Over 200 New Year New Me Part 52



  • purpleprose
    Hey everyone!

    I feel like I've been gone for months and months, not just a couple of weeks. I've been doing well, though am still really tired from my insane work week last week. My 5K was not nearly as good as I'd hoped, but I just had no gas in the tank to do well Saturday morning. I like, though, that I can recognize when a bad day is circumstance, and not a problem with me.

    I've been busy training with my personal trainer, running, and prepping for a 10K at the end of October and am seriously considering a half marathon in May. I think I've been coasting a bit for the past few months and it's time to get my head in the game and focus.

    As far as the "diet food" debate goes, I fall in favor of actual food, not just food product. As I've been running more, training more, and educating myself more about proper nutrition, diet foods have fallen more and more off my radar. I still get reduced- or non-fat dairy options whenever possible, but after watching Food, Inc., reading The Omnivore's Dilemma, and doing some more research into our food, it's clear to me that it's better to eat the regular version as much as possible. I struggle with fat intake still, though, being gallbladderless, but I'd rather go over a bit throughout the day on good fats and deal with the occasional unfortunate side effect than switch to something loaded with HFCS or other additives.

    I'm going to try to post more - yall help keep me accountable!!!!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hello all!

    Checking in for Tuesday and Wednesday-

    Calories -Under by 300
    Water - good
    Exercise - Swimming :grumble: (I really don't like to swim)

    Proud - I had extra calories thanks to exercise but I didn't eat them all -

    Calories - Under by over 500
    Water - good
    Exercise - week 4.5 of the 5k101 (the extra week)

    Proud - again Wednesday I was able to resist my exercise calories which gives me a LOVELY calorie pad for tonights dinner :love:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hi all! I am lazy, lazy, lazy today at work. My boss is on vacation for TWO weeks! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and he rarely takes vacation and if he does it is usually at the same time that I am gone ... so I am really enjoying the peace and quiet at work today!!!
    BUT it has made me absolutely lazy and bored.
    I'm just watching the clock waiting to go home. My daughter has a swim meet tonight ... I really hope she does well so that she might change her mind about wanting to quit. All the grandparents are coming, I don't plan on telling them that it might be one of her last swim meets. I did set up an appointment with a physical therapist about her mild knee pain, I spoke with her doc and she didn't think she needs to stop swimming since it sounds minor - just ice and ibuprofen and see a physical therapist. But I think my daughter wants to use it as an excuse to quit. We'll see how it goes I guess.

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: just barely over
    exercise: good - an hour+ of walking/running on the treadmill since my step class was cancelled.
    water: I think good although I did a poor job of keeping track
    proud: that I ran for 20 minutes straight, and then another 10 minutes (with a walking break in between) - I haven't run for 20 minutes straight for many years!

    I'm missing my step class tonight for my daughter's swim meet ... I wish I didn't have to, but I know she isn't going to be swimming forever (maybe even shorter than I would like).
  • purpleprose


    Calories: under
    Water: 80+ ounces
    Sodium: well under
    Exercise: quick 2 mile run
    Proud: I was feeling iffy on whether or not I wanted to run, but I made myself hit the treadmill (it was raining). AND, even though I had lots of cals after dinner, I wasn't hungry so I didn't eat much.

    Today's another busy work day, then I work out with my trainer, and tomorrow my parents are coming to visit for the weekend. :smile:

    I don't know about you all, but I'm happy it's Friday. Hope everyone has a good one!

    ETA: oh, and while this loss looks hilariously small this week, I actually have lost about 5 - 6 pounds over the last week and a half...I know that most of my gain had been water weight, but this week ended up being a pretty good loss!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good for you Allison!

    Wow we are starting to dwindle again. We are not here supporting each other daily as we should. :cry:

    Well, I did not lose any weight this week. I actually forgot to weigh myself but I know that I did not lose weight. This week has been a struggle for me I have been quite lazy and tired. I just can't explain it. Someone called the house a couple of days ago and I could not find my phone when I finally answered it the machine picked up, I thought I shut it off had my conversation. Later in the day I noticed I had a message so I played it back and it was the conversation from earlier. WOW! I sounded so out of breath. That means I need to get up and move around more than I am. I am still chugging a long and I will eventually do this. Sara is still very faithfully doing her wii fit everyday for about an hour and half. She is also making such good choices. She is only 9 (soon to be 10 on Tuesday) Last night she wanted 2nds at dinner. I said, well you seem to like the snap peas if you are still hungry I would have those. So she got about 4 big snap peas and said these are really delicious. Instead of getting seconds on the bread or the chicken. She ate a huge salad with no dressing and those snap peas. Just proud of her for being so good. I don't want her worrying about her weight at such a young age. We never talk about getting thin or being fat. We talk about what would be a healthier choice for our hearts. I just think that a little girl are already bombarded with the weight subject and it should really be about being healthy.

