Dropping pounds with inspiring pals *CLOSED GROUP*



  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Hi All! Well since it's recipe day I'll add this one for Potato, Broccoli and Cheese Soup. It's kind of chilly here today and this makes me want some good cold-weather food! This is pretty much the original and I modify it depending on what I have available. A serving is usually under 300 calories unless you use more of the cheese.

    Original Recipe Yield 6 to 8 servings

    2 cups chopped onion
    2 teaspoons olive oil
    2 1/2 pounds peeled and cubed potatoes
    5 cups boiling water
    4 cubes chicken bouillon
    3 cups fresh broccoli, cooked and drained
    salt and pepper to taste
    1 1/2 cups shredded Low Fat Cheddar cheese

    1.In a large stock pot saute onion in olive oil. Add potatoes, water and bouillon cubes. Cover, bring to boil and then reduce heat to medium and cook until potatoes are tender, about 15 minutes.
    2.Remove tough outer skin of broccoli stems and cook broccoli. Once cooked add to soup.
    3.In a blender or food processor puree half of the soup and return to stock pot. Season with salt and pepper.
    4.Add cheese and heat soup through until cheese is melted. Serve warm.

    Made this today. It was sooo good! Thank you for posting this. :)
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Alright ladies since you really are my family on here and I can be honest with you all I will let you all know what specifically is going on with me. So you al know I went to the doc a week or so ago because of this unending TOM and I had gotten a call back that said my labs came back negative well I assumed that to be that all of my labs had come back well no! I got another phone call today and the results of my pap came back and it was abnormal alright I can deal with that I've had abnormal paps before but then they tell me that my HPV test came back positive!!!!!!!!! For any of you that don't know HPV is the Sexually Transmitted Disease called Human Pappiloma Virus, it is the cause of cervical cancer in women and genital warts. There is a vacine out there for it that you can start giving your girls once they reach the age of 11 I think maybe younger but when it came out they put a cut off age of 24 and I was already older then that so was unable to get the vaccine. I reccommend that you all if you have daughters get them immunized against it and I believe that there is a vaccine out there for boys as well. Anyway I am sceduled to go back in on the 6th for a biopsy to see if there are any cancerous cells. I'm really upset by this finding for a number of reasons 1 a year ago when I first saw my doc and he did the initial round of tests on me he never once thought to do a pap on me even though it had been a year since my last one. 2 I got this from my husband! The last person I was with was my daughters father and that was years before meeting my husband and have had normal yearly paps every year from then to now. 3 Depending on the results of the biopsy it could either permanently put a halt on future babies with my husband or significantly speed up my window of opportunity to have a child with him. 4 I am finally getting some of my PCOS symptoms under control with the weight loss and now I have to deal with the fact that I will forever be at risk of developing Cervical Cancer. It just sucks all around!!!!! I'm so mad and so upset and so scared!!!!!!! So there it is there is the story of what is going on with me.
  • rae_mayer
    Hi All! Well since it's recipe day I'll add this one for Potato, Broccoli and Cheese Soup. It's kind of chilly here today and this makes me want some good cold-weather food! This is pretty much the original and I modify it depending on what I have available. A serving is usually under 300 calories unless you use more of the cheese.

    Original Recipe Yield 6 to 8 servings

    2 cups chopped onion
    2 teaspoons olive oil
    2 1/2 pounds peeled and cubed potatoes
    5 cups boiling water
    4 cubes chicken bouillon
    3 cups fresh broccoli, cooked and drained
    salt and pepper to taste
    1 1/2 cups shredded Low Fat Cheddar cheese

    1.In a large stock pot saute onion in olive oil. Add potatoes, water and bouillon cubes. Cover, bring to boil and then reduce heat to medium and cook until potatoes are tender, about 15 minutes.
    2.Remove tough outer skin of broccoli stems and cook broccoli. Once cooked add to soup.
    3.In a blender or food processor puree half of the soup and return to stock pot. Season with salt and pepper.
    4.Add cheese and heat soup through until cheese is melted. Serve warm.

    Made this today. It was sooo good! Thank you for posting this. :)

    You're welcome! I'm making it again this weekend too! :happy:
  • rae_mayer
    Alright ladies since you really are my family on here and I can be honest with you all I will let you all know what specifically is going on with me. So you al know I went to the doc a week or so ago because of this unending TOM and I had gotten a call back that said my labs came back negative well I assumed that to be that all of my labs had come back well no! I got another phone call today and the results of my pap came back and it was abnormal alright I can deal with that I've had abnormal paps before but then they tell me that my HPV test came back positive!!!!!!!!! For any of you that don't know HPV is the Sexually Transmitted Disease called Human Pappiloma Virus, it is the cause of cervical cancer in women and genital warts. There is a vacine out there for it that you can start giving your girls once they reach the age of 11 I think maybe younger but when it came out they put a cut off age of 24 and I was already older then that so was unable to get the vaccine. I reccommend that you all if you have daughters get them immunized against it and I believe that there is a vaccine out there for boys as well. Anyway I am sceduled to go back in on the 6th for a biopsy to see if there are any cancerous cells. I'm really upset by this finding for a number of reasons 1 a year ago when I first saw my doc and he did the initial round of tests on me he never once thought to do a pap on me even though it had been a year since my last one. 2 I got this from my husband! The last person I was with was my daughters father and that was years before meeting my husband and have had normal yearly paps every year from then to now. 3 Depending on the results of the biopsy it could either permanently put a halt on future babies with my husband or significantly speed up my window of opportunity to have a child with him. 4 I am finally getting some of my PCOS symptoms under control with the weight loss and now I have to deal with the fact that I will forever be at risk of developing Cervical Cancer. It just sucks all around!!!!! I'm so mad and so upset and so scared!!!!!!! So there it is there is the story of what is going on with me.

    Naesue- I'm so sorry to hear about what you're going through. That has to be scary, but just remember that we're all here for you and are send good thoughts and prayers your way!! As several other ladies have mentioned, I too have PCOS and I even had the TOM for 2 months before they finally stopped it. So far nothing "serious" has come from it but it's a major reason I'm working on losing weight. I know at least a little bit of what you're going through!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Alright ladies since you really are my family on here and I can be honest with you all I will let you all know what specifically is going on with me. So you al know I went to the doc a week or so ago because of this unending TOM and I had gotten a call back that said my labs came back negative well I assumed that to be that all of my labs had come back well no! I got another phone call today and the results of my pap came back and it was abnormal alright I can deal with that I've had abnormal paps before but then they tell me that my HPV test came back positive!!!!!!!!! For any of you that don't know HPV is the Sexually Transmitted Disease called Human Pappiloma Virus, it is the cause of cervical cancer in women and genital warts. There is a vacine out there for it that you can start giving your girls once they reach the age of 11 I think maybe younger but when it came out they put a cut off age of 24 and I was already older then that so was unable to get the vaccine. I reccommend that you all if you have daughters get them immunized against it and I believe that there is a vaccine out there for boys as well. Anyway I am sceduled to go back in on the 6th for a biopsy to see if there are any cancerous cells. I'm really upset by this finding for a number of reasons 1 a year ago when I first saw my doc and he did the initial round of tests on me he never once thought to do a pap on me even though it had been a year since my last one. 2 I got this from my husband! The last person I was with was my daughters father and that was years before meeting my husband and have had normal yearly paps every year from then to now. 3 Depending on the results of the biopsy it could either permanently put a halt on future babies with my husband or significantly speed up my window of opportunity to have a child with him. 4 I am finally getting some of my PCOS symptoms under control with the weight loss and now I have to deal with the fact that I will forever be at risk of developing Cervical Cancer. It just sucks all around!!!!! I'm so mad and so upset and so scared!!!!!!! So there it is there is the story of what is going on with me.

    I'm so sorry to hear this! Hopefully when they do further tests though they will be able to give you some good news. I wish there was something I could say to make you feel better. Will be sending good vibes your way, and hope that your next bit of news is good.
  • mrssavvysteve
    mrssavvysteve Posts: 239 Member
    @naesue--- I am solo sorry!!!

    Iasfm--- I'm having a rough go of it lately just finding my motivation and such. I did get good news at the orthopedic dr today somaybenow that i am free to train my mood will improve.
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    Alright ladies since you really are my family on here and I can be honest with you all I will let you all know what specifically is going on with me. So you al know I went to the doc a week or so ago because of this unending TOM and I had gotten a call back that said my labs came back negative well I assumed that to be that all of my labs had come back well no! I got another phone call today and the results of my pap came back and it was abnormal alright I can deal with that I've had abnormal paps before but then they tell me that my HPV test came back positive!!!!!!!!! For any of you that don't know HPV is the Sexually Transmitted Disease called Human Pappiloma Virus, it is the cause of cervical cancer in women and genital warts. There is a vacine out there for it that you can start giving your girls once they reach the age of 11 I think maybe younger but when it came out they put a cut off age of 24 and I was already older then that so was unable to get the vaccine. I reccommend that you all if you have daughters get them immunized against it and I believe that there is a vaccine out there for boys as well. Anyway I am sceduled to go back in on the 6th for a biopsy to see if there are any cancerous cells. I'm really upset by this finding for a number of reasons 1 a year ago when I first saw my doc and he did the initial round of tests on me he never once thought to do a pap on me even though it had been a year since my last one. 2 I got this from my husband! The last person I was with was my daughters father and that was years before meeting my husband and have had normal yearly paps every year from then to now. 3 Depending on the results of the biopsy it could either permanently put a halt on future babies with my husband or significantly speed up my window of opportunity to have a child with him. 4 I am finally getting some of my PCOS symptoms under control with the weight loss and now I have to deal with the fact that I will forever be at risk of developing Cervical Cancer. It just sucks all around!!!!! I'm so mad and so upset and so scared!!!!!!! So there it is there is the story of what is going on with me.

    Honey, you have every reason to be angry and scared. I would be too.

    My OBGYN was encouraging me to take a special (as in not covered by insurance) HPV test a year ago. I explained that I'd been monogamous with my (now ex-) husband for more than 12 years. She said it can be dormant for years. So... that's the long way of saying don't beat up on your husband (at least not yet).

    I have a cousin who had cervical cancer - she had to have some tissue removed and was told she wouldn't be able to have a baby or carry to term. She did. Don't give up on that either!

    Praying for you.
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    Recipe Wednesday!

    I posted this earlier in my "status" thingy, but it's easy to miss that stuff. I tried this Peanut-Butter Banana Muffin recipe substituting natural peanut butter for the stuff used in the recipe (didn't have it at the time, but found it tonight at Trader Joe's). I also used whole wheat flour instead of all-purpose and halved the brown sugar replacing it with splenda. They're pretty good, and just under 200 calories with my modifications. Real PB has lots more calories than the stuff in the recipe!

  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I am off out of town for a funeral. I will checkback when I can. Good luck to everyone with the challenge to stay off the scale! You're all doing great cause even on a bad day you are still here and still trying to make healthy choices. Keep it up!!!

    See you when you get back!
  • razzyjazz
    razzyjazz Posts: 119 Member
    I am so glad that NeuroticVirgo contacted me, I could not find this thread for the life of me. I will start with my weigh in on Monday.
    Thank you again for the reminder.
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Well I'm still here I'm still alive but just barely! I'm just not feeling it right now I will still log in every day but I may or may not be finishing my food log every day. Had a horrible nights sleep. Couldn't turn my brain off! The worst part about all of this is that I have to wait 2 weeks before I even have my biopsy and who knows how long after that before I get my results. It is a long long long wait and the longer it goes the more freaked out I get.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    im so sorry! my prayers and thoughts are with you! you have been strong enough to lose this weight....don't ever quit being the strong inspirational women we look up to! if you ever need to talk you can always Pm me( or im sure anyone else on this thread for that matter..) much love to you my fellow cyster! keep us updated.

