**CLOSED** Skinny Chics & A Rooster **CLOSED**



  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello! I was thinking we were due for a rollover soon :)
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Good morning,
    Just posting here so I can find you all again. But headed to the gym and see you all later!!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Jen - how're you managing with that cold? Getting better, I hope.

    Staci - so sorry to hear that you're getting frustrated. The losses will come back again, eventually. But I know how soul destroying it can be to be stuck at the same weight for a long time. And congratulations on the unveiling of those elbows! :-)

    Renae - your weekend sounds just lovely. Having a nice night out with your partner is such a lovely treat. And yes, I think autumn is making us all a little bit nibblish, isn't it? Soup is my big saviour against cold weather munchies. It feels like cold weather food, but without the squillion calories per bit associated with most winter warmer recipes.

    Cantogirl - well done for resisting the lure of the cookie jar. Very resourceful of you to put the jar out of harm's way!

    Becky, I'm so sorry to hear how down and alone you're feeling. Missing someone you love is just awful. (And I know what you mean about the PMS - it's been worse for me as I lose weight too. Never really got it up until a year or so ago.) I know it's only a little band aid on life, but any chance you could go out and get yourself a few pieces of clothing that *do* fit? I have a feeling it might lift your mood just a little bit to take care of *yourself* today.

    idahogirl - happy belated birthday!

    stephanie, I just got a new coat online in the online sales. Try isme or simplybe - both had really nice coats and not to expensive. I got a 22, and it's purple and gorgeous. (Military stylee. Very nice!) Enjoy the shopping!

    Wolfie - I used to live in horror of being over the weight limit on rides and too big for seats. You go and have a fantastic time! have a scream for me. I really hope that this medical nastiness is over for you soon, and happily resolved. Doctors do, indeed, suck.

    I'm ok. Had a nice relaxed weekend, and work is busy this week, but not as bad as last week. We're hunkering down and bracing ourselves for my mum's surgery next week. It's scary. She's very frightened. It's such a massive op, but it's the best hope we have. I'm guessing I may have to have a break in transmission on mfp though, as we have to drive back and forth to the hospital to see her and it's 15 m each way, twice a day, so it doesn't leave much time for anything much else.
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    Jane - Let me know how that whole body taking orders works. Because if it does, mine is going to have a severe talking to! Hope the moddy coaster evens out!

    Staci - Great idea! Sounds like you have done a bang up job for the gala! I wouldn't want to follow in your shoes for the following year though.

    Renae - Isn't it wonderful when the kids get to that age? My husband and I have been doing more and more for ourselves this last year because the kids are old enough to stay home and they don't want to be with us fuddie duddies. Fine with me!

    Julie - My MIL does the same thing and she knows I am trying to lose. She is trying to lose as well so she bakes everything and tells us to take it home so she won't eat it. Hello? Love her to death but sometimes you just want to shake her

    (((Becky))) - We are here for you. Anytime.

    Tami - Woohoo! Sounds like a good time!

    Steph - I am envious. I want a week off too! Not that I would do anything other than sleep, crochet, and eat. But it does sound heavenly!

    Cynthia - Are you going to King's Island? We went there for an extended family vacation. I ended up riding all the roller coasters with my son because no one else would. (hubbie had a tummy ache. Aww, poor baby.) It was fun, but I always hate standing in line.

    Bobbie - How unfortunate! Hopefully they will give him another day off this week for you to enjoy his, ahem, company.

    As for me, not much going on here. I spent last night applying for jobs looking for the next step up with the company I used to consult at. Have a lot of good references there from internals but will have to wait and see how it goes. Went to lunch with a coworker who put in her resignation in order to go home to Nepal. Another hum-drum type of week.

    Have a Tremendous Tuesday my wonderful losers!
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    bumping for now... I have my trainee today so can't be on here til later this evening... blahhhh...
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    bump... catching this for later!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    okay so the boots in question seem to have a circumference of 18inches ( I stuffed em and measured)....but there are laces in the top 1/3 that allow for loosening.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good morning everyone. I have to admit that I let my frustration get the best of me last night and I dove into some chocolate chip cookies. I realized after about the third one that I wasn't really helping myself and stopped but I am a little angry at myself that I did that. I did get up and dance a little with my daughter and then my hubby while watching Dancing with the Stars last night but not nearly enough to make up for those cookies. But on the bright side my attitude and outlook has improved today. I got to wrok early and ran the whole set of stair 3 times in five minutes. Ice-y have some bummer news and I think it is because I am only doing it 5 minutes but running up and down a total of twelve flights of stairs only burned 56 calories according to my HRM so for the last week I have been over estimating because I just took what MFP said. Bummer! But it is still good for my butt and legs and I am determined that even though my legs may be short they are going to be sexy dammit

    Becky- Oh, hon. I'll send you some (((hugs))). I understand your frustration and how you are feeling. I still have not met my goal from September. I know, you are thinking but you have been working on your since earlier so you are entitled to be more frustrated than me. And you are right. Thats exactly how I would feel. I read your post and thougth "oh that's me somtimes" Really I get it!! It doesn't help to hear that everyone has regrets or things they wish they did differently. The truth is we can't go back and change them. We can't really get over them until we deal with it. Its okay to take a few days and just be miserable if....and this is the key...if we can make some real progress with dealing with our guilt, shame, helplessness or whatever it is that is holding us back in letting it go. It is something that each person has to figure out for themself. Take some time, you will be okay.

    So with that said, I am letting go of my September goal. I didn't make it and I can't go back and change things to make it so I did make it. And unless I manage to lose 5 pounds this week I am not going to make it this month either. So, now what? It is not doing me any good to feel unsuccessful so for November I am not just keeping the same goal and working on it again. I am letting that goal go and setting a non weight related goal for November. I am setting a physical goal instead. In November I am committed to following the Insanity program every day.
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    -- Have you recalculated your HRM lately? I say this because I realized two days ago I hadn't done mine in a coon's age and whups it was still set to my weight at like 400 somethings. Ayep. So I ratcheted it down to my current weight. Funny thing is. I have seen no appreciable change in the numbers. And for me the HRM and MFP seem to agree many times. Mostly if anything MFP is UNDER what my HRM says. Have you checked your batteries lately? If you're not getting a strong enough signal from the strap you might be missing out beats where you're exerting and so it drops the time. Just some things to consider. I've changed the batteries in my strap 2x since I bought it in June already, and the watch once. Just FYI. And don't worry about the cookies... you'll work 'em off. :)

    -- *points and laughs* Trainee, HA HA! ;) Call taking or dispatch or both? :) *HUGS* Sorry for your grey hairs for the next what 6 weeks? :P Oh my... I hope you got a bright one. :D

    -- Yep Kings Island and Cedar Point when we get to O HI O ;) Yes it's been 20+ years since I rode the Beast. The last time I was so fat I had to stand up to let the lap bar drop into place and my knees were pressed so hard against the front of the car that they were black and blue for a week after the day we went. I am hoping to god it will not be that bad this time, but I am not going to hold back either. So be it. ;) When I was little I got to ride on "The Bat" the first suspended roller coaster at KI. They tore it down after that summer. Apparently after it rained (just like the day I rode it, wooo death watch) it snapped off the track ripping the entire 4 or 6 cars off the track and slamming them into the ground at speed on the last 360 helix. I think people were killed. Shoddy memory, could probably look it up. Actually just googled it, found the wikipedia page. Stunningly apparently I was lucky to have ridden. It was awesome. ;) I look forward to lots of fun this year. :D
    -Good luck with your job hunt. I hope the new one comes with a desk _and_ a storage locker ;)

    -- I'll let out a good yelp ;) Hands up for ya too ;) Good luck to your mom. I hope that her surgery goes well and that everything can be safely snicked out and it'll be smooth sailing from her. *fingers crossed*. *HUGS*