    Sorry for rambling just kinda melancholy today! Tomorrow is My 41rst bday and my oldest daughters 18th. For the first time in 18 years I will NOT be spending that day with her. She was my 23rd bday present I never got a 23rd birthday because I spent the day in labor around 5:15pm my 6 pound 9 ounces 18 inches baby girl came into this world 1 month premature (big premature baby) She was so tiny and beautiful. She was my miracle baby. She came out very sick and I was told if she would have stayed full term she probably would have died. I Thank God in heaven for her everyday. She is now healthy, beautiful, and intelligent. She is going to school to be an aeronautical engineer has already been accepted into the program. Literally, I can say in about 6 years my child is a rocket scientist and I'd be telling the truth:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Allison: Be proud of that loss, no matter how large or small! Love the new profile pic and that you're setting some more fitness goals. I suspect you'll do awesome at your 10k with all of the training you've been doing. When I did mine in June, the farthest I had run was 4.5 miles. For me, it's all about endurance (especially the first time with new distances). The speed will come later. Like you, my 5k on Saturday wasn't as good as I'd hoped, but I told myself that it was still over 7 minutes faster than my first one less than a year ago! That's huge!

    Leann: I hope your daughter had a great swim meet and decides to stay on the team.

    I'm super happy it's Friday because it's been a crazy busy week. Yesterday afternoon was so lovely. I left work at 11am because the appliance repair guy was coming between 12 and 4pm to repair my oven ('tis the season for pies and apple crisp!). I got all my laundry done, reorganized my dresser drawers, organized the stack of papers I've been avoiding for months, had a lovely sandwich for lunch, read a little and played/snuggled with my cats. The repair guy showed up at 3:45pm (figures) and had the stove fixed in 10 minutes. Then, I got to spend some time with my horse before going to volunteering. Gorgeous evening to be outside!

    This morning was a different story. I was tired (all the fresh air?) and didn't want to get out of bed, stepped in cat puke before I left the house and when I got to work the lunchbox I keep in the fridge for my beverages was soaking wet because a coworker had dumped a bottle of water in the fridge and didn't clean it up. Then, I had to make fresh coffee this morning because it was gone when I went to fill my first cup of the morning. All small things, but you all know how that can make one crabby in the morning! SO glad it's Friday!! Needless to say, my cocoa/coffee combo is awesomely comforting today.

    We have our potluck at work today, so at least that takes a few hours away from sitting at my desk. I can move around a little and take my time cleaning up.

    We're now officially half way through September and I still haven't touched the scale. This is huge for me. I'm not even sure I want to step on it at the end of the month because it's so relaxing just taking some time off from worrying about it. Two weeks left of my chaotic schedule and I can devote a lot more time to exercising (because it feels good!).

    I've started my list of fitness goals for 2012. None of my goals will involve sizes or weight loss because it's just too stressful! I just feel like I'm in a really good place right now.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: ??
    Water: 72 oz.
    Exercise: 30 minutes walking, 30 minutes bareback riding
    Proud: I got a ton of stuff done that I'd been putting off around the house!

    Hope you all have a fantastic weekend! I'm going to be active, active, active!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Sherry: Happy Birthday to you and your future rocket scientist daughter! :flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Happy birthday Sherry!

    I'm up a pound from 2 weeks ago. I had a monster workout at the gym yesterday and I had Taco Bell for lunch so I'm actually really happy about only being up a pound. :smile:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member

    I'm down another pound this week! I'll TAKE it! I am super happy because I'm working REALLY hard and it's so good to see some payoff! Between the morning workouts and the lame low-cal lunches at work I really feel like I've earned the loss LOL! Nothing like a plain salad ( 4 cups of baby spinach, 1/2 cup raw mushrooms, 1tsp. sunflower seeds and the 50 cal dressing) or a grilled chicken breast and a double order of green beans to make you feel quite pious!

    I was horrible last night. On the drive home I had to stop for groceries, and I loaded up on dark chocolate. I had a piece in the car and two more at home. We served roasted chicken for dinner and I had to roast two of them so it took awhile, and I snacked on (seriously) slice pepperoni dipped in ranch dressing! :noway: Only a few slices but still! RIDICULOUS! So I assure you seeing a lb loss was wonderful this morning :bigsmile:

    Happy Birthday Sherry!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    hey girls , sorry i wasn't around this week

    serena was home with strep tuesday and wednesday, TOMM was around too so just didn't feel like doing muhc Had a good workout yesterday , today was not as good.

    But we got a spin bike at a garage sale...i was soo excited, It was $$ we really didn't have but it is in real good shape we got it for 250.00 we hadf been wanting ones but the ones we wanted were 700 + we put it in our be3droom.

    I miss our spin classes so hoping i can get dvd's and if i can't get to the gym at leats i can get on that. And also help to mixup my workout.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hi ladies, I am sick:sick: started feeling like I was getting sick on my birthday had a nice day anyway:smile: Got up today and feel awful. I am making a stew for sunday dinner so I was on here checking out some recipes. I have my own that is really fantastic but on occasion I like to mix and match other peoples ideas. So I thought I would check in say hi tell you I was sick so you all could feel sorry for me:laugh: Then get back to making my stew. See you all tomorrow I hope
  • Mekob25
    Mekob25 Posts: 88 Member
    What a wonderful idea! I'd like to be a part.
    Starting weight January 04, 2011 = 264
    Current Weight = 175
  • Aperyan83
    Aperyan83 Posts: 69 Member
    Hello all, I am new here and I am afraid that I may not be able to keep up everyday, but I will be here as much as I can for your support and motivation :)

    My heaviest/startgin weight 258
    Current weight 245 :bigsmile:

    I am on my way to a healthier, more energice, more beautiful me!!!

    Cheers, let's do this together! :drinker:
  • purpleprose
    Happy Monday, y'all!

    I had a good weekend - parents were in town and we had a great day/night together. I was sad to see them leave Sunday morning. I wasn't feeling great this weekend - the change in seasons always gets me a little sick and we went from 85 degree weather to 65 degrees and rainy overnight - but went to the gym yesterday for a training session and I seriously think it made me feel better. We changed up my workout a bit so as not to put too much stress on my respiratory system. I'm up to personal training about 3x per week in addition to running and doing yoga (and playing kickball).

    I'm also wearing a pair of comfy 14s today! Most of my 16s are just too baggy and the 14s are finally starting to really fit. :happy:

    How was the weekend for everyone?

    Welcome to mekob & workingmommy! This is a great group and incredibly supportive.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good Morning Ladies and welcome new ladies:flowerforyou:

    Still so sick and tom decided to show up on it's 29 birthday hahahah I first got tom a day or 2 after my 12th birthday and Saturday was my 41. I know stupid joke:indifferent: :sick: :sick: :sick: I am coughing and sneezing and headachy and achy and feverishy. Do I have enough ands/y to get my point across I am sick. I am going to do something I never do I am going to lay down on my couch and watch tv. Right after I do breakfast dishes, take kids to school, and put away some laundry. :laugh: :laugh: My kids say I sound like a Man. Kids are so good for the self esteem

    Allison yay on those size 14's lady! Our weather is staying pretty consistent here into the 90's in the afternoons but we are getting down into the 60's at night so I am not sure if that is my problem. I feel like bricks are resting on my head and chest as well as being down right exhausted.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Morning ladies!!!!

    Sorry I've been missing for so long...

    I've been doing good, for the most part, I have a lot on my mind lately.. Personal things, I'll share when I can figure things out.

    I have some good and bad news..

    Good: my baby is has been accepted into full day kindergarten.. Which gives me some time to myself to get back into losing weight and exercising.

    Bad news: my brother's fiancé called off the wedding and they r no longer engaged or together. He thought he was marrying his soul mate, a person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, but she was looking a bank account to support her spendibg habit. When he stop giving her money she calked off and moved on to the next person. He's deeply hurting but he will get through it.

    So now I'm back and ready to give it my 100% again. It great to come back to a supporting group of wonderful ladies... I've missed you all! <3
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Laila (Positively_Me): So sorry to hear your brother's finacee bailed out, but at least he figured out they weren't right for each other before the wedding. Glad you're back with us, though!

