Over 200 New Year New Me Part 52



  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I was relatively proud of how I ended the day yesterday, I feel like I'm slowly taking back control of my eating again. I didn't do great, but did better than what I had initially planned. For supper I was going to make a giant baked potato loaded with butter and cheese (the kids had Leeann Chins and hubby was at a golf banquet), but I realized that I wasn't that hungry after snacking too much during the day - so I made scrambled eggs - a much better option. But then I kind of ruined it by having an english muffin with peanut better and jelly for bedtime snack ... when I really wasn't hungry at all. But still better than the giant baked potato would have been.

    calories: over - but just by a little
    exercise: 45 minutes of step
    water: I think ok, I drank lots of water at the end of the day
    proud: that I made a good choice for dinner
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    lstpaul - you reminded me that after my long chatty email I never checked in for Wednesday! Also I wanted to say that I think of your photo every time I go to our pool where there's a poster of a kid who looks very similar but nowhere near as cute!

    Checking in for Wednesday!

    Calories: Just under 1200 - intentionally didn't eat my exercise calories due to LARGE overages this week.
    Water: I drank extra last night to get over 70...
    Exercise: 30 minutes of HARD swimming. I still can't swim "face down" for more than one length of the pool because even if I breath every stroke I can't "pant" fast enough I'm so out of shape! But I did the arm strokes while kinda bouncing along up to my chin in water, and I did 20 minutes of back strokes really focusing on my arms.

    Proud: Yesterday I had a LOT of reasons to skip swimming - we were running late, there were no open swim lanes, I didn't feel that well, and I forgot my swim goggles. BUT I DID IT!
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    I'm in! Start weight of 267.5 I log everything when I can get a connection. Last week-end I couldn't even get a Smart phone connection as I was WAY up in northern MN. No more pop or chips. Not even one. I am like an alcoholic with them. Even one bite sents me binging and off the path of nutritional rightiousness. My son recently started drinking a new pop with stevia and recommends it. I don't drink coffee, but occasionally have tea without sweetener. I always drink my 8 glasses of water. My big issue is lack of exercise. Sigh. Going to mow the lawn today. Glad to be part of this thread.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Melinda -- I kind of had a feeling what's happened with our dogs was going to happen. 2 of them are amazing; 2 of them are just awful with baby. :ohwell: We've found a new home for the pitbull pup because she's way too rowdy and destructive for us to handle right now (though she's a really great dog in general) but we haven't gotten her in the new home yet. The other dog that isn't working out is one of our greyhounds. He had nervous/anxious tendencies before and he's completely lost his mind now. :frown: I think we're going to have to let the adoption agency find another place for him. But our other greyhound & my super old lurcher girl have been great and they're not getting forgotten or going anywhere. I definitely find 4 dogs and a 7 week old unmanageable right now in terms of spending enough time with everyone & I really hate that.

    Oof, sore from my run yesterday but not unmanageable & nothing like last week. I got about 3 hours of sleep last night. Maisie had really bad gas or something and screamed her head off inconsolably from 8.30pm until 4amsomething. Apparently I was the one who finally got her to sleep in her crib and I didn't even remember doing it I was so exhausted.

    Jess -- I think I'm going back to work October 10th. :frown: I really don't want to go back at all but my husband can't seem to find a job that pays the same or more than mine.
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    I notice many of you drink double the recommended amount of water. Has anyone had health problems as a result? I did that about 3 years ago. I ended up very dizzy and light-headed. The dr. said that I was drinking too much and diluting the chemicals in my body. He suggested chicken broth with salt and Gatorade type drinks. Just interested not judging.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hoppymom - I think it depends a lot on how fast you go to large amounts of water, and your exercise etc. I drink my water in the form of green tea - cheating I know! But it's so low cal/ low caffeine that I've decided it's 'as good' as water and I've had a least one medical professional agree (and then stopped asking of course LOL) :tongue:
    Also I think it can depend how fast you go to that amount of water.

    I do know that when you are exercising a lot, you can over hydrate on just water because you're sweating out electrolytes and not replenishing them. If you drink GALLONS like that poor mom in Sacramento did a couple years ago you can die because the water literally seeps through your veins into your brain.:sick:

    I just pee a lot :blushing:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good Late morning 10:40am my time. I hope everyone is well today. Welcome to all the new people. So happy to see some old faces as well. I should say young faces who I have known awhile.

    Julie, I can honestly say I do not miss those days of little to no sleep. The only problem is I still wake up 2-3 x a night and I really believe I have trained my body to do that because of being a mommy for so long. I do highly recommend a nap when she does. I am sure you already know that. I would take my babes and we would go lay down.

    Laila, it is so very nice to see you!

    Jess, great job on the kick boxing!

    Debi, You are doing well with the exercise I have noticed on my news feed!!! Now DRINK your water!!!!!!!!

    Melinda, as usual your posts are so interesting and I love seeing that glass of red wine!!! As for Blue I have tried to contact her twice recently no response yet. I have tried from mfp and personal e-mail. I will give her another couple of days and try again.

    lstpaul, great job on the food choices. It is baby steps to the finish line.

    My goals for today are going to be simple. First I am going to work for the food I eat today. I walked for my breakfast and I have not decided what work I will do for lunch. My dinner is going to be worked for by playing the wii fit with my Sara. The base boards will get cleaned today and I will still do my daily chores. I need to catch up with my water I am standing at about 20 some odd ounces and about to drink 16 more.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Hey, ladies, I'm here. Just busy at work.

    The first two nights of the volunteer program at our new site were awesome. The weather was perfect, horses were calm and riders were smiley. We couldn't have asked for a better start, other than the horse who pulled back in the trailer last night and escaped onto the 38 acres. Luckily, it didn't take long and I was able to get ahold of him. He skinned up his face a bit, but just superficial, so he'll be fine. Excitement! Our riders were already gone for the evening, so there were just a handful of volunteers/horse owners left. Whew!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: No idea
    Water: 80 oz.
    Exercise: 3 hours walking at volunteering.

    I'm still struggling to get on the exercise wagon, but I read my Oxygen magazine during lunch and am feeling some new motivation; mostly in the eating area. I think this weekend, I'm going to pick up some of Tosca Reno's clean eating books. I know how much better I feel on days I eat fewer processed foods, so I might start working myself toward a cleaner diet. I definitely won't be able to cut all processed stuff out, but any progress is good.

    Off to my third night of volunteering this week! Have a great evening!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Check in

    Calories ate 1992
    Exercise burned 634
    water: Forgot to keep good track but I am sure I am over 64 ounces because I drank water with every meal at least 16 ounces and some with snack as well as just for kicks:laugh: .


    I set out to earn my meals today. I was inspired by our ancestors who had to go out and work to get food such as hunt or what have you. So I thought I would try that today. I did not burn a ton each meal but I burned anywhere from 145-200cals before I ate or right after. I did my wii time with Sara, the baseboards still need cleaning though:ohwell: . As you can tell I hate cleaning baseboard that will be on Monday's goal and hopefully I will do it then. I feel as if I am being a good healthy role model to my daughter for 3 days in a row. That is a streak I intend to keep going. I am very proud of myself for following through each day. I like this and I am feeling real good about my accomplishments. I run out of things to say I am proud of everyday and now I am finding things daily.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    momma - good job on burning your meals.

    cals - under
    Water - not good :sad: nobody to blame but me :sad: I did get some so that is better than tomorrow.
    Exercise - c25k and ellipt

    I did the day 3 week 1 again. I will probably b here forever. I struggle soo much doing it, my ankles are just killing me. I am trying it though 3 x a week.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I don't know what my previous weight was but I know I'm up. Happy Friday!

  • LA_proud
    LA_proud Posts: 162 Member

    LA_Proud - is that a Percheron you're holding in the photo? I have an Arabian mare and a Chincoteague pony in my back pasture doing nothing more than looking cute right now. :ohwell:

    Yes it is. He is not mine. I was visiting a friend at the stables and just thought he was too beautiful not to take a picture.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Not too bad for 3 days!!!!!

    Jess..................... 0............0%
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    As most of you know, I'm not logging calories or weighing myself this month, so no weight check-in for me. However, my jeans don't feel any tighter so far, so I think things are going well.

    Tomorrow is another 5k (I'll be thinking of you, Allison!) and I'd love to see a sub 32, but I haven't run since for two weeks, so we'll see. It sounds like my mom is going to come with me for support and snap some pics of me running. I'll have to wear a different outfit so people know I didn't just steal pics from a previous race :wink:

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: ?
    Water: 56 oz.
    Exercise: 40 minutes walking at volunteering and 15 minutes riding bareback.

    Tonight is errand night. I have to pick up my race packet for tomorrow and get some grocery shopping done. If I have time, I'll stop by Half Price Books to see if I can get some Tosca Reno books cheap. My oven should be fixed next Thursday, so I can start looking at recipes to bake now, since we're heading toward cooler fall weather up here.

    Have a great weekend!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Where is everyone? Well, I have returned from my day spent in the waiting room of a surgical center. I am exhausted and the boy is very groggy. He keeps asking for things he CANT eat. My little guy. He wants me to lay down with him and honestly I don't think I would mind that. I am sticking to maintenance cals today. I know I am inactive and should cut back the cals. Well, I only have a 165 left for the day. I will keep dinner light but not sure about that light. So I thought i would bump up just for today so that I can get through this stressful day.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello Girls !!

    Jess..................... 0............0%
    debra .................-1.9..........-0.69 %

    I was estactic this morning just to see the scale go down

    Momma - I hope ryan is okay. Was this a schedule thing or is he sick??
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I guess everyone had a busy Friday?

    Jess..................... 0............0%
    debra .................-1.9..........-0.69 %

    I lost a pound from where I was BEFORE last weeks leap upwards so hopefully that means I was right, and just full of water from all the overworked muscles :bigsmile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Great job ladies! I have company from out of state. I forgot to weigh yesterday and today but I dont expect I lost much if anything.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Debbie, it was dental work and they had to put him out in order to do it. He is doing great except I can't get the sticky tape stuff from off of his face so everytime he goes out to play he comes in with a very thin pencil looking mark of dirt on his face. He picks up dirt and throws it in the air.

    Good job on the weight loss ladies.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good morning Girls!

    I soo could sleep like all freaking day !!

    I am up like 3lb from friday this morning, i nkow it is sodium thought. I didn't eat super great but not super bad either. I didn't log this weekened

    Sat, i had normal breakfast then lunch we went to Raising Canes and had 3 chick strip with fries, not extremly bad, then we went to fudruckers for dinner, had a big burgber and split cheese fries with hubby...okay so that was kinda bad. Then yesterday we had muffins for breakfast (they were huge and i know lots of cals), then we made burgers for lunch and spaghetti and meatballs for dinner.

    So like i said not really great, but honestly not as bad as i have been doing on weekends.

    But the WIN i am takling from this weekened is i spent almost 3 hrs in the gym burning almost 1700 calories. I felt great ! Last night i went while hubby was watching footbal, did the elitpical for 66 min and burned over 600 cals i was dripping in sweat and went through 2 water bottles but i felt great.

    I am ready to get going this week...kick this sodium out and hopefully be down on friday !!

    Lets do this girls!!