ladies. Can we just call it our period?



  • DavyRockhit
    what if it is my TOM/Mensis/period/shark week and I don't gain weight? Am I doing it wrong?

    Step 1: Check to see if in fact you are a female
    Step 2: Rejoice if you are in fact a female and have not gained weight
    Step 3: Rub it into the faces of other females
    Step 4: Find a name for your TOM/Mensis/period/shark week that celebrates your victory in not gaining weight

    answer 1 yes, I am. wait...nope still woman
    answer 2 WOOHOO *gets out party favors
    answer 3 nanny nanny boo boo
    answer 4 How about Kevin?


    1: Congrats on being a woman
    2. Hope you find someone to celebrate with
    3. Hey, that offends me...
    4. Hey, that offends Kevin!!!!

    TWRFILSOIPMP (that was really funny, I laughed so hard...I peed my pants)

    oops forgot the H in there somewhere teeeeheeeeee
    RAIS: Running away in shame