Dropping pounds with inspiring pals *CLOSED GROUP*



  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    naesue - Glad you had a good time visiting with the new baby. :) You will get to where you need to be soon enough. And just think. Even though your getting to the same weight you were with your other baby, you'll probably be even healthier at that weight this time with all the exercise and nutrition. If you do go to a OBGYN you could always talk to them about different possibilities for pregnancy with PCOS. Its not exactly "fun", but my doctor did tell me they have all kinds of treatments for it now to help .

    ADTeachTX - You do sound busy! Is there anyone else in the household that can help you prepare meals? I mean taking some of the burden off you could really help. Also do you have a crockpot? Those are like time saver heaven! And there is a ton of healthy recipes on MFP and other sites too. When I'm busy I've literally cooked a crockpot meal, washed the crock pot that night, and used it again for another crock pot meal the next day...and day 3 or 4 we usually do a "left overs" night. Might also help you with staying under your calories if you always have healthy lower calorie meals on hand? I know your busy, but do you think you could spare like 30 minutes a day before bed even? A 30 minute walk might be beneficial in more ways than just exercise. It would be time to destress, reflect on the day, and relax a little bit. Just suggestions. You are doing good considering your schedule! I know its hard, I do worse when I'm busy, I think that's a human thing. If you need any links to crockpot recipes let me know. :)
    Today, did about 80 minutes of exercise today. Hope everyone is trying to get their 30 minutes in! Keep up the good work everyone! [/img]

    Good job! 80 minutes is no easy task! :)

    Checking in on this rainy Tuesday! Today was my birthday, and I'm happy to say I stayed under calories. Which I find amazing! I think it helped that we didn't do anything for my birthday...was kind of a bummer. But at the same time, no dinner to worry about, or cake etc.

    I went to the belly dance class I just found out about and I'm excited about this new teacher. She is really nice and has that fun perky personality that actually makes class fun. The sucky news is that she only teaches 1 out of the 3 classes offered. (and tonight she was actually subbing for the other teacher). I really don't like the other teacher, who is the same one I took classes from before over a year ago. I dunno, some people seem to like her, so maybe I just didn't her time to grow on me, or maybe our personalities just class. But every time I went to her class I hated it, she just seemed to suck all the fun right out belly dancing. So...with all that news. I think I'm still going to try to go once a week to the other teachers class. I need to brush up on my moves though!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Check-in for monday & tues:

    Monday - went over my calories... I ended up really hungry after dinner and ate some leftover cookie brownies that I made last weekend, only 4 glasses of water, but I did get in 30 minutes of walking so thats a start!

    Today - Was under my calories (and I'm still full from dinner woohoo! no night snacking for me tonight), got my 8 glasses of water in and did my 30 minutes of walking. It is so beautiful tonight, we had a thunderstorm earlier (2nd one this summer for my side of town, boo to this years monsoon!) and now it was sprinkling during my walk... its finally cooling off!

    I think I'm going to start tracking what foods leave me fuller and figure out what it is that makes me full. I need more of that in my diet so I stay away from bad snacking foods! :laugh:
  • russdev
    russdev Posts: 163 Member
    As it is Wednesday that means recipes so to start ball rolling here is one for cauliflower pizza.

  • Finigan84
    Recipe day!


    Because I have a new found love of quinoa I thought I would share this recipe I found. I haven't tried it with the oranges yet but have made something similar with apples/ apple juice. I skipped the oil when I made it with apples and opted for a touch more juice instead.
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    I thought I would share this with all of you. I'm kind of excited about it. Today marks week 27 of my transformation and I went back and did a week by week line chart of my weigh ins and here it is:
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Hey Neuro can you help me resize it to a readable size?
  • kcb315
    kcb315 Posts: 160 Member
    just checking in :) i weighed in this morning and im up 0.2 pounds which isnt much. I can lose that plus some by saturday or sunday :)
  • Finigan84
    I thought I would share this with all of you. I'm kind of excited about it. Today marks week 27 of my transformation and I went back and did a week by week line chart of my weigh ins and here it is:

    That is fantastic progress!!! Congrats on the hard work. Keep it up!
  • Finigan84
    just checking in :) i weighed in this morning and im up 0.2 pounds which isnt much. I can lose that plus some by saturday or sunday :)

    You're absolutely right you can lose that and some. Thats the spirit!
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    I thought I would share this with all of you. I'm kind of excited about it. Today marks week 27 of my transformation and I went back and did a week by week line chart of my weigh ins and here it is:

    Very, very well done!

    So glad your enjoying the new baby, and sorry to hear about your own struggles with fertility. If you haven't already, you might want to seek a 2nd or 3rd opinion from other doctors in the future. They don't all have the same experience and knowledge, so having the *right* one could make a difference! Best wishes for you!
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    just checking in :) i weighed in this morning and im up 0.2 pounds which isnt much. I can lose that plus some by saturday or sunday :)

    That's a good perspective! Just keep working it and the weight *has* to fall off. :)
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member

    Is this better?
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    Recipe Wednesday! My favorite! :)

    I love chicken salad, but it's best (and evilest) loaded with Hellmann's mayonnaise. I've found lots of lighter versions out there using fat-free/light mayo as a substitute, but I can't stand that stuff. My weekly produce delivery brought some awesome red seedless grapes and I couldn't resist the call of chicken salad any longer, so tried to lighten it a bit with half mayo and half greek yogurt. It turned out just great wrapped in a Flat-out multi-grain wrap with a pile of greens!

    3oz serving = 116 calories/6g fat/5g carbs/10g protein. (Original recipe had 11.5 grams of fat)

    I made this a shared food in the MFP database called "Homemade Nikkie's Chicken Salad. The sodium number does not include added salt, garlic salt or celery salt since it's quite subjective, depending on how much and what people choose to use. If you're concerned about sodium, I recommend garlic powder, and celery salt.

    Makes 8 servings, 3oz each.


    Served with a side of Skinnytaste onion rings.:)

    Here's the recipe:

    Lighter Chicken Salad
    - 8 oz cooked chicken breast, shredded or finely chopped (see note below)
    - 3 stalks celery (about 3oz), thinly sliced
    - 2 green onions (dark and light green parts only), thinly sliced
    - about 30 red or black seedless grapes (6 oz by weight)
    - 4 Tbsp (2 ounces) Hellmann's mayonnaise (use the good stuff!)
    - 4 Tbsp (2 ounces) plain fat free greek yogurt (I used Oikos organic)
    Garlic salt, Celery salt and pepper to taste

    Mix everything together and enjoy!

    *** Additional note:
    So many recipes call for cooked chicken. I'll sometimes put a few chicken breasts in the crock pot and add water to cover, then cook on low about 8 hours. The chicken will shred beautifully and be nice and juicy when it's done. I'll even make far more than I need and bag/freeze the extra cooked chicken for later use.
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    Ummm...Nikkie.......YUM!!!! That looks fantastic!!!!

    Here is my submission:

    Kiwi Fruit Parfait
    8 oz (1 container) Greek Vanilla Yogurt
    1 medium Kiwi Fruit, peeled and sliced
    1 biscuit of Original Shredded Wheat
    1 tsp Maple Syrup
    1/2 tsp. cinnamon

    In a bowl or parfait dish, layer half the yogurt, shredded wheat (crumble it apart) and kiwi (reserving one slice for garnish), then the remaining yogurt. Top with maple syrup and cinnamon and last slice of kiwi. Enjoy!

    Calories: 262 Carbs: 59 Fat: 1 Protien: 9 Sodium: 117 Iron: 6

    That's what I track - I shared it in the recipe data base months ago - but doesn't come up when I search for it. :(

  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    I have to confess I have not exercized at all this week unless you count the LOOOOOOONG walk from where they now have the front entrance of the Hospital to where the Elevator is for the Maternity floor (stairs are only for fire emergencies and an alarm will sound) That and I went swimming a little in the hotel pool. I am finally home after spending two nights in a hotel with my mom to spend time with her and my sister and new baby. I can't wait to spoil that little girl and watch her grow up. I hope she cought the musicianship gene from her parents. Her daddy plays guitar and sings and co owns a recording studio. He used to be in several bands but now has a grown up job at a radio station. Her mom is, well my sister, we all have some musical ability. My sister doesn't think she can sing but she really can sing and used to play the piano a little and in high school played the clarinet. I can't wait to sing to her I hummed a little bit in the hospital to her but my sister was a little weirded out by it. Maybe because she wanted to sing to her I don't know.
    I have shown you all how happy I am for this new baby but there is a small part of me that is kind of sad! Those that have known me for a while know that my whole weight loss journey started because shortly after getting married my cycles stopped all together and I was only 30. Doc said that it was my weight mixed with PCOS which I already knew I had. After losing about 35-40 lbs they came back and I continued to have one more normal cycle before going on BC cause I want to reach 230 before getting pregnant. Well I started passing blood clots 3 weeks before the end of my pack of pills and that was three weeks ago I have been flowing now for 2 1/2 weeks straight. I'm a little worried that I may have lost my chance to have more kids. I love my daughter with all my heart but she was from a previous relationship that was very abusive and now that I have the man that I am meant to be with I want to have kids with him and he loves kids and I am so worried that we met too late in life and that my opportunity for having more kids have passed. I pray thats not the case but that fear is still there. I've already been to the doc for it this last week and if this continues to next week I am going to ask to be refered to an OBGYN. Its a bit overwhelming the new baby while I am personally struggling with all of this and to top it off everyone that is close to us keeps asking us when are we going to get the baby itch and I just want to scream at them I already have it but I want to be healthy too. If someone could tell me that I would have a perfectly healthy pregnancy and baby if I got pregnant tomorrow at this weight I would totally go off of BC and try to get pregnant right away but no one can and the closer I get to the weight I was when I got pregnant with my daughter the more guarantee I have that it will be a healthy one.
    All right I am just rambling now so I will be quiet now. I hope you are all having an awesome week! Hope we all have good numbers after this first week together!
    Much love to you all!

    I really feel for you! My husband and I were trying to conceive for over 3 years and couldn't get pregnant. I put my weight loss as a priority (although I did not take BC during that time), lost 20 pounds, and got pregnant with twins.

    It's so hard to struggle with having a baby while your close family is having babies, much less making the choice to be healthy for your child first! You are a wonderful person for doing that I think! Totally responsible! *Pats you on back* Doesn't make this easy for you though... hang in there. You will be at your goal weight and pregnant in no time! I'd definately suggest an OBGYN though... much better at helping you with stuff like TOM issues.
  • mrssavvysteve
    mrssavvysteve Posts: 239 Member
    In a day and a half I've missed a lot...:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    @Sweet Renee' (naesue) My heart goes out to you, and I have tears rolling down my face, we are in very similar situations...
    DH and I have been trying for 7 months (I am a thyroid cancer survivor-- and got the go ahead to try in february..). My SIL has a baby and she complains constantly about all the things she has to do for her, and how much time she takes up.... So frustrating.
    Also, DH best friend and his wife had an "OOPS" we're pregnant moment last year, and they contemplated abortion, b/c they didn't want kids... Now guess who's pregnant with #2. I like you want to be happy for everyone and their babies, BUT I want my own baby....
    Also, your progress chart looks WAY better than mine!! WAY WAY!!!!!!!!!! mine is all up down up down flat.....well you get the picture :)

    @Godhas8--- IMO Uverse is the devil! Good Luck! :smile:

    @TNA-- Twins! WOOHOO, I totally want twins!

    @Theonlychuck- I always color my own hair, however, this last time, eeek L'oreal changed their shade but not the number, and I have BLACK (think Elvira) hair now instead of my normal dark brown/ browny black... Oh well it'll fade over time.... Good luck to you on Coloring #2 :glasses:

    @Neurotic-- YOu're so sweet! BUT People gotta want to help themselves....
    (Ok that makes me sound a little heartless, but I think you know what I'm getting at! :happy: )

    @Nikkie_too-- The chicken salad looks and sounds YUMMO!! I will definitely be making this! :tongue:

    @Rebecky-- This sounds yummy too, but I can't make myself like greek yogurt, though I continue trying :ohwell:

    AFM-- I did exercise Monday, not yesterday, and am going to the physical therapist today (that counts right?) I am thinking of wearing my HRM I never have just to see how much I burn, she has me do a lot of strength training and such. (I have bilateral patellaformal syndrome in my knees)

    I don't have a recipe to share, right now, hopefully I'll remember to post one tonight. I do get a lot of recipes from Hungry Girl and Skinnytaste though... :bigsmile:

    After posting this I realize I am an over user of smiley's so if that bothers you I apologize!

    :smile: :wink: :laugh: :happy: :tongue: :mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble: :noway: :love: :ohwell: :flowerforyou: :indifferent: :glasses: :embarassed: :frown: :smokin: :devil: :sick: :heart: :drinker: :cry: :brokenheart: :sad: :bigsmile: :blushing: :huh: :yawn:
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    @TNA-- Twins! WOOHOO, I totally want twins!

    Yep... didn't find out I was having twins until 19 weeks (even though they did an ultrasound at 7 weeks), went on bed rest at 20 weeks, and ended up having them at 25 weeks. They are ok now, but spent 3 months in NICU. They were 1 pound 9 ounces and 1 pound 12 ounces. Miracle babies, for sure. And then when they were 7 months old, we found out we were unexpectedly expecting again. The girls are two and now they have a little brother about to turn 1! Moral of the story, even if it's extrememly hard for you to get pregnant the first time, that doesn't mean it'll be hard for you the next. Although that doesn't help the pain you feel as a result of the struggle now. Hang in there.

    And don't worry mrssavvysteve, I love the smilies!! :bigsmile:

    Here's my update:

    Did measurements yesterday since I started 30 Day Shred for the first time last night... since April 11th, I've lost 2 1/2 inches off my left thigh (only measure the left one... it's biggest, LOL)! Since July 3rd, I've lost 1 inch off my waist. All other measurements have stayed the same... kind of disappointed because I was really hoping for a more drastic change, but at least it's a loss and not a gain!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member

    I just wanted to remind everyone that you don't have to always keep up with the group. If you miss a day or two or three...don't feel like you have to go back and read the few pages that have passed (unless you want too). Just chime in on the day you do have time to visit, post about how you've been doing this week. :)

    I just don't want anyone to feel overwhelmed trying to keep up with every single post and let that scare them away from a good support group.
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Having a wobbly day, very tired, push myself in most aspects of my life ( gym, work- teacher, child husband who is blind!) and then the scale started messing with me- 3 different weights one after the other , ranging 10lb! So lost it a bit tonight :( grr I annoy myself with my impatience!
  • atd81
    atd81 Posts: 225 Member
    Hubby took some before pictures of me last night. I hadn't thought of taking them when I started at 315 pounds, since I was so disgusted with myself, I couldn't bare seeing pictures of myself. So, pictures not quite taken at my starting point (25 pounds down), but close enough, lol. Trying to make it a goal to eat on average a minimum of 1200 net calories this week, so I'll see how I get on :)