    -- I'll swing by and pick you up. Don't worry I'll hold you tight till we get to the top of the hill. Then we can both scream like little girls again all the way down ;) And vomit is the price of doing bizness in a theme park. Gross, but not unexpected. It's why I never walk under coasters when the cars are anywhere near ;) Tee hee. I vote your SO calls in *cough*cough* sick ;) Sick people need BED rest ;) Tee hee! :D *HUGS*

    So I just got back from the pool. I don't care what you crazy ninja's say. That pool was COLD> Mother ****ing cold! They said the water was heated. THEY LIED. I had my 1mm suit on. Great. I couldn't swim with the thermal core on, I felt like a penguin trying to fly. The minute I ripped that off, I lost about 10 degrees of body warmth and started shivering. That's when my *kitten* really got moving. Towards the end of the mile it was 300m straight without stopping because I wanted to get out and into the warm shower, holy hell. No dawdling peoplez! Outta da pool! I get to the showers and they're all full. Dripping I wait 10 mins for the HS swim team to finish giggle festing and give up a shower... well one of them. Ahhhh gloriousness. Man... I might be a big temperature *****... but good god... *shivers*

    still can't stop yawning. There is definitely a mid day nap in my future today. :D

    later all
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Happy Tuesday. I'm in a much better place today than I was yesterday. I'm heading out for a run and will catch back up with all of you lovely losers when I return.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Feeling a bit down after what was a good morning. Had to go to the nurse at the doctors for the 'lady checkup' and while there asked if my referal to the hospital for an ultrasound had been sent. Found out that apparently I was supposed to pick it up (I swear they told me they would send it). Frustrated as my local hospital happens to be one of the best fertility hospital in the country so the wait could be quite long. I don't want to keep waiting. I want to find out what the problem is and get it fixed and have babies. It makes me so sad that my body won't do this by itself. Its just one other way I feel like my body is broken. All I want to do now is eat so I'm going to get my tears under control and go to the gym early before spin starts.
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    Aww Stephy. If they can fix me... I have hope they can fix yer girly bits. Perhaps when the last of the pounds drop off it'll be smooth sailin!! ;):) *HUGS*

    Have fun at spin, I'll raise you Physio ;) We'll come out the other side have a pint of Strongbow and be all better by the morning. I promise. *HUGS*HUGS*HUGS*
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Ice- yes unfortunately I think my HRM is right. I changed the battery in the chest strap just a couple weeks ago because I thought it was off (and at that time it was) but when I put the new batteries in I updated everything and with all of the running and bike riding I did over the summer combined with the weight loss my resting HR dropped quite a bit. I also manually checked it right when I finished an compared it to the HRm and they were with in 2 beats. Now I know there is room for error when You manually check it but I don't know....it was pretty close. You know what? this afternoon when I finish I will attach one of the pulse monitors to my finger and compare what it says to my HRM. At least that way I would know if my HRM is out of whack. And you know what I am doing this on the wrong thread but I am going to compliment you here anyway. I love your tenacity and that you question everything. Why, how when? I often don't even when I know I should because I would be a better person for knowing. Thank you.

    Steph- I am sorry you are struggling with your fertility. I understand your frustration my hubby and I tried for 2-1/2 years to conceive and I had all but given up. We finally decided to adopt and lo and behold on the day we found out we were going to get to adopt Andrew I also found out I was pregnant. I don't know why it happened that way but I love em both. (And my 2 step sons too)
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Becky - sounds like you just had one of those days. I hope things are better. I liked what you said about 'getting out of your own way'. It's so true. If we make bad choices we only have ourselves to blame. I know it it's hard sometime because it seems never ending, but try to remember that you will feel completely different in a day or two. Getting good rest, getting past TOM, eating less carbs, having a good cry --- all of these things can make a big difference and turn things around. Don't dwell on the small stuff. Life is too short.

    I also liked Staci's comment about "it's not doing me any good to feel unsuccessful" - Positive Mental Attitude can get you through your day that's for sure!! Staci - it sounds like you have put a lot of planning and creativity into this gala. So much fun! I'm sure you'll be glad when it's over, but you should be very proud of what you are doing. It must feel great to make it all happen!!? Dress up, enjoy your dinner and revel in your success!!!

    Steph - I hope you get things worked out at the DR's. So frustrating. I hate the run around you always get at those places. I had to go this morning to have blood drawn for my physical next week. They don't care how inconvenient it is for the patient to drive over on several different occassions. I've always told my husband that someone need to create a business where an entire family can go for a 'healthy day'. All 4 of us would arrive at 8am. We would each get our annual physical, blood drawn, mammogram, perscriptions filled, teeth cleaned, eyes checked, mani/pedi, maybe a massage, a haircut and a new outfit. While we are all in there our car would be getting it's tires rotated, oil changed, washed and tank filled. And if they really knew what they were doing there would be a weeks worth of groceries in the trunk when we drive away. I can dream can't I?

    After the run I took today I feel like I'm back on track. Those weekends are killing me. I don't over eat but I don't eat as healthy as I do M-F and it defeats all my hard work lately. I guess the good news is that once I reach my goal weight I'll know how to 'maintain'. This weekend is my 47th BD so I'm not planning on a big loss Monday morning. I'm just getting in as much calorie burn as possible so I can go out and enjoy a nice meal at this 5 star restaurant.

    NSV this morning - I had to fast before going to have my blood drawn this morning and really needed breakfast & a coffee when I left. I stopped at Dunkin Donuts. You know where I'm going with this. Those donuts were all lined up looking at me. I was actually thinking about ordering one - just one. It's been so long. All of the Halloween Donuts are out. Those Boston Screams looked scrumptious. I lingered, I smelled, I ordered my coffee with skim milk and left. But not before I told the cute little thing working behind the counter to 'eat 2 for me today!' Felt pretty damned good. I got to work and enjoyed my coffee & yogurt. It's getting easier.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I've always told my husband that someone need to create a business where an entire family can go for a 'healthy day'. All 4 of us would arrive at 8am. We would each get our annual physical, blood drawn, mammogram, perscriptions filled, teeth cleaned, eyes checked, mani/pedi, maybe a massage, a haircut and a new outfit. While we are all in there our car would be getting it's tires rotated, oil changed, washed and tank filled. And if they really knew what they were doing there would be a weeks worth of groceries in the trunk when we drive away. I can dream can't I?

    OMG, I'm so down with this dream!
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    Bumping for later because its already 1:30am and I have to work tomorrow! I was wondering why everyone was so quiet on the other thread, thats not normal for no one to comment for almost 24 hours, then noticed I had a message from Steph...with the link to the new thread! LOL!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Check out my ticker:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Its a week late but I am out of the 250's and as of this morning weight 248 even. There is something about being below 250 that is significant to me, I don't know what it is.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: check out my ticker!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    7lbs this week + 3 of water that were gained last week and not logged. I am officially out of the 250's weighing in this morning at 248. I don't know what it is but there is something significant to me about being under 250. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: check out my ticker!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    7lbs this week + 3 of water that were gained last week and not logged. I am officially out of the 250's weighing in this morning at 248. I don't know what it is but there is something significant to me about being under 250. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Heck yeah, there's something significant about being out of the 250s!! Those 50lb increments are like looming giants that take forever to overcome!
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    Happy Wednesday!

    Staci - Running up the stairs? I am happy if I can go up three flights of stairs without breathing like Darth Vader afterwards.

    Cynthia - As much as I enjoy roller coasters, I have to admit that the wooden ones make my back and head ache for the remainder of the day. I know you will enjoy it and make sure you get the T-shirt saying that you mastered the big three!

    Renae - Hopefully you are going to have a big shinding! You deserve it! Happy Pre-birthday wishes!

    Steph - That is awesome! And here soon you will be breathing down the neck of the 230s!

    Bobbie - My vote is with yours. Wouldn't it be dreamy?

    As for me, this morning must have been the morning to break out of the 250s because I finally did as well. Other than that not much is going on here. Been spending my nights crocheting croobies and making supper.

    Have a Wonderful Wednesday!