Over 200 New Year New Me Part 52



  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    YAY Jess! WHOOT! Does your gym have a track? I'm half afraid of the treadmills LOL! I like being able to change speeds as needed without having to fuss with controls. :embarassed:

    Allison - good job overcoming your fear:flowerforyou: - it's a fabulous feeling to make those breakthroughs eh?:bigsmile:

    I'm going to check in for last night:
    Calories - Under by design
    Water - Fine
    Exercise - 50 minutes of swimming

    Proud- I was soooo hungry yesterday and I have the chocolate jar on my desk. I somehow resisted! Not totally but just a little dark chocolate here and there while I was at work late, and a little when I got home (one square of the sea salt dark chocolate - YUM). :heart:

    This morning I did Day 2 Week 6 of 5K101 with running shoes because my Vibrames were still wet from taking a soak in Oxyclean and baking soda (OMG they hit some stink threshold and WOW melting face off :sick: stench:sick: yesterday in the car!). I run faster with shoes on than barefoot but probably because I heal strike some. It was fun to feel the difference and notice how I use different muscles with I run with shoes.

    Tomorrow is another swim day. I don't like swimming but I do find the process interesting and I've purchased a few books on swimming to try to learn to do it better and that's been pretty cool. I plan on doing some of the baby Triathlons next summer - the ones that have a shorter swim and a run that's less than a 5K. My sister does them and she did one this summer 20 weeks pregnant - kinda made me think that I don't have any excuses!:ohwell:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Melinda: I want to try a triathlon, but I'm a terrible swimmer. Several gyms around here do indoor ones where they're time based rather than distance based and people don't have to be a member of the gym to enter. I may try one of those because the swimming portion is only 10 minutes for the beginner level. Check it out if you guys have Lifetime Fitness around you.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Do any of you use a "stability disk"? I was thinking of getting one for work - to stand on when I get my "standing workstation" which is basically an adjustable computer stand. My half baked idea (as most of mine are) is to have the standing work station and a pair of flats I can slip on and then stand as much of the day as I can. I thought having a stability disk might make the standing less tedious and help burn a few more calories?

    I'll go ahead and check in for today to hopefully cut off my eating!

    Calories - Ate most of my exercise calories (it's because of this amazing chocolate chip cake that's been left at my house!:huh: )
    Water - fine
    Exercise- day 2 week 6 of the 5K101:smokin:

    Proud - I didn't have my Vibrams with me (they were drying out) but I ran anyway! :bigsmile:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hey girls.

    Well i was in a funk this week. I am on call and it makes me stressed and crabby, I was way over cals for last few days.

    But today i got my but to the gym and felt a good. So i will take it as a step in the right direction.

    My other knee now started hurting, and my legs and arms been sore since my workout on saturday. Just moving along is all i can do

    Momma - sorry to hear about your other daughter, hoepfully it is nothing

    Jess - sorry to hear about your ordeal at the game. ON monday i passed out too. I was in my living room thought. I went to get my breakfast was feeling light headed was going to the couch and just collapsed. I am chopping it to not eating, hadn't happend again.

    Hubby tore his achilles tendon on our new spin bike . He finally went to the doctor to confirm. She said now intensive exercies for 4-6 weeks. I made him go to the gym today thought, at least do some weights and stuff.
  • georgiaTRIs
    georgiaTRIs Posts: 231 Member
    It was so easy to put it on. I was over 200 and now I,m under. I love myself again and love running (even if I am slow). Working out has became my new additction. Love to hear from others who have been there
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    gmw391: Welcome! All of us are in the same boat of being over 200. Some of us are in Onderland now and others are still working on getting there. Several of us have a new-found love of running. Sounds like this thread might be a good fit. We do weigh-ins on Friday, but they're optional depending on your goals. We try to check in daily with calories, water intake, exercise and something we're proud of for the day. We also do lots of chatting in general.

    Melinda: Great job on running even though you didn't have your Vibrams. Now that's dedication!

    Deb: Hope your hubby feels better sooner. That has to be painful! Ow!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: ??
    Water: 80 oz.
    Exercise: Two hours volunteering
    Proud: Only ate half of my Culver's dinner because I was satisfied. I think Intuitive Eating is starting to sink in.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hello everyone!

