Right age to get married??



  • maserati185
    maserati185 Posts: 263 Member
    Mad_Dog LOL Just awful!
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    When you care more about BEING married than GETTING married. :wink:

  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    I would say as soon as you knock her up and you cant get a passport to leave the country.... whatever that age may be! :smokin:

  • rfcollins33
    I would say as soon as you knock her up and you cant get a passport to leave the country.... whatever that age may be! :smokin:


    yep, sounds about right!
  • jesstroxel
    I got married when I was 21, but we had 2 children and was expecting our 3rd child. I, too, think it depends on the person. If I could go back in time I would do it all over again. Now at 27 and have 5 kids, I dont feel like I have missed out on anything. We just plan to after the kids are grown to do what we want.
  • icandoitgood
    I got married at 18 to the love of my life. I was one of those teen pregnancies in high school, after I gave birth to my beautiful daughter, I realized I wanted to be a complete family. Then my husband asked me to marry him on Thanksgiving of '09 :):) We were married on January 11, 2010 when our daughter was almost four months old. Many people ask me if I could go back and change anything I did, what would I change, Nothing. My husband is amazing. Yeah, we are young but we still act like two crazy teenagers in love. Our beautiful daughter is turning two at the end of this month :) To me, any age is the right age.
  • rfcollins33
    yeah, there is nothing wrong with having kids right after or shortly after marriage as long as you are happy and READY!!! Oh and almost nothing prepares you for this. haha.... But, I do just fine. It's to each THEIR OWN!!! :)
  • WattsJA
    WattsJA Posts: 160 Member
    There is no "right age" because it is different for everyone ..

    Having said that, the right age is when you find the person you can spend the rest of your life with. It's not a race to the alter (unless you are on reality TV), but a commitment for life.
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    P.S.: Marriage doesn't mean babies for everyone. :) And certainly not immediately. It always boggled my mind how people get married and instantly pop out kiddos. Don't you want to enjoy your marriage, kid-free, for at LEAST a year or two?

    I honestly got married BECAUSE I had kiddos... We lived together our lives were totally entwined, and there is really no way to back pedal from a marriage proposal without severely damaging someones feelings... So I figured I would go for it. I was 18.
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    I got married at age 22, and it failed miserably.
    Now I'm 27 and going for marriage #2 sometime in the near future. I feel like I'm much more mentally equipped to handle working on and being in a long term relationship and being happy with that.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I don't want my comment misunderstood. My "only if they want to have kids" comment is based strictly on legal reasons, not moral. I think it keeps everyone in the household covered with medical insurance easier, creates an easy family unit to keep track of, and holds both parents accountable for their offspring. I'm simply not a proponent of marriage. If there were something that did all of the things that I believe marriage does for children, then I wouldn't think there was a point for marriage at all.
  • jessie580
    never! :D
  • heidiqt
    heidiqt Posts: 45 Member
    Everyone is different, and gets married for different reasons, but if the "first thing you think about when thinking of marriage is the wedding(s)" you are not ready. I am 40 and have been happily married for 20 years, and I have the freedom and support to pursue and live my dreams, maybe that's where the "happily" comes in. :love:
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    Depends totally on the person.

    29 was right for me, though I was living common-law with my husband at 26. I was previously engaged to my ex at 22 and we went in completely different directions...so glad we didn't marry, as it would have made our separation so much more complicated!

    Meanwhile, my sister was married at 21 (in 2004) and has a very happy and stable marriage, so age isn't everything. She was always more family-focused, while I was more career-focused.
  • DancinSMartiPants
    Marriage won't cramp your style if you have legitimately found the right person-- a room mate, a best friend, a lover, a person you can grow with and look up to even as they look up to you. Kids, on the other hand. That's a different story.
  • futurefitgirl88
    Don't get me wrong, I cant wait to be married (after I've made some mad cash!).... I think my parent's marriage is what made me who I am toda!! and I want that for my kids!! however I also want my marriage to be stress free (unlike what my parents had)...I've already been with my bf for 3 years...maybe 3 years more...before I really know him well!!
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    I think a good age to marry is 95. By 95 I won't much care what happens to me and anything will be better than death, even marriage. But until then, I'd rather have my toenails pulled out by a rabid dog tyvm

    I was going to say never. But I agree - I think 95 is the PERFECT age. And I agree with the toenails/rabid dog thing. Or eating hot coals. Whichever. :wink:
  • sherismb
    sherismb Posts: 120 Member
    Marriage really doesn't have an age (of course you should be legal), LOL. I'm saying that to say it really depends on what you and your partner want out of life. Do you want to travel, have a family early, etc. Getting married young has it's advantages and disadvantages, sometimes people grow together, sometimes they grow apart. Getting married older is the same....... advantages/disadvantages. Sometimes when you are older you are more grounded and you know what you want in a relationship and you've experienced a lot, but you are also more set in your ways and sometimes more difficult to deal with.

    I was married young and stayed married for a long time and divorced as I was older. I really didn't come into my own until much later in life. I also have several friends who married right out of high school and are still together today.

    Said all that to say "It's all about the individual".
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    i am selfish, private and easily bored. the right age for me is NEVER.

    hell, i have someone i can stand for more than two weeks and i consider it an accomplishment.
  • maria25428
    To each there own I guess.
    I am 24, married at 22 and had a baby 5 months ago. i enjoy my job and wouldn't trade any of it for the world. If you consider marriage as being 'tied down', you'll be miserable from the start, regardless your age. To say there is a right age to get married is crazy.