Dropping pounds with inspiring pals *CLOSED GROUP*


:heart: Hey everyone! So we have some old members and new members in the mix today, and a few changes. I'm sure these first few pages will go by fast due to everyone getting to know each other, but rest assure we'll all find a groove and a more manageable pace over the next few weeks. Feel free to add each other!

So here is the deal:

Weekly Weigh-Ins: (mandatory) - Every week you need to weigh in and post your new weight between Friday and Monday (Monday before noon please). I'm going to keep track of the groups progress, and will post our results Monday night or Tuesday. Lets all reach our goals together! :flowerforyou:

Daily Check-ins: (optional but recommend)- Check in everyday. Did you stay under calories? Drink at least 8 cups of water? Get in some exercise? Have something good happen today? Let us know your doing well, and also let us know if your struggling. We are here to help each other. Got a craving, post, whine, vent, do what you need to do to move forward.

Weekly Challenges: (optional) - We will have weekly challenges. These can be physical challenges, mental challenges, emotional challenges... I will post the weekly challenge every Monday morning.

idea-013.gif Have an idea for a weekly challenge? Send me a message (because I know I won't be able to come up with something alone every week!)

red_arrow_small.gifMonday (NSV - Non-Scale-Victory) Day: (optional) - The scale is a great way to track your progress, but its the small victories we have that keep us going! We all need to focus on the positive aspects getting healthy brings! Did you fit in a smaller size? Maybe you ran a whole minute, when you couldn't even run at all before? These are all positive changes. :bigsmile:

red_arrow_small.gifWednesday Recipe Day: (optional) - Have a recipe you love that's low calorie and filling? Found a awesome food or snack at the grocery store, let us all know about it! Of course your welcome to share your food for though at any time, this is just extra incentive to share.

red_arrow_small.gifFriday Fitness Day: (optional) - What are you doing to work out and burn calories? Maybe sharing your work out plan will help motivate others to step it up or even get started! Sharing is caring! (LOL!)

:indifferent: On a side note. Being part of a support group and losing weight calls for commitment. We all understand that not everyone can hop on the computer everyday. We do need each member to check in AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK Even if its just a quick, "Hey, I'm alive, doing good, seeya!" . If you are unable to check in for a while, let us know why before you disappear. Life getting a bit hectic? Need a breather? Going on Vacation? We can only support you if you are here.

This is not to discourage anyone, but members who disappear for long periods of time may find themselves not a member anymore. This is why its important to let us know whats going on before you disappear! If you see that someone has not posted in a while, check on them! Maybe they are struggling and too afraid to ask for help. But there is only so much we can do, we can't force people to be involved. And remember, receiving support is just as important as giving it.

This is a closed group. This will help keep the group from becoming to overwhelming. Do not feel that you have to respond to every post! If you have time, and can, then GREAT! But this group is to help motivate, not meant to take over your life, or make you feel discouraged if you can't keep up with every single post.

Now lets get this party started! party-smiley-17091.gif

Members: ADTeachTX ♥ Aleciajones ♥ andijohn ♥ atd81 ♥ BrendarB ♥ CamelotKennedys ♥ caroltina ♥ chrystal559 ♥ Claudia007 ♥ cobarlo14 ♥ Familiar ♥ Finigan84 ♥ Godhas8 ♥ Jade39 ♥ Kacky641 ♥ KateHubb ♥ kcb315 ♥ kimberly702 ♥ KLi531 ♥ krismsulli ♥ Laurathabomb ♥ Learning2LoveMe ♥ LifeAfter29 ♥ megamoo04 ♥ melkadee ♥ Melroxsox ♥ mrnls ♥ mrssavvysteve ♥ naesue ♥ NeuroticVirgo ♥ Nikkie_too ♥ pattynava ♥ radianthippychick ♥ rae_mayer ♥ razzyjazz ♥ rebecky27 ♥ russdev ♥ SnuggieMeeko ♥ tamanella ♥ theonlychuck ♥ TNAJackson ♥ Tonnina

*If I forgot your name let me know (lots of people lol).


