**CLOSED** Skinny Chics & A Rooster **CLOSED**



  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Steph: too funny:laugh: :laugh:

    Not much to say. Happy to see the scale was nice to me on Friday. 4 lbs released in to the wild. Today I weigh 212. So that means I am only 13 lbs away from Onederland. I still can't believe that I am one, this weight and two, this close to being in the one hundreds. As I posted before, its will almost 11 years since I was there. And by golly I'm going to stay there this time around.
    Well thats all folks. Going to put up more Christmas lights today. And I hope to put up the 20 foot Snowman, will post pics once he is up.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Hi guys, just waving hello as I fly through tonight. Been a bad week in dietary terms, but a good week with my sister visiting from the US, and us both trying to spend some time keeping my mum's mind off her operation. Haven't gained, but haven't lost, and my eating (and wine consumption!) have been not good! My mum's op is tomorrow, so I don't anticipate being about much this week either to be honest, but am thinking about you all. Hope you're all very well!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    No kidding Steph... here we are pretty sparingly posting once again! ha, ha, ha!

    Julie: WOW! YAY! I am really quite excited for and with you!! I can't wait to get into the "2"derland - and am about 10 pounds away. So, as you celebrate the ONEderland, I will be entering TWOderland (there just hasn't been anything to call the 2's and that's a little disappointing)... let's do it together! Best part?!? We are doing it DURING the holidays! As most people go up... we are going down!

    Lex: I am happy that you were able to open up to your husband and say all that you needed to say. It's really standing up for you and valuing yourself to know that your feelings are important. I love that you are doing this! Continued love, hugs and support!

    Steph: Great job on the scale moving the right direction AND your preplanning and run! You just amaze me...

    Jane: Good luck with your mom's operation... and I've had a bit of wine this week also! Know that here or not - you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers!


    OK, so for an update from me?!? I am continuing to feel pretty darned good about myself and finally reaching that big 3 digit mark! I still just can't believe it! I did something very difficult... as I had promised myself that I would do it. I posted a "Success" story. I knew that I needed to JUST concentrate on the accomplishment and not on how far I have to go. It was a test and I am glad that I have done it. Made me really take a few moments to just sit in the success of reaching my mark thus far. It also gave me a chance to shout out my thanks to some of the people who have really, truly made a difference in my life! However, I found myself getting all teary and sappy - so I had to stop doing too much of that... here's the post, should any of you want to read it. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/401514-celebrating-100-down-pretty-wordy-oh-well-smile

    THANKS AGAIN to each of you for being such a support circle! I love you all!
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Becky, if any one wants to read it, really?? I couldn't wait to read it.

    FYI: No snowman, he must have had a hole in his head because he couldn't stand up. Ohh well. But got the other lights up. Now just some snow to make it all pretty.
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    Wanted to check in real quick after a SUPER busy weekend! I can now see WHY I have a hard time with my weight because hanging out with friends....they eat like CRAP! I ate like crap a little...but not bad and nothing like my former "norm".

    As I only have a few minutes this morning to chime in from work, I'm not trying to leave anyone out (I'll try to catch up later) but WOOOHOOOOOOOOOO BECKY!!!:flowerforyou: You rock! Congrats!!!!! We are all SO proud of you! I am so excited for everyone and love being on this journey with each and every one of you!!
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    Happy Monday!

    ReNae - Pecan Pie is yummy, but my downfall is the potatoes, stuffing, and all those high carb no-nos. My husband thinks I am crazy for wanting to go to the gym Thanksgiving morning. Oh, well it's not like he is going to go with anyway.

    ((Lexie)) - It is hard, but you are an amazing woman and will get through it. Just remember, and I know it is hard, that this is about him and his decisions even though those decisions effect you. I have been there and gone through it and will be here if you need to talk it out. ((HUGS))

    Steph - Way to go on the running! And on the scale movement!

    Julie - That is awesome! What a wonderful end to the year because I know you will do it!

    Jane - Thank goodness today is a new day! Glad to hear you had fun with your sister and mum! WIll be thinking of you and your mom today hoping for a good uneventful surgery.