    LilDebbie - I thought of your husband this AM when a guy came out of the pool on crutches with his ankle in an air cast then took off the air cast and "walked" in the pool's shallow end (about 4.5 ft)

    I swam this morning and really worked hard at my form. I figure since I'm soooo out of shape and I really HATE to swim - I'd might as well take the time now to learn to do it the "right" way. I've been reading books on running and swimming form and it's coming along slowly but surely.

    I worked on my crawl for about 30 minutes then did other strokes for the rest of an hour. I still stop each time I swim the length and pant when I'm doing the crawl - even when I'm just doing it in slow motion with my "training" snorkel (which I love by the way!)

    The soles are coming off my Vibrams and their customer service told me to just glue them back on. I'm really disappointed in their customer service! I thought they'd WANT to replace them. GRRRR
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    How Shameful the west coast girl is going to have to start the weigh in. Ladies, it is 7:21 here so I know that some of you it is already late morning. You should have already begun this weigh in. Yes, this is a reprimand from yo momma!

    I stayed the same and I am okay with that. I am retaining water like nobodies business. I had to take off my very loose wedding ring because it was cutting off circulation to my hand:laugh: So there maybe a loss in there somewhere. Just to let everyone know I have not been trying to lose weight :embarassed: But I did quit splenda and diet soda. Last week I lost 2.5 pounds and this week 0 but I am thinking the splenda maybe the issue even if it is caloric free.

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Momma-I've been trying to cut out the diet drinks and "fat free" stuff. I'm sure the long term benefits will show soon!

  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hey Jess, good job on the weight loss this week
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Great job on the loss Jess! Great job on cutting out the diet soda, Sherry!

    The results are in from my September experiments and my weight is EXACTLY the same as it was on September 1st. At least I know I can maintain. I did go for a 4 mile run last night with Mexican food and beer after, so there might be a little bloat involved. I'm pretty proud of myself, though, for only eating about 12 tortilla chips, two chicken enchiladas and about half of the rice...oh, and 1.5 beers. I wish I had taken measurements, though, because my jeans feel a little looser even after washing and drying them on high heat. Anyway, I'm going to continue the experiment for October but with more exercise since my schedule has opened up and I'll have more time just for me! Yay!

    Last night I went running with a few ladies from a local running group and had a blast! It was nice to have someone to chat with while running and everyone adjusted their pace so that we all stuck together. It was laid back and we laughed a lot both during the run and at dinner after. I plan on joining them regularly on Thursday evenings after work, with the exception of next week since I'm going to Cavalia! Woot woot!

    Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member


    One pound a week. Not all that exciting but it's a nice steady loss! To be totally honest it wasn't there this am but it was there Wed. and Thursday and I'm counting it because it will be there tomorrow too!

    I had sushi for lunch today. Indian yesterday and sushi today - my tummy is sooooo freaking HAPPY!!!!! I'll have a couple apples for dinner and come in close enough :bigsmile:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Ahem......yeah ummmm the last person to post was Melinda 3 days ago? I understand the whole weekend thing, I do I get it. But ladies only 3 of us weighed in. Are we trying to kill the over 200 thread? Should we just have the funeral now? Should I seek new companionship? Please ladies let me know........I feel as if I am being led on and that you are done and I need to move on... Tell me it isn't so please.........................................:cry: ..:flowerforyou:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm here Momma. Where is everybody else? Should we start a new thread for October?!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    195 Posts since September 5th? That's just sad. We use to do that in a week here!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I'm here TOO!!! You know what is KILLING this thread? MOBILE APPS! Seriously - when you can log your food through your phone, it's less motivating to boot up the computer to check the threads!

    On my Blackberry application I can't even get to the boards :angry: HUMPH!:grumble:

    But during the weekdays at work - what is my excuse then? Seriously people - are we going to put our jobs above our health and more importantly our wellbeing? NO!:noway: We can DO THIS! :drinker:

    Checking in for the weekend.
    Calories - under by design
    Water - OK
    Exercise - Sloth-like :embarassed:
    Proud- That If i only laid around and read, at least i didn't eat my secrete stash of chocolate!:huh:

    Calories - OVER but not too bad
    Water - better
    Exercise - none
    Proud- I was at my sister's baby shower and the food was amazing! I didn't have any beer and only some simple carbohydrates (pita bread) - mostly stuck to healthy snacks like hummus and olives (just too many) :frown:

    I didn't work out Friday because I was feeling under the weather :yawn: and told myself I'd go in on Saturday - then didn't :grumble: BUT - This morning I went ahead and did the day 1 week 7 of the 5K101 which was three sets of jogs for 12 minutes each. This was where I was at when I fell off the radar back in April of 2010. My Mother-In-Law was in the hospital and we knew it was dangerous because she was 91 but we didn't think it was life threatening - then we found out she was going to die :cry: and y 92 year old Father-in-law moved in with us and from that week on it was non-stop CRAZY LAND until the end of the summer of 2010 - then with my Granddaughter living with us (she and Great-Gramps were moving in at the same time in May - gah!) Meghan was dead set against morning workouts and I just never got back into the swing of things.

