Burn The Belly



  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    OK reporting in, sounds like everyone is having a blast burning off their bellies :)
    I did LS 3 miles of walking followed by Butt Bible and was going to do NMTZ but finally my new JM came in the mail Killer Buns and Thighs so had to pop in and go, even though now I did 2 butt workouts LOL. My total calorie burn is 1071.
    Now my problem is food consumption, I don't have a ton in the house to eat and I have netted negative calories this is a first for me :O So I have a lot to eat for supper and snack.
    Negative calories! How do you ever eat enough?! And where do you find the energy? I'd just keel over if I tried that much exercise without some food! Maybe I'm just not that motivated, that's the more likely culprit :laugh: I'm interested in the Killer Buns and Thighs is like as well. Do tell!

    And Maggie, is the NMTZ all strength? Do you still get a good burn?

    I revisited JM Ripped Week 2 today, than ran a little. Total burn 561, so about average. My shins are killing me from running a lot of hills yesterday.

    Exciting news! My BodyMedia came in a whole day early, so it is charging as we speak. I can't wait to use it! I'm debating sleeping in it tonight, or starting fresh in the morning. I'm thinking starting tonight since I'd be syncing and uploading data before bed each day.
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    Killer buns and thighs was tough. Nothing too far out there yet, lvl 1 is basic stuff you have done in other dvds of hers. She does squats, kicks, and works the stability/balance alot. I did take a few breaks during mostly due to I didn't preview it before hand so I would watch it and then jump in lol. I'm already feeling it in my thighs for sure. My only complaint is she is more chatty in this one, joking more with Natalie (girl from 30DS) mostly and complaining about fb and twitter comments saying her workouts are too easy, her comeback is if its too easy you need to be upping your weights! So that is annoying seeing how every time I do the dvd I have to hear it :P Plus I may have to stop Butt Bible cause some moves were similar so no need to do 2 of the almost same workout.

    How many levels are there? What's the deal...how long to you have to do it for?

    There are 3 levels where there are circuits where you do one some exercises and then repeat like in BFBM. The first lvl was 40 minutes with warm up and cool down. She doesn't give any kind of recommendations for use. I was going to try 3 days a week but there is a group I'm debating about joining on mfp who are doing it 4 days!
    There is a vid on you tube with clips from the dvd.

    @amaretta this was the first time at night I went negative I had calories before I did the workout but I burnt close to 500 so I went in the red :( Trust me normally I go over calories daily LOL, I workout to eat more.
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    Oh yea you only need weights and a mat until lvl 2-3 you need a chair also
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    @armaretta - NMTZ took me 57minutes and I burnt 277 calories, but I usually burn quite a bit less than other people (I have relatively a low resting heart rate which i think might be why). After the warm-up, then yes, it is all strength, but I felt very well worked out; my abs were made to work harder than on any other dvd. Not all weights, by the way - some of it is on the mat with resistance.

    Off to work now - have a great day everybody. :flowerforyou:

    P.S. There was frost outside here this morning. :noway:
  • Frannswaz
    Frannswaz Posts: 172 Member
    @Maggie: FROST!!!!...???.....and here I was up saying what a warm day it looks like for today. I have to say yesterday the wind was 'icy'! Oh just bring it on then time for a change of wardrobe anyways.

    @jrhstarlight; That's an amazing burn.! The food is always a problem...not necessariarily a bad one though..Lol

    @skinnyinnotime and @Maggie Lol!!!:laugh:
  • cookie241
    cookie241 Posts: 147 Member

    So far so VERY good!!

    Plus you've got netball tomorrow.

    Makes me want to join a club
    hockey though I'm total rubbish at netball:laugh:

    I used to love hockey too not sure i would have the fitness now to do it though.

    Anyway exercise for today day nine level one 30 day shred approx 308 calories, and 60 mins netball approx 312 calories.
    Not doing the walking i would normally today as i have got the car but will get back out walking tomorrow.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Hi everyone!! Hope you're all well.

    Amaretta, how's your bodymedia (if that's right) going? Enjoying it?!

