Dropping pounds with inspiring pals *CLOSED GROUP*



  • BrendarB
    BrendarB Posts: 2,770 Member
    wow, everyone did great last week. Me, I took the week off. Enjoyed myself way too much, drank way too much, ate out way too much.
    Here is what I've learned. It's amazing how quickly the weight can come back, what took me weeks to get off can come back in one week. And can I tell you that you feel crappy after a couple of days of eating horribly. It's amazing how aweful I feel. I think I needed that to help me refocus on why I am doing this. I for sure missed weighing myself everyday, I for sure used that as a gage on how good I've been and it's good to know that I use it as a motivator. Glad that's over with and I can start having that visual to push me through the week. I have been good about the exersice. I did the Metrodash on Saturday and was proud of how many of the obstacles I was able to accomplish. It was a little weird being the only fat person attempting the obstacle course, but was able to do 23 of the 30 obstacles. I think on top my crossfit and crossfit endurance wods, I'm thinking of getting the 30ds and doing this in the evening after the WODs just to see what it's like to do a workout at home.

    Naesue - hang in there girl!

    Everyone - hang in there, we are strong and can do great things with a little help from our friends.
  • mrssavvysteve
    mrssavvysteve Posts: 239 Member
    :bigsmile: Good Morning Everyone!

    Congrats on the losses everyone! and for those that gained, there's always this week and today to start fresh and get back on it :)

    AFM- I lost 4.2 lbs since Friday and since last monday, I've lost 4.8 lbs total....whoohoo!! I really did crack down on my eating this past week, and this weekend too... Usually the weekend brings a meal that I just don't "count' but not this past weekend! Praise the LORD for re-dedication and my newfound motivation! :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:

    I do have a question: Do any of you track your sugars? I am tracking mine long story short- I had cancer in 08 and had to have my thyroid removed, and as a result my pancreas is out of whack and wants to produce Crazy amounts of insulin if i don't watch my sugar intake. For awhile I was avoiding all processed sugars.. But I found a new love, Zone Perfect Protein bars, the chocolate mint ones taste like Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies... (not even kidding) anyways, they're generally packed with 15 or so grams of protein, and taste much better than some of their competitors...Anyways, I digress. When I eat that, my oatmeal, and salad, and other fresh veggies I find myself over in Sugar allotments.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I do have a question: Do any of you track your sugars? I am tracking mine long story short- I had cancer in 08 and had to have my thyroid removed, and as a result my pancreas is out of whack and wants to produce Crazy amounts of insulin if i don't watch my sugar intake. For awhile I was avoiding all processed sugars.. But I found a new love, Zone Perfect Protein bars, the chocolate mint ones taste like Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies... (not even kidding) anyways, they're generally packed with 15 or so grams of protein, and taste much better than some of their competitors...Anyways, I digress. When I eat that, my oatmeal, and salad, and other fresh veggies I find myself over in Sugar allotments.

    You know, I would talk to your doctor about that one. I personally do not track my sugars because I'm always over due to fruit usually. (I mean 1 banana is like my whole days worth of sugar). Then throw on top of that if I have a fiber one bar (or 2)...and I can say my sugar is usually through the roof. But I don't have an issue with insulin, that's why I really think it would best for you to talk to your doctor to find out what would be ok for you to eat. BTW I might have to go find these Chocolate Mint Zone bars... That sounds awesome!
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    NSV Monday! Hiking in a region called Hocking Hills last weekend had me hiking UPHILL a heck of a lot! Cool thing? I was able to not only keep up with, but outpace most of the other grownups and even a couple of the kids! I'm getting stronger under my "fluff". Yeah! :)

    Godhas8 - fantastic loss this week!

    NeuroticVirgo - great challenge - and will be super-challenging for me. Probably good for me too - the hard things in life tend to be that way. :)

    PattyNava - that cake your daughter made for you is amazing! Talented kid you've got there! :)

    MSwife - good job! You'll find those two pounds again and they'll stick!

