Burn The Belly



  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Malissa, sorry to hear your little one is still suffering, it's so horrible to see them unwell, really hope it's not too much longer before it clears up and you can all get back to normal.

    Amaretta, good luck with your experiment!

    Keep at it ladies, BURN, BURN, BURN those bellies!!!

    I hope we haven't lost too many people with the confusion of part 2 of the thread.:ohwell:
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    Good news! You didn't see me in the news, so I didn't go ballistic on anyone at work :drinker:

    Sorry to hear your baby is still sick Malissa! I hope its nothing serious and your little one is recovering soon!

    @jrhstarlight: I HIGHLY recommend getting a good pair of shoes when you can afford to invest in them. I learned the hard way through shin splints, rolled ankles, and hurt knees, that a good pair of shoes to exercise in is absolutely priceless! If you injure yourself from bad shoes, that's just that much longer you spend recovering that could have been spend melting the belly!

    I ran only tonight ladies. I let the husband talk me into a cheeseburger and fries quite effortlessly :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: I ran for 85 minutes burning 752 calories according to polar and 691 according to BM. I'm going to take a good rest day tomorrow with some light housework and light eating. Sunday I will start the experiment of recording the calorie burn only from BM and reducing my sodium intake as much as possible to eliminate water bloat variables. If I have lost the amount of weight predicted by the BM deficit, I'll know those numbers are correct. If I have lost significantly more or less, I'll know something else is amiss! I'll have to adjust my activity settings again. Even in my more restful days, I burn quite a bit more from regular activity than MFP says.

    I hope everyone else finds their way to the new thread!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    OK I found you!! So here is my story I was MIA yesterday taking a rest day my foot has been killing me. I feel it is my shoes and after all that walking in those shoes hurt me something bad. So I figured the extra rest would help. Today when I got up my foot felt tons better so I grabbed my Killer Buns dvd and set out to work. Well into the warm-up you guessed it the pain flared up again which seemed out of no where. I was modifying moves in the warm-up and into the first circuit had to stop. I mean that's no way to workout if you have to keep taking breaks and modifying or shifting your weight differently :frown: So I thought maybe NMTZ well by then I was so discouraged I didn't get far into that either. I burnt about 223 calories and may not do anything else today either.
    My foot is hurting in the arch only on my left foot. My bf said it looked like I have flat feet, I don't know if that's true I have never had complications with my feet before. But my foot hurts so more rest I suppose but that sucks. I know one thing I need to get a new pair of shoes but doubt that is in the budget this weekend. Suggestions??

    Yes, it is definitely possibly your feet are flat or you have fallen arches. Rest and arch support can help. Can you get some inserts for your shoes? There are usually a few options at the drugstore/target.

    I know my feet are flat, and sometimes they are really in pain. I take extra care to check the cushioning and arch support and where footwear that is sufficient for the next couple of days. It is definitely worse (as I get older) it seems or if I spend all day standing in shoes with minimal cushioning.

    I may look into the insoles I saw the Dr Schols machine yesterday at walmart. So i may give it a go until I can buy better shoes. Thanks.

    Those are REALLY expensive. I think they were $60 at my CVS. You can definitely downgrade to the ~$10 ones and see if they help. They work for me!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Morning everyone.I'm just recovering from a scale-related trauma (have uncovered sabotage on the part of my evil kitchen scales). Must bounce back from this harrowing event and save uo for new scales.

    @Jadeone; I did 'no more trouble zones' last night and made a note of the exercises in the 2 abs circuits. I won't bother writing them all out here in case you already know them, so I'll just list them and you tell me which ones you know and don't know (and anyone else interested , for that matter).

    Circuit 1
    1. Chest press with weights (lying)
    2. No name for this one, but simultaneously chest flies with weights (straight arms) while raising and lowering legs with pointed toes.
    3. bicycle crunches
    4. squirms (lying, knees up feet on floor, side to side, hands around alternate ankles - difficult to explain,lol!)
    5. push-ups

    Repeat circuit

    Circuit 2
    1. Double crunches
    2.Plank twist (what I called oblique twist last time)
    3. Toe taps
    4. windscreen wipers (lying, arms raised above you and open, raise straight legs with pointed toes to the right as far across and up as possible then down, to the left then down etc)

    Repeat circuit

    So let le know if you need further details on any of these. These circuits get to my abs like nothing else!
  • penmosha
    penmosha Posts: 132 Member
    Check out my favorite resource!
    Exercises are categorized by body zone, there are written & video instructions for each one, & the have loads of whole body integrated exercises as well.
    Good luck
    SW 160
    CW 135 woohoo!

