Dropping pounds with inspiring pals *CLOSED GROUP*



  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    So my laptop took a crap today! I am now using my husbands iPad! I am going shopping tomorrow for a new computer! So until I get one I might not be on here as much since I hate using this thing and can't go in the forums on the iPhone! Love you all! You all rock! My first scale peek is tomorrow!

    Don't know what kind of computer your looking into....but going to Dell Business (has to be the business section, not regular consumer), has some really nice laptops. They are way better stats for like $100 more than a crappier version on just the regular Dell website.
  • Finigan84
    I am off out of town for a funeral. I will checkback when I can. Good luck to everyone with the challenge to stay off the scale! You're all doing great cause even on a bad day you are still here and still trying to make healthy choices. Keep it up!!!
  • KLi531
    KLi531 Posts: 130 Member
    I bombed the challenge on the first day :sad: Its official....I am really addicted! Going to try and stay off the rest of the week. I had one of those mornings where I felt like I might have lost another lb....and couldn't resist looking....and of course...I didn't. :grumble: What a waste.... I'm really hoping to be at 225 or under by the end of this week. But I have a feeling I'm going to have to fight my way all through the 220's because they are going to be stubborn. :frown:

    Me too! i got out of the shower today and there it was sitting on the floor just begging to be stepped on...

    I can stay away from doughnuts and cookies for 3 months but I can't stay off the scale for 48 hours. It used to be I couldn't stay away from doughnuts and cookies for 48 hours and never looked at the scale. I'll take that as progress :)
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    My Wednesday peek was well worth it I am down to 271.4 today! Really hoping that I can get out of the 270's and into the 260's by Sunday my official weigh in on here!
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    MFP made me change my goals today it is the first time it has ever done that I guess I have jumped the gun and changed it before 10 lbs before. Do you all change it at 10 lbs lost or do you wait?
  • BrendarB
    BrendarB Posts: 2,770 Member
    Hi everyone, sorry, I took a couple days off and enjoyed all of lifes bad things and enjoyed every freakin minute of it! I'm back on the saddle again and have learned that I was really obsessed about weighing myself everyday, it's hard to look at that stupid thing and not get on it. I'm modifying my diet back some. I want to shoot for a 1-2 lb loss instead of a 3-5 lb, it was getting to be too much, and I found out that if life was miserable, then there is no way I was going to be able to maintain that as a life style. I'm getting a heart monitor in a couple of days (at least it should get here in a couple of days) cause I am curious if I am logging the correct amount of calories burned. I ended up doing the normal crossfit wod and then went back later and did the crossfit endurance wod and then stuck around and worked on double unders, sit ups, flutter kicks and pullups. The problem with trying to figure out the calorie burn is when I rest inbetween for a set amount recovery between sets. Thanks for letting me vent folks. Hope everyone is hanging in there, remember, if it was easy, you wouldn't appreciate it as much. You all have the heart and the drive to complete great things, and this is just one step along that road.
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    Hi everyone, sorry, I took a couple days off and enjoyed all of lifes bad things and enjoyed every freakin minute of it! I'm back on the saddle again and have learned that I was really obsessed about weighing myself everyday, it's hard to look at that stupid thing and not get on it. I'm modifying my diet back some. I want to shoot for a 1-2 lb loss instead of a 3-5 lb, it was getting to be too much, and I found out that if life was miserable, then there is no way I was going to be able to maintain that as a life style. I'm getting a heart monitor in a couple of days (at least it should get here in a couple of days) cause I am curious if I am logging the correct amount of calories burned. I ended up doing the normal crossfit wod and then went back later and did the crossfit endurance wod and then stuck around and worked on double unders, sit ups, flutter kicks and pullups. The problem with trying to figure out the calorie burn is when I rest inbetween for a set amount recovery between sets. Thanks for letting me vent folks. Hope everyone is hanging in there, remember, if it was easy, you wouldn't appreciate it as much. You all have the heart and the drive to complete great things, and this is just one step along that road.