    Becky - Wonderful story! You are such an inspiration to me! Can't wait to celebrate TWOnderland with you!

    Lane - Hopeful your Super Busy Weekend was fun! I am sure it was with your friends! Have a wonderful day at work!

    As for me, long weekend of shopping. Did not get to playing Monopoly but maybe this weekend since my hubbie's brother and niece and coming up here for Thanksgiving from Tennessee. I ended up handing in 52 croobies on Friday and was asked if I minded if they sent my croobies out to start groups in Texas and another state. That made me feel good. I did get one afghan done and started another. Today I will head to the gym and clean.

    Have a Magnificent Monday all!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Here we go - heading into the big food fest this Thursday. Let's all be mindful of everything we eat leading up to it so we can all enjoy at least a little pie.

    Lexie - I'm sorry you have to go through this with your marraige. Stay strong and make good choices for Lexie. HUGS and by the way. You are doing so great with the weight loss - keep up the great work!

    Steph - I have a hard time running in the cold - I guess you could try wearing a bandana over your mouth so the cold air won't hurt your lungs. My ears are my big problem. I need to wear earmuffs so they don't burn. Of course Maine 'cold' is about 40 degrees colder than England 'cold' - LOL! Great job keeping things moving on the scale!!

    Julie - We are at a common weight and have a common goal. I hope I can get the numbers moving again as I've been here for 4+weeks. Measurements have dropped so it's not a big problem but I sure would like to see a 0 in the middle of my number to motivate me a little more. UGH - this is hard. I might seem consistent and steady but my mojo level is low these days. Glad it's Monday so I can make a new plan for the week. Thanksgiving doesn't need to ruin everything. You keep me moving. Knowing that you 'will do it' get's my minding thinking the same - thanks! Setting goals and having a plan will make it happen!

    Jane - sending positive thoughts for your mom's surgery. Hope all went well.

    Becky - So glad you shared your story. You deserve all the praise you get there! It's part of the process.

    Lane - You're still here and that means you're committed. Set some mini goals and keep it going!

    Eileen - Nice job on the croobies. You're really making a difference and that's just touching. You're starting a croobie wave across the nations!!! I'm so proud to know someone like you!

    Cyndi - I know you're out there. Hope all is well with you. I thought about you as I sat in the COLD stands for our football championship game the other night. We didn't win - but we gave them a fight! I think it was the first time I wished I lived down south or out west. bbbrrrrrrr! Looking at a little snow coming in for Thanksgiving!

    Enjoyed our weekend. We decorated outside yesterday since the temps were in the 40's! Put up lights, garland & wreaths then went to the FESTIVAL OF TREES. The Kora Shriners put on this event every year where area businesses decorate Christmas trees in all different themes. The hall has over 100 trees lit up and you can buy chances to win them. It's a lot of fun and really puts you in that holiday spirit. We'll be cutting down our tree the day after Thanksgiving and dipping chocolates too. I'm really enjoying the kids this year. So glad they are so into the holidays at 11 & 14. I know it won't last forever.

    I am going to work my butt off Mon-Wed this week since I'm pretty sure I won't get too much exercise Thurs-Sun. I am PLANNING to make an effort each of those days though. And a GOAL doesn't do any good without a PLAN!

    Heading to the gym for an upper body workout.
    Happy Holidays!!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Thanks so much for all your kind thoughts. Mum's been in surgery for five hours now. Desperately killing time, waiting to hear. Hoping it won't be much longer!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good morning everyone! I let the blahs get the best of me this weekend and didn't check in with MFP at all. The scale shows it this morning and I am determined to not let it roll on into the week. I promise I will log all of my food and exercise this week. I am heading out early Thurday morning for Thanksgiving with the family and wont be back until Sunday. But I will log it all by phone. Hope everyone is having a great day.

  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello All!
    The day has improved as it progressed thankfully! I was stressed most of the day because I wasn't as prepared as I wanted to be for a lesson observation today. I hate people watching me teach and grading me. Still makes me nervous. Didn't sleep well last night which did not help with the stress level. The upside of the day was that the person in charge of my after school meeting was absent so I got to leave at 330 :bigsmile: It was so nice being home by 630 with dinner on the stove and veggining on the couch secure in the knowledge that I had been to the gym. I haven't had a night like this in a long time:heart: Made my version of salad nicoise tonight - yum!

    ReNae- I know its not proper cold here, growing up in Canada I'm used to -20C and remember a day in univerisity that dipped to -57C....doesn't compare to the 0 here in the UK but I must admit the dampness gets to me! Sounds like you had a lovely weekend!

    Staci - I know you will get back on track.

    To all the Americans, hope you enjoy your upcoming Turkey weekend!

    Penny - muscle ache I generally work through but try to avoid that muscle group. If its really bad, active rest is a good alternative(long walk, stretching, swimming)

    Jane- thinking of you :heart:
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Okay so I'd been thinking about this and the answer is a staggering number....I was wondering how much, collectively, we have lost. So I did some scrolling and got an answer......taaadddaadda:

    1105lbs if my maths is right!!!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    UGH! It's now after 11 PM and my house is a complete disaster! Only issue I have with that is that I have company coming tomorrow night.... well, family. But my mother is more judgemental than anyone else in my life! Shoot! But I am exhausted and cold. Fell asleep, kinda purposely, on the couch because the heater was hitting me just right. Going to say forget it and go to bed. Will try to get up a little early, or leave work a little early to do a bit of clean-up before they get here. Just my brother and mom, then friend on Friday. Only a few more weeks until I have my home all to myself! Haven't ever looked forward to that so much in my life! Otherwise, not much going on. Continues to be cold and I am jealous of all of you who already have made progress on Christmas/Holiday decoration! Goal is to get that done outside this weekend. Plan to have a HEALTHY Thanksgiving... have already prepared family that it is a skinless, boneless turkey breast (I hate the turkey carcass... have issues, I admit) and veggies. My mom is doing pumpkin pie (store bought) for her and my brother, I don't like it so no temptation for me! I have a couple of garlic cheese biscuits that I'll make for the two of them while I stick to Turkey and green beans. I'll dress up the turkey somehow and do the green beans with bacon and onions. That should help make it look fancier. I said I didn't want leftovers since we are all taking off... which seems to have worked! AND since my brother is now NOT drinking... no temptation to overdue it on the wine, because we won't have any. I have to honestly say ... that the harder meal for me will be the stadium meal at the Red Wings vs Avalanche hockey game I am going to on Dec 4!! PLUS... will do a ton of walking while shopping starting at Midnight on Thursday and throughout Friday! ha, ha, ha. Gym is closed Thanksgiving Day and open short the following day... but I'll get in plenty.

    Have a good week everyone!
  • MrsRazor7
    MrsRazor7 Posts: 332 Member
    Steph – Love the whistling! I know I have been bad and not posted as much as I used to. I am going to start doing better because I miss you guys! I love how you added up all the pounds…I have been wondering about that. WE are definitely an amazing group!

    Julie – that is GREAT that you are that close to wonderland! That is going to be one huge celebration when you get there!!!! That is going to be huge for me to :bigsmile:

    Jane – I am glad that you are able to spend time with your sister. And I think that it is great that you are maintaining while she is there! I will be praying for your mother’s surgery, I hope that everything goes well.

    Eileen – thank you. I will keep that in mind, because I could always have more people to talk to. That is one thing I am trying to do now, talk to friends instead of him. That is probably the hardest thing because I am used to talk to him about everything, and I can’t anymore. Also, what is a croobie? I am so lost!?! :laugh:

    Renae – that festival of trees sounds great! I would love to live somewhere that had something like that.

    Becky – I am glad that you got to relax some. I know that you will be able to get everything clean before your company. But, I am most excited for your empty house in a couple of weeks! That is a great idea for the turkey. I might do that instead of buying a big turkey.

    So, how is everyone making Thanksgiving healthy? I have never cooked a turkey (I usually think they are dry), and was thinking about trying one this year. But now that Becky mentioned a turkey breast, I might change it up. What is the best way to cook a turkey to taste good and be healthy? I need help! :bigsmile:

    I have had a rough last night, but I made it through it! My goal each day is to make it to the next. I am trying not to look to far in the future, because it still makes me a little sad. I did have a great weekend though! Took the boys to see Happy Feet 2, and it was cute and more importantly, they loved it. Oh, and before we went to the movies, I hit up Old Navy! They were having a huge sale of 75% off adult sweaters, plus I had a coupon for $30 off of $60. So, I got 8 sweaters for $5 or less each! And they were all XL and they fit very nicely! I was loving being able to buy things and feel good in them. I wore one yesterday, and I felt beautiful and sexy all day!

    I have to run because I am running late this morning. Becky, I will read your other link tonight (I promise)! Hope you all have a great Tuesday. Today is my Friday, so I am going to make it a great day!
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    ReNae - Sounds like you had a grand old time! I love the fact that you are planning ahead! Way to go!

    Staci - Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family!

    Steph - I am soo glad that a stressful day turned into such a wonderful evening! You are a fantastic whistler and wow that is a lot of poundage!

    Becky - What a good plan! I wouldn't worry about the house too much because if your mom is anything like the people I work with if they can find something to complain about that makes them happy. I had gotten to a point that I actually misspell a word on purpose so that they would focus on that and they were pleased as punch with themselves while I laughed in private.

    Lexie - Nice find with the sweaters! You should feel beautiful because you are! About the croobies, JJ had sent me a website awhile back for knitted knockers instructions, but since I don't knit, I found crochet instructions. So I have foobies, foam prothestics (foam+boobies=foobies), and soobies (silcone+boobies=soobies), but I make and donate croobies (crochet+boobies=croobies). As for the rest, I went through a divorce when my kids were little and it was bad for me, but in my case I was isolated since my family lived a couple hundred miles away and I was a stay at home mom. I understand what you are going through.

    As for me, went to the gym after work and went home and colored my hair. It is "Chocolate Caramel" which translates to dark reddish brown. Closer to my natural color. Other than that not much going on. Trying to make it through the short work week without pulling out the hair that is finally growing out.

    Have a Terrific Tuesday!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Well, good morning everyone. I am feeling a little more like my regular self today, still a little off but I'll get through it. I am looking forward to spending time with the family this weekend. I am still doing all the cooking for Thanksgiving but I will be doing it at my sister's new house and she has a kitchen that makes me drool. She doesn't even cook!!

    I spent my evening starting my holiday candy making. Last night was candy canes, they are the least tempting to me because although I do love home made candy canes the pepermint smell is so strong that I feel like I taste them without actually eating anything. Over the weekend at my sisters we are making carmels with cashews. I don't like cashews so I am safe with this one too. The fudge is kind of like the candy canes for me too, its when I get to the baking that I will tortured. Maybe I won't do any baking this year. Hmmm, it is something I am seriously going to consider.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Stac- Glad you are back to yourself. I know what you mean about the baking etc. We will be dipping chocolates all day Friday. My mom and my sister and I spend an entire day each year and make a dozen different types of sweets. From fudge to date balls to choc dipped maples. My only weakness will be the peanut butter balls. I'll need to give those away first so the temptations will be gone.

    Steph - 1105lbs?!! That's huge! We are amazing aren't we?!! I think most of us have been at it for a year of less also. Maybe we should start a new goal of reaching 2000lbs by a 2013 or something?

    Eileen - "Chocolate Caramel" sounds sexy! I am going for a cut tonight and it just kills me because today is a good hairday and someone actually said to me this morning "I love your new haircut". LOL

    Lexie - awesome deal on the sweaters. I still have a shopping phobia.. I am either wearing clothes I had in the 80's or wearing the same 3 tops over and over. I'm pathetic. I just want to buy a 'smart' wardrobe - one that is entirely different from what I was wearing at 280lbs. Nothing big and frumpy or shapeless, and I'm having a hard time committing to the new me. I want to really love the clothes I end up with because I'm not a big shopper and once I do it I'll probably wear them until they are hanging off me again.

    Becky- Your Thanksgiving plan is incredible. I haven't really put a plan into place (except for my plan to eat pie!), but I will give it some forethought. Less starch / more veggies. I'm going to enjoy my day but not overdue it. We eat just that one meal mid-day so as long as I keep it to a reasonable amount I should be good. And there will be wine (but also walking). Life is all about the compromises for me. Don't worry about cleaning your house for family. They're there to see you. Just go for 'the illusion of clean' and sanitize the bathroom. Everything else doesn't matter! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

    Keep it skinny chics!
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile:

    Remember how I said that "tomorrow is an important day"... well it was & the proof is in the ticker! YAY!

    :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile:

    Awesome Becky! Well done! Woot!!!!
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    I am still plugging along, but am totally overwhelmed with the shop at the moment. Its a big shopping weekend and we are hoping to be hopping busy all weekend, so lots of preparation involved in that. Added to that all the people that wait until now to cast on for a sweater for everyone on their christmas list and expect me to work miracles and help them get it done, the spouses that come in to get something for their knitaholic wife or husband but did not pay attention to what they said they wanted, and all the people that keep coming in wanting a donation for this or that worthy cause and its INSANE! Then all the appliances in the house has decided to fall apart the dryer is eating clothing, the microwave is making a funny sound and the ice in the door of the freezer no longer works. So my one partial day off was spent waiting for the appliance repair dude to show up between noon and 4pm (he got here at 3:55pm).

    I am doing a Turkey Trot, my first 5k ever and have not been out running since October. Ack! We are going to my aunt's for Thanksgiving dinner, which is good in that I don't have to cook and bad in that I have no control over the food. But you know what? I am not going to stress over it. It is what it is, one meal is not going to hurt me, I know how to make good choices, and if I make a couple of bad ones....so what?

    Still no movement on the weight, but not exactly shocking as I have not been exercising much, and have switched to maintenance mode for my calories. I am going to get back on track after Thanksgiving weekend. I have promised myself this. But right now, I really needed this mental break.
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Hey Everyone,
    Nothing really new here. Been busy running around town picking up this and dropping off this. Haven't had time to head to the gym. With my little vacay awhile ago, it must have been what my body needed because I am still losing. Thinking about weighing in on Thursday because I plan to be shopping at midnight and my body may be out of whack come Friday for weigh in. For dinner on Thursday, I'm not worried about over doing it. We spend the day with my in-laws. My MIL is a clean freak, so all the food cooking and preparing was done a week ago, so come Thursday just re-heat and eat. YUCK!!:sick: Everything is so dry and bland, that I just nibble mostly. But Saturday we spend it with my side of the family and there we could have a problem. But since I am soooo close to Onederland, I don't want to screw it up. Then like JJ said, come Monday morning back to the routine!!
    Lexie: I meant to say to you, that I'm so sorry to hear what you are going though now. But you are such a strong person, you will get through this and everything will be for the better of it. Its going to suck and be rough for awhile, but it won't always be that way. Love ya!!!:heart:
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    Happy Wednesday!

    Staci - Holiday Baking....sounds yummy! I used to bake mini breads to give to the neighbors and by the time I got done baking I didn't want to eat any of it (except for the cinnamon swirl bread of course).

    ReNae - I have yet to decide if I like it. It is a little redder than what I am used to being but I will grow to like it I am sure. Did you get layers? If that is the new haircut in the pic, I like it. (I am bad at noticing these things usually.) It frames your face very nicely.

    JJ - Just don't lose time for yourself with all that busy work! Have been missing your down to home posts and hope you have a wonderful break!

    Julie - A midnight shopper? My husband does it but I don't. i must have gotten the defective shopping gene because I will go but it is not my favorite thing to do. As for Onederland, I am positive that it is just around the corner for you!

    As for me, not much going on. Went last night and got pop for my brother's Thanksgiving get together. Found out that my hubbie's brother will get here tonight and I am hoping that we are not asked to go over there tongiht for supper. Tomorrow will be an interesting day and hopeful not too awful!

    Have a Wonderful Wednesday!