    Thanks for the link - looks really good, will be giving it a try this afternoon!!
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    @Malissa Im sorry your little one is still sick :( Taking time off is a killer but come back to this forum and you will get tons of motivation to get back up and moving and burning again :)

    My foot feels better for now but I figured I will take the rest of this week off to make sure it gets rest. So I am sure my weekend calories will be crazy but maybe I can keep them under control a tad. So hopefully by Monday I can get burning again as well. Plus I'm thinking positive and hoping the time off my body will relax and then BAM I surprise extra weight off due to confusion LOL I hope everyone has a great weekend and I hope the others we are missing come join us in this forum as well.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    I've been wondering about a few things, so I'm going to ask them all at once here:

    Frannswaz, how is your new regime is going, with the sleeping and everything. Can you give us a progress report?

    And Armaretta, how about the BM v HRM issue? Any resolution yet?

    Last but not least, Skinny, what's the verdict so far on Insanity?

  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Morning everyone.I'm just recovering from a scale-related trauma (have uncovered sabotage on the part of my evil kitchen scales). Must bounce back from this harrowing event and save uo for new scales.

    @Jadeone; I did 'no more trouble zones' last night and made a note of the exercises in the 2 abs circuits. I won't bother writing them all out here in case you already know them, so I'll just list them and you tell me which ones you know and don't know (and anyone else interested , for that matter).

    Circuit 1
    1. Chest press with weights (lying)
    2. No name for this one, but simultaneously chest flies with weights (straight arms) while raising and lowering legs with pointed toes.
    3. bicycle crunches
    4. squirms (lying, knees up feet on floor, side to side, hands around alternate ankles - difficult to explain,lol!)
    5. push-ups

    Repeat circuit

    Circuit 2
    1. Double crunches
    2.Plank twist (what I called oblique twist last time)
    3. Toe taps
    4. windscreen wipers (lying, arms raised above you and open, raise straight legs with pointed toes to the right as far across and up as possible then down, to the left then down etc)

    Repeat circuit

    So let le know if you need further details on any of these. These circuits get to my abs like nothing else!

    Those sound tough! I'll have to give them a try in the next few weeks....once I am little less busy at work. I work from home so I have been using gym time as an excusw to escape from the computer. We have so much going on it has been nonstop.
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    And Armaretta, how about the BM v HRM issue? Any resolution yet?
    I've made a little spreadsheet to give myself a visual representation of the differences. I used only the Running data to graph since it's the most consistent. Here's a look at my spreadsheet! I'm going to go by BM numbers only for a couple weeks and see what kind of results I get from that. I'm attempting to not exercise today and do as little as possible to get a good baseline of my absolute minimal activity levels.
    I'm a nerd and obsessive. I know. I've accepted this. Thanks to photobucket, now you all can see what I mean by "obsessive number crunching" and the levels my depravity can reach! I left out the trendlines and fancy equations this time :tongue:
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Armaretta, as a fellow obsesive, I LOVE your number crunching! :bigsmile:

    It really shows up the difference, doesn't it? How are you going to determine which is more accurate?
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member

    Last but not least, Skinny, what's the verdict so far on Insanity?


    Today was the last day of week 3, feel like it's going quickly. I'm finding good changes, I'm taking less breaks, feeling stronger, legs are more toned and can't believe I have muscle definition on my back, now that's a first!! Having looked at the 2nd month of workouts they look so scarey, but i'll keep "pushing through" and "digging deeper" lol!!:laugh:

    Finally found a great Insanity support thread, so I don't have to bore y ou all on here!!

    Now, I just need my belly to wake up and realise it's supposed to be shrinking!!!:grumble:
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    Armaretta, as a fellow obsesive, I LOVE your number crunching! :bigsmile:

    It really shows up the difference, doesn't it? How are you going to determine which is more accurate?
    I'm going to record calories burned using the BM ONLY for two weeks and eat accordingly by those deficits. If by the end of the two weeks, I have lost what the BM projected, then I will assume that was more accurate. If I have lost what MFP/Polar would have projected, then I will assume MFP/Polar was more accurate. I'm thinking the BM is probably more accurate in accessing overall daily burn, and whatever it may lack in calculating 100cals of burn during 30 minutes of JM, it makes up for in calculating my other activities. If I think about it, 100 calories of difference from those 30 minutes of activity, probably won't make that big of a difference. It would equate to approximately 0.17 lbs at the end of the week (assuming 100cal burn not recorded by BM x 6 days = 600 calories, and 600 calories = app. 0.17lbs.) I'm going to strive for a 500 cal deficit to make calculating easier. Maybe I should start a blog on this subject to stop hijacking this thread? lol.