    BrendarB - Great job on the race! You'll get back on track. Some people have great success weighing every day - if it works for you, run with it! You'll get back on track... maybe start with the food? Plan a few meals?
  • KLo924
    KLo924 Posts: 379 Member
    Hi all! It's so hard keeping up with all of you, but, I've seen some really amazing losses, NSVs, etc. WOOHOO us!! :)

    I just posted my weight - down 1.4 from last week, hoping for a better loss this week (I was out of town this weekend so that hurt me a bit - I went a little crazy on Sat.).

    NSV for me - this weekend my husband and I went out of town for my birthday. Normally this would entail probably barhopping or gambling or some fun decadent thing. This year we opted for exercise - went to bike part of the Great Allegheny Pass (annnnd did a tiny bar hopping in the evening). Unfortunately the weather (rain) and my bike (tire blown out) conspired against us, but to even go out and do a little of that was huge for me. That's the kind of person I want to be - a weekend warrior biking, hiking, etc. I'm becoming that person finally :)

    Have an awesome week, you guys! :)
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    NSV - Today I took my measurements (I do this every 2 weeks), so in the last 2 weeks I have lost:

    6 lbs
    1.5" in my hips
    1" in my waist
    1.75" in my bust

    (arms stayed the same and gained .75" in my thighs)

    I'm pretty pleased with this! I had been wondering why it still looks like my belly sticks out the same as my boobs, but I guess its cuz Iost too much in the boobs. Need to lose more belly! haha
  • russdev
    russdev Posts: 163 Member
    Well official weigh in is 219 lbs so down by 2.

    @NeuroticVirgo Been looking at 30 day lot of people swear by it might have to try it got dvd on my laptop...
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    So today is NSV day. My NSV's I guess this week are all the new found things that are fitting me now and the ones that are too big. I can actually wear my husbands pants now and that is the first time I have been able to do that since we got married. I'm also in a size 20 jean and they are a little loose but not quite an 18 yet, haven't been that size since before my daughter was born back in 2004. Also I noticed a few nights ago while having some marital time with my husband that I am a LOT more flexible then I used to be. :bigsmile: I am also almost in a regular size XL top now I am down to a plus size 1x in a lot of tops but sometimes my chest is still a little too big. On a downer note though even with the almost 50 lbs off of me I still can't really fit into the largest of halloween costumes from the halloween store. SOme I couldn't zip up and some my boobs just couldn't be contained by them. I think I may need to go shopping at Good will or some consignments shops to find an outfit to put together for a pirate costume. That is what we are all going to be this year.
  • Laurathabomb
    Laurathabomb Posts: 44 Member
    My starting weight this week is 233. I have been stuck between 229 and 233 since I can remember. I truly believe I am on a plateau. Grrrr. I have also been giving in to food temptations that I know I should not be. So, I am planning on getting back to some basic rules that work for me when going back to ground zero since starting this journey.

    1) No eating after 7pm
    2) Not eating more than my allotted calories
    3) Drink at least 10 glasses of water per day
    4) staying active
    5) Watching my sugar intake

    I pray that these five little steps will show results. I am just praying that I can stay committed. I plan on taking it one day at a time or even one meal at a time if I have to. :heart:
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    So today is NSV day. My NSV's I guess this week are all the new found things that are fitting me now and the ones that are too big. I can actually wear my husbands pants now and that is the first time I have been able to do that since we got married. I'm also in a size 20 jean and they are a little loose but not quite an 18 yet, haven't been that size since before my daughter was born back in 2004. Also I noticed a few nights ago while having some marital time with my husband that I am a LOT more flexible then I used to be. :bigsmile: I am also almost in a regular size XL top now I am down to a plus size 1x in a lot of tops but sometimes my chest is still a little too big. On a downer note though even with the almost 50 lbs off of me I still can't really fit into the largest of halloween costumes from the halloween store. SOme I couldn't zip up and some my boobs just couldn't be contained by them. I think I may need to go shopping at Good will or some consignments shops to find an outfit to put together for a pirate costume. That is what we are all going to be this year.