    Cookie, you got some great burns going!

    It's been a gloriously sunny, very warm day here in London, a most pleasant surprise :bigsmile:

    My Insanity Recovery brings me in a burn of 129 cals....just as well it was tonight as stayed up late last night and not in the mood for a crazy mad workout.
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    So did another day of Killer Buns and Thighs (kbt) with calories burn of 517. I may stop at that for today and take it easy for the rest of the day.
  • Frannswaz
    Frannswaz Posts: 172 Member
    Good consistency with the calories fellow belly burners:smile:

    Almost halfway through Week 2
    Whoop whoop !!

    @Skinnyinnotime: It was right!! Nice and bright well into the evening.

    Got a late start today but managed 649 calories in 90 minutes including burpees----which I DETEST. I challenged myself to do one exercise that I avoid like the plague and funny enough the 'burpee' came to mind immediately.:laugh:

    @jrhstarlight: KBT is serious man --517 calories is amazing!!
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    Hi everyone!! Hope you're all well.

    Amaretta, how's your bodymedia (if that's right) going? Enjoying it?!

    Cookie, you got some great burns going!

    It's been a gloriously sunny, very warm day here in London, a most pleasant surprise :bigsmile:

    My Insanity Recovery brings me in a burn of 129 cals....just as well it was tonight as stayed up late last night and not in the mood for a crazy mad workout.
    I love it so far! It's a Fascinating little gadget. I've taken almost 8000 steps today and burned 1500 calories without exercise. I think it resets everyday at midnight maybe? I'm still getting familiar with it. No workout yet. I'm sitting in the car, knitting, waiting on the husband. He needs to get his car fixed soon! I have calories to be burning! I'm going to do a burn comparison on this device vs. My HRM later tonight! I'm assuming it is going to take a short trial for the device to get in tune with my body completely, but the preliminary information is exciting!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Hello people, just checking briefly as I have to go and pack - we're off for the weekend straight after work tomorrow, so I won't have much access until Sunday evening - or much exercise opportunity as we're going to a wedding. Hope you all have a good weekend. :drinker:

    BTW, I did 50 minutes of rock climbing, ascending and No more trouble zones again; total burn was 602.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    starlight, I think you can easily afford to take it easy after that!

    Amaretta, that sounds really interesting, your new gadget not your knitting lol, how many hours has it taken to burn 1500 then? Would love to hear your comaparative results with the hrm.

    Frannswaz, are you in London?

    Maggie, well done climbing those rocks....have a wonderful weekend, hope you don't suffer mfp withdrawal symptoms!!
  • Malissa8126
    I did 30 minutes of pilates today! burned 178 i think! I am so EXCITED it is finally chili enough out to open the windows and make my homemade veggie soup and corn bread! I also made a low fat carrot cake with powdered sugar topping I hope its delicious! I know the batter was! :) I LOVE FALL!
    I am also excited that I have managed to get at least 30 mins working out every day this week! that is HUGE for me!
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    starlight, I think you can easily afford to take it easy after that!

    Amaretta, that sounds really interesting, your new gadget not your knitting lol, how many hours has it taken to burn 1500 then? Would love to hear your comaparative results with the hrm.

    Frannswaz, are you in London?

    Maggie, well done climbing those rocks....have a wonderful weekend, hope you don't suffer mfp withdrawal symptoms!!
    It took me about 14 hours to burn 1500. Now I'm at the 17 hour mark, workout about 1 hour (55 minutes), and I've burned 2175. The polar said I burned 510 calories, and the Bodymedia said 438. There appears to be a difference of about 1 cal/minute, depending on my activity. I'm thinking that this means the body media is not counting the calories that it takes just to be alive, and the polar does, or the polar overcompensates when my heart rate gets over "the zone." I'm going to continue to use the polar calories burned until I've had a good break in with the BodyMedia.

    Even then, I'm going to be at the huge deficit at the 24hour mark, even after I eat dinner. I'm nearly at a 1000 calorie deficit right now, dinner will be 500-600 cals, then I'll probably burn another 400 or more just sitting about, showering, cleaning, and sleeping. I think I have to take it off while showering though, lol. I'll use that time to sync on the website. I'm sure there are more precise equations that are used at that time, and that's when it looks at my sleep patterns.

    Update tomorrow! Great workouts everyone!
  • acarter33664
    acarter33664 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi All,
    I see everyone reporting chilli climates and I'm jealous! Down south it's terribly hot! I was sweating so badly, I thought I had worked out and really all I did was step outside! Yesterday was my off day, but today I worked out on the elliptical for 30 minutes and burned 376 calories.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    So did another day of Killer Buns and Thighs (kbt) with calories burn of 517. I may stop at that for today and take it easy for the rest of the day.

    That's a hell of a burn JRH, how long is the prog, just under an hour?

    Acarter, that's also a huge burn on the eliptical, i don't know how you all do it!

    I only burned about 270 on '6 week 6 pack (35-40 mins)' and my heart rate is above the zone for most of it!
    Maybe my polar ft4 is being cautious..

    I did discover the other day that the cal counter on my spinning bike is way off- polar said 250, bike said i burned 500!

    Off shopping now, will try not to wear out my joints before a workout tonight :glasses:
  • Frannswaz
    Frannswaz Posts: 172 Member
    Good going guys!! SO far so good right

    @Maggie: Enjoy the wedding!!

    @skinnyinnotime: Yes I am. Its another nice day out too. What luck!!

    @Ametta: Don't ya just love little exercise gadgets---that sounds fun. By the by just curoius about what you're knitting...Lol

    @acarter: I know how that is ...think snow and ice...Lol...sometimes it works sometimes you just have to stick your head in the freezer for a couple minutes.You know what I mean right...Lol. Nice burn!

    @Malissa: I'm hungry now ----carrot cake sounds delish!! Being consistent like you have been is what's really important we're trying to create and stick to new habits. Good job!

    @Jrh: Amazing burn!

    @Jenlwb: Happy shopping!

    Check back later guys!!:smile:
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Hi All,
    I see everyone reporting chilli climates and I'm jealous! Down south it's terribly hot! I was sweating so badly, I thought I had worked out and really all I did was step outside! Yesterday was my off day, but today I worked out on the elliptical for 30 minutes and burned 376 calories.

    Ah yes, that southern heat. I was born in South Carolina, and although I've lived in the UK most of my life, I've visited family there quite a lot, and in Georgia. The sound of the crickets on those hot days is something we don't really get over here. Never been to Alabama though, unfortunately.
  • miss_shinobi
    miss_shinobi Posts: 37 Member
    I'm down 1.5 inches since the 6th sept! thank you to Jillian Michaels 6 week 6 pack! whoop....im aiming for another 1.5 inches by 26/09!!!
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    Day 1 of BodyMedia: I burned 2552, ate 1910. I'm a bit surprised I burned quite that much! According to MFP, I have a deficit of 339. According to BM, I have a deficit of 642 (and yesterday was a light exercise day for me!). That's a huge difference, especially considering I'm only aiming for a 250 cal deficit! Also, I took 17033 steps yesterday! That's more than twice what I estimated! I'll give it a week before I make any drastic changes, but this is interesting results on the first day! I'm anxious to see what an entire week looks like, and what I burn on the weekends when i don't do much of anything, Lol.

    @fran: I am knitting a hat for one of my friends. He's gone to the middle east for civilian contract work, and it's going to be winter there soon, so he requested a hat! I wasn't joking when I said I'm working on my knitting :laugh: I know it's a bit less common of a hobby these days.

    I agree on the Southern heat! Alabama has some scorchers sometimes.

    Completely off topic: Has anyone noticed on the smiley faces, the cheering/drinking smiley is next to the teary smiley. It looks like he's drinking his tears... Lol

    Shinobi: 1.5 inches lost since the 6th! That's amazing!

    have fun shopping Jen! I need to restock on skinny clothes again soon! My skinny clothes have become my fat clothes!