  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Alright. Lets get started. I need your starting weight everyone :)

    My SW: 228lbs (which hopefully I'll pass finally, been flopping between 228 and 235 for the last 3 months it feels like!)
  • atd81
    atd81 Posts: 225 Member
    Weight at the moment is 291 :) Hi everyone, so happy to be a part of this group :)
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Hia all, I am 226 now, hope your all well, a hard weekend for you Americans. Know the uk thinks of u all.
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Edit *** double post iPad crapness!
  • andijohn
    Hi All my starting weight right now is 273, I am so excited for this group.
  • kcb315
    kcb315 Posts: 160 Member
    sw: 217.6 been going up and down lately :(
  • Finigan84
    Hello :smile: Starting at 249. Looking forward to getting to know you all!
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    Thanks so much for doing this NeuroticVirgo! :)

    I weigh weekly and it's Fridays ATM. My weight on Friday was 278.6 - we'll call that my SW and I'll check in on Fridays.
  • KLi531
    KLi531 Posts: 130 Member
    Hi everyone!! Starting weight is 254...
  • rae_mayer
    Hello Everyone! Well my weight for the past week has been around the 264 mark. (I gained a little!) I'm hoping to get beyond this little plateau.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Current weight is 221. I will weigh in again tomorrow and whatever it says I will reset my ticker with that.

    I'm kinda bummed out today... you know how on facebook they added in "on this day in 2010" and it tells you what you posted. Well apparently today last year I lost 2 lbs putting me at 16 lbs lost. I was at 208 a year ago, now I sit here at 221... I wish I could keep my motivation up, I could be at 180 today instead of 221!

    Glad to see some new faces in here, welcome to all the new people! I hope to see some old faces in here too :smile:
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    Hey my name is Chrystal.
    My current weight is 307.
    I am here but I am not able to sign on everyday. Some of you may know what is going on but to the one who don'e here it goes.
    I am caring for my dying mother. She is dying of Liver failure and not doing good at all. We are thinking that she only has a couple more days.
    With all the stess of caring for my mother it is hard to say to my diet. But once everything is done and taken care of I am planning of going back on my diet. It is just so much work to take care of everything here and all the stress. I am going through alot and I am taking a break from my weight loss journey. But I did not give up... Just taking a break.
    So I try and stop and post updates on whats going on or how I am doing but not very often.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I'm kinda bummed out today... you know how on facebook they added in "on this day in 2010" and it tells you what you posted. Well apparently today last year I lost 2 lbs putting me at 16 lbs lost. I was at 208 a year ago, now I sit here at 221... I wish I could keep my motivation up, I could be at 180 today instead of 221!

    Thats messed up. You should kick facebooks butt for making you bummed out!
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm super excited! My SW is 233.
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Hi Chrysal, you've done a great job keeping going, hope you are ok, and I am sure you know we will all be here when u are ready to resume. Sorry to hear about your situation.
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 846 Member
    Hey everyone! Just wanted to say Hi for now, will post my weight tomorrow morning
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member

    Members: ADTeachTX ♥ Aleciajones ♥ andijohn ♥ atd81 ♥ BrendarB ♥ CamelotKennedys ♥ caroltina ♥ chrystal559 ♥ Claudia007 ♥ cobarlo14 ♥ Familiar ♥ Finigan84 ♥ Godhas8 ♥ Jade39 ♥ Kacky641 ♥ KateHubb ♥ kcb315 ♥ kimberly702 ♥ KLi531 ♥ krismsulli ♥ Laurathabomb ♥ Learning2LoveMe ♥ LifeAfter29 ♥ megamoo04 ♥ melkadee ♥ Melroxsox ♥ mrnls ♥ mrssavvysteve ♥ naesue ♥ NeuroticVirgo ♥ Nikkie_too ♥ pattynava ♥ radianthippychick ♥ rae_mayer ♥ razzyjazz ♥ rebecky27 ♥ russdev ♥ SnuggieMeeko ♥ tamanella ♥ theonlychuck ♥ TNAJackson ♥ Tonnina

    *If I forgot your name let me know (lots of people lol).

    No pinstripe? She sounded like she could really use the support in her last post, even if she isn't on a whole lot.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    hi!!! starting at 229!!! good luck everyone!!
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    Right now I'm 258.6lbs, I was 270lbs when I started though! Good luck to all!
  • Kacky641
    Do you want our starting weight from the time we began myfitness pal or from our last weigh in?