    Congrats on all the NSV's! You should look online into Renaissance (Ren Fair) outfits. Especially on ebay etc, where they are made by hand by people (usually people really into the whole thing, SCA etc) the sizes are much better to pick from, and usually really nice looking. You could probably find a good pair of Harem pants and a bodice for a good price. And look really good!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I'm attempting to stay away from the scale again this week (till Friday) even though its not a specific "challenge" ...I don't see why it should be so hard to stay off the freakin scale for 3 days! 3 days that's all! But I have a feeling it will come down between peeking at the scale and stabbing myself in the leg with a fork as my only means of distraction.... I tend to just rag on myself all week long though when I peek... a lot of "you haven't lost anything, what are you doing wrong?" or "0.2! thats it? Just 0.2 ... your totally not going to see a 2lb loss this week (btw this would be me on Tuesday comparing to my Mondays weight...sheesh)" ....

    I've come along way, because before no loss in 1 day meant bingeing because I was upset...but still...I don't need the self negative talk all week. I can only beat myself up stuff so much before I finally snap, and I tend to hold myself to high expectations in all aspects of life, usually so high I fail to achieve them or they are so far out of reach I give up entirely, so I'm sure you can just image what my mind has to say about everything else I do....ANYWAYS.

    Its not 1:20am...finally finished up the dishes, made lunches for tomorrow (mine too, so we'll see how that goes)...think I should go to bed now. haha
  • KLi531
    KLi531 Posts: 130 Member

    I do have a question: Do any of you track your sugars? I am tracking mine long story short- I had cancer in 08 and had to have my thyroid removed, and as a result my pancreas is out of whack and wants to produce Crazy amounts of insulin if i don't watch my sugar intake. For awhile I was avoiding all processed sugars.. But I found a new love, Zone Perfect Protein bars, the chocolate mint ones taste like Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies... (not even kidding) anyways, they're generally packed with 15 or so grams of protein, and taste much better than some of their competitors...Anyways, I digress. When I eat that, my oatmeal, and salad, and other fresh veggies I find myself over in Sugar allotments.

    I do and I almost always go over. I don't eat sugary foods, but there is sugar in lowfat milk (I've switched to almond milk because there's less sugar and it doesn't spoil as fast) and I have greek yogurt every day - and there is some in there too. Plus a little here and there in other foods. The main cause of my overage in sugar is almost always fruit. I eat an apple a day and usually grapes or an orange. I figure if the majority of my sugar is coming from fruits it's not that bad.

    I also drink apple cider vinegar with any meal that contains a lot of carbs. It is known to help with insulin resistance...
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    So I weighed in this morning at 271 even only 1 lb til I get to 50 lbs total lost from my highest at the begining of the year. I have about 8 til I am there from when I started really using MFP. So I decided that since I knew exactly what my husband ate today I was going to make him log his food today and made him weigh in and his weight today was 271 even we weigh exactly the same. I have always been heavier then he is and I am now almost less then he is. I really need to step up the weight loss so that I can lose more then him and become the smaller wife.
  • mrssavvysteve
    mrssavvysteve Posts: 239 Member

    I do have a question: Do any of you track your sugars? I am tracking mine long story short- I had cancer in 08 and had to have my thyroid removed, and as a result my pancreas is out of whack and wants to produce Crazy amounts of insulin if i don't watch my sugar intake. For awhile I was avoiding all processed sugars.. But I found a new love, Zone Perfect Protein bars, the chocolate mint ones taste like Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies... (not even kidding) anyways, they're generally packed with 15 or so grams of protein, and taste much better than some of their competitors...Anyways, I digress. When I eat that, my oatmeal, and salad, and other fresh veggies I find myself over in Sugar allotments.

    I do and I almost always go over. I don't eat sugary foods, but there is sugar in lowfat milk (I've switched to almond milk because there's less sugar and it doesn't spoil as fast) and I have greek yogurt every day - and there is some in there too. Plus a little here and there in other foods. The main cause of my overage in sugar is almost always fruit. I eat an apple a day and usually grapes or an orange. I figure if the majority of my sugar is coming from fruits it's not that bad.

    I also drink apple cider vinegar with any meal that contains a lot of carbs. It is known to help with insulin resistance...

    Never heard of drinking apple cider vinegar for that... Interesting. Now one time i did try a crazy diet where you drank a tablespoon of it every night before bed. I almost threw up each time so needless to say it didn't last long.

    Thanks for the feedback! :)
  • mrssavvysteve
    mrssavvysteve Posts: 239 Member
    I'm attempting to stay away from the scale again this week (till Friday) even though its not a specific "challenge" ...I don't see why it should be so hard to stay off the freakin scale for 3 days! 3 days that's all! But I have a feeling it will come down between peeking at the scale and stabbing myself in the leg with a fork as my only means of distraction.... I tend to just rag on myself all week long though when I peek... a lot of "you haven't lost anything, what are you doing wrong?" or "0.2! thats it? Just 0.2 ... your totally not going to see a 2lb loss this week (btw this would be me on Tuesday comparing to my Mondays weight...sheesh)" ....

    I've come along way, because before no loss in 1 day meant bingeing because I was upset...but still...I don't need the self negative talk all week. I can only beat myself up stuff so much before I finally snap, and I tend to hold myself to high expectations in all aspects of life, usually so high I fail to achieve them or they are so far out of reach I give up entirely, so I'm sure you can just image what my mind has to say about everything else I do....ANYWAYS.

    Its not 1:20am...finally finished up the dishes, made lunches for tomorrow (mine too, so we'll see how that goes)...think I should go to bed now. haha

    I tend to do the same thing... but I think the reason I can't not weigh every day is b.c of the days when I do lose, like this morning I showed -.6 from yesterday morning... (I wanted to add I weigh daily but only log in twice Fridays and Mondays).So I think it's the little negatives every day that make me hang on? I mean I could be addicted to worse things right? Of course you are wonderful so you'd better stop beating up on my friend like that :) or else :tongue:
  • mrssavvysteve
    mrssavvysteve Posts: 239 Member
    Ohh I forgot to add my NSV yesterday..

    Last night i did 2.2ish+ miles of walking in 38 minutes... While I know that's not fast, that's the first walking I've done since injuring my knee and being in PT, etc... and I woke up with NO pain this morning!

    YEEHAW!! Praise the Lord!!!
  • andijohn
    My starting weight this week is 233. I have been stuck between 229 and 233 since I can remember. I truly believe I am on a plateau. Grrrr. I have also been giving in to food temptations that I know I should not be. So, I am planning on getting back to some basic rules that work for me when going back to ground zero since starting this journey.

    1) No eating after 7pm
    2) Not eating more than my allotted calories
    3) Drink at least 10 glasses of water per day
    4) staying active
    5) Watching my sugar intake

    I pray that these five little steps will show results. I am just praying that I can stay committed. I plan on taking it one day at a time or even one meal at a time if I have to. :heart:

    If you stick to that for a few weeks you will get out of your plateau for sure!
  • BrendarB
    BrendarB Posts: 2,770 Member
    NeuroticVirgo, so I have another suggestion for the weekly challenge and it was based off of one of your posts. how about a week of non-processed foods. Try to stay as close to the original source of origin as possible, for example, butter, not margarine, or not having breads and pastas. Try to stay within 1 step of having picked or harvested it yourself. If it has more than 1 ingredient, it's processed. I've tried this a couple of times, it is super hard to do as this eliminates all pops, candies, and just about anything that you didn't cook from scratch.
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Well, I gained 2 pounds last week (suprise suprise). Pretty pissed at myself and my body is rebelling! :sick: Tomorrow is a new day, though, right?!?! Re-starting the 30 DS tomorrow.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Totally not related.... but I miss my 2 youngest nephews like crazy!! They are currently living in Hanoi, Vietnam (their father, my bro-in-law, is in the Marines and is stationed there until next summer). My sister posts videos of them in school and every time I watch one I end up crying because I miss them so much. Next summer can't come fast enough for me!

    Here is the oldest one teaching his classmates something:

    Here's the youngest who gets to learn on computers at school: