Over 200 New Year New Me Part 52

I hope you all don't mind thought I would start a new link for a new month.

This is an open group. We are a group of women who have been or currently are over 200 pounds. It is a whole different animal to have so much weight to lose. We are here to support, complain, cheer, and chitchat on our weight loss journey. We are weight loss sisters. So welcome to all new people who wish to get this support.

To my girls who have been here......Lets DO THIS LADIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    I like it!!!
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    I used to be 218. Does that count?
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hello and welcome. We have girls who are part of this group who are now well below 200 pounds and a few of us still there. Like I said... currently or previously over 200!
  • Nocturnes
    Thank you I feel like I have so far to go...
  • Candies90
    I used to be over 200, I just found out today that I'm under 200lbs by 0.041 lbs
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Welcome, Welcome
  • jamieannmcgee
    im currently in the 240 range! ill be here for anyone who needs it, i usually give advice and i know when to keep my mouth shut :P
  • LA_proud
    LA_proud Posts: 162 Member
    Currently at 285...Count me in
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    I am looking forward to getting to know everyone. We have a great group of girls already a part of this group. We are ranging in age but we have a good connection. We all come from a common back ground being over 200 pounds and ready to be in onederland. Some of us have arrived but still feel so connected to this group that we stay. I personally am still in the over 200 range but am aiming for 2012 as my arrival date to onederland. Not sure when in 2012 but I have the whole year to figure it out.:laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Thanks for the new thread Momma!!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hey Jess, nice to see you!!

    I will be back tomorrow have plans with the family today.
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    I am weighing in at 230...and hoping to be in Onederland by Dec. 24.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    You can def. be in onederland by Dec. 24th!!!!!!

    I said I would be back tomorrow but I was bored and thought I would check in and see if anyone was around. I am on the west coast so although it is only 6:30 ish around here I know it is later for a lot of you. Hopefully, while I am asleep in the morning I get up 5:30 ish my time (yes I like the ishes) Most of you will already be at work. So I pose a question to be answered by you all

    Sugar or Splenda in the coffee? I use a teaspoon of splenda but have been thinking about switching that to sugar! C'mon girls let me have it!!!!!!
  • magllhn
    magllhn Posts: 7 Member
    Love to join you all. I am over the 200 mark by a considerable amount. Restarting after being gone for over a year. Finding hope and joy in life change. We can do this together! One day at a time...one bite at a time...one pound at a time!

    Oh and about the sugar/splenda thing... Have you tried stivia? All natural, processes evenly in the bloodstream and after a little getting used to it, is quite enjoyable. And now you can find it in most grocery stores in several forms. Brand name - Truvia. Most health food stores have several brands and types.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Thanks, Momma!

    Checking in for Saturday and Sunday (um, yeah, I logged on a weekend):
    Saturday 9.3.11
    Calories: 1690 net; 2122 total
    Exercise: I logged some cleaning
    Water: good
    Proud: I didn't eat very well but I managed to stay at my calorie goal with McDonald's and 2 servings of ice cream.

    Sunday 9.4.11
    Calories: 2092 net which should be just slightly under maintenance cals for me right now; 2372 total
    Exercise: I didn't log anything other than breastfeeding (which, of course, isn't exercise but burns calories)
    Water: good
    Proud: Again, I didn't eat well but I logged my food and even though I didn't make the best choices, I did make them consciously.

    Monday 9..5.11
    Calories: 930 net (terrible!); 1298 total
    Exercise: I logged a little cleaning
    Water: good
    Proud: Not much to be proud of considering I severely underate. I'm trying so hard not to get into that habit again. I want my net calories to be at least 1400 or so right now. Hopefully today will be better.

    Momma -- I've been using sugar in my coffee. :smile:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    YAY! Thanks Momma!

    I'll check in too - for those of you who are joining us (YAY!!! and welcome! :flowerforyou: ) we have been checking in with three things - Calories, Water and Exercise. The idea is that you can give very specifics if you like - did you make your calorie goal - did you drink at least your 8 cups of water and did you meet your exercise goal (or get any exercise etc). Some of us have other things we're working on and we add them in here. Not everyone checks in each day. Our weigh in is on Fridays but if you weigh in on a different day that's fine - we just announce them on Fridays and who ever has lost the most (percentage of before weight) gets to come up with a challenge for the next week.

    Due to summer we haven't been sticking to this exactly but it's the general idea :bigsmile:

    So here I go -

    Calories - over by a few hundred (cheese and wine:ohwell: )
    Water - good
    Exercise - Nada :angry: It's the first time I've skipped the Rec Center on a work day -

    Calories - bad
    Water - horrific unless we agree that American lagers are really water?
    Exercise - nothing

    Same as Saturday

    Calories - close!
    Water - better
    Exercise - just lots of stretching and reaching as I washed out the cabinets at the cottage.