    Alright ladies since you really are my family on here and I can be honest with you all I will let you all know what specifically is going on with me. So you al know I went to the doc a week or so ago because of this unending TOM and I had gotten a call back that said my labs came back negative well I assumed that to be that all of my labs had come back well no! I got another phone call today and the results of my pap came back and it was abnormal alright I can deal with that I've had abnormal paps before but then they tell me that my HPV test came back positive!!!!!!!!! For any of you that don't know HPV is the Sexually Transmitted Disease called Human Pappiloma Virus, it is the cause of cervical cancer in women and genital warts. There is a vacine out there for it that you can start giving your girls once they reach the age of 11 I think maybe younger but when it came out they put a cut off age of 24 and I was already older then that so was unable to get the vaccine. I reccommend that you all if you have daughters get them immunized against it and I believe that there is a vaccine out there for boys as well. Anyway I am sceduled to go back in on the 6th for a biopsy to see if there are any cancerous cells. I'm really upset by this finding for a number of reasons 1 a year ago when I first saw my doc and he did the initial round of tests on me he never once thought to do a pap on me even though it had been a year since my last one. 2 I got this from my husband! The last person I was with was my daughters father and that was years before meeting my husband and have had normal yearly paps every year from then to now. 3 Depending on the results of the biopsy it could either permanently put a halt on future babies with my husband or significantly speed up my window of opportunity to have a child with him. 4 I am finally getting some of my PCOS symptoms under control with the weight loss and now I have to deal with the fact that I will forever be at risk of developing Cervical Cancer. It just sucks all around!!!!! I'm so mad and so upset and so scared!!!!!!! So there it is there is the story of what is going on with me.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    this is a metformin question....
    I notice when I eat healthy low carb and low sugar that my tummy can't handle my prescribed dose of 500 mg met twice a day...but if I eat carbs that day or a bit too much sugar my tummy is fine. isn't it supposed to be the other way around? should I have my dose decreased? maybe im not as insulin resistant after losing 40+ pounds? thanks for any info gals!!
  • pattynava
    Sorry everyone...kind of Late..Starting weight 280lbs...where I am now 275 OH-YEAH:drinker:
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    I would talk with your doc because yes as you lose weight things can change in your body and your need for the metformin might not be as necesary. I notice that the first couple of week of taking it after not taking it for a while I will get an upset stomach but if I sandwhich it in my stomach between food it does a lot better (for example eat half my meal take the pill then eat the other half). Never really noticed a difference in the carb intake but I am one that keeps or tries to keep to a fiber and protein rich diet with few simple carbs if at all. Any carb I eat is a complex carb with a good deal of fiber. But I would definatly talk with your doc. A lot of our symptoms can go away or greatly diminish as we get our weight down to a healthy range!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Alright ladies since you really are my family on here and I can be honest with you all I will let you all know what specifically is going on with me. So you al know I went to the doc a week or so ago because of this unending TOM and I had gotten a call back that said my labs came back negative well I assumed that to be that all of my labs had come back well no! I got another phone call today and the results of my pap came back and it was abnormal alright I can deal with that I've had abnormal paps before but then they tell me that my HPV test came back positive!!!!!!!!! For any of you that don't know HPV is the Sexually Transmitted Disease called Human Pappiloma Virus, it is the cause of cervical cancer in women and genital warts. There is a vacine out there for it that you can start giving your girls once they reach the age of 11 I think maybe younger but when it came out they put a cut off age of 24 and I was already older then that so was unable to get the vaccine. I reccommend that you all if you have daughters get them immunized against it and I believe that there is a vaccine out there for boys as well. Anyway I am sceduled to go back in on the 6th for a biopsy to see if there are any cancerous cells. I'm really upset by this finding for a number of reasons 1 a year ago when I first saw my doc and he did the initial round of tests on me he never once thought to do a pap on me even though it had been a year since my last one. 2 I got this from my husband! The last person I was with was my daughters father and that was years before meeting my husband and have had normal yearly paps every year from then to now. 3 Depending on the results of the biopsy it could either permanently put a halt on future babies with my husband or significantly speed up my window of opportunity to have a child with him. 4 I am finally getting some of my PCOS symptoms under control with the weight loss and now I have to deal with the fact that I will forever be at risk of developing Cervical Cancer. It just sucks all around!!!!! I'm so mad and so upset and so scared!!!!!!! So there it is there is the story of what is going on with me.