    Skinny, I think we need some progress pics!
  • acarter33664
    acarter33664 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi All! I've been MIA for a few days. Thursday, I had orientation for a job, and I took that as an easy day for working out, only burning 73 calories walking, and Friday was an off day. And today...I probably burned roughly 1200 or more calories today! My new job is working a concession stand at home games for college football. Can we say that after 9 hours, no food, no breaks and only a snickers bar to tide me over from breakfast 12 hours before, I'm in some serious pain as I type! I feel like every aspect of a workout was in this day! There were squats, "weight lifting" (from picking up heavy stuff), walking, running. You name it I did it today! Oh yeah and since parking is a nightmare on campus during game day, I had to walk to the stadium, which is about 15 minutes away, so the to and from is about 30 mins! I feel like I got the workout of my life tonight!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Hi All! I've been MIA for a few days. Thursday, I had orientation for a job, and I took that as an easy day for working out, only burning 73 calories walking, and Friday was an off day. And today...I probably burned roughly 1200 or more calories today! My new job is working a concession stand at home games for college football. Can we say that after 9 hours, no food, no breaks and only a snickers bar to tide me over from breakfast 12 hours before, I'm in some serious pain as I type! I feel like every aspect of a workout was in this day! There were squats, "weight lifting" (from picking up heavy stuff), walking, running. You name it I did it today! Oh yeah and since parking is a nightmare on campus during game day, I had to walk to the stadium, which is about 15 minutes away, so the to and from is about 30 mins! I feel like I got the workout of my life tonight!

    Oh my word! I take it you don't have to do that every day? :noway:
  • cookie241
    cookie241 Posts: 147 Member
    Bump to fill in later sorry not posted for while.
  • cookie241
    cookie241 Posts: 147 Member
    Bump to fill in later sorry not posted for while.
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    Hi All! I've been MIA for a few days. Thursday, I had orientation for a job, and I took that as an easy day for working out, only burning 73 calories walking, and Friday was an off day. And today...I probably burned roughly 1200 or more calories today! My new job is working a concession stand at home games for college football. Can we say that after 9 hours, no food, no breaks and only a snickers bar to tide me over from breakfast 12 hours before, I'm in some serious pain as I type! I feel like every aspect of a workout was in this day! There were squats, "weight lifting" (from picking up heavy stuff), walking, running. You name it I did it today! Oh yeah and since parking is a nightmare on campus during game day, I had to walk to the stadium, which is about 15 minutes away, so the to and from is about 30 mins! I feel like I got the workout of my life tonight!
    Ooooooh, college football! I see you are from Troy!!! I live in Huntsville/Madison area! I'm an Crimson Tide fan myself :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • acarter33664
    acarter33664 Posts: 53 Member
    @maggie - no, and I'm so glad that it's not every day! My feet are swollen today and pain in my thighs woke me up at 5am this morning! It's only once a week or once every other week. So on those days my calories burned is going to be insane!

    @armaretta - I'm partial to my Trojans (because I have to be), but the second team I root for is Crimson Tide! I haven't been able to watch them play, but my facebook news feed goes wild with updates on their games! I couldn't image working concessions for their games! That would be even worse than our games!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Right folks, time for new pics. I took pics of my tummy from the front and side at the start of this challenge, and I've just got my partner to take some new ones this evening. I'm SO happy, because I can really see a difference, and I hope you can too. I'm not so good with the technology, so I'm afraid you'll have to go to my profile to see them. The 'before' shots have a black top, and this evening I'm in a brown top. Sorry they are a bit scruffy - couldn't get him to hang around long enough to get me properly posed! The brown top used to fit me tightly too, by the way. :bigsmile:

    Anyone else want to share?

    Just realised - with dismay - I had my arms down last time. Maybe that's what's made the difference and maybe it's just as big as beofre. OH NO - I'll have to do another one. Steve says can he eat his dinner first though? :laugh:

    Right. Got him to take pic before dinner, so arms down one is on there now too. I was right - the belly looks really awful still. Perhaps just a teensy bit better than before? Nah, "it was just my imagination". On with the regime then. :grumble:
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    Right folks, time for new pics. I took pics of my tummy from the front and side at the start of this challenge, and I've just got my partner to take some new ones this evening. I'm SO happy, because I can really see a difference, and I hope you can too. I'm not so good with the technology, so I'm afraid you'll have to go to my profile to see them. The 'before' shots have a black top, and this evening I'm in a brown top. Sorry they are a bit scruffy - couldn't get him to hang around long enough to get me properly posed! The brown top used to fit me tightly too, by the way. :bigsmile:

    Anyone else want to share?

    Just realised - with dismay - I had my arms down last time. Maybe that's what's made the difference and maybe it's just as big as beofre. OH NO - I'll have to do another one. Steve says can he eat his dinner first though? :laugh:

    Right. Got him to take pic before dinner, so arms down one is on there now too. I was right - the belly looks really awful still. Perhaps just a teensy bit better than before? Nah, "it was just my imagination". On with the regime then. :grumble:
    I have also uploaded more pictures to my profile! I guess that means I should make my profile viewable? lol. Someone everyone! I also posted my pics from February so you can see the difference since then. Don't be ashamed, be proud of making a difference in your life and the progress you've made just by logging here every day!

    edited to comment about maggie's pictures: I can definitely see a difference! it's not just your arms up or down. Great work!