50+ Women



  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Hi. My name is Becky. One more question...is everyone on here a woman?
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hi Becky,

    Yes, I think so far its all women.

    Glad to see you.

    Hello All, I'm doing better. Yesterday I did a lot of strength training at the gym and boy my arms are killing me. Thats a good thing.

    I hope all are doing well.

    Not sure if I am going to the gym today. Time will tell.

  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Good morning-
    I know what you mean Kathy. I finally made it back to my exercise class on Fri and was back at the gym yesterday. My legs are feeling it. I haven't been doing arms since my elbow is acting up. I feel like I'm 80 sometimes instead of almost 55. Oh well.

    I'm not going to the gym today - too crowded on the week-end and I don't feel like rushing to get there when it opens. I might do one of my exercise videos. I just need to force myself to do it. Need to pay bills and food shop before I do anythign else. Then we'll see. I may get back on here this afternoon for inspiration.
    Have a good day everyone.
  • sailgal
    Hi everyone-

    I'm new and so happy to find a group of active, over 50 women. I am enjoying reading all of the old posts and getting my mind wrapped around the idea of eating my exercise calories. I have lost 50 pounds since last April but I'm not having any luck dislodging the last 15 pounds. I have made all the classic rookie mistakes of decreasing my calories and increasing my cardio and still the weight stays the same. I have never tried an on-line calorie counter and I'm hoping it helps me have a clearer idea of how my calories and exercise are interacting.

    I am looking forward to being part of the group.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Hello--even though I have been a member since last August, I have not been active at the site. I have been using the calorie counter and recording my exercise all along. I am trying to figure out how the site works. It is different from others that I have used. I am very active at CafeMom, which has a different format.
    I was hoping that this group was filled with women only and when I saw the comment about still having a monthly then I thought that you are all women. We can, therefore, discuss menopause. When this happened is when my metabolism bottomed out. I have asked how to get past this on other sites but there were only younger women there who had no idea what it is like to have gone through this. So, I am hoping to get some support of all of you.
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Welcome Cindy and Swissmiss. :happy:
    It is nice to share this journey with other women in similar stages of life. Cindy, like you, I have three sons. My last, however, is still in college. My other two are out and gainfully employed, but I do get to see them at least once every month.
    As far as metabolism, swissmiss, clearly we are at a disadvanatge at our ages. Using the metabolic tool on this site confirms that - I'm not supposed to consume mroe than 1200 calories/day unless I exercise. And then, given my age and weight, I don't seem to burn too many calories. All in all, I can't complain tho because my weight has not gotten totally out of control. I would just like to get to a healthier range for my very small-boned body.
    Anyway, once again, welcome!
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    May I join you?
    I've been dieting most ofl my life & decided last month to get serious.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Just Checked-in again.

    This is a great thread for ladies 50+.

    Nice to see new friends.


    I did not get to the gym today. I did extra running around and just had no energy left. It's rainy and dreary here in MA.

    Tomorrow is another day.

    Hope all is well.

    Keep up the fight!!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    OK, I am still trying to figure out how this format works. A "thread" is a continued conversation? Like if I go to the last page and pick up on what is being said? I need to spend more time here to understand how this works.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Most of the time it is a thread of questions or expressions of how we are doing. Usually, I seem to be on when others:grumble: are not. We are a busy group of women it seems, so we check in from time to time. Hopefully someone is on at the time you are on and you can get a conversation going.

    However, it may take time to get a response. But, you will get one. I check "MY TOPICS" when I am logging on my food intake and check the thread. If I have something to say i will put my 2 cents in.

    I hope that helps. You can also put us down as friends and we can communicate that way also. I have made some great friends from this thread.

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Sorry to hear of your loss. I am new at posting here. Am I to understand that 50+Women means those over the age of 50? If so then this is for me. I have found that the weight is so much harder to get off as we get older.

    You are so right on about losing weight when 50 hits. We can lose but it takes so much effort and support.

    :flowerforyou: Kathy
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Good morning ladies. Today is a new day - we can look ahead. We can do this!
    Have a great day,
  • doglvr_75
    Hey everyone!!!!...Decided I'd better check in...once again I'm staying off the scale & away from the tape measure until the first of March...trying something new, too...last week I did strictly cardio (= treadmill) & did do some gardening...this week I'm going to go easy on the cardio & do more strength & toning...hopefully that will help...

    ...I'm like you, Zaza, age & weight are making this an extremely slow go for me...I can remember when I could drop 5 pounds in a week....now it seems I can't drop 5 pounds in a year...:grumble:


    ..will try to be more faithful in checking in here & a new thread in March sounds like a great idea...

    ..welcome to all the "newbies"...

    take care ladies & have a great day!!!

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    I did drag myself to the gym. First, I went grocery shopping first with my husband after that, I was really trying to get out of going, AGAIN, But, hubby said we have to go. He usually goes on his own because his schedule is different then mine. However Mondays we actually have time together.

    Never the less, off I went. I'm glad I did now. :noway:

    Nice to see you again doglvr & Esther :bigsmile:

    I have been trying to keep up the thread. I don't want to lose touch with my friends. :sad:

    The sun is shinning but it is cold here in MA. I just can't wait to be outside in the yard.

    Well, I got to go. I will check in later.

  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Hi all

    Glad to see some new members and the return of some others. The more the merrier:bigsmile:

    This really is a great thread and I look forward to reading each new message. Please be reassured that we have so much in common. It is such a comfort to know that when we have been and/or going through some issue there are others out there experiencing the same that can relate and offer support and encouragement. I am so very thankful for the support I have received from everyone:heart:

    Today, I did the BL Bootcamp Second level, worked out on my treadmill, stationary bike, shovelled snow, and a Pilates Workout Band DVD. That darn scale is soon going to fly out the window if it doesn't move in a downward number:explode: All complaints aside I am determined not to let the scale undermine my initial objective and that is to get healthy and be the very best that I can:happy:

    Blessings and warm positive thoughts sent to all:heart:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Most of the time it is a thread of questions or expressions of how we are doing. Usually, I seem to be on when others:grumble: are not. We are a busy group of women it seems, so we check in from time to time. Hopefully someone is on at the time you are on and you can get a conversation going.

    However, it may take time to get a response. But, you will get one. I check "MY TOPICS" when I am logging on my food intake and check the thread. If I have something to say i will put my 2 cents in.

    I hope that helps. You can also put us down as friends and we can communicate that way also. I have made some great friends from this thread.

    I see that someone requested me as a friend but I can't figure out how to reply. Can someone help me? I am used to using the format in CafeMom which I find easy to use. Not sure where to find things here.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Good Morning Ladies.

    I am drinking my black coffee and slowly waking up. I wanted to let everyone know we need each other. This journey is so important to us.

    I am also listening to the news and NH just had a Home exposition. My goodness, We in MA had 3 within a few months. Leveled the houses. What is going on. The center of our City yesterday had a man hole exposition. I think one person got hurt. Makes me very worried about having natural gas in my house.

    Well, got to get ready for the day.

    I will be going to the gym this morning. Yesterday I was dragging at the gym but I did it. I was happy that I did complete my exercise.

    I will check in when I get home.

    Take care all.

  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Good morning-
    This weight loss process is an uphill battle. :grumble: I spent a lot of yesterday at doctor and getting ultrasound of my leg. Pain started out of the blue and a blood clot was ruled out. It appears that, somehow, I must have injured the big calf muscle, maybe overstretched it or just from going up and down the stairs. So, I'm off it for a couple days so I don't get a tear. The big challenge without exercise is sticking to my calories.:explode:
    I did learn somethig interesting from the dr. I've had an unusual amount of aches and pains lately and, while we will test for the usual things like lyme and various connective-tissue diseases like lupus, menopause itself can actually trigger joint and muscle aches. As a precaution, I'm also stopping Boniva for a few months to see if that makes a difference. I'd be interested in hearing about other womens' experiences.
    Got to start my day. Have a good one everyone . Get some exercise for me!
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Most of the time it is a thread of questions or expressions of how we are doing. Usually, I seem to be on when others:grumble: are not. We are a busy group of women it seems, so we check in from time to time. Hopefully someone is on at the time you are on and you can get a conversation going.

    However, it may take time to get a response. But, you will get one. I check "MY TOPICS" when I am logging on my food intake and check the thread. If I have something to say i will put my 2 cents in.

    I hope that helps. You can also put us down as friends and we can communicate that way also. I have made some great friends from this thread.

    I see that someone requested me as a friend but I can't figure out how to reply. Can someone help me? I am used to using the format in CafeMom which I find easy to use. Not sure where to find things here.

    Did you get an email indicating someone requested you as a friend? Click on the link in your email and it should bring up the name of the person who asked and you click on accept. I think that is all you need to do but if that doesn't work you can email me. If someone else has better instructions PLEASE let swissmiss know!
    Hope it helps.
    and - Welcome.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Good morning-
    This weight loss process is an uphill battle. :grumble: I spent a lot of yesterday at doctor and getting ultrasound of my leg. Pain started out of the blue and a blood clot was ruled out. It appears that, somehow, I must have injured the big calf muscle, maybe overstretched it or just from going up and down the stairs. So, I'm off it for a couple days so I don't get a tear. The big challenge without exercise is sticking to my calories.:explode:
    I did learn somethig interesting from the dr. I've had an unusual amount of aches and pains lately and, while we will test for the usual things like lyme and various connective-tissue diseases like lupus, menopause itself can actually trigger joint and muscle aches. As a precaution, I'm also stopping Boniva for a few months to see if that makes a difference. I'd be interested in hearing about other womens' experiences.
    Got to start my day. Have a good one everyone . Get some exercise for me!

    I wish I could help but I haven't gone through it yet. Even the nurse asked me if I was in menopause I had said NO and she said. "Well hurry up what are you waiting for!":laugh:

    However I do get aches and pains for sure. Now that I started some weight training I really have aches and pains. :bigsmile:

    I hope your leg gets better. I am always worried about hurting myself. Back in 1997 hey found out I had severe shin splints I had to change jobs because I was constantly on my feet. It was terrible. I guess that comes with age and being overweight for such a long period of time. I sure do wish they had this site when I was in my twenty's. Gee, they barely had computers then. :noway:

    I guess getting up changing the TV channels was a big exercise program for me at the time. :laugh: Or, having to walk over to the one phone that was stuck to the wall. I don't know why I thought of those things but, I guess it did make a difference. Sounds kinda funny now. Sorry I am rambling.

    I'm logging my food calories & exercise. Now I can eat like a normal person. I average about 1700 calories a day when I exercise. I'm not saying I'm going to lose a large amount of weight but, I am heading down. Slowly but steady.

    I guess we all have to be happy about all the things we have GIVEN UP to make our life heather. Boy, I have a list.

    McDonalds Big Mac
    Crab Rangoon's
    French Fries
    Bread & real butter
    Dunkin Donuts Ice Coffee w/cream (large)
    these are just a few

    Maybe in March we can start logging down all the things we do not eat anymore, or at least to a minimum.

    Have a great day ladies.