    NOW however - I'm doing it my way :tongue: I hate mornings but its the only time I can regularly do it - nothing else gets scheduled at 6am!

    SO - here I am back where I was when I stopped and I'm doing even better since I started the 5K101 with my Vibrams this time. No icing of my knees after each run even though I'm 20 lbs heavier than I was when I stopped in 2010 (I gained back about half of my total loss).

    Julie - I had gone to Kentucky for the Rolex with that text pdf you found that talked about how to run minimalist shoes by the British runner. I remember working in our hotel room to do the 'lean' and kinda squat while I tried to run... I think you had purchased a pair of Vibrams and were loving them? I had been using minimalist shoes and my vibrams came in the week we basically lived a the hospital. I wish I were in the 170s like I was then but at least I know I can do it! :happy:

    Plus this time I'm really swimming Tuesdays and Thursdays and working hard at it so I'm burning more calories overall... hopefully that will pay off soon with additional weight loss! :wink:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member

    I'm here! Sorry I was MIA over the weekend AGAIN. It was a busy one. My sister-in-law was here from Anchorage, so we did the Renaissance Festival on Friday (and I was bad, bad, bad with my food choices). But I tried pretty hard the rest of the weekend and was down just a little when I got around to weighing this morning. We weigh in at my weightloss challenge class tonight and I shouldn't have to pay at least (we have to pay $1 a pound if we gain).
    I was super emotional over the weekend, my daughter and her swim team saga ... on Saturday she told the coach that she probably won't be able to swim any more this season so he was going to make her just a manager... even though her knee seems a lot better and she hasn't even tried to swim for 2 weeks. We had told her that she couldn't quit (since her main reason for wanting to quit is that she is fighting with an ex-friend on the team and is uncomfortable because of it, and her 2nd reason is that she wants to spend more time with friends after school). We told her that if her injury doesn't prevent her from practicing- then she has to keep trying even if she won't be swimming on varsity anymore. Big fight, lots of tears - we said if she quits anyhow then she loses her car for a month. At first she said she didn't care, but then thought better of it. I don't know what will happen but hopefully we will get her kicking and screaming to finish the season. So much for my hopes for a great senior year swim season for her ... she worked so hard all summer too - 7:00am 3 hour practices all summer to try to have a good season - and she is giving it all up because of a fight over a boy. frustrating! I want my kids to be happy, but I also want them to grow up to have solid values like not giving up when things get a little tough, and being nice and getting along even if you don't like someone.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Sherry, Melinda and Jess: I'm here, too! Weekend are tough because I don't have access to a computer at home and like Melinda, my Blackberry doesn't let me get to the message boards. If it did, I'd be here all weekend!

    Nate and I were active this weekend. We went hiking at two different state parks on Saturday....about 1-2 miles at one. Then, I decided I wanted to walk the course I'll be running in two weeks for my first trail 5k, so we headed to another park and logged another 3-4 miles.

    Yesterday, we met up with a hiking group I found on Meetup.com and hiked about 6 miles with 15 other people. There were some interesting conversations and the people were really nice. It was awesome to meet new people while being active and I'm really becoming a fan of Meetup.com for new local active friends (no one can replace you ladies!). Our long-time friends rarely do anything other than dinner in town, so they keep re-telling stories from high school (11-15 years ago!). I didn't go to high school with any of them and can now retell the stories as well as if I'd been there. Sad, really.

    So, Nate and I are branching out and trying to expand our social calendars to find new, interesting people.

    Anyway, I'm supposed to go to a two hour meeting at a coffee house tonight, but since my attendance isn't required, I've decided to selfishly go spend time with my horse instead since it's sunny and 80 degrees on this Minnesota autumn day. There won't be many lovely days left like this in the northern tundra I call home, so I'm going to enjoy them!

    Hope you all had a fantastic weekend!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Yay, I leave and come back and a few of my girls show up! I am going to start a part 53. I'll be back to give you all a link