Over 200 New Year New Me Part 52



  • purpleprose

    PurpleRose - guess what? I SIGNED UP FOR THE HALF MARATHON!!! It seems as likely as my going to the moon but now I have done it - paid for it and guess what? I'll be there! I put my pace in optimistically at 15 minute miles :tongue:

    EPIC!!! I am happy to suggest hotels, activities, etc for while you're in town and we will definitely need to do some sort of event for us to meet and celebrate. This is going to be awesome!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Checking in for Monday:
    Calories - under (didn't eat my exercise calories)
    Water - less than 64 :huh:
    Exercise - Day 1 Week 6 5K101

    Proud - my calves hurt like crazy from the weekend. I don't know if it was from walking around philly in my Vibrams or if it was from dancing but OH BOY are they TIGHT. None the less even though I had to hobble up and down steps today, I still did the 5K101 with the two 12 minute jogs. And just as I suspected, they hurt less after I got going. (then hurt way worse later but ya know... it's ok!:tongue:

    I am SO EXCITED to think that I might not only be able to run a 5K - but by May I'll be running half a marathon! OK there could be some walking involved... but I'm planning on being able to run it! WHOOT! :bigsmile:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Melinda: I'm so excited you'll be joining Allison and me!! Woo hoo! This is going to be amazing, ladies!

    Oh, and about the horses...yeah, there was probably a little human stupidity. They admitted they were leery about that particular rail when they tied because it was a little wobbly. They probably shouldn't have tied there, but then again, had it not broken so easily the situation could have been worse. No way to know, but the important thing is that all horses and humans escaped injury.

    Sherry: I can't imagine the stress you're under with your kids right now. I stress HUGE when something is wrong with one of my furry kids and think it would be much worse if they were humans! Feel free to come vent whenever you need. We're here to support you!

    Last night, I went to a meeting for my volunteer work and a woman who sees me every week said, "Gosh, you just keep losing weight. Your face is so thin!" So with her comment and my clothes fitting the same, I'm fairly confident that if I'm up on the scale Friday it isn't by much. I'm trying really hard to tell myself that whatever the number is, it doesn't matter, but we all know how hard that is. I'm thinking I'll weigh on Friday and then not until the end of October again. I like this whole vacation from the scael thing!

    Checking in for last night:
    Calories: Probably close
    Water: 88 oz.
    Exercise: None
    Proud: Went to Chipotle for dinner instead of Wendy's. Even though it was only because I was too lazy to drive several blocks around the road construction to get to Wendy's, I'm still proud I took the easier, healthier option.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Well, yet again I fell off the face of the Earth and off this board. Sorry ladies...Did a lot of searching and think I found my motivation again this weekend. I spent yesterday trying to make better food choices and get lots of water. I didn't want to work out mostly because I was scared to. I am going to step aerobics tonight though. I had a bit of an "episode" at the TCU football Saturday. I hadn't eaten much and hadn't had much water butI did have some beer. Long story short, I got over heated and had gone up into the concession area to get some shade because I wasn't feeling well at all. I paused to lean against a wall for everything to stop spinning and woke up on the ground surrounded by people. Yep. I passed out at the football game. Talk about humilating! But I'm lucky I didn't hit my head or hurt myself or anything. There was a grou of nice people who stopped to help me and get me help. But that's the reason why I was afraid to work out yesterday. I wanted to make sure my body had a full day of fuel before I started back at it. So tonight is step and tomorrow is kickboxing!! I've been beating myself up for too long about gaining the 20 pounds back and I need to quit throwing myself a pitty party. :drinker: MIss you all!! So proud of all of you that are doing the 1/2 marathon!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Jess, that is scary!!!!!!! But I am glad to see you doing well and thank God you did not get injured.:flowerforyou:

    Good Morning ladies I am off to do all the lab work for my HayHay! See you all tomorrow or maybe later today we will see if I have time. Thanks for always making me feel welcome with you.

    By the way I have been contacting blue with no response. I even told her that you miss her and that Melinda keeps asking about her.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I may be going through St. Louis at the end of October - I may have to step up my stalking :bigsmile: Blue - if you are stalking these boards - please know we care about you and we miss you and if you've gone and gained back all the weight and then some? So what! We've been there and we'll be here for you no matter what. You know what I think? I think that one of the BEST gifts this group has given me is the knowledge that I CAN lose the weight. So what if I gained a bunch back - now I know I can lose it again and I will! :flowerforyou:

    Jess - THAT'S the spirit! Lets get back on that proverbial horse and get going! :drinker:
  • sunkis1769
    sunkis1769 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm in. I'm 229.. Goal weight is 150. We can do this!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: So glad you're okay after your scary experience. Take care of yourself and don't feel bad about taking it slow. Baby steps add up. And stop beating yourself up over 20 lbs. You know how to get them back off and you'll do it!

    Is anyone friends with Nancy on Facebook or anywhere else?
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Heather, I have her personal e-mail but I am not sure if she has a fb. I know I don't! But we will keep at it she will eventually contact someone.

    Sunkis1769, welcome and you are right we can do this. My goal weight is 130 thought I would throw that out there. However my first big goal is just to be under 200.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Thanks for all the welcome wishes! Y'all are the best!

    It says she hasn't logged on in over a month. So she hasn't even been signing on. Momma if you want to PM her email I can look and see if she has fb. Is she not responding to personel email either?
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    We as a group need to find something we can do that will bring us all back together. I know life gets in the way and we are too busy to come on everyday. But I am thinking about girls and they have not been here and each of us are getting less and less on our post. Except for maybe me I am pretty much here everyday but I am boring so I need you all to find something for us to do that would make us want to check in with each other. Not a contest but just something kinda fun that would make us want to check in and say hi.

    Just a note I :heart: :heart: :heart: my really big run on sentence. That use to get me into trouble in English class!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm trying to be here as much as I can Momma. I feel like I'm commited like I use to be. My problem before was that I just didn't care anymore.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hi Sunkis - Welcome! Please stick around because the more the merrier! We don't have any hard and fast rules here - but we theoretically like to check in and report how we did on calories, water, exercise and one thing we're proud of. We generally weigh in on Fridays.

    But as you see we just chat with each other too! Don't worry about learning everyone's names or having to keep up - stop in as often as you like and say hello!!!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hi gals!
    Redneckwmn ... scary stuff at the football game! Lucky you were around nice people who helped you.

    Momma24: I hope things went well today with the tests for your daughter.

    I didn't have a great day yesterday. I had done well most of the day, then didn't eat supper to go to my weightloss challenge class and then was starving when I got home - so went after a bag of chips that my in-laws sent home with us on Sunday. Now I know that I still can't handle chips in the house - I had to throw the rest of the bag away this morning. Today I was home with a bad cold and it didn't stop me from eating too much. I'm going to have to be very, very good the rest of the night.
    My weightloss challenge class was a disappointment so far. I should have thought beforehand that it might not be for me because everyone there wants to lose weight fast to win the challenge (duh), and my intentions are to lose more slowly but steadily. And the women doing the class are selling herbalife - so I really hope that isn't the whole focus of the class - they said they will only talk about it before and after class, we'll see. So far not too motivating - except we have to pay $1 per pound gained ... so I am a little afraid of being embarrassed having to pay any money, so hopefully that will motivate me. My friend felt the same way I did about the class so we are going to try to just challenge each other - this week's challenge is to get in 3 vegetables a day (which I have not been doing).
    My daughter has been benched from swim team with a knee injury the last week. I took her to the doctor and she does have a bone bruise, but the physical therapist cleared her to swim freestyle - just not breastroke. But since breastroke is her best stroke she is even more discouraged and wants to quit the team. I decided that it isn't an option, she made a commitment and she needs to stick with it. There is only a month left - but of course to her it seems like an eternity. We'll see how it goes. Tonight she is at their meet but not swimming ... it makes me a little sad that her senior season is turning out so poorly - I guess I was really looking forward to watching her have fun and have a great season and now I'm not even going to the meets since she isn't swimming in them. Oh well, things don't always go the way we want them to. Maybe she will heal enough to swim in a few more meets and end the season strong - but it may not happen.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    double post
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    lstPaul - Sorry about your daughter and the swim team :ohwell: I hope she feels better soon and decides to go out with splash! :wink: I would totally rid your house of chips and find something fun to have on hand. When I'm following my prescribed eating pattern, I find that ANYTHING is fun to eat LOL! seriously - my green apple is AMAZING when I'm running low on calories! I use it as a reality check. If I'm hungry and want a snack I ask myself if I want an apple. If it doesn't sound good I'm not really all that hungry.

    Momma - if we can figure out how to get Julie on the boards even half as much as she used to be... and then get Chris and Blue back here... that would be fabulous!

    Jess - COME RUN WITH US! I'm only on week six of the 5K101 so you can totally start over like I did and be ready by May! DO IT! :bigsmile:

    LilDebbie - COME RUN WITH US! Try the Chi Running and see if that keeps you from hurting. I LOVE IT. :bigsmile:

    LaDeb - COME RUN WITH US (just sayin) :drinker:

    I'm stuck at work trying to avoid finishing up a difficult task. And trying to block out the chatter of my chocolate jar...
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Sherry and Melinda: I agree that we need to get the group back together. I know I've been on less, but part of that is due to the fact that I'm not logging my calories here, so I just don't make the time. I need to get back to being here more often. After Friday, I'll be coming up with a plan for October based on what the scale says.

    Ladies, I'd love to see more of you signed up for the May events. I don't care if it's the 8k or half marathon. I'd just love to see us there as a group! They welcome walkers for the 8k and there are training plans all over the internet for both distances.

    As for Cris, she got married this past weekend, so I know she's been busy. She may even be on her honeymoon right now! I wouldn't be surprised if she pops back in within the next few weeks. I miss her!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Probably close to target.
    Water: 72 oz.
    Exercise: 90 minutes of tacking horses, walking horses and setting up the arena.
    Proud: I stopped eating when I was satisfied last night, even though it was boneless wings. Yum!
  • purpleprose
    I had a huge NSV yesterday - conquered my fear of jumping! For some reason I've been completely paralyzed at the idea of jumping onto a step or a little plyo box, but yesterday I plowed through it and DID IT! I have an amazing trainer, who just sat on one of the taller steps and basically said he'd sit there until I jumped, because he knew I could do it and that I just needed to work through it on my end. By the end of the hour, I was a jumping maniac. It's so amazing how these seemingly small, inconsequential things can be huge mental barriers and breaking through them is one of the most satisfying experiences/feelings I've ever had.

    I TOTALLY AGREE WITH HEATHER - SIGN UP FOR THE EVENTS ON MAY 20th!!! I have tons of training plans that I've used to get me from being a total non-runner to running races. It will be so much fun, especially if there are a lot of us doing it!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Great job on the jumping, Allison. I read your blog post on it and even commented. :smile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Allison-Great job on facing your fear! Those are hard to do! Kudos to you!

    Heather-I'm so anxious to see what the scale says for you!

    Cris did get married this passed weekend. I haven't talked to her much. She has friends in town from another country and they are spending time together. She looked beautiful!! I think she said she's hoping to start back in October. I hope she pops her head in!

    As far as the 1/2 marathon. Let me get a 5k down and depending how that goes I might consider doing the 8k. Plus I have to see if I have the money. I'm planning on going to Minnesota for the Warrior Dash and that's in June so 2 trips so close together might be hard for me to fund.

    Yesterday I had a victory. I sat in traffic FOREVER trying to get to the gym for my step class. I haven't been to the class since the first time I went and I was sooo excited to go!! There was a wreck on the HWY which backed traffic up and the class had already started when I got there. I knew I wasn't going to make it. I kept trying to talk myself into just going home and calling it a night and I even called my Mom and told her I wasn't going. But I sucked it up and went anyways. I did c25k w1d1. I actually enjoyed the running. I didn't enjoy the treadmill shaking out of control from my big butt running on it but I enjoyed the runs. So I'm giving c25k another go!! :drinker: :flowerforyou: I so badly WANT to be a runner.