    Wow, girl. 3-5 lbs per week is a lot to ask. Probably a good choice to scale back a bit. I hope your HRM will help you get calories burned... but it really depends on the HRM. I have one from Timex (about $40 on amazon.com) that gives me almost double-credit for calories! Like, 450 for a 2 mile/40 min walk. I've been using a Polar FT4 for the past couple of weeks and it seems much more reasonable... but maybe a bit *too* reasonable, but at least with that I don't worry about eating back some of my exercise calories. Let me know how yours works out for you once you've had a chance to play with it.

    Glad you're back! :)
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Im checking in my weight from last week...yes...Im running late as usual...lol sorry.......Dropped one pound last week so Im now at 228.0~ yay! Wish I were dropping more like 2 pounds per week...but I think my PCOS seriously battles my body.
  • ADTeachTX
    ADTeachTX Posts: 204 Member
    no i lied i just went back to my food log this week i actually did terrible, i went over at least 4 days this week and then the days i didnt go over i had almost 500 calories left over, my body is probably freaking out! this week along with the challenge of not looking at the scale till lext monday(hard for me) i have a goal of staying within 50 calories of my recommended and to also make sure im working out 4-5 times this week, and to stay positive not negative i have been super moody, uncle tom has been all wacky (12 days )and my hormones are a mess . so today im going to start a cleanse of all the negative! and can someone give me some pointers on how to handle going to other people houses, and family reunions with food, cause i screw up if im not incontrol!

    I am always able to stay in better control when I bring a dish that I know that I can eat to parties. Then I am not as tempted by the other dishes becuase I can just eat what I brought. Also have a fruit or some cheese or something before you go so that you are not really all that hungry.
  • ADTeachTX
    ADTeachTX Posts: 204 Member
    I'm totally all for this weeks challenge, I'm such a scale addict. I usually check everyday - sometimes multiple times a day... but I generally don't let it eat me up if I'm showing temporary gains. I peeked this morning, but tonight I'm gonna put the scale up on the shelf in my closet and it will stay there until my saturday weigh-in! If you don't hear from me in a while it means I gave in and crawled up on the shelves to check my weight and fell off and hurt myself :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: jk

    Can you count that as excerise calories?
  • ADTeachTX
    ADTeachTX Posts: 204 Member
    I'm sorry for all you ladies starting TOM....I really hope I don't get mine anytime soon, it was long and miserable enough last time....

    On a more random note.... I really want to go to six flags.... I'm in the mood to go on some roller coasters. lol


    I love rollercosters!
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    I'm sorry for all you ladies starting TOM....I really hope I don't get mine anytime soon, it was long and miserable enough last time....

    On a more random note.... I really want to go to six flags.... I'm in the mood to go on some roller coasters. lol


    I love rollercosters!

    That looks like SO much fun!!! Which ride is that?!?!
  • ADTeachTX
    ADTeachTX Posts: 204 Member
    Sorry I haven't been superdupper about checking in lately. Been oh so tired and don't have time to get enough rest. Good idea for a challenge maybe. My official weigh-in day is Wednesdays so my weight this morning was 276.6, down 2.2lbs from last week. Stupid open house tonight. I should probably get off here and go get ready for it. I have a report due to the boss this morning also. I should have finished it last night but worked until 7 then went home, picked up subway on the way home, vegged in front of the TV, got my Glee fix and my BL fix, all while battling the closing of my eyelids and finally gave in and crashed around 11:30. BTW, worked on that report for my boss while vegging in front of the TV. Oh, the saga of my life...
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    MFP made me change my goals today it is the first time it has ever done that I guess I have jumped the gun and changed it before 10 lbs before. Do you all change it at 10 lbs lost or do you wait?

    I used to change it whenever MFP told me too...(I think it slowly lowered me about 4 or 5 times) until it had me at 1240...I was always hungry, grouchy, and on top of it I wasn't losing. So I went int and adjusted my own goals back to 1440 (which is where i started).
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Im checking in my weight from last week...yes...Im running late as usual...lol sorry.......Dropped one pound last week so Im now at 228.0~ yay! Wish I were dropping more like 2 pounds per week...but I think my PCOS seriously battles my body.

    PCOS is dumb.... (I have it too)...it might with some battles, but we'll win the war! :)
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    That looks like SO much fun!!! Which ride is that?!?!

    Six Flags... I don't remember where though...I want to say like Montana or something.
    Sorry I haven't been superdupper about checking in lately. Been oh so tired and don't have time to get enough rest. Good idea for a challenge maybe. My official weigh-in day is Wednesdays so my weight this morning was 276.6, down 2.2lbs from last week. Stupid open house tonight. I should probably get off here and go get ready for it. I have a report due to the boss this morning also. I should have finished it last night but worked until 7 then went home, picked up subway on the way home, vegged in front of the TV, got my Glee fix and my BL fix, all while battling the closing of my eyelids and finally gave in and crashed around 11:30. BTW, worked on that report for my boss while vegging in front of the TV. Oh, the saga of my life...

    Vegging out on subway is better than some foods. This sounds a lot like what I do when I work (work is known for messing me up w/ munchies)...I'm always working at home, in front of the TV. Even if I'm not really watching the TV fully, I think it makes me feel like miserable while working. lol
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Well...so far so good. I have been exercising everyday this week and doing alright on my calories...(granted its only been 2 days..but whatever lol).

    So, speaking of heart-rate monitors. Do those of you who use one subtract your resting calories burned from it before entering in the exercise?

    I had a MFP friend post a blog about this a while back...I'll see if I can find it and post the link. But it made a lot of sense to me.

    Here is how it works (I'll use myself as an example).

    According to MFP and my activity level (which I have at sedentary) I burn 2,290 calories just being me. No gym etc.

    So that means if I take 2290 (calories I burn in a day) / 1440 (minutes in a day) = I burn 1.5 calories a minute just living life with no extra exercise.

    Now lets say I walk for 60 minutes and burn 300 calories. In that same 60 minutes I would have naturally burned 90 calories.

    So MFP is already accounting for 90 calories on my food diary when it picks how much I should be eating for a deficit..

    If I add the full 300 burned from exercise, I'm actually adding 390. Before adding exercise, you should be subtracting what you would have burned without it.

    Therefore, walking 60 minutes is 300-90 = 210 EXTRA calories burned.

    Yes...seems like a lot of math, but once you get it, its not really. But if you think about that. That means that if you eat back all your exercise calories everyday. Then your actually eating an extra 90 calories.
  • kimberly702
    kimberly702 Posts: 369 Member
    Heeeeeeey ladies!! I've been so bad about checking in... internet was down for a few days, missed ya'lls! What'd I miss?
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Well...so far so good. I have been exercising everyday this week and doing alright on my calories...(granted its only been 2 days..but whatever lol).

    So, speaking of heart-rate monitors. Do those of you who use one subtract your resting calories burned from it before entering in the exercise?

    I had a MFP friend post a blog about this a while back...I'll see if I can find it and post the link. But it made a lot of sense to me.

    Here is how it works (I'll use myself as an example).

    According to MFP and my activity level (which I have at sedentary) I burn 2,290 calories just being me. No gym etc.

    So that means if I take 2290 (calories I burn in a day) / 1440 (minutes in a day) = I burn 1.5 calories a minute just living life with no extra exercise.

    Now lets say I walk for 60 minutes and burn 300 calories. In that same 60 minutes I would have naturally burned 90 calories.

    So MFP is already accounting for 90 calories on my food diary when it picks how much I should be eating for a deficit..

    If I add the full 300 burned from exercise, I'm actually adding 390. Before adding exercise, you should be subtracting what you would have burned without it.

    Therefore, walking 60 minutes is 300-90 = 210 EXTRA calories burned.

    Yes...seems like a lot of math, but once you get it, its not really. But if you think about that. That means that if you eat back all your exercise calories everyday. Then your actually eating an extra 90 calories.

    No, I don't subtract my resting calories burned and, in all honesty, I probably never will. That would be making things FAR too complicated for me. I add what the HRM tells me I burned. The way I figure it, I burn WAY more and eat WAY less than I did pre-lifestyle change and that's good enough for me! :happy: