**CLOSED** Skinny Chics & A Rooster **CLOSED**



  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Bobbie- yes my bad Time Warp is from Rocky Horror not Little Shop. I was getting my Halloween-ish songs all discombobulated.

    Julie- what an adorable little giraffe you have!

    Okay, its time for the kids to start trick or treating any second so I gotta run. Have a great Halloween and I will be back later.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member

    Here is our little (spooky) giraffe.
    Had a good time taking her around to see family and friends. But you would think its christmas with how much stuff she got. Ohh well, she is one loved little girl!!

    OMG, this is the MOST adorable thing, ever!!!
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    @Can-to-girl: That is one seriously cute giraffe you've got there! Wins my vote for bestest Halloween costume I've seen this year.

    Well, today I made a very strong effort to eat a high protein diet. I've been reading Cynthia's advice and thought "what the heck, I've got nothing to lose....well, actually I've got 80'ish pounds to lose, but you get the idea")

    I also recently watched the movie Fathead which was kinda the opposite to Super-Size me. I can't take the whole thing seriously, but some of it really made sense. I already eat a lot of protein, so I figure I can probably cut back on a few carbs and up the protein. As of this moment all I can really say is that I've never been so full. Absolutely stuffed.

    I'm open to hearing comments/advice on the number of grams of carbs people think ought to be part of a normal diet. I'm eating between 1500 & 1800 cals per day. Should I be looking for a certain percentage in carbs? Should it be a certain number of grams? Are some carbs better or worse than others? There seems to be some many conflicting theories, but I trust this group to give me the straight "skinny."

    Hope everyone is having a spooooooky halloween. Hey, if you'd like a chuckle, here's how I spent part of my day. I am a commercial insurance broker and I met today with a prospective new client. A mortuary company. That's right people, I spent part of Halloween at THE MORGUE. Before I went I said to my secretary, "If any of their employees have dressed up like Zombies I am going to **** myself and then faint...in that order."
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I spent part of Halloween at THE MORGUE. Before I went I said to my secretary, "If any of their employees have dressed up like Zombies I am going to **** myself and then faint...in that order."

    I don't know what to tell you about the protein/carb thing, but THIS^^^ is flippin hilarious!!!
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    Julie, she's the cutest little giraffe EVER! Thank you for sharing!

    With that said, I'm going to be the doting mom now lol. Halloween pics of my lil man, The Loganator (aka the biggest 3yo ever lol)

    edit: I swear I resized these pics and they showed up smaller before lol

  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    @Laney: Logan is a very handsome young man. I'll bet he's very popular with the girls at Pre-School!
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    Meerkat - Uhhh...good for you! (I think) Keep up the good work!

    Renae - It sounds like you had a beautiful birthday!

    Julie - Wanna trade? My thirteen year old for yours? I miss the days when thye were soooo little! She is adorable!

    Steph - Good luck with the trip! All I gotta say is that I am glad it is not me. Hope that sleep well tonight!

    Staci - Trick or Treat! What do you have for me?

    Bobbie - Ditto!

    Greg - Did you see Duckie down there? (NCIS) I would have to laugh if they did dress up! That would be awesome!

    Lane - The Loganator is awesome! I bet he made out like a bandit!

    As for me, I went over to the MIL's after work, wrapped Christmas presents and got everything set-up for trick or treaters as my hubby and son brought the fire pit to the front of the house. I had a hotdog and one marshmallow throughout the night. We had about 150 kids trick or treating. We had a lot of compliments on the pumpkins we carved. Today I am hoping to hit the gym after work for another workout since I just laid in bed and watch the alarm clock until I finally got up two hours later.

    Have a Tremendous Tuesday!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Eileen - sounds like your Halloween was fun. I like that you are wrapping Christmas gifts already. Hopefully I'll be getting some of that done before Thanksgiving!

    Laney & Julie - I wish I could see pix on my PC but for some reason I can't view them on the one at work?? I'm sure your little trick or treaters were adorable. I'm goingto miss having one young enough to go out. Emi is 11 and this may have been her last year.?? We're talking about having a house party next year.

    Greg- Nice to hear from you. You were at the right place on Halloween. Very cool! They could have really pulled a good prank on you if they wanted to! LOL Nice job dropping those lbs!! Keep it going.

