50+ Women



  • amy49
    amy49 Posts: 18 Member
    Good evening everyone. I hope you all had a good day. I had a good day got up and did my 4 mile walk,I dont weigh in until next monday. I feel like I have lost a litte. I pray that I did. Keep up the good work, :flowerforyou:
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Good evening everyone. I hope you all had a good day. I had a good day got up and did my 4 mile walk,I dont weigh in until next monday. I feel like I have lost a litte. I pray that I did. Keep up the good work, :flowerforyou:

    Way to go Carol:flowerforyou: I just got back from an hour+ walk outside and it sure feels great doesn't it? Just keep working away at it...we can all get tthrough this together:heart: I hope tonite I can get another workout done with the Biggest Loser Bootcamp DVD.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Good Evening All,

    Looks like we are all doing well. I had a great work out. Did my cardio and really felt great doing the weight training. I'm Very glad. I am feeling that I have more stamina. :bigsmile: When I do my house work, I don't seem to get so tired. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I just got through making stuffed cabbage for tomorrow. I will freeze the rest, my husband is not a left over person. :explode: I am. You know who wins. :frown: . It was from this site.

    The Link is below From: Fitness_Chick

    Topic: yummy crock pot cabbage rolls


    I have made it before and it is very good. A little work but it was worth it.

    So glad to see so many new faces.

    Keep up the fight

  • l_mahloy
    l_mahloy Posts: 118
    Hello everyone sounds like we are all determined despite the scale.:smile: I played tennis this morning took my dog for a walk this afternoon and plan a little treadmill work this evening. I am like everyone else trying to do what I can to increase my metabolism. I really do hate that it slows down so much after 47 for me. I am now 52 and it is so Slow:sad: Oh well I plan to keep on entering my food and exercise for how ever long it takes to get the weight off. Then I plan to still keep track so I don't gain this 20 stinkng pounds back. This is great to have a place to encourage and be encouraged and just express your feelings.
    Thank you all.:flowerforyou:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    :drinker: Good Morning All,

    Yes, I agree, the scale is not a friend. I am also going to continue to work hard at exercising and that is it. Even though I so want the scale to go down and stay. However, I know that is how it works. I have been on here for just about one year and I have fluctuated most ot the time like a roller coaster.

    I just keep telling myself I started in the 190's and now I am playing with the 160's. Not a fast apse but it is going in the direction I need it to be going.

    I love this site just to let off some steam when I feel I may lose it again. The support is fantastic.

    Well, I'm going to the gym with my husband this morning. :noway: (He will be 62 in april) He has only used the treadmill and finds it hard on his ankles and knees. I am going to show him how to use the elliptical. It's nice we are working on our health together. With not knowing how health care will be, I want to be in the best shape during the "blissful" part of my life "retirement". (I'm still not sold on that part):noway:
    I'm apprehensive the way the economy is at this point. :ohwell:

    Sorry about the negativity. I'm just rambling.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Swiss I know your surgery is soon so please take care and check in.

    Well, all have a great Morning, hope to see you

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    Good morning all from windy West Texas! Today is my weekly weigh and measure day. Since last Friday I have lost 3 pounds and 2 1/2 inches in my abdomen. Honestly I am more concerned about what the tape measure says than the scale. This makes day 9 of counting calories for me and last night I did something I have never done before....

    Yesterday I went shopping with my SiL and she wanted to stop at a coffee shop and get a treat. (You know how many calories are in those things!!!! :noway: Anyway I opted for what I thought would be a healthier choice and got a green tea "real fruit" smoothie. OMG!!! Turns out the thing had 370 calories in it! :embarassed: When I added it to what I had already eaten that day even a garden salad with lemon juice for dressing for supper was going to put me over the top so....

    FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, I went ahead and made my supper salad the way I like it with Ranch dressing, dried cranberries and a boiled egg. THEN I looked to see how many calories I needed to burn to work it off and took a walk with my dog.

    I felt so energized and jazzed for outsmarting that smoothie that I think I walked taller and faster than ever before. I didn't even have to remind myself to tuck my tummy! Turns out I walked long enough to earn an orange for a snack. But since I didn't feel hungry I didn't eat it. Today I'm feel empowered!

    SAW THIS JOKE IN READER'S DIGEST AND IT HIT CLOSE TO HOME: The wife asked her husband, "Want to walk around the block with me?" He replied, "Why? I'm already here."

    I too have a husband who thinks its grand that I want to do something about my weight, but insists that he gets "enough" exercise at work. (His BMI is in the same range as mine.) I get tired of walking and exercising alone, but we live out in the country and it just doesn't make sense to drive all the way into town to have someone to walk with. So I'm thankful to have this online group to spur me on. Exercising alone stinks, doesn't it!
  • Good Morning, Everyone, -- It's a little chilly this mornin' in Michigan but not as chilly as it is going to get later on . . . . you have to love the north to live here! Well, I rode my bike this morning and am feeling pretty good right now -- 9.72 miles. I would like to begin adding some light weight training but I don't have the time in the a.m. unless I wake up a 1/2 hr. earlier. :grumble: (LOL) Tomorrow is weigh-in day for me and I have mixed feelings.:ohwell: I'll let ya know how it goes. :happy:

    Way to go Suezzzque -- looks like you are off to an awesome start!

    Plantlady99 -- thanks for the recipe . . . I love cabbage and I think I will try this one.

    Oh, and by the way, I really tried hard to stay off the scale this morning . . . .:blushing: -- didn't work!! (LOL)

    Take care and keep on movin' -- talk to you later!!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning, Everyone,
    It snowed overnight Wednesday in my neighborhood adding shoveling snow to my list of fitness activities.
    The dogs love the snow but every dog walk results in wet towels to dry them and wet clothes for me to change. Thank God I have my own washer and dryer. It's been30 years since I had to share laundry facilities with others and I continue to be grateful for my own laundry room.

    I've never had luck with the concept of "exercise buddy". I like to just go and do whatever I want whenever I want. My current exercise pal is an MP3 player with my favorite music. As long as I have a charged battery I'm never alone.

    The microwave buzzer just told me my oatmeal is ready. Today I'm having it with craisins and canned peaches. yum yum.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Afternoon All, Checking in. :flowerforyou:

    Doing my lunch log in. Basic salad with Farmer Boy Restaurant Greek Dressing. ( 25 cal. 10mg sodium, 0 Cholesterol, 0 saturated Fat, 0 Trans fat, 3 Carbs.) I love to put this with a dash of other dressings or sometimes I use it alone if I really have to keep my calories down.

    It was like old home week at the gym. My youngest sister was there, her husband, my husband, my cousin and his girlfriend. I live in a small city, can you guess.:bigsmile:

    I'm going out with my sister for dinner and some drinks tonight. I have to save my calories. I'm trying on my cloths and I am really feeling good about how I look in them. This exercise is really paying off.

    AND, I really don't think it matters what kind of exercise it is as long as we keep moving.

    I could very easily be a couch potato. I'm not, I'm not going to be one.:flowerforyou:

    I know someone on this site, I think it was sue, said she hates to go clothes shopping. I'm hoping that I can enjoy buying new spring clothes this year. :noway:

    Hope everyone is having a great day.

  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Good afternoon to all the wonderful, strong, beautiful women on this thread:flowerforyou: We deserve to be the best that we can be:heart:

    I hope everyone is having a good day regardless of the snowy conditions some of us may be getting. Since it is a freezing rain, ice pellets and snow day here I opted to do a super duper workout inside today. I started off my morning doing a 50 minute workout on level 2 with the Biggest Loser Bootcamp DVD, then 62 minutes on the treadmill, 20+ minutes jogging, skipping rope and dancing around my basement like a crazy women and then another 10 minutes on my stationary bike. I am determined to keep the momentum going.

    The good news is that I dropped over 2 lbs of the couple that had snuck up on me when I wasn't looking:noway: I am going out to dinner tomorrow nite to celebrate a friend's birthday so I want to ensure that my metabolism is revved as high as I can get it.

    I was thinking of investing in an elliptical but I asked my physiotherapist his opinion of them and he said that he felt that they were not as low impact as what people are led to believe and that for individuals with knee problems that they may not be the best for them. Well, that put that idea right out of my head. The arthritis in my knees would not appreciate any more strain on them I am sure. However, the amazing thing is that I have noticed since dropping the weight I have that my knees don't click so much now especially when I am going up/down the steps. Not to say that they are not giving me any problems but I have noticed a difference in them. Thank goodness for these accomplishments:heart: So, the moral of my story is that I just need to keep doing what I am doing.

    Hang in there everyone. We can do this, one day at a time:flowerforyou:

    Cheers to all:drinker:

    (p.s.) Keep drinking your water:drinker:
  • committed
    committed Posts: 54 Member
    Haven't checked in in a while. It's been really busy at work. Even though I've been very busy, I've stuck to my calorie intake although there hasn't been much time for exercise. One thing I do is I strickly stick to my calorie intake for at least 2 weeks - then I'll splurge one or two days not pig out to where I'm stuffed but enjoy some of the not so good for your foods that have high calories and this seems to keep me from hitting a plateau - give the ole metabolism a boost. This also keeps me from straying from my regular diet when I know that real pizza, fettucine, or a piece of pecan pie is just around the corner.:bigsmile:

    Hopefully, in the next few weeks weather permitting I can start my garden. I always have a big vegetable garden ( 75' x 100') which requires a lot of work, but I definitely get my exercise and get a lot of fresh vegetables to enjoy.:bigsmile:

    Welcome to all the newcomers!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I have noticed that if I stick to watching my calories too closely that I don't loss weight. And if I eat something that is not so good for me then my weight will begin to move downwards. You are right. This will kick in the metabolism. Hey, what great news. As long as we do not abuse it.:bigsmile:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I am planning on weighing in this morning. I hope that the numbers are dropping.
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    Good morning! :flowerforyou:
    Happy weekend to all of us!
    It's sunshiny here in California. I'll do some yard work this weekend, after the grocery shopping & walking.
    My husband has never been interested in working out with me, either. Just hit & miss once in a while, but his younger brother had a heart attack last fall. (His younger, thinner, health conscious brother.) So he's walking 2-4 miles 4 days a week with me now & we bought a recumbent bike last weekend which is getting quite a workout with both of us chubs on it daily.:bigsmile:
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Afternoon All, Checking in. :flowerforyou:

    Doing my lunch log in. Basic salad with Farmer Boy Restaurant Greek Dressing. ( 25 cal. 10mg sodium, 0 Cholesterol, 0 saturated Fat, 0 Trans fat, 3 Carbs.) I love to put this with a dash of other dressings or sometimes I use it alone if I really have to keep my calories down.

    It was like old home week at the gym. My youngest sister was there, her husband, my husband, my cousin and his girlfriend. I live in a small city, can you guess.:bigsmile:

    I'm going out with my sister for dinner and some drinks tonight. I have to save my calories. I'm trying on my cloths and I am really feeling good about how I look in them. This exercise is really paying off.

    AND, I really don't think it matters what kind of exercise it is as long as we keep moving.

    I could very easily be a couch potato. I'm not, I'm not going to be one.:flowerforyou:

    I know someone on this site, I think it was sue, said she hates to go clothes shopping. I'm hoping that I can enjoy buying new spring clothes this year. :noway:

    Hope everyone is having a great day.

    Kathy, congratulations on the exercise and your clothes fitting better!! t I would love that- I hate being uncomfortable. I'm going to keep you in mind for inspiration!
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Good Afternoon All,

    I did really good with my calorie intake while out for dinner. I had burned enough calories to eat without feeling guilty. I had some pieces of very thin crust pizza and sushi. It was delicious.

    Today is a beautiful day here, almost spring like. But, snow and rain are in the forecast. :explode:

    I plan to rake some of my yard to get some exercise today.

    I really don't plan on going to the gym today.

    My stuffed cabbage came out great. I want to eat it all.

    My scale was kind to me. 165, which is the same as my Feb. 14th weigh in Day. I fluctuate so often that gaining a few pounds within my weigh in day does not bother me as much as it use to. :flowerforyou:

    I hope everyone is haveing a great day.

    Keep up the fight. We are worth it.

  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Good morning all:

    I went to the doctor yesterday for my annual exam and she said I was very healthy but....I noticed your weight is creeping up. She recommended a book titled "Younger Next Year" which I have ordered from Amazon. I'll let you know if it is inspiring to me. Has anyone else read it? Let us know what you think of it if you have.

    Tomorrow I will try to start a new thread for March for the 50+ (Aged) Women. What kind of goals should we list for March?

    I'll be back soon,
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    May be have a weigh in Date together?? I know the scale is the worst but maybe weighing in together will help.

    How does everyone else feel about it?

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    Good morning all:

    I went to the doctor yesterday for my annual exam and she said I was very healthy but....I noticed your weight is creeping up. She recommended a book titled "Younger Next Year" which I have ordered from Amazon. I'll let you know if it is inspiring to me. Has anyone else read it? Let us know what you think of it if you have.

    Tomorrow I will try to start a new thread for March for the 50+ (Aged) Women. What kind of goals should we list for March?

    I'll be back soon,

    :flowerforyou: Hi Esther,
    I like the idea of weighing in together. How about dumping a less healthy food in favor of a better one.

    MFP has helped me so much. It's harder to say "peanut butter is a healthy friend" when I see all the calories staring at me.

    Our new Nordic Track stationary bike in the living room has helped, too. It's hard to sit at the table knitting and watching TV when the bike is right there calling to me.

    The snow is melting so maybe spring is really on the way.
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Kathy & Barbie: Do you mean you would like us all to have the same weigh in day? Or just to report when our weigh in is and report how we are doing?
This discussion has been closed.