Dropping pounds with inspiring pals *CLOSED GROUP*



  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Wow you guys! We have lost almost 100lbs as a group!

    *let me know if your info is wrong, and I'll fix it. Or if you know how just go ahead and fix it. :)

    @Godhas8 - Great loss this week!

    @Mswife09 - I think we all struggle with going up and down between numbers! You will get back down to 268 and then even lower!

    @Nikkie_too - Your hike sounds like a lot of fun. Did the kids try to catch up when you passed them? My daughter seems to have "issues" with grownups going faster than her.

    @krismsulli - Glad you had a good birthday!! Sorry the weather was against you, but you two did great anyways. I think people "weekend warriors" as you called them lol, always look like they have such interesting lives. I can't blame you for wanting to be one of them!

    @Learning2LoveMe - Woo hoo for belly loss. :( for boob loss. I really think loss of boobage shouldn't allowed unless you want it to. Your nephews are cute, lucky kids getting to play on a laptop! haha

    @russdev - Let me know about 30DS if you try it. It can be pretty intense but good. My husband doesn't like it...says its to hard. lol

    @Laurathabomb - You can do it! If you feel your slipping don't be afraid to ask for support, even if its just people typing all over your profile to stay away from the temptations! lol

    @naesue - Congrats on the loss! That is so good, I'm happy that your getting to be the little woman of the house. :)

    @mrssavvysteve - Wow that is actually pretty quick for 2 miles. Good work!

    @BrendarB - I will definitely put that in for a challenge idea (I have a list growing from members lol) , and I bet it would be challenging! I think I would die...my diary would consist of apple...apple...apple... lol. I really do eat a lot of processed stuff, which isn't great... :(

    @TNAJackson - You can do this. As long as you keep going your winning :)
  • ADTeachTX
    ADTeachTX Posts: 204 Member
    I am a day late but my NSV is...

    I went shopping in my own closet again today (for the 2nd time).

    I also bought bras today and was down a band size. They last time I tried to go bra shopping I went to a different store and was trying to just replace the bra that I was wearing from that store. They had since stopped selling that size. Mind you this is a store that specializes in nothing but women's undergarments. They ladies at that store kept trying to get me to try smaller sizes and wanted me to just use an extender. Mind you-- all I wanted to do was replace they one I had already bought from that store. Anyway to make a long story short...I left the store angry and in tears. I did have to go a store for plus size women but I was able to buy a smaller size.

    I also took charge of my personal challenge today and parked at the top of the parking garage and walked the stairs of both the building and the parking garage. 416 steps today (I counted going up and coming down ...don't know if that is the way to do it but it is what I am doing which is more than I usually do.)
  • mrnls
    mrnls Posts: 95 Member
    Hi Everyone, I have been reading through many of the posts and am so glad to be here. Thank you @NeuroticVirgo!
    Working on changing up my goals this week. I need to look at the smaller picture rather than the large.

    What are some of your small goals?
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Nothing like putting on a shirt and looking like a red marshmellow. It was WAY too tight everywhere and it was the only clean shirt I have left (laundry day). You know it's bad when I refuse to wear it and wear a dirty one instead! DAMN! Why can't one freakin' article of clothing I own fit me?!?!?! :sad:

    So, what's this weeks challenege?
  • mrssavvysteve
    mrssavvysteve Posts: 239 Member
    NeuroticVirgo, so I have another suggestion for the weekly challenge and it was based off of one of your posts. how about a week of non-processed foods. Try to stay as close to the original source of origin as possible, for example, butter, not margarine, or not having breads and pastas. Try to stay within 1 step of having picked or harvested it yourself. If it has more than 1 ingredient, it's processed. I've tried this a couple of times, it is super hard to do as this eliminates all pops, candies, and just about anything that you didn't cook from scratch.

    I like this idea, but I too think it will be hard!!! But we could try :)
  • mrssavvysteve
    mrssavvysteve Posts: 239 Member

    Wed 09/28/11 10:52 AMNothing like putting on a shirt and looking like a red marshmellow. It was WAY too tight everywhere and it was the only clean shirt I have left (laundry day). You know it's bad when I refuse to wear it and wear a dirty one instead! DAMN! Why can't one freakin' article of clothing I own fit me?!?!?!

    So, what's this weeks challenege?


    Questions you should think about every week. This weeks challenge is to go over each question and answer them. You can share your answers here if you would like. But you don't have too if you would rather keep them private.

    1. When I looked in the mirror, what’s the first thought I had?
    "Rejecting and criticizing what you see in the mirror changes nothing. Accepting and respecting what you see changes everything!" - Elizabeth Patch

    Tip: If looking in the mirror is a negative experience, think about saying something positive instead, whether you believe it 100 percent or not. Think about one of your favorite features (or a “neutral” feature that you can’t find fault with). Think about what features you got from mom and dad. Or, next time, just smile at yourself — that’s it. Just practice looking at yourself and smiling.

    2. This past week, what’s one thing I did to improve my body image or to lead a healthier life?

    3. What’s one way I will improve my body image this week?

    4. Have I read something inspiring, uplifting or joyful?

    5. What is something that made me laugh or smile?

    6. What did I struggle with?

    7. What is one thing my body helped me do last week?

    8. How did I help someone else?

    9. What made me feel beautiful this week?

    10. What am I thankful for?
    "God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say "thank you?" ~William A. Ward
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Awesome. Thanks. Are we supposed to answer the questions now or wait until the end of the week?
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I broke down yesterday and totally binged. :angry: I'm not really sure why I did it either which bothers me more than all the stuff I ate. I was hungry no matter what, even after I ate my dinner and half of my fiance's dinner... my stomach was full but I still felt hungry. I ended up eating a bunch of cheetos puffs and a kit-kat and reese's cups (and I don't even really like reese's cups!). Finally went to bed about 1000 calories more than what my goal is. :embarassed:
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    I broke down yesterday and totally binged. :angry: I'm not really sure why I did it either which bothers me more than all the stuff I ate. I was hungry no matter what, even after I ate my dinner and half of my fiance's dinner... my stomach was full but I still felt hungry. I ended up eating a bunch of cheetos puffs and a kit-kat and reese's cups (and I don't even really like reese's cups!). Finally went to bed about 1000 calories more than what my goal is. :embarassed:

    Awh, it's ok though. At least you logged it all, right? Use the frustration you feel with yourself right now as a motivator for doing better today... and tomorrow... and the next day... etc. That's what I'm doing right now. I'm extrememly disappointed in myself, but I'm doing great today and looking towards the future! Hang in there! Maybe you were extra hungry because you didn't eat as much protien as usual? Or maybe you ate lighter at breakfast than normal? I dunno... just a couple thoughts (be aware though that I can't see your diary because I don't have your key, so I could have no idea what I'm talking about right now!) LOL! :laugh:
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I broke down yesterday and totally binged. :angry: I'm not really sure why I did it either which bothers me more than all the stuff I ate. I was hungry no matter what, even after I ate my dinner and half of my fiance's dinner... my stomach was full but I still felt hungry. I ended up eating a bunch of cheetos puffs and a kit-kat and reese's cups (and I don't even really like reese's cups!). Finally went to bed about 1000 calories more than what my goal is. :embarassed:

    Awh, it's ok though. At least you logged it all, right? Use the frustration you feel with yourself right now as a motivator for doing better today... and tomorrow... and the next day... etc. That's what I'm doing right now. I'm extrememly disappointed in myself, but I'm doing great today and looking towards the future! Hang in there! Maybe you were extra hungry because you didn't eat as much protien as usual? Or maybe you ate lighter at breakfast than normal? I dunno... just a couple thoughts (be aware though that I can't see your diary because I don't have your key, so I could have no idea what I'm talking about right now!) LOL! :laugh:

    I don't normally eat breakfast (bad I know!)... I gotta get back into that habit. I didn't eat much at lunch, maybe thats why? My key is 1985 if you wanna take a look.
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    I am gutted because I will have only lost maybe 3lb this month :( but think I am on to the issue - I seem to have an issue with carbs, even when I am being good! I have over 50% carbs some days!!!!! So going to try a higher protein diet for a bit.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Awesome. Thanks. Are we supposed to answer the questions now or wait until the end of the week?
    You could probably do them whenever. :) Or even everyday and see how your answers stay the same or if they are different.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Hi Everyone, I have been reading through many of the posts and am so glad to be here. Thank you @NeuroticVirgo!
    Working on changing up my goals this week. I need to look at the smaller picture rather than the large.

    What are some of your small goals?

    I want to complete the Half-Marathon I signed up for in December. :) I'm horrible at making small goals (I tend to look at EVERYTHING and overwhelm myself). I'm attempting to make more small fitness goals vs weight goals. Its much better for me to say "My goal is to burn 2000 calories this week"...than "My goal is to lose 4lbs this week"...because one I can control the other I can't....

    What are some of your goals?
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I am gutted because I will have only lost maybe 3lb this month :( but think I am on to the issue - I seem to have an issue with carbs, even when I am being good! I have over 50% carbs some days!!!!! So going to try a higher protein diet for a bit.