    Oh my gosh girl, I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine what you must be going through *hugs* I'm praying that your biopsy comes back negative. Hang in there, we're all here for you :heart:
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Thought I would share :) I am challenging mysel to see if I can do full press ups - I managed to squeek out 3 last night, not the best looking ones but I did it :)
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Ok I think I'm definitely a scale addict. I can't stop thinking about how much I weigh... have I done enough this week? Am I losing still? I'm feeling lighter... is it just my imagination? Its driving me crazy.... I was trying to get the fiance on the scale and I said to him "well, I can't weigh myself and I have this need for the scale so let me weigh you!" (He's afraid to look cuz he's been gaining weight, but he wants to continue to eat lots of food and drink soda like theres no tomorrow) LOL Do they have help programs for my addiction? :laugh: :laugh:
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Thought I would share :) I am challenging mysel to see if I can do full press ups - I managed to squeek out 3 last night, not the best looking ones but I did it :)

    Have you tried this site? Its neat, and it slowly gets you into being able to do 100!

    Ok I think I'm definitely a scale addict. I can't stop thinking about how much I weigh... have I done enough this week? Am I losing still? I'm feeling lighter... is it just my imagination? Its driving me crazy.... I was trying to get the fiance on the scale and I said to him "well, I can't weigh myself and I have this need for the scale so let me weigh you!" (He's afraid to look cuz he's been gaining weight, but he wants to continue to eat lots of food and drink soda like theres no tomorrow) LOL Do they have help programs for my addiction? :laugh: :laugh:

    If you find one, let me know, I think I need it too. I've been good on my calories and exercising...and once again CAVED into the scale...only to see I'm actually UP .6... :grumble: :explode: I think I'm being punished for lack of will power when it comes to the scale (But dang it...I'm using it all up to eat right and make myself exercise!). So let this be a warning to all you fellow scale addicts...if you peek, you probably won't like what you see! Tomorrow is my normal weigh-in day...but now I don't know if I should. But then again, Saturday I'm going to be on the road and away from home from 6am till about 1am Sunday...the prospects for sodium is going to be outrageous...so I can't imagine a good weigh-in for Monday either... <<< See OBSESSED.
  • kimberly702
    kimberly702 Posts: 369 Member
    AAaaaaaah, what a week! Where do I begin??? First off, it's been a great week up untill today exercise wise... didn't get much cardio in today.. just a walk with the dogs and 30DS. Which is good... my calorie burn was like 720 but it's been 1800. Been eating decent too... but not good enough I guess... even though on days the scale will say I've lost... on others I'm up. Keep going between 247-251. I guess I have had a couple bad nights... been a lot going on, and food used to be my go-to for comfort. Not so much anymore, although I do cave once in a while. Good thing is it almost makes me sick to my stomach when I eat a bunch of crap anymore... more reason to no too! So it's been 2 days since I've looked at the scale. I guess that's the thing this week? Not getting on the scale everyday? (Sorry, still trying to get back in the swing of things with the group after being gone a while).

    Blah... I could go on and on and on. Just needed to vent.