Dropping pounds with inspiring pals *CLOSED GROUP*



  • KLo924
    KLo924 Posts: 379 Member
    Thanks to everyone for being part of this group (and to neurotic virgo for hosting!)

    My weight at the beginning of this week = 222.2
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Do you want our starting weight from the time we began myfitness pal or from our last weigh in?

    Where you are now. :)
  • Godhas8
    Godhas8 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello everyone... I will weigh in tomorrow. Have a great evening :D
  • kimberly702
    kimberly702 Posts: 369 Member
    Hey everybody! My last weigh in weight was 249, although today it was 251 :ohwell: Had kind of a rough time earlier this week taking care of sick kids, staying up waaaaay too late and snacking... but I'll weigh in the morning for actual weigh in. Good luck and can't wait to get to know ya'll better! :flowerforyou:
  • KateHubb
    KateHubb Posts: 366 Member
    SW: 238
    CW: been going between 220 and 221 for almost 2 weeks now... ugh
    Hoping to be 218 or 219 by this Friday!
  • ADTeachTX
    ADTeachTX Posts: 204 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new here. SW as of last Wednesday (my weigh-in day) was 281.4. I am looking forward to reading all about your journeys on here. I log in daily and will try to check this page daily as well. Can't stay too long tonight. Still have to finish a paper for grad school which is due by midnight. Been having a "I need to sleep weekend" so I am hoping to finish up the paper in the next 30 minutes or so and go to bed early.
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    I'm kinda bummed out today... you know how on facebook they added in "on this day in 2010" and it tells you what you posted. Well apparently today last year I lost 2 lbs putting me at 16 lbs lost. I was at 208 a year ago, now I sit here at 221... I wish I could keep my motivation up, I could be at 180 today instead of 221!

    Stupid FB! You're here with us now, girl! That's the right direction for sure! :)
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    I am caring for my dying mother. She is dying of Liver failure and not doing good at all. We are thinking that she only has a couple more days.
    With all the stess of caring for my mother it is hard to say to my diet. But once everything is done and taken care of I am planning of going back on my diet. It is just so much work to take care of everything here and all the stress. I am going through alot and I am taking a break from my weight loss journey. But I did not give up... Just taking a break.
    So I try and stop and post updates on whats going on or how I am doing but not very often.

    Chrystal - I can't imagine how difficult a place you're in right now. So sorry about your situation. Wishing you strength and grace through this time.
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    @ caroltina & Nikkie_too

    Thank you so much, This is so hard to go through but I am making it. I have decided that I have emotions and i have to express them. I know if I hold them in like everyone else in my family that I am going to be completely crushed when she does pass. I love my mother so much. Right about now I just want God to take her so she doesn't have to go through all this pain and distress.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    @ caroltina & Nikkie_too

    Thank you so much, This is so hard to go through but I am making it. I have decided that I have emotions and i have to express them. I know if I hold them in like everyone else in my family that I am going to be completely crushed when she does pass. I love my mother so much. Right about now I just want God to take her so she doesn't have to go through all this pain and distress.

    Chrystal you are such a strong person! I don't think I could do what you are doing. You are a great daughter for taking care of your mother and making her feel as comfortable as possible (including the little things like painting her nails).
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Glad to report as of Sunday, half our group has checked in with their weight. :) I'm sure everyone else will be on tomorrow (Monday - Friday is always more popular and busy than Saturday & Sundays lol).

    So, its almost midnight, and I can't sleep. I think my husband having to go back onto shift work did it. I was doing really good for a while (actually managing to get tired, and at least venture into the bedroom and rest before midnight!). But yesterday I couldn't sleep, and finally crashed out at almost 3am! Turned around woke up at 7am, stayed up all day, and here I am again.

    Took some benadryl to help knock me out, so I'm sure I'll be asleep here soon. (I've tried Melatonin, doesn't work, I must be immune!) In the mean time, I'm boiling some eggs so I can make deviled eggs tomorrow. Thinking I might start making deviled eggs and hard boiled eggs as an on hand snack.

    Anyways, see you all tomorrow. Good night [img]http://freeemoticonsandsmileys.com/animated emoticons/Activity Animated Emoticons/sleep on pillow.gif[/img]
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    @ NeuroticVirgo

    Thank you so much... I know that you watch my post on facebook so I know you know exactly what is going on and how I feel.
  • KLi531
    KLi531 Posts: 130 Member

    In the mean time, I'm boiling some eggs so I can make deviled eggs tomorrow. Thinking I might start making deviled eggs and hard boiled eggs as an on hand snack.

    I hard boil a whole thing of eggs and keep them in the fridge. It just makes it easy when I am lazy and don't feel like cooking. (::cough, cough:: everyday ::cough, cough)
  • KLi531
    KLi531 Posts: 130 Member
    Hey my name is Chrystal.
    My current weight is 307.
    I am here but I am not able to sign on everyday. Some of you may know what is going on but to the one who don'e here it goes.
    I am caring for my dying mother. She is dying of Liver failure and not doing good at all. We are thinking that she only has a couple more days.
    With all the stess of caring for my mother it is hard to say to my diet. But once everything is done and taken care of I am planning of going back on my diet. It is just so much work to take care of everything here and all the stress. I am going through alot and I am taking a break from my weight loss journey. But I did not give up... Just taking a break.
    So I try and stop and post updates on whats going on or how I am doing but not very often.

    I am so sorry. I can't imagine what you are going through. Just take care of yourself and your mother, we'll be here whenever you are ready.
  • Godhas8
    Godhas8 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello and good morning everyone!

    Heaviest weight: 5/2006 - 360-lbs.
    12/2009 - 349-lbs.
    3/2010 - 324-lbs.
    Began MFP 7/2010 - 330-lbs.
    7/2011 - 285-lbs.
    Today 9/2011 - 292-lbs.

    Today begins a new chapter of my life!!! Have a beautiful-blessed day today!
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Hello all welcome to our new group! Sorry I didn't see this til this morning yesterday was an exciting day in our family. I am an Aunt as of 5:34 pm yesterday to a beautiful little girl named Avonlea Anne. She was 7# 4oz and 20.5 inches long. She has lots of dark hair and dark eyes and looks just like her Momma only with her Daddy's chin and ears. My current profile pic is me holding her last night. I will post a pic of just her soon.

    So right now I am at a hotel with my mom and can't give you my weight as of today but yesterday when I hopped on in the morning I was at 274.2! Oh and my name is Renee! I have a beautiful little girl myself who is 7 and I talk about her a lot! I will try and be back on later today but going to go and love on my niece now!
  • megamoo04
    good morning everyone :) sw is 289
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    Hi all! Sorry - I don't get on the computer much during the weekends - my app on my phone doesn't let me get to the boards.

    Chrystal - you have quite a bit on your plate....so sorry that you have to go through this right now. My heart goes out to you, even though I don't even really know you.....

    Learning2Love- don't dwell on the past - silly fb for bringing it up....just keep looking forward and make changes for the future.

    nasue - congrats on the addition to your family! Yay for babies!!!!

    My name is Becky and I weigh-in on Tuesdays. Last week I was at 238.6.

    Looking forward to an awesome week...even though it is Monday!
  • BrendarB
    BrendarB Posts: 2,770 Member
    Sorry all, I don't normally get on a computer on the weekends. My Friday weigh in was 225.
    I 'm excited, this is the first time I have actively sought out support on MFP.
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 846 Member
    Good Morning, 353.4 today