    Plus you've got netball tomorrow.

    Makes me want to join a club
    hockey though I'm total rubbish at netball:laugh:
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Armaretta: have you considered food intolerances for the bloating? I've been off wheat/gluten for a year and it helps, although now when i do eat some I get a MONSTER bloat, and it can be hard to avoid sometimes! I also feel it when i overdo the salt. Just got to keep chugging the water tho i suppose.

    In other news, i just revisited RI30 level 1 before work, and found it just as hard! Granted i did the full pushups (not knees), and 2 or 3 kg weights instead of 1 & 2, but it really did me in! I like having all these workouts to go back to and mix up.

    Cookie, you are so commited, consistently really high burns! Envy :tongue:

    Maggie what's your new DVD?
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    Armaretta: have you considered food intolerances for the bloating? I've been off wheat/gluten for a year and it helps, although now when i do eat some I get a MONSTER bloat, and it can be hard to avoid sometimes! I also feel it when i overdo the salt. Just got to keep chugging the water tho i suppose.

    In other news, i just revisited RI30 level 1 before work, and found it just as hard! Granted i did the full pushups (not knees), and 2 or 3 kg weights instead of 1 & 2, but it really did me in! I like having all these workouts to go back to and mix up.

    Cookie, you are so commited, consistently really high burns! Envy :tongue:

    Maggie what's your new DVD?
    I have thought about food sensitivities, but I'm 90% sure that my problem is how much I love salt! That, and it's very very hard to find food in America that doesn't have ridiculous amounts of added salt. My husband said that there wasn't salt in anything when he was in Europe. Silly America! The only food I've every really been sensitive to is milk products, but If I eat them on a consistent basis, my body adjusts to them pretty easily. I think I eat Greek yogurt every day!

    Cookie, Great commitment! You are so consistent! I have to talk myself out of and back into exercise everyday, LOL
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Jen, the new DVD is 'No more trouble zones'. Off to try it now - will report back later.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Hey everyone, hope you're all well.

    Just popping on with today burns, Insanity 437, walking 179, total of 616.

    Happy burning!!

    Maggie how was your new JM workout? A couple of friends of mine love it.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    No more trouble zones? Man, what a workout! I LOVED it! It's deffo my favourite, but then I do like strength training. It was obviously made at the same time as Banish fat boost metabolism - same people, same studio, same clothes. I reckon they go well together; one day cardio, next day strength.

    Frannswaz, I'm still thinking about you eating all your calories, but haven't come up with any great insights yet. I'm a bit slow sometimes. On the sodium topic, you mentioned a salt/sodium ratio - what's that all about then?

    Tonight I did trampolining (ahem), and NMTZ, and burnt 589 calories.
  • Frannswaz
    Frannswaz Posts: 172 Member
    Hi guys!!

    My calorie burn today was 773.

    I'm stoked because this included a full 30 minute run which I have not done in absolute ages. Somewhere along the line I just couldn't get me head around lifting my feet and I reverted to cycling which I love.

    Today though after my belly burn 15 minutes on the stat bike I headed straight to the treadmills turned up my earphones and chugged along at various speeds (lowest 6.5mph highest 9.5mph).

    Sometimes I have to remind myself that I can run...after five minutes my mind wanders and I stop because I usually can't be bothered...Lol!!

    So BIG thanks guys this challenge got me back to my running ways. Everything hurts like hell but I'm walking around with my smug self because I CAN RUN again!

    Ohhh...but can I do it again...Lol.

    Will let you know.

    @Maggie: Trampolining is BRILLIANT!! I love it!

    Apparently is really good for your lymphatic system because jumping up and then letting gravity pull you down stimulates the Lymphatic system and so helps the body get rid of the 'waste' than can build up in the lymph nodes. A sluggish lymphatic system contributes to ill health because your body cannot easily get rid of the by-products of the gulzillion chemical reactions that take place in the body every second.

    Any exercise helps but something about defying gravity for a few seconds and then being pulled back to the ground is supposed to be great for the lymphatic system.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    That's great news, Frannswaz ; hope you don't hurt too much tomorrow.

    That also good news about the trampolining - my lymphatic system will be in good shape now then. :tongue:
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Oh all this talk about defying gravity reminded me about my little hiccup during my Insanity workout tonight, there was Shaun shouting at me to go faster so I gave it my best and......tripped over my own feet and fell to the floor, oops :blushing: :blushing:

    So glad hubby didn't see otherwise I'd be seriously laughed at, thankfully it's just between me and Shaun....and every member of mfp that reads this.:sad:
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Oh all this talk about defying gravity reminded me about my little hiccup during my Insanity workout tonight, there was Shaun shouting at me to go faster so I gave it my best and......tripped over my own feet and fell to the floor, oops :blushing: :blushing:

    So glad hubby didn't see otherwise I'd be seriously laughed at, thankfully it's just between me and Shaun....and every member of mfp that reads this.:sad:

    What's it worth not to tell your husband?
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Oh all this talk about defying gravity reminded me about my little hiccup during my Insanity workout tonight, there was Shaun shouting at me to go faster so I gave it my best and......tripped over my own feet and fell to the floor, oops :blushing: :blushing:

    So glad hubby didn't see otherwise I'd be seriously laughed at, thankfully it's just between me and Shaun....and every member of mfp that reads this.:sad:

    What's it worth not to tell your husband?

    You wouldn't be so mean!! Would you??!:noway:
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    OK reporting in, sounds like everyone is having a blast burning off their bellies :)
    I did LS 3 miles of walking followed by Butt Bible and was going to do NMTZ but finally my new JM came in the mail Killer Buns and Thighs so had to pop in and go, even though now I did 2 butt workouts LOL. My total calorie burn is 1071.
    Now my problem is food consumption, I don't have a ton in the house to eat and I have netted negative calories this is a first for me :O So I have a lot to eat for supper and snack.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    OK reporting in, sounds like everyone is having a blast burning off their bellies :)
    I did LS 3 miles of walking followed by Butt Bible and was going to do NMTZ but finally my new JM came in the mail Killer Buns and Thighs so had to pop in and go, even though now I did 2 butt workouts LOL. My total calorie burn is 1071.

    2 butt workouts? Call it one for each side :wink:
    How was killer buns n thighs?
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    Killer buns and thighs was tough. Nothing too far out there yet, lvl 1 is basic stuff you have done in other dvds of hers. She does squats, kicks, and works the stability/balance alot. I did take a few breaks during mostly due to I didn't preview it before hand so I would watch it and then jump in lol. I'm already feeling it in my thighs for sure. My only complaint is she is more chatty in this one, joking more with Natalie (girl from 30DS) mostly and complaining about fb and twitter comments saying her workouts are too easy, her comeback is if its too easy you need to be upping your weights! So that is annoying seeing how every time I do the dvd I have to hear it :P Plus I may have to stop Butt Bible cause some moves were similar so no need to do 2 of the almost same workout.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Killer buns and thighs was tough. Nothing too far out there yet, lvl 1 is basic stuff you have done in other dvds of hers. She does squats, kicks, and works the stability/balance alot. I did take a few breaks during mostly due to I didn't preview it before hand so I would watch it and then jump in lol. I'm already feeling it in my thighs for sure. My only complaint is she is more chatty in this one, joking more with Natalie (girl from 30DS) mostly and complaining about fb and twitter comments saying her workouts are too easy, her comeback is if its too easy you need to be upping your weights! So that is annoying seeing how every time I do the dvd I have to hear it :P Plus I may have to stop Butt Bible cause some moves were similar so no need to do 2 of the almost same workout.

    How many levels are there? What's the deal...how long to you have to do it for?