Right age to get married??



  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    I'm 23 and engaged, but will not be married until I'm 24; we've had a 2 year engagement. I truly believe it depends on the individuals. Also, just because you're married doesn't mean you're having kids. I have no intention of popping any out until I'm 30 or older. I've been with my fiance for 4 years and have lived with him for a little over a year now. Marriage at this point is just a piece of paper, we might as well already be married.

    haha wow exactly what i said :P
  • CajunApril
    CajunApril Posts: 60 Member
    I got married at 26, and I am 30 now. We are just starting to try for a family. I think the age I got married for me was perfect. I finished two degrees and I knew who I was and what I wanted before trying to make someone else happy ever after. I can't stand it when people tell me they wanted children young so that when they are older the kids are done and gone. personally, the way I see kids is that once you have children you ALWAYS have children. I am 30 years old and still "momma" all the time. Everyone is different though. People do not want the same things. i wanted to do what I wanted to do before devoting my time to others (kids & husband) Some poeple grow up faster than others, some people don't have that option... I think you have to be the judge of your own actions and it comes down to doing what makes "YOU" happy. If you can wait, then I reccomend waiting from my own experiences. I am 30 and still question if I am ready for children, its just a number (age that is) the individual reflects wisdom and maturity, not the number.
  • megmariew1
    I got married 4 days after my 21st birthday and my husband was 23 and I wouldn't change it for the world. It's been 9 years now and we are happier than ever. I think it totally depends on the people getting married. My husband and I were ready for it. If you aren't ready, no matter what age, don't do it.
  • KendraElmendorf
    KendraElmendorf Posts: 837 Member
    I got married at 21 , had 2 great kids and now im 43, my kids are grown up and I go and do all those things you want to do before you want kids, I would personaly would hate to be 50+ years old with teenagers, I love my life, living it to the max and im still young enough to enjoy it.

    Wouldnt change a thing


    What i'm thinkin... i can have fun after kids too. I don't want to be too old for my grandkids. I'm 24 and have young grand parents who are actually great grandparents to my cousins children. I LOVE the idea of having fun when i am more financially secure as opposed to having fun young. You don't stop living life when you have kids.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    When you care more about BEING married than GETTING married. :wink:
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    First marriage at 24, 2nd at 32. Both ages were good for me. Almost married at 19, way too young, but I walked out on a great guy (we reconnected years later and were friends till his death) I am sure we would have ended up divorced and hating each other if we would have married, we were both so immature. I believe you should at least have some time to party after you are 21 so you know what is going on in life before you tie the knot. There are so many wonderful folks out there to meet and places to see. My kids are grown now and I am still young enough to party again LOL
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    I got married at 23 and had my nursing career already. Married my HS sweetheart. We have been married 21 years so far. Four kids Son 20, 3 daughters 17, 16 and 14.I am still young enough and still enjoy running around with them. My daughters and I sometime trades clothes. According to my kids their friends think it is great that their mom is young. Almost 45 and loving life.:smile:
  • princessmikayla5
    princessmikayla5 Posts: 140 Member
    I'm getting married on my 23rd birthday (June 9, 2012). We've been together for going on eight years now. We've been through a lot, and we always get through it. We're best friends. I can't stress enough that it depends on the situation.
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    I think it depends on the individual couple.

    I got engaged when I was 21, called it off at 23, I just wasn't ready. I think that if I had gone through with it we would be divorced.

    I met my husband at 27 and we were married when I was 30. We have been married 7 years, so far, so good.

    But I know a few couples that were married young, 19-early twenties and they are really happy, 15+ years later, and then there are also some that married late and just miserable.
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    i'm with you futurefitgirl88! i'm also 23, wana finish school, travel (on my own), establish a career then possibly look into having a life partner. for me, however, it would be closer to 35 and POSSIBLY think then about having/adopting kids.

    i'm definitely now where near mature enough or financially stable enough to commit to such a responsibility and bringing in another human into the world.

    a lot of my friends (my age--23/24/25) are also on like their 2nd or 3rd child and it makes me wonder if THEY wonder how it feels to NOT be a parent at such a young age.
  • futurefitgirl88
    When I think of marriage the first thing that pops into my mind is the cost...I'm not letting my parents pay for it...and hec I want to have two weddings (be being mixed race have two cultures and my boyfriend is from an entirely different cultural background) and there is no way me and my bf can finance that!!....we live together yes, but marriage is soooo far out of the picture simply because we don't have $$$$ to afford it!!

    Also when I think of getting married I feel like I'm old lol!!

    My parents got married before they went to grad school....(they were in college)...they had a court registry marriage, no money, lots of hardships...but they turned out fine....they both went to grad school and did very well for themselves...but sometimes I think the hardships that they had to go through (which resulted in a lot of fights) made their relationship quite bitter!!

    Also I think when we are older, we are better able to decide what is right for us..... but thanks mammy and daddy for getting married and having me :P
  • newman84
    newman84 Posts: 234 Member
    I got married at 18 and have been happly married since and 2 kids later we have been married 8 years and togeather 9 in october
    it really depends on the person
    I wanted ot be young enough to enjoy things after my kids move out.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I got married at 21 , had 2 great kids and now im 43, my kids are grown up and I go and do all those things you want to do before you want kids, I would personaly would hate to be 50+ years old with teenagers, I love my life, living it to the max and im still young enough to enjoy it.

    Wouldnt change a thing


    That's another good point about having kids "sooner".
  • ratsyroo
    ratsyroo Posts: 103 Member
    It definitely depends on the people! Most people are not mature/responsible enough to be married early. BUT I married at only 19 years old (he was 20) and it was the best decision I've ever made. We are extremely happy and been blessed beyond imagination. We have children now, but waited about 3 years before having them. --Now he did have a steady, good paying job, and we were both mature beyond our years! Looking forward to the next 60 or so years with him!
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I guess when you meet the right person and also feel ready. :P When I was 18/19 I wanted to get married really badly, but then I found out the tough way "every 6 months reevaluate the relationship/the 2 year rule" my mom had always told me. It was true.

    Now I don't care much for marriage in the sense that I would like to one day, but if it never happens that's cool.

    My mom told me that as a woman it is better to get married by your early 30's though, since you will have more choices. ^.^

    I get a feeling I will get married at around 24-26...but who knows lol.
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    I would say as soon as you knock her up and you cant get a passport to leave the country.... whatever that age may be! :smokin:
  • Froggy1976
    When you care more about BEING married than GETTING married. :wink:

    Great response! I was 20 when we got married. 15 years later still going strong and happy as ever! Although I know a lot of 20 year olds that are not ready...
  • maserati185
    maserati185 Posts: 263 Member
    There's a difference between getting married... and getting married and having kids. I do think it's different for everyone, but if I had to blanket recommend... marry 18+... because the kid/s part is the one that will rock your world the most.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Depnds on the person. I got married at 16 and divorced 6 months later. I had quite school and turned my life upside down, but it was the best thing I could have ever done. It made me who I am today. I got remarried at 19, had 3 kids back to back, they are 17, 16, 14 1/2 and by the time I am 40 years old they will all be grown. Party time!!!!!
  • MrsPike07
    However I do agree with having children after you get married. Having to share your child with their other parent is no fun and I am sorry I have to do this. I do have a daughter with my husband and we were married 3 yrs before she arrived. Wouldn't change having my kiddos for the world, just wish I was a little older when I had my first :happy: