Burn The Belly



  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    measurements and weight the same but again I weigh in on Thurs so something my change by then but not expecting anythign crazy due to slacking off last week.
  • Frannswaz
    Frannswaz Posts: 172 Member
    I know I've been M.I.A. guys.

    Crazy time trying to get everything done past few days and check in with you. I soooo want to have a ROYAL RANT about work !!!!!!!...but time will not permit ........ARRRRGGGGGG....!!!!

    Hope that this week I'll do much better.

    I've been reading about everyone's progress. Ya-AY!!

    Going make specifc comments tomorrow but for right now just going let you know how the week went:

    Week 3 RESULTS

    3,947 calories burned. No change in measurements but down 0.6 pound since last week when I had that rather long post about my weight being up to 145 from 143.

    Oh gosh...Gotta rush ..Have a good night everyone...(((HUGzz)):smile:
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Glad you're still around Frannswaz - I've missed reading your comments. :flowerforyou:

    Sorry to hear work has been less than satisfactory - believe me, I know the feeling! That's an amazing burn for the week. Reminds me I need to go and check mine ...

    ... It was 3808. I'll never ever match you, Frannswaz!
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    So today I got back on with KBT and a walk at home so total calories was 750 for today. I forgot to say earlier my total for last week was 1268 :( not so good but not bad either
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Weight: 140.9 (-0.9 this week / -0.8 from start, / -1.1 from prestart weigh-in)
    Calorie burn: 2770
    Chest 33.25 (-0.25 / -0.75)
    Upper Belly 36.5 (-0.5 / -0.5 )
    Waist 35.5 (+0.3 / -0.7)
    Waist - sucked in: 32.5 (-0.25 / -0)
    Lower Belly 38.75 (-0.25 / -0.65)

    Visual differences-
    I think my mommy apron is becoming a mommy ledge. It's still hanging but seems to have pulled up a bit, nothing that I can measure though. I just hope I'm not imagining it.

    Last week I ran 2.8 miles for 30 minutes straight! I haven't been able to repeat it yet, but I'll be running again tomorrow. I'm in training for a 5k in mid-October. I'm going on a Zombie Walk on Saturday-it'll be at a shambling pace :) but I'll get some miles in.

    My goal this week is to survive :) high workload has me working odd/extended hours. I had an unofficial weigh-in of 139.5 on Saturday (and of course it went up on Monday, sigh), so I'm hoping a few good night's sleep will settle me safely under 140 next weigh-in.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Total weekly burn 2901.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Just spending a few idle moments at work (very naughty of me) looking back a bit on this thread, when something struck me: Armaretta - after seeing your photos I'm so surprised that you weigh 130 lbs - do you mind me asking how tall you are?

    This weight business is so misleading, isn't it? My weight is now relatively low, but as is very evident, I am still pretty podgy in the central area - the curse of middle age. It got me to thinking though, about how important the size of one's frame is in this whole business. Somebody said to me the other day "I didn't realise how small you were underneath" which sums it up pretty well! :laugh:
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    Just spending a few idle moments at work (very naughty of me) looking back a bit on this thread, when something struck me: Armaretta - after seeing your photos I'm so surprised that you weigh 130 lbs - do you mind me asking how tall you are?

    This weight business is so misleading, isn't it? My weight is now relatively low, but as is very evident, I am still pretty podgy in the central area - the curse of middle age. It got me to thinking though, about how important the size of one's frame is in this whole business. Somebody said to me the other day "I didn't realise how small you were underneath" which sums it up pretty well! :laugh:
    I'm quite short at 5'2"! I thought, being down to a US size 4 (UK6-8), I would weigh less, but I've always been wide of hips and "chesty" in general. Also, I was once very very athletic, so I think my body is predisposed to being fairly muscular. According the the calipers test on body frame and wrist circumference, I am in the "large frame" category. I will never be any smaller than a US size 2(UK4-6) unless I break a hip bone. Ideal weight for my frame size is supposedly 128-143 (huge range!), but I'm not sure how much I buy into the whole idea of "ideal weight" and the such. I'm trying to set a goal by body fat %, but I have to go to a gym or a doctor to get it accurately measured. I still have image issues, and that keeps me from wanting to go to a gym at all, sooooooo scale, tape measure, and pants size is my general guide. :bigsmile:

    Great losses Goddess!

