Over 200 New Year New Me Part 52



  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hey new people! JUMP IN! The water is great :flowerforyou:

    I'll provide a little back story of my own -

    I came on this site in the fall of 2009 (I may have been on before that but didn't use the site regularly until then). I found this group around the end of 2009 and that's when my weight loss really took off! I combined calorie counting with exercise and by April I was down from around 220 to the 170s. Then life happened :grumble: my sweet 91 year old mother in law passed away and my father in law moved in (and back out then in again then to the hospital and rehab then in then out...) and my 17 year old (step) grand daughter moved here from CA. GAH! So much change no trips to the gym - and I went back up into the 190s.

    Now I'm back at it. I'm dragging my poor granddaughter, Meghan, to the rec center at 6 AM every morning (she then goes to high school at 7:30) and my husband too! I don't care if they were up late or if they don't feel well - I'm being pushy (and it's working!).

    You know what you see here? Real women who are doing their best and are supporting each other - that's why those of us who have fallen didn't gain it all back plus more :tongue:

    I skipped the gym on Friday due to total lack of sleep in our house, and then again Monday because we were out of town and yesterday because i was flat on my back with some kind of bug. This would normally mean I've fallen off the wagon but I got back in this morning and I swam! (I hate swimming!:angry: ) I thought I'd try it on a Wednesday to see if there was less of a crowd at 6:30 but there isn't. So that means that next week I'll go back to my previous schedule.

    Here are my goals for the rest of the week:
    Thursday 5K101 30 minutes plus 25 minutes of cardio (elliptical etc) Calories will be over!
    Friday Swim 30 minutes Calories at 1300 net
    Saturday 5K101 30 minutes plus 25 minutes of cardio Calories at 1300 net
    Sunday is a rest day :happy: Calories at 1300 net
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    So glad to see everybody back! I skimmed through the posts but I wanted to drop in and say hello! I was in training this morning and just got to the branch.

    I made it to cycling class last night and not sure if that was a good idea or not. I made it through the class but coughed for almost an hour till I got home. Gargeled with some salt water and was fine. I'm going to kickboxing tonight! I'm ready to do this!!

    Water challenge! Lets see who can drink the most!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Sorry, not much time to catch up today!

    Having a hard time jumping back on the wagon of drinking my water and exercising. Road trip weekends are killer!

    Allison: I'm also doing a 5k on Saturday, so I'll be thinking of you as I run. I'm going to try for another PR, but it might be too soon to hit another. I'd probably cry if I can squeak out a sub 32.

    Anyway, hope you're all having a good day!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    I am having a hard time getting to my goals today. I am crazy busy. I took a break to eat lunch then I am back to it. I can get it done I can get it done.............................We will see
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Momma I know you can get your goals for the day met!!

    Heather it is VERY VERY hard getting back on the wagon but I know you can do it!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I'm chugging along best I can! I count my green tea as water so that helps quite a bit!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    So far I've slipped up and eaten a fun sized candy bar and some peanut butter with super dark chocolate but I'm still on track with my calories thanks so my low cal breakfast and lunch.

    Tonight I'm making a tuna casserole with that "sprouted grain" pasta! I'm excited to see how it turns out! :happy:

    Tomorrow I won't be able to get to the gym until 7am so I'll just have time for the 5K101 but I'm going to try to get in at least 15 - 20 minutes on the elliptical machine before I leave for my 6 am appointment.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Dr. called me and my oldest blood work came back not so good AGAIN! She says that it is not in critical levels but that we should keep monitoring it. My mother (God Bless her) who panics makes me stress. The dr. says lets monitor this keep track of her bruises and bloody noses and then we will refer her to a blood specialist if necessary other wise lets wait to do more blood work in November. My mother Dr. Grandma says we need to pull her out of college and rush her to the hospital and start treating her TODAY! I am exaggerating but that is how I feel at times. So whose right.... I am going to go with me. I am going to monitor her bruises and bloody noses and instead of waiting until Nov. for more blood work I am requesting it in October. I want to do right by my child but I also don't want to panic like Dr. Grandma tends to do. Now call me stressed......and I will see you all later
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    By the way it is 1:14pm here and I have 52 ounces of water down!!!!! I have NOTHING on my goals done but I think I may switch up Leslie Sansone walk for a Sherry around town walk instead. I am stressed and walking outside is a nice little stress release
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Im in!!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Sherry I can only imagine how you feel right now! What a decision to make. I'm with you on letting your daughter stay in school and monitor things. Go for a walk and drink your water and hopefully that will make you feel better!! Your in my thoughts and prayers Sherry!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I agree with you and Jess - watch and get checked when it works for you two. If October works and you don't have to pull her out of classes etc go for it!

    My bff has a condition that sounds like this - she has been fine but her pregnancies were "high risk" and she was on medication. Both babies are great and so is mom if that's any help?

    Take that walk and get some fresh air and fresh perspective!

    Great job on the water!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    momma24: Your plan sounds good to me, not over-reacting by pulling her into the hospital now, but monitoring her and doing things on a time table that you are comfortable with instead of waiting until November. I will be thinking about you!

    I haven't had the best day for food ... not horrible, but not following my plan of balanced meals and snacks ... just one of those days I guess. I haven't 'blown' it yet, just need to take control now.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Thanks girls, took a walk, felt sorry for myself, kicked myself in the butt, felt better!!! My goals are not out of reach but attainable for today even if they are modified a little

    Sherry Walk -Done
    Tummy tuckers-Done
    wall pushups-Done
    Wii with Sara-Done as soon as she walks in the door.
    Baseboards-put off until tomorrow so that I can do wii with Sara
    Water_Good about to drink another 42 ounces and I will be sitting pretty at 102 ounces with the whole day ahead
    with the exception of the baseboards and a couple of daily chores I set aside I have accomplished what I set out to do today.
    So I will call this a successful day and a semi rest day considering I went CRAZY yesterday. I will return tomorrow with more goals for the day. Friday I will not be here. Hopefully, I will remember to weigh and check in later in the day. My son will be in the surgical center for dental work most of the morning. No one seems to want to do any dental work on him unless he is unconscious so that requires an outpatient surgical time:sick: :sick:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Momma -- I think you have the right attitude about your daughter's medical situation.

    Jess -- Hope you had fun in your kickboxing class!

    Heather -- Woot, another 5K! You're inspiring me. :smile:

    I'm redoing Couch25K and I started today. Only this time, I'm planning to do each workout twice in a row and I'm doing it outside (well, until I have to go back to work)!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    hey gals

    Momma - I think leaving her in a school sounds like a plan. If the doctors aren't panicing then i don't think you should .

    Julie - Good Luck i know you will rock it.

    I am "attempting" c25k" I really think i will be on week one for a very very long time as i still am struggling with week 1.

    Calories - Under
    Water - Horrible
    exercise - 58 min.arc trainer
    proud - that even though i am struggling at the gym the last couple days i am stil at it

    I need to start the morning with some water i have not been doing good on water, i start in the morning with a coke due to my sleepy self then hard for me to start with the wate.r My goal for tomorrow is to get going with water 1st thign.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Hey sistas!!! Quick check in... miss you all! I slowly but surely getting back into my grove.. The summer really stressed me out with my family trying to buy a house and Ramadan so that's the past and I am ready to get thus weight off.

    Im hoping to come back regularly with logging my daily check in. I planned (past tence) to lose all the weight before my brothers wedding.. And it didn't happen . His wedding is in the beginning of October ( around the same time I turn 33).. I'm mad, sad, disappointed, ashamed I didn't lose the weight. At times I feel like I was ment to stay fat ( or over 200)... I'm tired of looking at my body and not really doing anything about it.

    If I want to see results I have to put in the work.. Plan and simple!!!

    Sorry for all the blabbering..


  • betty51
    Hi,I am over 200 and would love join in on this group . So can someone fill me in as what I am suppose to do daily with this group .Thanks !!
  • LA_proud
    LA_proud Posts: 162 Member
    Good Morning All,

    It's early (not really) 7:34am. I had told myself last night that after I got the little one off to school, I would go back to bed. I have been so tired this week, but I have kept moving forward. I sent an hour with my trainer last night (first time) and I thought I would be sore, but I am not!!!!

    I do not have class until this evening, so I am hoping that I can get some work done, go to the gym for some cardio and still make dinner for the kids before I leave at 4:30.

    I am feeling a little stressed by every thing going on at church, so I am trying to remind my self that God is in control, NOT ME!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-How long till you have to go back to work? I think starting c25k over is a great idea. I should really consider doing the same!

    lstpaul-Hope your day got better yesterday

    Sherry-Great job on turning your day around accomplishing most of your goals! I'm proud of you!

    Betty-We just chat through out the day. We check in daily if we want with calories, water, exercise and something to be proud of. Welcome!

    LA-Sounds like you have a great plan set for the day.

    POS-WELCOME BACK!! Don't beat yourself up. Just take it day by day starting NOW!

    Deb-You are doing good. How did it going having water first thing? Remember how much more energy you had when you were working out on a regular basis? Maybe you just have to get back in that groove and you wont need your soda anymore. I confesss I've been having a diet root beer in the mornings. AH!!

    I made it to kickboxing last night! The teacher wasn't really good at explaining stuff for a beginner but I think I caught on fairly well. I definitely feel it in my lower body and my body. Where I need work the most! A little in my abs too. VICTORY!! Burned 530 calories. WOOHOOO!! Plan to put it into my class I want to alternate between. I am loving taking classes at the gym. Must say I'm proud of myself for trying new things and classes here lately. Trying to step out of my comfort zone!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member

    LA_Proud - is that a Percheron you're holding in the photo? I have an Arabian mare and a Chincoteague pony in my back pasture doing nothing more than looking cute right now. :ohwell:

    Laila - we sometimes follow a kinda shadow Ramadan in support of our Muslim friends! When we've done it we don't eat any food but we do drink water. I know it's lame but it's our effort to participate in a respectful way, in another faith :flowerforyou: This year, however, we didn't do it - AUGUST HAD TO BE TOUGH! Those are LONG DAYS! The year Ramadan was over Thanksgiving my family was all "REALLY" when we explained we'd have our big dinner after dark - but they ended up LOVING IT. I always enjoy how the feeling of being empty helps focus the mind and spirit and it's only a few hours vs. all though who do without and have no food to break the fast after dark. I think it's a fabulous event!

    Jess - Kick boxing sounds awesome! All our classes seem to start after 7am and I haven't been able to figure out how to get to them after work... I love that you're trying new things!

    Heather - I'm at that point in the 5K101 where I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and I have that "OMG I might sign up for a 5K this winter!" thought going through my head! Running in the winter will mean I won't be soaked with sweat (I hope)

    Momma - you did GREAT! What a fabulous come from behind for a badly started day (according to you). I love your priorities! :drinker:

    Betty - WELCOME!!! :flowerforyou:

    Deb - so happy to see you here! I think you're doing GREAT! I'm starting the 5K101 over (same as C25K really) and this time I'm doing it with the Chi Runner book and using Vibram FiveFinger shoes. So far it's been great!

    Julie - YAY running again! Did you get one of those cool running strollers? HEY I've been dying ask - do you still find your dogs sweet and part of your family? Or did getting a human puppy suddenly make them seem like dirty animals? I've had friends go both ways after a baby and it's always hard to predict. And NO JUDGING Here! I've known enough awesome people who have put their dog out back after baby to know it's not about character :happy: My bff's dog is named Maggie and they used to call her Maggie Sue - after her baby was born they kept forgetting Maggie at our house - and she went for perfectly groomed to somewhat ratty. We renamed her "Maggie Who"

    Anyone heard from Blue lately?