    You can do it :) Speaking of food, how's your sodium look? Sodium can really throw my weight loss...
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I broke down yesterday and totally binged. :angry: I'm not really sure why I did it either which bothers me more than all the stuff I ate. I was hungry no matter what, even after I ate my dinner and half of my fiance's dinner... my stomach was full but I still felt hungry. I ended up eating a bunch of cheetos puffs and a kit-kat and reese's cups (and I don't even really like reese's cups!). Finally went to bed about 1000 calories more than what my goal is. :embarassed:

    Awh, it's ok though. At least you logged it all, right? Use the frustration you feel with yourself right now as a motivator for doing better today... and tomorrow... and the next day... etc. That's what I'm doing right now. I'm extrememly disappointed in myself, but I'm doing great today and looking towards the future! Hang in there! Maybe you were extra hungry because you didn't eat as much protien as usual? Or maybe you ate lighter at breakfast than normal? I dunno... just a couple thoughts (be aware though that I can't see your diary because I don't have your key, so I could have no idea what I'm talking about right now!) LOL! :laugh:

    I don't normally eat breakfast (bad I know!)... I gotta get back into that habit. I didn't eat much at lunch, maybe thats why? My key is 1985 if you wanna take a look.

    I barely eat breakfast either....or at least its a late breakfast (wake up at 6:30am...don't eat until about 11am). Just not hungry that early in the morning. Were you upset about something, or anxious? I always eat like that when something is bothering me (even if I don't know what it is...its just a "feeling"). But I seem to eat and eat even after I'm full...like I think the food is going to make the feeling go away.... Might be something to think about?
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Wed. Recipe Day - Meat Balls (These aren't exactly low calorie...but very filling).


    1lb lean Hamburger (96/4)
    1 egg
    1/4 cup bread crumbs
    (2 tbsp olive oil)
    No Salt Tomato Sauce 8 oz

    1) Mix all Ingredients in bowl with hands until evenly mixed together.

    2) roll into 1 oz balls (should make 16..)

    3) In frying pan, add olive oil. Turn to warm.

    4) Add balls to warm oil, and roll around in the pan. (just grab the handle and kind of shake it back and forth lol).

    5) Let cook for about 10 minutes, "rolling" the balls every few minutes or so, that way one side doesn't cook more than the other sides.

    *I'm guessing you could probably cut some of the calories by baking and not using the oil...

    6) Add 8oz of No Salt Tomato Sauce. Mix balls around in sauce. Add seasonings (garlic, onion powder, Italian seasoning, pepper etc)

    7. Let cook on low for another 3-5 minutes. Mix again and serve.

    Facts per ball ( 1 meatball)

    Calories: 60 Carbs: 3 Fiber: 0 Fat: 3 Protein: 6 Sugar: 1 Sodium: 39
  • Finigan84
    I need to vent... I am just so frustrated!!!

    My doctor gives me praise for eating right and exercising, yay! Then she turns around and tells me all my latest fibro flare up pain is caused by the circuit training I have been doing and she thinks I should stick to walking/yoga. Just when I start to feel stronger and get a great workout and see some progress (inches more than pounds but still a step in the right direction) I feel like I am back to where I started with workouts that weren't pushing me. Now...do I keep it up and risk being incapacitated by pain or stick to workouts that feel incomplete and remain dissatisfied with myself and my weight loss. Either way I feel like I lose...
  • KLi531
    KLi531 Posts: 130 Member
    I need to vent... I am just so frustrated!!!

    My doctor gives me praise for eating right and exercising, yay! Then she turns around and tells me all my latest fibro flare up pain is caused by the circuit training I have been doing and she thinks I should stick to walking/yoga. Just when I start to feel stronger and get a great workout and see some progress (inches more than pounds but still a step in the right direction) I feel like I am back to where I started with workouts that weren't pushing me. Now...do I keep it up and risk being incapacitated by pain or stick to workouts that feel incomplete and remain dissatisfied with myself and my weight loss. Either way I feel like I lose...

    Maybe there is a middle ground that you just haven't found yet? Something that will make you feel like you really worked it without causing you pain. Whoever said 'no pain, no gain' definitely didn't have fm. I hear its extremely painful and you don't want to do anything that's going to make it even worse. You'll still get to your goal either way but you shouldn't have to feel incapacitated by pain.
  • andijohn
    Here is my Recipie for today!!
    Baby Breakfast Quiches: chop up and layer of bacon, or if you are vegitarian like me you can add fake bacon or just skip it, a medley of fresh veggies, and shredded cheese. Whip up 6-8 eggs with milk and add 1tsp of flour. Pour mixture on top. Bake for 18 mins at 350 and you have a healthy on-the-go breakfast for the week!
  • ADTeachTX
    ADTeachTX Posts: 204 Member
    Recipe Wednesday - cheater recipe

    I bought a McCormick Country Style Chicken Bag & Season and followed the instructions on the back. It was super yummy and easy! Came out to about 180 per piece of chicken. Not too bad I thought! It was supposed to be my hubby's night to cook and this is what I left for him to make because it has instructions on the back of the package that were easy to follow but he ended up working late (still isn't home) and I decided to go ahead to make it anyway. It turned out great. I will definately use it again.