**CLOSED** Skinny Chics & A Rooster **CLOSED**



  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Afternoon all. I'm going to be crazy busy with one thing or another the next couple of weeks, so if I'm not massively present, please accept my sorrys in advance.

    Hope you're all fantastic and fabulous, as you always are.

    Are we planning a move into a group, rather than a general thread? I can see advantages to the group arrangement for a cluster of threads like ours....
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Afternoon all. I'm going to be crazy busy with one thing or another the next couple of weeks, so if I'm not massively present, please accept my sorrys in advance.

    Hope you're all fantastic and fabulous, as you always are.

    Are we planning a move into a group, rather than a general thread? I can see advantages to the group arrangement for a cluster of threads like ours....
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Staci – I love the Chicken Coop description! Too cute. Nice job on dropping 2.4lbs. I know it gets harder and harder as we go. You’ve been working for that one! Thanks for the ‘reflector’ idea – it motivates me to run after work even though it’s dark by 4pm around here now.
    Cyndi – You’re a better wife than I am. If my husband said "Don't you have any bacon?". I’d say “No – do you want skim milk or whole milk on your Cheerios?” I’m also wondering if your DH has his drivers license? Seems like you do a whole lot of running around for ‘man stuff’!! A cold point chisel? Really? I wouldn’t know one if it hit me in the head! I don’t even like to put gas in my Honda Pilot. I always tell him to use my car when the girls need to be picked up so he’ll see the gas gage and stop at the pump. I’m tired just reading all the household tasks you do. You are Wonder Women!!
    Lexi – Yaaa on the size 16 dresses. Isn’t it fun to just try on all the different clothes and then walk out just knowing that they fit?!! I do it on a weekly basis now. Sounds like you are where you need to be mentally in regards to your marriage. I pray that it works out for you both. Do you think he would go to church with you? Hugs to all of you.
    Eileen / Cyndi – All this turkey talk is making me hungry! We cook a trashcan turkey up at our hunting camp each Thanksgiving. So much fun! It’s a great holiday – no stress – plenty of delicious food & PIE – need I say more?
    Bobbie – We know you are still here. Nice job on bumping another pound off the caboose! Keep up the great work.

    This morning I had hunger pains for the first time in weeks. It felt good! Made me realize that I don’t need to feel full all the time. Today I am worrying only about TODAY. I had protein for breakfast (hard boiled eggs) and protein for lunch (shrimp cocktail & garden salad w/walnuts). So that’s 59g out of 100g needed for the day. I need to get past this hump and drop a few lbs so my momentum is recharged (before the holidays hit!).

    Packing for my business trip tonight. It will be nice packing new clothes and a workout outfit for the hotel gym. I hope I have time to check it out! Not really worried about meals – I think I’ll be able to make smart choices and I plan on bringing some nuts to snack on also. Any other suggestions for easy travel snacks?
  • MrsRazor7
    MrsRazor7 Posts: 332 Member
    Cynthia – I LOVE a good breakfast! It is probably one of my favorite meals, and yours sound delicious! Also, next time you go by the dresses, think about trying them on! It is quite fun, and it makes you feel great!

    Staci – I really like that, “nobody is better than you.” It helps me remember to put myself first and take care of myself…so thank you!

    Steph – I love that you aren’t tired and you are enjoying yourself! That is a great attitude not to stress about your food. You are getting in a lot of exercise, and I am sure you are eating better than you would have before you started this journey. Enjoy!

    Renae – Thank you! I am trying to get in the right place, and slowly but surely, I am doing better. Suprisingly, my husband is actually more religious than me. He has been muslim for the past 4 or 5 years. He was supportive of me going, but he was just surprised. He told me to do what I needed to do for myself. He has always said that, but now I am actually starting to listen to him! Enjoy your trip! I know it is work, but it is nice to get away and have some alone time. How about baggies of almonds or healthy granola bars?

    I had a good day yesterday, despite 2 kids who were suppose to be sick where driving me crazy. I am so close to making it to 100 pounds! I should be there within the next couple of days and I am super excited!!!! So far this HGC diet is working pretty good for me. I am curious to see how it goes in 2 weeks when I start to introduce more foods. I am thinking I should be able to maintain the loss because I was eating healthier before starting the diet, so I know how to do it.

    Ok, I have to run because I am running a little late! I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday (my monday). I am all smiles because I only have to work today and tomorrow, then I have Friday and Monday off! I guess there is an up side from having sick kiddos :wink:
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good morning and happy hump day! I am feeling good today in spite of the cold weather. Is anyone else finding that as the weight is coming off you are getting colder? I am cold all the time. I was never cold before. Someone here at work told me that eventually my "internal thermostat" will catch up to my weight loss but, the guy is weird, and kind of a flake, and thinks he knows everything about everything, and is often just full of bullsh*t. So I really don't believe him but I do hope he is right.

    Lexie- I am confident that you will be at the 100 lost mark by Monday. Really I am. I see it in my head already.

    ReNae- have a successful work trip and enjoy the hotel gym.

    Edited to add: Did I already ask the question about being cold all the time? See, I am so cold that my brain isn't functioning very well.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Hello All... WTF?!? I am so frustrated... when I am diligent the weight just seems to hang on! Oh well! I know that it really is a lot because I have too much freaking stress. And I am soooooo hungry today. So hungry! I even got something out of the vending machine at work today... it was double salami, so not horrible except on the sodium... and I just want some Italian Cheesy Bread with Garlic Butter tonight. Yeah, sounds like PMS to me. UGH!

    Stac - thank you for typing that (did have saying, didn't spell it right so when I went back I just changed it) about being cold all the time. I always, always, ALWAYS am cold these days!

    Cyn - Brother's wedding will be in Honolulu - he's stationed at Hickam-Pearl Harbor. We'll see what my weight is at when I get there - I would love, love, LOVE to do some fun physical activities when I am there this time! Older brother got married on Kauai 5 years ago March. So they plan to let Auntie Becky babysit Sammy for a day or so and will head over to Kauai to celebrate!

    Lex - I am waiting for my text. I love ya lots! And yes... we will team up on that! Seriously... I even read the rules and application! 13 pages... he, he, he!

    Knots in my left shoulder are still there. Physical Therapist at work says it's under the shoulder blade. Occupational Therapist says it's cause I have too much stress and that I am baby'ing my Right Shoulder due to the rotator cuff injury. I don't care what it is - it's been a good 7-8 days and it sucks! It's pulled the muscles in my neck and even up to the muscles around my eye. I just want it to go away! I've tried heat, ice, stretching, resting, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, naproxin, etc. NOTHING is working... and it's stopping me from being in a good mood, from getting quality sleep. Several people have tried to "work" it out/massaged it... damn things feel like marbles below the skin. Best Friend was "twanging" it - she kept popping it over the shoulder blade... NOT comfortable. Bit a pillow to not scream thinking just get through it, it'll be better... instead I have a couple newer knots lower in my back - mid back. Really?!? Seriously... I need a vacation... alone... undisturbed... UGH!
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    Happy Thursday!

    Lexie - Sounds like you had some nice "me" time before the boys got sick. Don't worry about venting. That is what friends are for. And I just have to add fantabulous release!

    Cynthia - You sound busy busy. Hopeful your kosher turkey will be worth it. Hubby made spaghetti last night and added to the can sauce. It was yummy!

    Staci - Crow all you want! You deserve to. Cold? I get colder now, but as soon as I put a sweater on I overheat. Dang hot flashes!

    Steph - Sounds like things are going not too bad (coming from someone who swore never to have another teen sleepover). Hopefully it is being tired in a good physical way and not emotionally. Will be thinking of you.

    Jane - I am not partially either way. Do not get too busy to forget some "me" time for yourself.

    ReNae - Love your new pic! For snacks, I keep on hand almonds, pecans, a variety of dried fruit and some 100 calorie treats for when the other treats don't satisfy.

    Becky - Ouchie! I hope that your knots work out! If it is stress, have you thought about meditating? I do not know much about it, but I know it helps calm yourself.

    As for me, yesterday I ended up staying home waiting for the plumber. The kitchen sink was clogged and my husband couldn't reach it with his snake. So I ended up only putting in a half day since the plumber didn't show up til almost eleven o'clock. But that's all right. I got some cleaning done and six croobies done. By the time I got home, hubby had supper done which was nice. I could come home to that each night. This morning showed a release of 1.7 pounds and I have yet to get into a routine at the gym. Nothing much going on tonight.

    Have a Tremendous Thursday!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Becky, that just sucks! I hope your shoulder is feeling better soon.

    Eileen, congrats on your 1.7 pounds. I love it when I come home to dinner done.

    Things are good for me today. I have my meals all planned out and will be over 30% protein again today. It is getting easier to do. Other than that not much is happening here. Hope everyone hasa great day and its Thursday so remember to drink up.
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Hi everyone!!!

    Missed you all and yeah I'm still here. Just needed a break from this journey of weight loss stuff. While I still watch-ish what I ate, I didn't go to the gym this week. And happy to say I pretty much maintained the weight all week. So I feel good knowing when I reach my goal, I should be ok maintaining. However, next week I'm right back at it. Though I will not get to my Thanksgiving goal of 200lbs. I'll just move it to Christmas. And over all, I am rethinking of my goal date. I was hoping to lose everything by Feb 2012. But as long as I am at my goal in May or June, that'll be ok. I don't want to push myself so hard, where I get discourage fast and do something really dumb.
    I'll try to play catch up later tonight, gotta run for a hair cut appointment...thinking short pixie cut...
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    I think a short pixie cut would be awesome!! I am hoping my face thins out a little more than it is now and I might go for it too.
  • MrsRazor7
    MrsRazor7 Posts: 332 Member
    Hey everyone! I need you to do me a favor….look at my ticker below! Look at that!!! I did it! I made it 100 pounds lost! I am so excited! I actually cried when it finally happened, which surprised me :bigsmile: But, I am flying high!!!!

    Staci – I have noticed it! I used to never get cold, and now, I am wearing jackets at work.