    We spent the weekend at the lake cottage with some family and lots of friends. I tried to make healthy food options like Saturday we had a really good pasta dinner with whole week pasta and a red sauce made with fresh tomatoes and lots of mushrooms, garlic and onions.... and then ground pork. OOOOOPS! Sunday night I used the smoker to smoke hot dogs then cut them into MacNCheese.

    But it was the wine that put me over the top.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good Morning! So glad to see Julie and Melinda now where are the rest of our girls? Don't make me stalk cause you know that I will.

    magllhn, welcome and thanks for the truvia advice. You like it better than splenda?

    Julie, I have just really been thinking about the sugar thing. I only use a teaspoon and I just keep thinking that can't really hurt me can it? Not to mention that I have been eating like a fool anyway.

    Okay so a while back we were setting monthly goals. Well that is too far in advanced for me so I will be setting up a daily goal and when I check in at the end of the day I will report our usual cals, water, exercise and if i accomplished my goals under proud.

    My goals for today. Eat between 1600-1800 calories, walk 4 fast miles with Leslie Sansone, Clean out my baking cabinet, clean out Ryan's toy closet, dust and vacuum behind my couch and chairs, take a bike ride with Sara, cook a healthy dinner, and do some toning exercise such as squats, wall push ups, leg lifts, and tummy toning, Also want to play wii fit with Sara this afternoon when she gets home from school

    edit: Just to say in addition to my regular daily duties such as cleaning, making beds, and scrubbing the kids bathtub. (Some dirty person took a bath last night and left a filthy ring. Pretty sure it was the little guy since he :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: 's dirt!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    magllhn and momma - I love Stevia too! I've tried a few types of it - some is more like sugar and some is fine and powdery - but all of them work well for me.

    I wouldn't object to adding sugar to my coffee except that for the first time in my life I'm developing a real sweet tooth! It seems like any sugar I eat just drives up my desire for it!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    I might try the Stevia. I just can't give up my coffee and cream. My mom thinks I should not have cream. Please the one pleasure I enjoy in the morning is my coffee and cream.

    Okay girls I will check in later. 2 of my 3 that still live with me:cry: are gone and now child #3 needs to get to school. See you all later hopefully to say I accomplished my daily goals. Just got back from taking the little one to school. Did not want to post again and look like a loser who has no friends so I am going to add some comments to this already post

    I am disappointed in myself. My 9 yo girl is getting very chunky. I actually bought candy and she was dancing for joy. :cry: I want something else to bring joy to my daughter. So today I start playing wii fit with her and taking her on long bike rides. So sad. This is my fault. I need to do better by my daughter.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, everyone!

    As an intro, I've been with this group of gals for over a year now and love them like sisters...weight loss sisters! I'm 29 years old and started my journey at 218.9 lbs and currently hover between 176-178. I'd like to get down to 150 eventually, but am currently focusing on the exercise piece and Intuitive Eating. My free time is spent volunteering as a therapeutic horseback riding instructor, volunteering as a Special Olympics coach, riding my horse, spending time with my friends and family, singing karaoke, reading, running and hiking. I'm active, but my body is used to most of my crazy running around, so it's getting harder to lose the weight without putting in some serious exercise time. I'm always trying to come up with new, fun ways to exercise so that it doesn't sound like work.

    I look forward to "meeting" all of the new thread members and cheering everyone on! If you're new to the thread and plan on sticking around for a while, feel free to friend me. Just include a message that you're on the Over 200 thread.

    Sherry (Momma24): Thanks for hunting me down! I'm back from a wonderful holiday weekend and ready to get back to it. I failed myself in that I didn't write down what I ate this weekend, but will try to catch up sometime today....after I catch up on work from being gone on Friday.

    Mstahl, LittleSpy and Jess: Glad you're still with us! You girls better not go anywhere!!

    Julie (LittleSpy): I plan on signing up for a half marathon this fall yet doing the Galloway Method (run 2 miles, walk 1 mile throughout) just to see what it's all about. I'll be trying to find an official training plan for a "real" half marathon soon. We're so going to do this!

    Here's my check-in for the weekend: (For those who are new, I'm not logging calories at the moment, so my answers there will be vague guesstimates)
    Calories: Over
    Water: 64 oz.
    Exercise: None, unless I can count laundry and packing

    Calories: Over
    Water: 16 oz.
    Exercise: Dancing, singing and laughing at the Ke$ha concert?

    Calories: Over
    Water: 48 oz.
    Exercise: Just Dance for the Wii

    Calories: Over
    Water: 48 oz.
    Exercise: None

    Calories: Over
    Water: 24 oz.
    Exercise: None

    Hope you all have a great day. I'll check in again when I can!