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  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    I am late getting here today but wanted to stop in to say Hi all!! I was on my way to work this morning and my daughter called me freaking out a little. She had a rash all over her lower legs. She hadn't been in the shower yet so no razor burn or anything like that. We havent' changed soap or shampoo or lotion or conditioner or laundry soap. So I had her take a picture of her legs and text it to me. By that time i was at work and took my phone to one of the other nurses (really my patients are asleep and I probably couldn't diagnose a case of appendicitis with out opening them up --joking) anyway she looked at the picture and said she had no idea what it was of course then a doctor walked by and he said it looks like mosquito bites and I said I know except they happend over night and there are no mosquitoes in my house, no fleas either. Called my daughter and told her to stay home as nobody could tell frim the pic what it was. So, I turned around and went home, called for a doctor's appointment and finally took her in about 1:30 this afternoon. In the meantime the whole house has been disinfected, sheets washed floors and furniture vaccuumed. The doctor comes in to look and saysWOW!, What is that? Sami says umm you are suppose to tell us what it is. So, the doc checks it out. It is only on her lower leg from ankle to knee no where else. I told the doc I kept her home because I had no idea what it was. I was pretty sure it wasn't contagious as there were no blisters or scaling but you never know. She agreed that it wasn't contagious but had no idea what it was and called her associate in to take a look. He came in and said Holy cow that s dramatic! But had no idea what it was. A much older nurse was called in and she also had no idea what it was. They knew what it wasn't (not chickenpox, not measles, not scarlet fever or scarletina, not small pox or any of the other poxes, not hives, not bug bites) No clue. It doesn't itch or hurt at all Sami says. So they told her to take her antihistamine and if anything about them changes to call right away. I always love it when a doctor is caught off guard and says to an associate you gotta come see this! I know at work it doesn't happen often and it is always for something really cool. Anyway, that is what I did today, how about you?
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Wow, Staci that sounds like quite the day. Hope she gets that all cleared up. ekkk

    So I know I posted awhile back about starting the C5K program but I stopped. Since then its been bugging me that I quite on it. I want to run and enjoy it. I see or read of all your successes and want to take part in it. So I started again. Except doing it 3 times a week, I would do it whenever I work out. So I am on week 3. I do fine for the 90 sec run and the first 3 min run and the 90 sec run again but the second 3 min run, all I hear in my head is to quite. Stop running, it'll be fine with you walked. But I keep going. So I guess my question is what do you do or tell yourself when your inner you wants to stop. I breath like a dog on a 100 degree day but other wise I feel light and fit when I jog/run. So I don't want to stop but damn that inner voice is LOUD!!!!
    Otherwise same ol' same ol. Just working really hard to get close to the 200 mark by Thanksgiving. Glad to have something to focus on.
    Hope every one is enjoying their hump day!!
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    Wow, Staci that sounds like quite the day. Hope she gets that all cleared up. ekkk

    So I know I posted awhile back about starting the C5K program but I stopped. Since then its been bugging me that I quite on it. I want to run and enjoy it. I see or read of all your successes and want to take part in it. So I started again. Except doing it 3 times a week, I would do it whenever I work out. So I am on week 3. I do fine for the 90 sec run and the first 3 min run and the 90 sec run again but the second 3 min run, all I hear in my head is to quite. Stop running, it'll be fine with you walked. But I keep going. So I guess my question is what do you do or tell yourself when your inner you wants to stop. I breath like a dog on a 100 degree day but other wise I feel light and fit when I jog/run. So I don't want to stop but damn that inner voice is LOUD!!!!
    Otherwise same ol' same ol. Just working really hard to get close to the 200 mark by Thanksgiving. Glad to have something to focus on.
    Hope every one is enjoying their hump day!!

    Running is almost more of a mental thing than a physical thing. When I was at that point in C25K I would hear myself saying..."OMG! I am DYING!" and I would have to stop the thought. I would do a toe to head check to see if I was actually dying and what was truly hurting. I never really was dying, so I kept going. Somehow evaluating what was really hurting instead of just the general "hurt" really helped me. I learned after that to really watch my thoughts. At the beginning, I would groan and say "Oh damn" whenever it would ding and Stuart (that was the name someone in the group I was in gave the dude with the voice on the app) would say "Run!" I had to retrain myself to say "Yeah!" instead. I totally didn't feel it at all, but I figured I would fake it until I made it. And for me, it worked. I also set goals for myself. I would say, I am going to run to the next mailbox before I decide if I am going to quit, and when I got close to that mailbox, I would say, one more and then I will decide. I kept tricking my brain that way and then suddenly Stuart would be telling me to "Walk." Another trick someone told me, was that a typical song is about 2 1/2 minutes, so each song is about the time for a 3 minute interval. So say you are going to run for that entire song and then decide.

    ReNae, get some Cream of Wheat. The home visit nurse that came to check on my youngest son and I after he was born told me about it. It has 80% of the iron you need in a day. Eat it in the morning with a glass of OJ and you are all set. It is low calorie, especially if you make it with water. And depending on what you add to it, tastes ok. I also will sprinkle it on top of muffins, banana bread, etc when I make it to add a little extra iron.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Hello Everyone... Gosh my life has been hectic and busy! Sorry, I miss all of you! I do, I do, I do!! I'm kinda getting on Lexie too... I miss her also and she needs to get her butt back in here! Lexie and I have a date this month... with that large 3 digit number! Just be ready to celebrate it with me. God knows I have been waiting and waiting and waiting.

    My trip was really bad on the scale... you may have noticed that I am down to 85 pounds gone... from my previous 95. So sad... so very very sad. Understandable but I have got to do better! After coming back from the trips I just lost all motivation... that coupled with my routine being off, stress, lack of sleep & gym time, etc. I just kinda kept letting it all go. NOT THIS MONTH... NOT THIS MONTH!!

    I have soooo much to catch up on but not really much time. I wanted to be in bed by midnight and it's 15 minutes later. Will catch up and re-enter the MFP world soon...
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Becky, I know you know this.. but remember when you have a bad period eating wise, your body hangs on to water. Get back on programme, and that extra weight will likely be gone in a couple of weeks. I know it's hard getting back on track after a break. But I also know you can do it. xxx
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    Good morning everyone!! Today is my work Friday, so I have a little pep in my step today. Well, not to much pep as I did some new exercises last night and my legs feels like jelly. All of the trips to the bathroom today to rid of all of the water... well they're going to be fun lol. Nothing new here. My HRM is acting up, which ticks me off. I rely on it pretty much every day. Going to troubleshoot and see if I can figure out what the problem is.

    JJ- Hope you are feeling better after your litle fall Sunday. Also, I don't blame you for retreating to your bath... your mom and daughter are more than capable of taking care of themselves too.

    Eileen- Hope you are enjoying your gym membership!! Don;'t overdo it too soon. I had a love/hate relationship with the Elliptical when I started. Started off at 5 mins. Now I can do 60 mins. It helps when there's a TV on the machine. Kind of keeps your mind off of it some.

    Cyndi- Good luck today!! Thinking of you! As for work, we have just 40 hours of classroom and the rest with a preceptor (aka ME lol) We are currently working on a new training program that will be a few months of classroom. It should have them prepared when they get with their preceptor they can plug in, take and call and dispatch it. I am looking forward to this. All of the Sgts and Lts are working on different sections. I "lucked up" and got the Medical section, which is HUGE. Lucky me ;)

    ReNae- Glad you are were able to join the gym too! My membership is the best investment in myself so far. Glad you had a wonderful birthday!! It's amazing that you guys got so much snow. When we get snow in the south, we all shut down lol

    Greg- The whole morgue things is creepy as heck... I don't envy you at all lol

    Stephanie- Good luck on your trip!! Hope you feel better after your injury, but YAY for the 13.0.. that's awesome, no matter how long it was!

    Staci- Gotta love when the doctor has NO clue what's wrong and isn't hiding that fact lol. Hope everything clears up!

    Julie- Good luck with the C25K, sounds like you're off to a great start!! I am sure you are going to meet or at least get close to your goal!!

    Becky- Drink that water and flush those pounds away... you have got this!! We are all here for you!
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    Happy Thursday!

    ReNae - I agree with you wholeheartedly! Yours are so supportive! Mine just hide in their rooms and complain about what I make for supper.

    Greg - I tried quinoa last week and was suprised that I liked it. Even my hubby did too. Cynthia probably has all the facts about it but what I understand that it is a grain with a whole lot of protein from Africa. It remains me of a barley almost.

    Steph - Do you have the hand warmer packets there? My hubby uses them in the winter while doing the paper route. You put them in your pockets and they keep your fingersicles nice and toasty!
    - Wow! 13.0? I can keep 3.5 pretty steady but I will get to your level eventually. You inspire me!

    Staci - Hope that your daughter is better today! Talk about having a hectic day yourself!

    Julie - Good luck with the C25K program!

    JJ - I haven't had Cream of Wheat since I was little. What memories!

    Becky - Can't wait to celebrate with you and Lexie! I know that you can do it, it is just whether the body cooperates within the given time.

    Lane - I hope that you get your HRM working. And Happy Work Week Friday!

    As for me, last night was a wonderful night celebrating my husband's birthday, but a bad night on my calories. I paid for it waking up at 2:30 with stomach cramps. That was a hard lesson to learn. I WILL not be doing that again. I won't be getting to the gym the rest of the week because hubby and I are going out of town for the weekend but hopefully I can get sometime in at the hotel gym.

    Have a Thrilling Thursday!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Thanks for the well wished for my daughter everyone. The rash is still there but at least it doesn't itch or hurt. I would definitely rather have the doc say she doesn't know what it is rather than just act like she does and she and her assiciate both say it is not conagious so my Sami is off to school today. Which reminds me that I forgot to call in and excuse her for yesterday. I'll be right back

    Okay, I am back. So, I sneaked on the scale this morning for a peek and I have lost the .7 I gained last week plus a little more. I am determined to stay focused this weekend and be down 2 pounds this week.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Hi darlings...no time to really catch up, but I wanted to drop in and say I haven't completely disappeared! I hope everyone is doing well and making their dreams realities...love y'all!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Well, a little more than 5 pounds of that gain have come off. I am happy but also mad at myself for having to re-release them. Guess theI lesson wasnt learned the first time, but it is now so they can stay the heck away! I felt pretty good about it as my last week wasn't near perfect! What frustrates me most is probably that I am dealing w/the carb & sugar cravings all over again. Dang it!

    News on the protein front... listened to another way of looking at protein and what it does for the body and weight loss. I am already, and have been, a subscriber to the high protein consumption, but was even moreso! Though, the increased meat has caused my cholesterol to go up... still normal range, but at the higher side of normal and it was always low end of normal. Oh well. And yes, that indicates that I did get my test results back, and I still hate that I felt forced to do it. But, its done and I get $1,000 for it. Keeps me focused on the ways that I can improve my score for next year.

    Got a recipe for an after workout protein shake that supposedly tastes similar to a Reeses PB Cup. Have one ingredient to purchase &I will let you all know. Phone is about to die, close to midnight so I bid you farewell...
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Good Friday Morning All!
    Well yesterday I finally completed Day one of 30DS. I'm hoping to get day two in today and am thinking of writing the routine down and then taking it with me on the trip as I know I can fit 20 minutes in in the morning. Went out for dinner last night and indulged. I had my reasons. I had been craving crap and struggling for over a week so I thought you know what, screw it. I'm gonna eat and ya know what, the craving this morning is gone. I'm heading to the grocery store before school as I'm craving fruit and veg (which is a nice change).
    Not sure if I am gyming tonight or not. With the hamstring issue the other night my trainer ordered me to take it easy and while there is no pain there now, I don't want to aggrivate it. Hope you all have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Staci - Congrats on the release!

    Bobbie - Hoping you are practicing what you preach! It is good advice!

    Becky - Congrats on the release! I cannot say that I have looked much into increasing my protein though I am sure that my hubby would love that, carnivore that he is!

    Steph - So you indulged. It is out of your system and will hopefully hold through the upcoming trip where the real temptation is! Good Luck!

    As for me, I am working a half-day and head off for a weekend with my hubby. My mom called me last night to let me know the details for Thanksgiving since my brother said he couldn't get a hold of me. Yeah, he tried really hard - no email, no texts, no phone calls. So for another year he cops out. I didn't go last year playing the whole I am still sick card mainly because I am so tired of going and sitting on a couch talking more to my husband then anyone else. I am not some freak show that they can invite so they can get sympathy for having to deal with a sibling that has been ill. (Yeah, right. My sister only texted me on chemo days and brought mom to the hospital after my surgery because mom asked her to. My brother only came to the benefit that my coworkers held for me and my sister didn't even come to that.) Last year I sat down with my mom and explained why I wasn't going. I know she understands but I know it hurts her. And that makes it hard for me. My husband says we will go if I want to and I am still on the fence. I know that my parents do not have that many years left and I try to spend as much time as I can with them. It is just hard. Sorry to vent but this time of year is always hard. <deep breath> Thinking happy thoughts because it isn't worth getting worked up about. My hubby has a reservation to my favorite resturant tonight. Probably won't be good for my food diary but I will get some exercise in this morning and will be doing a lot of walking tomorrow. And then Sunday we are having a mutual friend over for supper. Turkey breasts, mashed potatoes, fresh green beans, and rolls. I can't wait! It has been so long since we have invited anyone over. Now I just got to harrass the children so that they will help clean the house Sunday morning.

    Have a Fantabulous Friday, my wonderful losers!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Oh Eileen, it sucks that your own siblings treat you that way. It sounds like you have dealt with your cancer way better than they have and that they can't seem to get over it. You are stonger than them for sure and i say if you feel that your parents don't have many years left and you want to visit them, then go and be your regular funny strong self and to hell with them if they are rerady to deal with the new more wonderful you.

    Steph take it easy on your hamstrings, You need those to be healthy and strong.

    I am heading out to curves then I have to get stuff loaded to go to the cabin. I am so looking forward to relaxing there this weekend. Well, exxcept for the fact that I am bringing my Insanity DVDs with me so I can keep up. have a super weekend and I will be logging and thinking of you all until Sunday.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Well I did what I didn't want to do and updated my weight. It makes me sad and mad all at once. I know that I will get back there at some point but that right now I need to sort my head out and that I can't expect to lose weight when I'm not doing the job of controlling my eating. I also need to be realistic about what happens next week. Although I can say this is the worst I have been with food in 2 years, I've had off days but never weeks. I just have gotten tired with being vigilant. I know it will pass and I will get back on it the way I am supposed to. I think part of me is really bored with food. I've ordered two new cookbooks today so maybe that will pass (that said I collect cookbooks, I've got what seems like loads of them!).

    Eileen, sorry to hear about your situation. I would just say follow your heart.
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    Jeez we really could be twins Stephanie ;)
    I have probably over 100+ cookbooks now. From every cuisine. From beginner to advanced. From amateur and grand chef alike. ;) How to fold napkins, how to make origami paper decorations for tables. Oh it's all in there. I'm so ****ing worse than Martha Stewart. I do it for FUN. not profit. ;) As for the weight. *sighs* I am sorry, and I am in the same spot with being 'tired' of being vigilant. Which is why I suggested the couple weeks off on maintenance. You know, don't eat a large pizza, but a cheeseburger won't kill you if you keep working out. :) I've tried to maintain my protein at best, and say f'k the rest for the moment. I just can't seem to get it all together at the moment. Well, I have a pretty good reason. But that'll have to wait. *HUGS*
    About the hammies.. You'll have to measure your hammies, but from looking at your potter photo, I think your thighs are small enough. Remember the McDavid neoprene compression cuffs for ankles and calves? Well they make them for thighs too. And I was thinking, maybe your muscles are just getting too 'strained' during the run/stretch outs and if they had the little extra compression it would help them not 'shred' and get the micro tears that are causing you pain. (hopefully not bigger tears). Maybe look into it. :) *HUGS* ... OH and WAY TO GO on your 13 min mile ;) KICK *kitten*! ;D *HUGS*

    -- I never realized the "N" was capitalized on purpose. I thought that was just an internet thing. So I am sorry about the billion+ times I have not typed it right. :) About the flu shot. My personal opinion is this. If you are a normal healthy adult who is not immuno suppressed or immuno compromised for any reason you shouldn't get one of the flu shots. I did grow up in the midwest, I am used to the snottles and I would get sick every year, even bronchitis late teens early 20s. I would spend the weeks hacking like seal and hoarking loogies. And then be fine for the rest of the season.
    If you are elderly AND immuno compromised or susceptible to infections, or suffer reduced lung capacity or have emphysema, or COPD or something of that nature then yes, I can see the reason to get the shot. Getting a lesser version of the sickness would prevent a full blown infection that could possibly kill you. That, I agree with.
    I saw they are pushing them this year on people with diabetes. I really don't think that's necessary either. Unless your blood sugar is so out of control that your tissues don't heal and you're susceptible to infections again not really a point. So just my 2 cents worth :)
    I hope it helps you and gives you peace of mind though ReNae. I would never object to that on anyones behalf. :)
    Oh and my regular person gown, almost closed in the back, was only short about one inch. I was so happy. AND I was in a normal people gurney bed too. I know, small things excited me. :) But I heard the nurses *****ing about the "Bariatric" patients and was just happy they didn't mean me, for once.
    Oh and protein _ Cooked shrimp for your salads. Great protein, low cal. :) NUMMY flavor ;)

    -- I can understand having the photo cards already you had to custom order those. Not a big deal. :) Also wear the compression sleeve. If you don't do that. You know what I"m going to say. Go buy a compression shirt to wear to give you support overall while you work out. One of the Long sleeve Under Armor Heat Gear shirts is probably a good idea for working out indoors in the gym. then if it gets painful you can wear the compression sleeve over that. *HUGS* Don't injure yourself trying to lose weight. Not worth it darling.
    As for Thanksgiving.. I say sit and think a spell. What do you want to do. What will make you happy. I grew up an only child, so different from your life, no one to yell at or get beat up by ;) Father was alcoholic, mom never stood up to him for her or me. So I grew up just a smidge resentful even though he usually dried out and was there when I needed him for something. I forgave him, and her in my late 20s in my heart and said fk it not worth it. Because it wasn't. I am glad I got to spend as much time as I could with them even though I moved away. So that's okay. Dad is gone, mom is still a pain in my *kitten*. I still do as much as I can for her when I can, and visit at least once a year. But that's me. You have to think about what you need to make you a whole human. What will make your karma clean. Don't let anyone else guilt you into anything else. :) HUGS

    -- Glad I could help honey :) I am just as pleased as punch I saw you made it to 41% protein the other day. I know just how hard it was for you. I hope you are as proud of yourself as I am of you. That is a HUGE step my dear. HUGE. ;) Oh and funny you should mention Quinoa Carla I was just thinking that when I read Greg's bit about rice. So the thing about Brown rice she didn't like was probably that it was 'kind of chewy'. She probably wants to cook it just a 'smidge' longer than she's used to cooking white rice. Because it has the hull/germ still on it can be not as 'fluffy' as she's used to. Have her give it a try again, cooking it longer. :) It's worth a shot! The Quinoa is actually closer in its' food content to spinach than rice. And it's easier if I quote wikipedia:

    Quinoa pronounced "Keen-Wah":
    Quinoa was of great nutritional importance in pre-Columbian Andean civilizations, secondary only to the potato, and was followed in importance by maize. In contemporary times, this crop has become highly appreciated for its nutritional value, as its protein content is very high (12%–18%). Unlike wheat or rice (which are low in lysine), and like oats, quinoa contains a balanced set of essential amino acids for humans, making it a complete protein source, unusual among plant foods.[13] It is a good source of dietary fiber and phosphorus and is high in magnesium and iron. Quinoa is gluten-free and considered easy to digest.

    Now the funny thing is Greg, my husband didn't like the cold quinoa salad I brought home from the store at all. Said it was like chewing bark. LOL. But I didn't like it all that much either to be honest. I think whole foods kinda screwed that one up. I'll have to cook it myself sometime. I think as warm dish it'd be better. As a rice pilaf type dish it would be good I think.

    -- You know when they told you to break out the Quick oats... I thought they were going to tell you to put it on your daughters leg as a poultice to clear the rash that's what I was thinking ;) I am so sorry she has had to go through that at her age. She's supposed to be much older like us before she gets mystery illnesses that make her crazy ;) Hope it goes away and never comes back. :) .. Hope you're doing well also ;) I know you are probably still getting back to normal. ;)

    -- I am proud you started again. That is better than anything. Sometimes things just make us crazy ;) I don't know if it'll help but if you're anything like me. Sometimes you just say 'fk it' because you can't take it. That's okay. Just as long as the next time you want to say that you don't. ;) And here's a secret for you. You just might not be a runner. No shame. Okay? Good lord. There are a million ways to exercise other than that. Sure it's cheap and easy. But if you really find yourself absolutely hating it to the point you don't want to exercise at all because you know you have to run today? STOP, for god sake just STOP. It's not worth it, it just isn't. :) Try rowing or Mountain climbing or, ice fishing instead ;)

    -- Just keep going. Mountains will turn into molehills eventually.

    -- Darling, I'll help you torch NHS headquarters when you're ready, just let me know. I bought 2 Guy Fawkes masks for halloween ;)

    -- ;) Thanks darling. And yes classroom before preceptor will make your lives much easier. Trust me on that one. They can ask all their stupid *kitten* questions when someone isn't screaming for help ;) Much easier on you ;) Medical might be huge, but you know it's a lot easier to break down than law. It's all procedural. Breathing, beating, bleeding. ;) Not much grey area. I would rather do that, than try and explain the difference between menacing and mayhem to a newbie just off the street. ;)

    Been a crappy two days. Trying to get out from under the umbrella of unbelievable bullcrap that has been flung in my general direction. At least some of it explains A WHOLE HELL OF A LOT of things that has been going on. Oh yeah, yeah it does. :P So anyway.

    The endoscopy had to be performed without sedation. Much to my chagrin. So the 'numbing' spray they put on the back of my throat was about as useful as an aspirin for a leg amputation. On top of that they used the largest scope they had, because they were apparently too lazy to clean the smaller one. So they jammed a 6 foot plus reticulated python about 1/2 inch or 1.5 cm in diameter down my throat. No one ever mentioned the copious amounts of air they would also be pumping down there along with the snake, to inflate me to "get a good look". So when I would convulsively retch I'd also belch so loud my eyeballs would rattle. If I could have curled up in a little ball. I would have. Dear god, is this really modern medicine? So just when I couldn't believe he was still feeding more of that snake down me I saw his hand in front of my face and thought, well that's the end of that, thank god. As he was holding the control mechanism ;) And so the next thing I see as he's pulling it out, he stops at one point and starts to feed a blue line down into the black snake, and I'm like "Oh for the love of god, I'm about to throw up an air barf and choke to death on it at the same time can we just please get this over with?" He says just taking a couple of biopsies.. and right there, open, ... and right there open and then 2 more giant burps and it was out. I thought I was going to die. I am serious. If choking to death is anything like that ****ing forget it. Just put a bullet in my head.

    I get to find out in a couple weeks how the biopsies turn out. he says that my 'pipes were clean!" ;) Except for what looked to be a couple spots of excessive constriction what looked like to him due to a reaction to some kind of medicine. wtf that is from, dunno but damn. That'd be awesome, if I just could figure out what it was ;)

    Neurologist appointment on the 23rd, and then hopefully that will be the last of the crazy **** headed my way any time soon, I can get back to being healthy and losing weight and being normal again. That, would be nice. :)

    Have a great weekend everyone.