    We had a great time last night. Got a couple of miles under my belt along with 2-3 mini chocolate bars - it had to be done. Now it's out of my system and I enjoyed every bite. I also ran them off this morning. Today my plan is to go join the gym down the road. This snow is not melting and I'd rather have a warm place to work out. I will probably still go out to run on sunny days but I don't think I'll want to be changing my clothes on the side of the road in these temperatures!

    Increasing my protein this week too. I have a turkey meatloaf going into the oven tonight.
    Happy NOVEMBER!!!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good morning my Tuesday toning titans! I am feeling much more like my old self today. I have to admit I was very naughty last night and had my fav pizza for dinner and a glass of wine. I stayed out of the Halloween candy though. Today I have planned all of my meals and already entered them in my log. I don't usually prelog stuff but I am going to give it a try this week.

    We had a whopping 6 trick or treaters last night. We live on a short private road and people don't often come down it even though every house (all 4 of us) on the street decorates for Halloween. One of these days word is going to get out that we all give away giant sized candy bars and we will get tons of kids.

    Okay, just realized I am 4 minutes late for a meeting. Gotta run.
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    The dressed up little ones are soooo cute Julie and Laney! Love it!

    My "baby" found an actual vintage sailor suit at the thrift store so that is what she wore. It was warm, covered her completely up and she looked adorable. I think she was the only costume I saw when I picked her up from school that was not....slutty. What have we come to?

    We then headed to the shop to hand out halloween candy. All the businesses on Main Street do it and it is quite the thing. I had 2000 pieces of candy and we ran out 5 minutes before it was over. Sooooo many awesome costumes though! There was a little girl in a handmade pink police car with a glittery siren that she had (obviously) thought of and designed herself. There was SuperMarion (about age 3, obviously named Marion) with an M logo on her leotard and cape, also thought of a designed by herself. There was a teeny tiny 1 year old dressed as Chewbacca that cracked me up. A young man with a broken leg dressed as a zombie hospital patient and being pulled around in a wagon by his dad the zombie doctor. But my favorite was a 4ish year old little boy dressed as a UPS man who had a package to collect his candy in. So freaking cute! (And apparently daddy is a UPS guy, which makes it even cuter!) So much fun, but a crazy couple of hours!

    Came home, made dinner, and checked the challenge and crawled into bed. Just woke up a couple of hours ago, so apparently I really needed the sleep! I went for a run, made a good breakfast and am ready to run some errands.

    Steph, you are a braver woman than I to head off with that many teenage girls. The one I have is all I can handle!

    Eileen, that sounds like an awesome way to spend Halloween!

    Staci, word will absolutely get out! There is a neighborhood here that is off the beaten path, but is known for the McMansions all decorating really well for Halloween and giving out full sized candy bars. It is mobbbbbbed by trick or treaters every year.

    Greg, you story about zombies at the morgue made me laugh out loud. Glad you made it out alive to tell the tale. :laugh:
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Finally I have a good day under my belt! Its felt like its been a long time coming. Got a phone call at 9 o'clock this morning saying spin was cancelled but I went anyways and for 40 minutes down on the main floor put myself through a good spin workout. Confessed all my problems to my trainer who just said don't worry about, it will all be gone again.

    I worked today on sorting out some of my stress issues. I have realised that next week on the school trip will be what it will be. I'm gonna scout around to see if there is somewhere I can run in the morning before the kids get up. The food is out of my control but the portions are not. I sorted some things with hubby that we have been arguing about by getting him to agree to setting aside a date night each week so that we have guaranteed time together. And am loving our new challenge this month (but I'm still stuck in October mode....got a great compliment and wanted to rush home and post it and then realised we were done that!).

    Hope you are all having a great day :flowerforyou:

    Lane - he's a cutie your son is!
    JJ - those sound like some great costumes you saw last night! Sleep...that all important thing we ignore far too much. I came home yesterday and napped for over an hour which I never do, so like you I must have needed it!
    Staci - i wouldn't say you were naughty. I would say you lived life, having that every now and then is not bad. Its something that in moderation and with an exercise routine you can have without feeling guilty.
    ReNae - I know after a few months you probably hate the snow but I must say since I moved to the UK, I miss the snow...not the cold that happens in Canadian winters but the prettiness of snow!
    Eileen - wow, wrapping gifts, I'm impressed! I haven't even thought about shopping yet...and I have to ship overseas....hmmm maybe I should get on that!
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    @Steph: when you are away on the trip try going very high protein. I was out yesterday for lunch with some business colleagues and I wasn't sure what I could eat (small country pub). Well, they had sausage, egg and chips on the menu. I asked to substitute mashed potatoes, but had not intention of eating them. I knew that if they brought me a bunch of french fires that I wouldn't be able to resist eating some, so mashed it was. I ate the sausage and eggs (very very good) and left the potato on my plate. The result was a very filling meal that was pretty close to 100% protein. Calories were a bit high, but they gave me three sausages and I didn't know what they were worth. Had I known, I would have stopped at just two sausages and been just fine.
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    Hello my Skinny Minions ;)

    -- Thanks for indulging the geek. It sounds painful. I hope that it goes very well for you and doesn't cause you undue stress or pain as much as can be reasonable and you can get the results you are looking for. I am so in awe still of you doing all this. :) And October, and Christmas Presents. I think I would have puked. lmao. You are too sweet. That woman is crazy. Which I mean I won't even start hand decorating and designing the Christmas cards for another 2 weeks. Sheesh.

    -- If I could hug you till you puked up the soya I would. ;) I have a suggestion for you. Since I know how hard it is for you to get that stuff down. You need to mix it in something other than a drink. If you eat yogurt? Just stir in the powder. yeaaah it'll taste kinda funny, but you won't gack like the shake. :) (and you can power chug water down with it). Another option is to mix it into salad dressings especially thicker ones. I mean sure it says you need one scoop or what not, but you don't have to have it all at once. If you can mix a little in the yogurt, a little in the salad dressing, a little in the rice pilaf... see where I'm going.. The only thing you need to be careful about is heat. Heat will denature the proteins and render them useless. :) I hope that helps. And I love you for going for it. I do. *HUGGGGS*

    - Happy Belated Birthday Darling. It sounds like you had a fantastic weekend. I am so happy for you. :) Stay warm and safe and snuggle down. Btw, the oldest kids TnT at our house are 17ish... they got limes with their candy this year. Well, lime rocks. Dehydrated end of season limes. :D Thats your penalty son. So I'd say she's okay for another couple of years before I'd hand her a lime ;) Besides girls I didn't give any Limes to, boys yes. I know, maybe it's sexist, but they should have better things to do. LOL.

    -- OH MY ****ING GOD. That is the cutest god damn thing I have seen in forever. I almost snorted my soda when I saw Eve. Seriously. You rock. That costume, is the bomb. :)

    -- Glad you figured out the portion vs meal thingy ;) I was gonna mention it, but see, you beat me to it squirrel! ;) You're going to do great. And I want to hear how AWESOME that zipline was. I've always wanted to do one of those myself. So go have fun and tell me what I have to look forward to ;) And may I suggest.... earplugs for the trip. :) You won't be sorry :)D

    -- *HUGGGGGGGS* I know what a big deal it is to you to switch off your routine and change things up. You made my grinch heart grow two sizes today. :) And yes protein = full ;) Because it takes 6x longer to digest than carbs. So my only suggestion about carbs is this. Carbs that aren't processed are better for you. So fruits, vegetables (i know, not a chance), and things like that will give you a better return for the calorie than carbs that are processed such as breads, pastas, etc. If you do want to eat things like rice still, brown rice is better than white, because it still includes the germ and part of the hull which contain fats and fiber that digest slower, and are better for you. (Also because of this, brown rice will spoil because of the fats in the germ so keep it cool.) This is also why whole wheat pastas are better than traditional etc... But if you want to still enjoy the flavor of pasta and skip the carbs, you can look up the shiritaki/no carb pastas they have out now. They're made out of konnyaku or sometimes a yam and processed (i know normally bad but in this case not) and then made into pasta and rice that contain no calories or carbs but still maintain the form of noodles/rice. :)
    I hope that helps. :) *HUGS* Yell if it's confusing. (And I hope you didn't **** yourself at the Morgue ;)

    -- I love your photo too!! OMG it's so perfect ;) It just is. Did he have a good night? I bet. And it's a good thing it looks like he was able to walk most of the way I hope LOL I always feel bad for moms & dads that end up having to carry their kids and their candy and all the stuff to get back home.. lordy ;)

    -- After the week/month you've had. You totally deserved that pizza ;) Good luck with the pre-log. And when we first moved into the house we had that problem with people not coming down to get the candy. Now we sit out in our driveways and chit chat and the kids come out and see us and come get the candy no problem. Maybe you could all get together next year and hang out at the top of the street and hand out candy. The kids (and I know their lazyness) assume that the low house/long walk milage isn't worth the returns ;) One year of handing out big grub at the top of the street might change it all ;)

    -- Sounds like you had a really great time at the shop! :) Get some rest and I hope that knee didn't give you too much trouble standing and handing out candy after having yanked it out the night before. Hope you're doing well. *HUGS*

    Went to the orthopod today he cleared me for return to duty so to speak. Had him xray the ankle one last time make sure it's okay because it's been locking & popping and very sore as a general rule for a couple days. He says it is what it is. You do have arthritis and have had it, and it's not going away. So just take it easy and do what you can when you can. Well ****.

    Then went to PT, the boys worked me out, had my ultrasound and Kevin adjusted it as always. Always feels awesome when he's done. Man... in my next life, I think I'd want to marry a physical therapist ;)

    Naptime. woken up.. I swear .. arugh.. and so I'm awake at midnight yay. ;P

    Have my endoscopy on Thursday so i might be awol a couple of days but I'll be back ;) I'm going to go find something to get into trouble with now ;) g'nite everybody :)
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member

    Have my endoscopy on Thursday so i might be awol a couple of days but I'll be back ;) I'm going to go find something to get into trouble with now ;) g'nite everybody :)

    Good luck for this, sweetheart. Will keep you in my thoughts. Been there, done that, and felt the violation! I know it's horrid, but it will be over before you know it.
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    Happy Wednesday!

    Renae - Congrats on joining a gym! I am in the first week of my membership and waiting for my free session with a trainer.

    Staci - Let us know how the prelogging goes. As for trick or treaters, my family always goes to my MILs because I live on a cul-de-sac and only get neighbors. Setting up the bonfire and putting the dogs on a leash makes it fun for all!

    JJ - Sounds like you had some awesome trick or treaters! I love it when the parents dress up with the kids. The best one was when they all dressed as NCIS officers complete with ball cap and big flashlights.

    Steph - My MIL always has the tree up for Thanksgiving with presents under it. She loves Christmas, but then there aren't very many people that don't. And, I don't even want to think of how much you spend shipping presents!

    Cynthia - Then I probably shouldn't tell you that we already have our Christmas cards from DIsney (photocards). Good luck with the procedure. I think that is one of the few I haven't had to have. Will be thinking of you.

    As for me, I went to the gym after work but I do not know if I can do that very often. I found out the ellipitcal doesn't like me. Or maybe it is the other way around. Working my upper body with 5 pounds or less and watching for the signs that I am overdoing it. My arm has been feeling a little heavy after workouts but not enough that I am concerned but my hubbie thinks I should start wearing my compression sleeve as a preventative measure. I will have to think about it. Last night my daughter was trying to figure out how to murder her brother with a blade of grass. Needless to say it didn't work but they were both laughing hysterically by the time she gave up. Teenagers! Tonight the family is going out to eat for my Hubby's birthday. I will have to wait and see what the menu is like since we are not going to a chain resturant.

    Have a Wonderful Wednesday!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Cyndi- good luck tomorrow. After an endoscopy last year I swore that I will NOT have a colonoscopy when I hit 50. The worst part was the waiting in that silly gown. If they offered a mini face lift or tummy tuck while I was under I might reconsider! I'll be thinking of you!

    Steph - I have to say that you were the one who inspired me to join this gym and I find myself thinking WWSD while I'm there! It's only been 2 days but I like it so far. I don't really kill it while I'm there since it's during lunch and I need to go back to the office without looking like a horror flick, but I get 30 minutes on the treadmill and do a small circuit of weights. I'll be meeting with the owner on Monday to set up a real program. Hoping to get some toning done before the holidays!

    Eileen - teenagers! Don't you love them? Hate them? I mean love them!!? I have one 14 and one 11 and they seem to speak a different language some days. But then last night they went shopping with me and were so sweet and helpful. They are my biggest cheerleaders. They actually convinced me to try on a size 14 pants - which I do not recall EVER wearing this size - and they fit!! I did a happy dance right there in the store (to Christmas music playing - which made me MAD - but my girls loved). Ya Teenagers are weird.

    I had my annual physical & mammogram this morning. My Dr. was happy with my weight loss but proceeded to tell me that I am animic and that my HDL Cholesterol should be a little higher. I'm also going to a sports med dr for my shoulder pain. It stinks getting older. So I left that all behind me and stopped at the gym before coming to work. Felt good taking a little time for myself this morning.

    p-ya I gotta go - drinking lots of H20 today
    ps- I got a flu shot too. What's everyones take on the flu shot? Cynthia - Oh wise one - what say ye?
    pss-Looking for more protein today. Salads for lunch just don't cut it in that department.
    psss-damned that halloween candy sitting outside my office door
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    @ReNae (darn it's hard to remember to uppercase the N): My goto proteins are shrimp and/or hard boild eggs. 8 large shrimp are very low cal, yummy and make a nice snack. A hard boiled egg might go well with your salad (blech!).

    @Cynthia: first of all, thank you again for opening my eyes to the whole protein/carb thing. I didn't really want to have to pay attention to it, but more and more I think it makes sense to monitor the amount and types of carbs. We already eat whole grains for most everything. Rye Bread, Catelli Smart Pasta, 100% whole wheat bread. We tried brown rice for the first time the other day. I loved it. Unfortunately, my better half...not so much. I'm hoping I can convince her to try again. She's already started referring to me as a "health beatnik", so I'm fighting an uphill battle, on occasion. I've also started looking at the Glycemic Index of carbs and calculating net carbs to make better choices. So, thanks.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    ReNae - I have the aneamic problem too...and I hate the iron pills!!

    Eileen - take care of yourself! The elliptical hated me when I started to...we now have a love/hate affair!

    Cynthia - glad the ortho cleared you...endoscopy...clench!!!

    Another pretty good day. Didn't weigh in at the gym because of a disappearing scale! But I know what I weighed this morning. Its up...about 7lbs. But I am doing my best not to panic. I've looked back over my records and found that every time I have to take my monthly pills I have had a gain, and a big one. My rings are all to tight too. That said, I know I ate a bit crappy and that some of it will be legitimate gain. I'm hoping the rest of it will flush its way out of my system.

    I am trying to gear up for my trip next week but just not excited about it. I am hoping to try the activities but to be honest I am afraid the weather is going to turn cold and I am just going to freeze to! My hands and feet get so cold, so easily. Stupid damp English weather. Give me a proper dry freezing cold anyday (sorry Cynthia!). I'm also dreading the lack of sleep that always comes from taking girls away (sigh, 50 of them, girls. Talking. Non Stop. Till all hours of the morning). My trainer gave me her jump rope to take away with me in case there is no where to run and gave me some ideas of how to get some burns in.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    I forgot! I ran at a 13.0 tonight (lungs bursting out of chest!) but part of minutie...don't know how long as trainer wouldn't let me look. However, my hamstring decided to act up in the next set doing lunges. Don't know why, it happens too often. No lifting for me and no sprinting apparently for the rest of the week.
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    @Steph: use the jump rope to hang one or two of the girls; I'm pretty sure the rest will SHUT THE HELL UP!

    Seriously, I would sooooo not be able to handle that. If my 13 yo daughter has just one friend over I pretty much have to lock myself in another part of the house for fear of going postal. Teenage boys may smell bad, but at least they don't talk non-stop, 24/7.

    Re: the weight gain, I am sure it is just water retention. There is no way you gained 7LBS over-night and the fact that your rings aren't fitting is the biggest sign of all. It just isn't possible that your fingers actually got "fatter" in such a short period of time. Dont' sweat it....oh wait, actually...yeah, do that. Sweat it out! With the amount you workout I'm sure you could get rid of that water in just a day or two. Good luck!