    Becky – those breadsticks do sound pretty yummy (bad Lexie). You can do this… you are coming with me over the 3 digit mark! And yes, you do need a vacation ALONE! Too much stress is really doing a number on your body! I hope that you are able to figure out your knot and find some peace somewhere in your busy and hectic life.

    Eileen – great loss! You are moving right along :smile:

    Julie – that is great that you were able to go “off” plan and maintain. And I am sure that it makes you feel great that you know you will be able do this when you do hit your weight goal. And I think it is great that you are being flexible with your goals. You have already done so much this year you should be proud!

    So, not much to say, except that my day has been great! I actually posted it on facebook (which is not like me), and I have felt great and proud that I did that. I hope you all have a great day!!!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    YESSS! Lexie I am so excited for you!!!! Congratulations.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    balloons.gif CONGRATS LEXIE - JOINING THE 3-DIGIT CLUB!! balloons.gif

    Congrats Lexie on hitting the 100 pound release! I am so happy for you... no matter what came your way - you have pushed through and deserve this wonderful achievement! Congrats!
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Staci - Sounds like protein might be what I will try to increase next plateau when and if it happens.

    Julie - Love your new haircut! Wish I could pull off a pixie cut but I have always had long hair until last year. Just a little frustrated that it is taking so long to grow out. Ughh!

    Lexie - Congrats once again! I knew you could do it!

    As for me, working hard and hardly working like usual. My friends here think that I am crazy to look for a new job since I get paid so much to do so little. But I can't stand not doing anything. If I can not find something for next year, I will switch my working hours and take Friday off (Thank you flex time!). That way I can have a day to myself. This weekend is more shopping with my MIL on Saturday and taking my parents out to eat on Sunday.

    Have a Fantabulous Friday, my loverly losers!
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Hey Everyone,

    Happy Friday!!!! So while I was getting my hairs cut, I was reading a magazine about pixie cuts and who it works for and doesn't. Said it works best for petite women......hum that is not me. So I giggled to myself. Ohh well. I love it. Hubby didn't say anything, not really surprised. Buts its all good.
    We have a wedding tonight and tomorrow. Lucky us. Grandma and Grandpa are watching Eve tonight, but we are taking her to the wedding tomorrow night. Can't wait to see her out on the dance floor, she is going to be so cute, I could probably just eat her. Then going to put out Christmas lights on Sunday, since it'll be the last nice day for a few months. I'm kinda missing the gym, so it will be nice to get back next week.
    Well thats it. Hope everyone is doing well and will check back in later.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello All!!!
    I'm finally home. It was a very long week and the to be honest the girls were not that well behaved. I am very tired and I have really missed my routine. The food was tasty but not healthy so I am very very nervous about stepping on the scale tomorrow and seeing what the damage is. We did a fair bit of walking around and I felt so hungry most of the time. Going to go through serious carb/sugar withdrawl next week.
    In some regards it was nice to not be so vigilant for the 5 days and I'm sure that I'm going to pay for it but I'm sure that with lots of water and my regular routine that which goes on quickly comes off quickly!!

    Julie - love the haircut!!!
    Lexie - I'm so proud of you :) Welcome to the triple digit club!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Julie- I love your new look. Absolutely love it!!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Trying not to eat. Just had an emotional conversation with my mom about weddings and all I want to do is stuff my face. Long story long, my brother has announced he and his fiance want all of us to travel to Cuba in feb/march for their wedding. Normally this would be fine but I can't take a week off outside of holiday time (well I could but I'd lose a lot of pay) and it will drain my savings account....my savings account that doesn't quite have enough money in it to pay for my own wedding in August. And I love my brother but my situation will mean **** all to him. And I know that in the end I will end up sacraficing for him and not have the wedding I want....and everyone will throw it in my face that if I just moved home than these problems wouldn't exist and that technically I had a wedding (my family wasn't there and it was in another language so it doesn't feel like I got married). Really really really want to eat. Something bad for me and gross and I know it won't make me feel better in the long run. So instead I am typing here and really trying not to cry too much. I'm hoping I'm finding this so hard because I am just really tired from the lack of sleep this week. Sorry for the rant, I just needed to unload. Going to go make a cup of tea. x
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    I am still around. Really struggling with my motivation, as I have once again gone another month without losing anything. Which is a self-perpetuating circle as then it is hard to talk myself into lacing up my running shoes in the cold and the rain when it doesn't do any good anyways....

    Work is super busy right now with everyone having waited until the last to start their Christmas presents. Ugh.

    I will catch up on everyone's posts here later this weekend.

    Hope you are all well!

  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Steph: Sometimes people can be inconsiderate *kitten*, even family. I love the idea of a wedding in Cuba, but I think it's a bit extreme to EXPECT everyone to be able to make it. Don't let others steal your happy. :flowerforyou:

    JJ: I can feel your frustration. I've barely gotten under the 300 marker, and it's annoying that I can't get it to move any lower...been hovering here for a couple of weeks. I know it's not a couple of months, but as quickly as it was all moving before, it's a sudden shock to the system. Just remember the thrill you felt with buying smaller clothes and having to remeasure your sweater for it to fit. Those things happened because of the exercise and eating; those are the things that matter regardless of what the stupid scale says. **hugs**