    Sherry (Momma24): Feel better soon!

    Deb: Nice find on the spin bike!

    Mekob and WorkingMommy: Welcome to the group!

    Checking in for the weekend:
    Water: 112 oz.
    Exercise: 3.1 mile bike ride

    Calories: ??
    Water: 24 oz.
    Exercise: 3 hours walking horses

    Calories: ??
    Water: None
    Exercise: None...it was a rainy day, so we did our Sunday drive.

    Today looks like it's going to be busy at work, so probably won't get another chance to check in until tomorrow. Hope you have a good day!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Sorry I missed your birthday momma24: Happy Belated Birthday! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    I hope you are feeling better soon!

    On Friday I didn't check in - but I did finally lose that pound I gained in August. Now hopefully I can get the scale to keep on moving down. I didn't do a great job over the weekend though - I didn't eat enough, then got too hungry and ate too much ... all weekend long. I tried to go running yesterday since I managed to run on the treadmill last week ... and I got incredibly tired really fast and didn't make it as far as I had hoped. Plus I think I hurt my back - I didn't feel anything until this morning during step class my lower back kept getting sorer and sorer and now it is bad - it's really making me feel ill. Tomorrow is a no-exercise day for me ... hopefully my back will loosen up and I'll be able to get back to the Y on Wednesday.
    My daughter's swim meet didn't go well last Thursday night, but then much better on Saturday. I haven't mentioned the 'quitting' conversation and she hasn't brought it up again either. She has a doc appointment tomorrow to check out her knee - we'll see what they say.
    Have a good night all!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Welcome Mekob and Workingmommy :flowerforyou:

    First I'll check-in for the weekend (and as you can see - checking in is optional!)
    Calories - WAY over
    Water - WAY under
    Exercise - Zero
    Proud - Hmmmm this is a tough one. We drove to Southern Ohio for the famous Paw-Paw festival (not really famous). It was great - but it was about a 5 hour drive and we had a late start and we were routed through West Virgina LOL - Two teenagers and my older husband made for frequent complaints and potty stops. I guess I should be proud that after that drive, plus getting lost in the dark heading for Columbus afterwords, I didn't drink another 1000 calories!

    Calories - just over
    Water - much better
    Exercise - we helped my sister and her wife with some home remodeling work that they are trying to finish before the baby gets here (November). Lots of stairs, some light work effort, and some stretching and lifting.
    Proud - that when we finally got home last night I didn't have a snack. I drank some green tea and went to bed!

    Today I had the court appearance for the speeding ticket that was combined with the expired licenses and lack of proof of insurance. The Judge was pretty nice and after seeing a string of whiny college kids seemed happy to deal with someone who was genuinely apologetic about speeding in a school zone - So he only fined me $50 plus court costs! Who says nice guys come in last?
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Melinda: Glad the court appearance went better than you'd hoped! I once got stopped for speeding, expired registration and no proof of insurance. I was 16 or 17 and my parents were going through a divorce. I started crying (unintentionally) and told him that my parents were in the middle of a divorce and that my dad had stopped paying my insurance without telling us and I was paying it when I got paid in three days (sad, but true!). The cop was an older gentleman who felt bad for me, so he let me know with a written warning. Sweet guy!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over!!
    Water: 96 oz.
    Exercise: None

    I'm having a REALLY hard time getting back to formal exercise. Every morning, I set my alarm for 5am and have my workout clothes sitting out waiting for me and every morning, I hit snooze, roll over and go back to sleep. I don't know if it's because it's darker in the mornings or if I'm just not motivated enough but I can't bring myself to do it. I'm pretty active yet with the volunteering, hiking and running around with Alex but geez! I know how much better I feel after a good sweatfest, so what's my problem?? Ugh.

    All of my volunteer activities will be done on Wednesday of next week. I probably won't push myself too hard until then because of my schedule, but I'm either going to follow 30 Day Shred or ChaLean Extreme starting October 1st. Haven't decided which. I'd prefer ChaLean, but I don't know if I can jump right into a 90 day program; that's why I'm thinking a 30 day commitment with Jillian might be a better way to get back to it. Of course, I'll still be doing running as well. Only three races left to meet my goal for 2011! However, I'm thinking I may add another one or two along the way. It's a sickness.

    Okay, sorry for the ranting. Just "thinking out loud" again. Have a great day!