    Good job everyone!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    I'm quite short at 5'2"! I thought, being down to a US size 4 (UK6-8), I would weigh less, but I've always been wide of hips and "chesty" in general. Also, I was once very very athletic, so I think my body is predisposed to being fairly muscular. According the the calipers test on body frame and wrist circumference, I am in the "large frame" category. I will never be any smaller than a US size 2(UK4-6) unless I break a hip bone. Ideal weight for my frame size is supposedly 128-143 (huge range!), but I'm not sure how much I buy into the whole idea of "ideal weight" and the such. I'm trying to set a goal by body fat %, but I have to go to a gym or a doctor to get it accurately measured. I still have image issues, and that keeps me from wanting to go to a gym at all, sooooooo scale, tape measure, and pants size is my general guide. :bigsmile:

    Well, I'm really surprised Armaretta. But what a great figure you have! You shouldn't call it 'wide of hips' and 'chesty' - that's what's known as an hourglass figure! When I was a 10-year-old child my measurements were 28-28-28, which was indicative of my future shape - i.e.no waist!
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    Well, I'm really surprised Armaretta. But what a great figure you have! You shouldn't call it 'wide of hips' and 'chesty' - that's what's known as an hourglass figure! When I was a 10-year-old child my measurements were 28-28-28, which was indicative of my future shape - i.e.no waist!
    So I take it I weigh a bit more than I look like I do?

    I was feeling a bit sluggish today, so I only ran for 30 minutes burning 288 calories according to BM. How's everyone else doing? Seems like we have some injuries and other kinds of issues going around!
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    Hi All,
    Sunday, I was still recooperating from the hard labor of Saturday, but today I got back into the swing of things. I walked three miles and then did Zumba burning 562 calories for today. Also, I'm thinking of adding a bit more variety into my workouts and getting the 30 day shred with Jillian. Any advice or prewarning I should know about? I've heard people say it's tough.My friends are even afraid to attempt it.

    @armaretta: I'm fine with any day we all can agree on for reporting :)
    I missed your question acarter. For jillian I'd recommend focusing on your form. you'll get the greatest benefit from her exercises when you make all your moves with good form. And prepare for lots of lunging and hopping!
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    I forgot to report in yesterday but kinda slacked again :( I only did LS walk at home for about 25 minutes which mfp said I burnt about 175 becasue silly me when I stated the workout kept catching heart rate and well duh forgot to turn on the hrm LOL so it wasn't recording my burn :tongue: so I went with mfp instead. Nothing wonderful but had a hard time getting motivated just like today but its still early so I will hopefully get one workout in.

    I agree about Jillian dvd form is important especially with lunges. I have/had a time getting the side lunge down correctly. Also stretch your calf muscle well. I got shin splints for the first time in my life when doing her workout, due to all the jumping. So best calf stretch I found that works is the walk on tip toes for 20-30 steps and then walk up on heels for 20-30 steps. I very rarely get the shin pain anymore. Any it does get easier the more you do the moves :)
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Yesterday was bad news for me. I was sleepy so I couldn't get to the gym in the AM like I wanted. I also planned for a few splurges at dinner because of a street fair. At the end of it, I walked around 3 miles because of some errands, but nothing else. And I went over on calories (including exercise ones) by about 80. Hope to improve today.
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    Today was bad. I caved on hot wings again. bad bad bad me. i walked around shopping for about an hour, but that hardly makes up for it! I'm hoping my BodyMedia will tell me I broke even by the end of the day at least. I guess it will probably even out. I had nearly an 800 calorie deficit yesterday, so my body was probably just pissed off at me. Will do better tomorrow I hope!
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    I bumped up to lvl 2 of Killer Buns and wow, its harder for sure but not impossible. I made it through and hoping to continue tomorrow with it again. Burned 483 calories. Thats all I did today :( I should have done a second workout but oh well day is over with now.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Hmm. Well today I did go to the gym, even though I didn't do to much extra activity. Happily, even though when I got to the gym I was feeling a little off, I did some elliptical intervals at the rate/level I wanted. But I wasn't feeling very strong, so I didn't get in as many reps as I wanted when I switched to strength.

    I plan to do ~30 minutes of intervals. Watch this space for results. I have been doing 45 seconds on and 1:15 rest for the middle 22 minutes.

    Tomorrow I am doing a crossfit inspired workout, in case anyone wants to join:
    5 crunches/10 pushups/15 squats for 20 minutes or until you are exhausted. Last time I tried this I made it to 12 sets before dying! The next day I felt the burn (in a good way). We'll see how i feel tomorrow.

    Still trying to figure out when and how to fit in some cardo, but I start work at 7:30 tomorrow, I have only 30 minutes to scarf down some lunch, and I have some post work plans starting at 6:30. Cross your fingers I can make it work since I want to do 5 workouts this week, and rest day is planned for Sunday.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Thought some of you might be interested in this other thread:

  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    That's very interesting! I hear similar theories from people who are "primal" dieters, but many of them get hostile when defending their diets and can't back it up with unbiased, scientific knowledge. Some quote a few articles and such that seem interesting, but the discussions always bring up hostile reactions and they start spouting their diagnosis of why people are fat and blame it all on what they call "leaky gut syndrome." The silly name and hostility always lead me to disregard them. I never actually criticize their diet choice, but many of the followers (not all) blindly follow the diet and can't really give a thorough explanation, and I need cold hard facts to make a drastic lifestyle choice like that! Many of them claim to follow the primal diet, but are actually using some perverse version of the Atkins diet which I do not like at all.

    Is it all grains that are supposed to cause this problem or only wheat? I'd be willing to try it possibly.
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    Hmm. Well today I did go to the gym, even though I didn't do to much extra activity. Happily, even though when I got to the gym I was feeling a little off, I did some elliptical intervals at the rate/level I wanted. But I wasn't feeling very strong, so I didn't get in as many reps as I wanted when I switched to strength.

    I plan to do ~30 minutes of intervals. Watch this space for results. I have been doing 45 seconds on and 1:15 rest for the middle 22 minutes.

    Tomorrow I am doing a crossfit inspired workout, in case anyone wants to join:
    5 crunches/10 pushups/15 squats for 20 minutes or until you are exhausted. Last time I tried this I made it to 12 sets before dying! The next day I felt the burn (in a good way). We'll see how i feel tomorrow.

    Still trying to figure out when and how to fit in some cardo, but I start work at 7:30 tomorrow, I have only 30 minutes to scarf down some lunch, and I have some post work plans starting at 6:30. Cross your fingers I can make it work since I want to do 5 workouts this week, and rest day is planned for Sunday.
    That crossfit inspired workout looks interesting too. I'd love to give crossfit a try, but it's so expensive to pay for the classes!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    That crossfit inspired workout looks interesting too. I'd love to give crossfit a try, but it's so expensive to pay for the classes!

    A local trainer was running a promo on some personal training, so I ended up doing 4 sessions with him last year. It was out of my budget but totally a worthwhile set of sessions. I learned some free weight exercises (I was way too intimidated to use the barbells before.), rowing techniques and some good mini workouts. Hopefully I'll come into some extra cash (and extra fitness) soon so I can try more. For now, I'll try and do some of the workouts I learned and maybe the 100 pushup challenge. :)

    This AM ended up being too slammed. Only fit in 5 sets! oh well, maybe I'll give a try over the weekend.I ended playing around with the rep count: 10 crunches, 10 pushups, 15 squats. I think it is safe to say I will be feeling the burn tomorrow, my legs were tired from yesterdays dead lifts. :)