Over 200 New Year New Me Part 52



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    What a morning this has been!! Finally we get some cooler air in Texas!! I wake up to make myself breakfast..was going to make a breakfast sammich...I got almost finished and there was no bread. I don't really like plain eggs so I left it for my Mom. Was driving to work and the low tire pressure light on my car comes on. 3 gas stations later I finally find one that works!! Finally got my tires aired up thanks to the cooler weather and traffic is at a dead stop and I'm starving. What did I do? Stop for donuts! UGH!! But I brought my lunch and I'm going to cycling class tonight.

    How was everybody's holiday weekend?

    Momma-I use splenda or truvia as well. Both are pretty good. When I bake I use splenda since you can buy it in the bags.

    Julie-You wont have to find a new group! I'm still here too and ready to get this weight off again!!

    I'm going to set myself weekly goals. I find if I set actual time lines for weight loss I get really frustrated and defeated so I'm going to set exercise goals and such.

    Goals for this week
    Water! Water! Water!
    Tuesday: Cycling Class
    Wednesday: Cardio Kickboxing
    Thursday: if Kickboxing doesn't kill me too much I'm going to go to club boxing again. If not then I'm going to just do cardio
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Thanks momma24 for stalking me and starting the new thread! I was down in the dumps all weekend because I have been slipping back into some bad eating habits, and because all I did all weekend was work on bills and budgets. Which was depressing since we are in the negative every month. I've got to figure out how to spend less money each month without it hurting too badly. We spent double on groceries last month than I had budgeted for. We are eating a lot of fresh foods, so that's good for our health - but harder on the pocketbook. Hmmm. I guess I will have to get better with coupons. The weather was gorgeous over the weekend and that made me even more depressed since I was stuck in the house on the computer most of the time. whine, whine, whine.
    Ok ... I'm done. It's a new day, back to school day.... and back on track for me day.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Oh and I'll weigh in on the sugar question ... from my nutrition class - they would say stevia is the best choice, then sugar and splenda (or any other artificial sweetener) is the worst choice. My nutrition class would also say keep doing the cream - it's good for you (in reasonable amounts).
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Water check!!!

    How much water has everybody had today!?
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hey Jess, my water check for today (it is 2pm my time) 60 ounces and Im about to go drink more. I just got done with Leslie and I am worn out. I was only able to do 2 miles. I need to save some energy for Sara we are doing wii fit and riding our bike after dinner.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Great job Momma!!

    I'm at 48oz at 4:26....I've been soooo busy today I haven't hardly had any time to think about drinking my water!

    I love that your going bike riding with your daughter tonight and Wii Fit. A good friend of mine and I were talking the other day about how growing up our parents never really taught us about calories. How you are supposed to eat so many calories or even try to teach us how to be aware of how much we are consuming. I never thought twice about eating 2 sometimes 3 meals a day out. Guess that's how I shot up to 261!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Thanks Jess, I don't want her to end up like me.

    I am officially up to 84 ounces I drank 24 ounces with my snack. (2:34pm) C'mon now Jess are ya gonna let me drink more water than you?

    I feel like I am the only one on here. Thankfully, Jess has popped in on occasion but I look like I am desperate. Where are all my friends? Well, I am on my way back to finish up my goals for the day. I am getting there and I will tell you all about it later.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Oh a challenge on water drinking huh!?!? Dang you are way ahead of me already!! I'll see what I can do!!
  • I used to be over 200, I just found out today that I'm under 200lbs by 0.041 lbs

  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Oh a challenge on water drinking huh!?!? Dang you are way ahead of me already!! I'll see what I can do!!

    Do I know you or what Jess? I knew if I through a challenge out there you would see what you could do!!!:flowerforyou: Its on though. I don't think I can drink anymore until dinner but lets see. I am going to try for another 32 ounces at dinner time.
  • LA_proud
    LA_proud Posts: 162 Member
    Funny....just saw the water challenge...when I finish the bottle in my hand, I will be at 132 oz for the day....SO FAR!!!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Funny....just saw the water challenge...when I finish the bottle in my hand, I will be at 132 oz for the day....SO FAR!!!

    You are probably going to kick my butt then. But I will try to catch up. Just did 16 minutes of wii with Sara. I am going to cook dinner and she is going to continue playing after dinner we are going to clean and take a quick bike ride. I am exhausted but it feels good.
  • purpleprose
    Hey everyone!

    Welcome to all the new ladies. I guess I'll do a quick recap - my name is Allison and I'm 29. I've lost about 85 pounds since starting losing weight in July of 2010. My focus lately has not been weight loss, but rather on proper nutrition, working out and building muscle, and my running goals. I plan to hit my goal no later than June 2012 when my family heads to Russia for 2 weeks for my parents' wedding anniversary and I'm already saving for both that and my goal weight wardrobe!

    I was home this weekend which was nice - after so long of no power it was just nice to have my mother cook proper food. Since this week is so crazy work-wise I went to Fresh Market to pick up a whole roasted chicken that I will use throughout the week so I have something healthy. My trainer kicked my behind today and I'm running my first 5K since last November on Saturday.

    I miss everyone. I'm with Julie - I don't want to have to go out and meet new people in another group! I'm too shy.

    In other news, are we doing month-long goals again? Cause I really liked that...
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hi Allison, glad that you are home. I am game for the 1 month goal. Mine is to meet my daily goals for a month. I think I need to set myself with a goal each day then follow through as I did today.

    Check in for Tues. 9/6
    Calories-ate 1720
    Water-120 ounces
    Exercise-Toning, aerobic, and cleaning burned 883!

    Proud: My goals for today

    Clean Baking cabinet-Done
    Do 20 Squat/leg lifts exercise-Done
    Do 20 Wall push ups-Done
    Do 20 tummy exercise-Done
    Clean Ryan's toy closet-Done
    Vacuum behind couch/and other furniture-Done
    Walk 4 Miles with Leslie-Did 2 w/Leslie I was worn out by this time
    Do my daily jobs as well-Done
    Wii with Sara-Done
    Bike ride with Sara-Done
    Cook a healthy dinner-Done(chx breast, zucchini, yellow squash, tomatoes, rice, onion & garlic)
    The thing I am most proud of.........Being a good role model to Sara for today!-Done

    Sorry for being a forum hog but I am excited and I want everyone else to join me
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Momma! Look at you go! AWESOME JOB!

    LA_proud - omg you must be swimming with all that water - way to go! :drinker:

    Checking in for today:

    Calories - under by about 500 but as I was over all weekend I don't think this will hurt me any!
    Water - still under but I have about 20 oz. beside me now :smile:
    Exercise - Uhm... I spent the day in bad so that would be zero.

    Proud - I didn't let the fact that I was sick in bed be an excuse to snack all day! AND I'm proud I took a day off to get better rather than rushing back into work and then being sick all week.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello gals and new gals too!!

    Here is a recap for me

    I started out at 318 pounds, got down to 240 then in the process of building a new house and not paying attention and eating way to much and not working out i am back up to the 270's. I have been stuck here for months.

    But i am determined to get out of them for good and back to where i was pluse more !!!

    My goal before the end of the year is to be back under 250.

    Today was soo so for me.
    Cals - under
    water - bad bad bad
    exercise - I attempted to workout, burned like 300, usally do like 450 at lunch so to me not very good
    proud - that even i was not feeling it i did to something at the gym .

    I have come up with a workout plant...this week with the holiday got a littl screwed up but going to try to stick to it as much as i can
    Monday - c25k 30 min + 20-25 min arc trainer
    tuesday - 50-55 min arc trainer
    wednesday - 50-55 min arc trainer
    Thursday - c25k 30 min +20-25 min arc trainer
    Friday - 50-55 min arc trainer
    Saturday - 32 min eliptical + 30 min c25k + 30 min weights
    Sunday - Free day, not going to the gym but some type of activity with the family
    During the week tues- thurs try to do weights at least 1x, so a total of weights 2x a week

    I started this past weekened soo strong, saturday was awsome,sunday and monday sucked...Oh well nothing but to move on.

    September will be my month to get out of the 270's for good.

    I have this weirhd releationship with the 270's It seems in the past if loose weight i bounce back up to the 270's (minus when i juped up to 318 :sad:). i spent a good part of my 20's and thirtys hovering around 270's.

    But this is it, i am going to kick them to the curb for the very last time !!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Awesome job, Momma!! Way to go, Jess! Hi Allison & Melinda!

    I'm pooped & babied out today. We're taking a day trip to the coast tomorrow so I need to get to packing the diaper bag and preparing myself for 5 hours in a car with a 7 week old. :happy:
  • purpleprose
    Yesterday's check-in:

    Calories - under (too far under, honestly)
    Water - 80 ounces
    Sodium - under
    Exercise - 70 minutes of personal training. Can barely walk this morning!
    Proud - I hit new levels of awesome in my workout today. Lifting heavier weights, powering through my inner monologue of "just stop now, you've done enough of them already".

    Today and tomorrow are work-crazy. Not looking forward to it.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    It's great to see renewed life here... thank you momma24! I am hoping your enthusiasm is catchy because I need some.
    I didn't do very well yesteday:
    calories: over by 600+
    exercise: none
    water: under
    proud: that I logged everything

    I pretty much sucked at last months goals, but I would like to try again with some September goals.
    1. lose 1 pound a week
    2. more protein & veggies
    3. drink 100oz of water a day
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Yay, I am so happy to see so many of you. I am so proud of everyone.

    Deb, you can kiss the 270's goodbye.

    lstpaul great goals.

    I need to post my goals for today and run. Today is a busy busy busy day. My dinner is going to be at church tonight and I don't know what they are having so hopefully not too bad day for my cals. Because today is busy I need to adjust my goals here they are

    Calories I would like to eat between 1400-1800
    water I want to drink at least 120 ounces again

    Today I am going to do my usual work.
    I want to go 2 miles with Leslie and build up she was kicking my butt yesterday
    my squat/leg lifts
    wall push ups
    tummy exercise (it is from a chair I get dizzy when I lay on the ground)
    Play wii with Sara we won't have time for a bike ride today
    clean the base boards in the entry way
    And Remember to be a good role model to Sara because she is awesome and deserves it!!!!!!