    I owe you a week of workouts Stephy ;) I think I'm going to have to double up next week, oooh *ooowwwww* :D
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Toying with the idea of being super super super vigilant next week and small portions on the trip....would normally take snacks to have but if leave them behind I can only eat at the meal times. I'm thinking I could see this is a challenge to take what I'm given and turn it as healthy as I can......sigh. Its really stressing me out not having control of the food being served.
  • MrsRazor7
    MrsRazor7 Posts: 332 Member
    Hi everyone! I know that I have seriously been MIA...but I am back. I have missed you guys and hope that you are all doing well. I am doing better. My life is still up in the air, but I am learning to live one day at a time that I can only control me. I am starting to come to reality on some things and realizing some things that I need to change to make me happier :smile: . I haven't been able to make it to the gym because of time and not really wanting to go. I will try to start going again sometime in the future, but it just doesn't feel right to me right now.

    Because things in my life are constantly changing right now and I am not going to the gym, I needed a change on my diet. My best friend lost a bunch of weight on the HGC, so I am trying that. I know that it is probably not the best diet, but I really just needed a change and wanted to give it a shot. I figure that because I have lost the majority of my weight by eating healthy and exercising, that after doing the HGC thing, I can and will go back to that. I have been on it for almost a week and have already lost 7 pounds (not including the weight I gained during the 2 load days).

    I wanted to share a Halloween picture. It is the first picture in a long time that I am proud to share...because I look amazing!


    Have a great day, and I WILL talk to you all tomorrow (or maybe later tonight) :wink:
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Cynthia: I had thought that to myself. I may not be a runner and if I'm not, that is fine but I would like to give it a chance and see what happens. Because I feel fine while doing it but that inner voice just keeps nagging me. So we will see how long it'll last.

    Lexie: You do look amazing and look at your skinny legs. Mind if I ask what size pants you wear??? Happy to see you are back here and I pray that everything will settle down soon.

    Today Eve and I are going to a baby shower in my home town. Its on my father side and they haven't seen me since June. Hope to shock some people. ;)
    Then going to do some christmas shopping tomorrow. Will do lots of walking and I'm thinking of going into high end store to see what I can try on, just for the heck of it..... it could be fun.
    Hope everyone has a great weekend and will check back in later.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Toying with the idea of being super super super vigilant next week and small portions on the trip....would normally take snacks to have but if leave them behind I can only eat at the meal times. I'm thinking I could see this is a challenge to take what I'm given and turn it as healthy as I can......sigh. Its really stressing me out not having control of the food being served.

    So, I guess that is the exact point I'd make to you Steph... you don't have control of the food being served. For me, the key IS to bring snacks - protein based snacks with minimal sugar, so nuts (I'm allergic to tree nuts so am limited to peanuts only), jerkey, cheese sticks, etc. Would love to do protein bars, but have yet tto find one with more grams of protein than sugar! Anyway - at least if you take snacks that fit your goals/plan then you have SOME control. You can eat smaller portions of the food being served and have snacks as supplements to those. Oh, as I am typing this I see to the side advertisement that you can also do the small travel packs of peanut butter too! Or, I have PB2 which is simple to pack along. So... my advice after gaining on the last several trips what is really TOO much of a gain... TAKE THE SNACKS!! :wink: :laugh: :wink:
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    :flowerforyou: :happy: :flowerforyou: :happy: :flowerforyou:


    You look absolutely freaking fantastic... and I agree with Julie - look at those skinny legs! No wonder I can't fit those "goal" jeans as each of my legs may be the size of your two! YOU LOOK MARVELOUS!! And, I am having a hard time believing your ticker... can you really have much further to go?!?

    Oh, and... I am glad you are back on here. Let us know how the HCG keeps going once you get past that first 7 days. I'm glad this gave you an extra kickstart to get the scale moving again in the right direction... hope you enjoyed the 2 days... Now, I need to go eat some protein so that I can keep following you and we both can celebrate the big 3-digit number!